
10 Year Anniverary & New Releases Winners: Carrie Fancett Pagels' Butterfly Cottage - Melanie B, Dogwood Plantation - Patty H R, Janet Grunst's winner is Connie S., Denise Weimer's Winner is Kay M., Naomi Musch's winner is Chappy Debbie, Angela Couch - Kathleen Maher, Pegg Thomas Beverly D. M. & Gracie Y., Christy Distler - Kailey B., Shannon McNear - Marilyn R.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Christmas 2020 Colonial Quills Blog Party

Welcome to our Christmas Event here on Colonial Quills Blog! We're holding it virtually at Colonial Williamsburg. We hope you'll enjoy the pictures of the wreaths from 2020 at Colonial Williamsburg, taken by Carrie Fancett Pagels on a recent visit.

Come inside and join us at our party and 

enjoy our authors' messages to you!

Janet Grunst 

What a challenging year it has been for all of us. We’ve altered plans, and many of us have experienced loss, isolation, illness, grief, and discouragement. But it has also been a year of discovering new ways of keeping connected with others through technology, even attending church online.

What a comfort knowing none of this caught God by surprise. While Jesus came to us so humbly over two thousand years ago, He has never left us alone. He has left us His Spirit and assures us of His presence, provision, protection, power, and peace. Our prayer is you will have a blessed Christmas and a healthy and happy 2021.

I will be giving away a copy of Setting Two Hearts Free, the third story in my Revolutionary War series. The winner can either receive an e-copy or a paperback for those in the continental USA.

Carrie Fancett Pagels

One of the amazing things happening this year, in one of the darkest times in our country's history, is that we will experience on December 21st possibly what happened when our Lord was born in Bethlehem. This celestial event, where two planets draw together, appearing like a super bright star, may have been what occurred near Jesus's birth. What an encouragement in Roman-occupied Israel, and a sign that our Savior had come to earth, whether it was another celestial event or from the planets appearing to converge (which took place about 2 BC). I love that we once again have this occurring, which hasn't occurred in 800 years, which I see as a message from our Creator, that He is still there, that He still loves us, and that He once and for all banished sin through His beloved Son, that we may have eternal life. While media may be pointing us toward further dark times, let us instead look up, being reminded we have a heavenly home. We can have peace, in Christ, this Christmas, through the indwelling of God's Holy Spirit!

I'm giving away an audiobook copy (or other version if you aren't a listener!) of The Fruitcake Challenge, my new release on audiobook, now available on audiobook through and IF you have already purchased a copy of The Fruitcake Challenge through Amazon (110+ reviews, 4.5 Star rating!) you can purchase the audiobook for only $7.49, which I just discovered and is a great price! I know because I am an audiobook reader myself and I just on those deals!

I'm also giving away a copy of Mercy in a Red Cloak, which by the way, has a Christmas scene at the end of the novella! Winner can choose paperback or ebook. Set right after the French-Indian War, on Mackinac Island and in the Straits of Mackinac, this novella takes place during Pontiac's Revenge (but it's not right in the midst of it--so no bloody massacres on my pages!) Available in ebook, paperback, and audiobook.

Christy Distler

What a year 2020 has been. I’m pretty sure all of us, when we answered the 2015 question “What will you be doing in five years?” missed the mark—unless of course we answered, “Whatever the Lord will have me do.” This year He had a lot of us slow down and reorder our priorities. 2020 has brought so many changes, and much heartache for some, yet the one thing that never changes is our Father in heaven. He is still good, He is still ever faithful, and He still loves us more than our hearts and minds can fathom. My prayer for you this Christmas is that you’ll draw closer to Him and that His love will shine through you to those all around. “The magic of Christmas is not in the presents, but in His presence,” as one of our Christmas pictures says. Wishing you the joy and peace of His presence!

I’m giving away a copy of A Cord of Three Strands, which takes place in a Pennsylvania Quaker community during the French & Indian War (ebook or paperback, winner’s choice).

Shannon McNear

Hello, dear readers! As others have said, it has certainly been a year. My favorite meme on social media is the one which says, "Today marks five years since the start of 2020 ..." But doesn't it feel like that sometimes??

I'm so glad God is with us, though, in all our times: the good, the bad, the ugly. " content with what you have, for he has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'" (Hebrews 13:5, ESV) And no one is beyond the reach of His grace, nor any situation too awful for Him to work for our good.

I am so thankful to be working on a new story, due out next December, and to have not one but TWO titles to release this year. I'm giving away a paperback copy of each. The Blue Cloak weaves an unlikely romance and a story of redemption against the backdrop of some of our country's most horrifying criminal events, spanning 1797-99. Not for the faint of heart! 

 My novella The Wise Guy and the Star in Love's Pure Light Collection is much lighter and sweeter, and tells of an encounter between a grieving WWI veteran and a pastor's daughter, all onboard a train journey from Charleston, South Carolina, to Kansas City, Missouri in 1919. If you're interested in either or both of these stories, leave a comment below and mention the word BLUE (for the first book) or LIGHT (for the second).

Blessings to you all for a wonderful Christmas and New Year's season!

Pegg Thomas

Hello everyone! While all of 2020 will have an asterisk beside it, at least during the Christmas season we can stop and reflect on the one thing untouched by the virus, Jesus Christ and His love for us.

One new adventure for me this year was putting out my first self-published ebook. Well ... I cheated. It's a novella from a Barbour collection, The Pony Express Romance, that has been discontinued, so the bulk of the work was already done. All I needed to do was get a cover made and learn the ropes of formatting and uploading to Amazon.

Although Embattled Hearts is set during the early years of the Civil War - and not Colonial - I hope you'll enjoy it. I'll give away two ebooks to two people who comment below on this blog.

My second new adventure was wading into the social media platforms of Parler and MeWe. If you're on those platforms, send me a follow request, I follow back!

Denise Weimer

Hello again, readers! I've taken a sabbatical from Colonial Quills since I had only contemporary stories releasing the past year, but I'll be posting again in 2021. My historical romance, Bent Tree Bride, the story of a mixed-blood lieutenant of the Cherokee Regiment who falls in love with his colonel's daughter during the Red Stick portion of the War of 1812 is coming in April. I'll be sharing some unique history from the Southern frontier of that time. 

This month, I joined the ladies of the Georgia Peaches Series by indie publishing my holiday novella, A Holiday Heart. It's a contemporary, but it does include a mystery related to an heirloom a grandmother leaves to her granddaughter. And it includes a mountain cabin, snow, and a heart-warming romance. I'm giving away an e-book copy to someone who comments below. If you leave a specific comment or question for me, I'll enter your name twice!

This is just a small gift in hopes of lifting spirits a bit. I pray Jesus will be your comfort and peace during these uncertain times. And I'm thankful we can be here for each other!

Blessings and Merry Christmas from my family to yours. 

Dear Guests:

If you would like to post something visual, like a party dress picture, please feel free to pop over to the FB Event page and do so--but the giveaways and author interaction will be right here on the blog today!

Thank you for being a Colonial Quills reader and for supporting our authors in their endeavors! Come sit down by the fire and let us pour you a nice hot beverage and serve you some colonial treats! Queen's Cake will no doubt make the rounds as well as our ginger cakes and scones!


  1. Yes, it has been a year, but one that I think we can learn many lessons from. The biggest one is that God is still in control. He knew what would happen and knows what is to come. What we need to do is trust in him. Merry Christmas to you all! Carrie, I’ve read and actually own your books, so no need to enter me into your drawing. It’s been a blessing to follow you all on your writing and publishing journey.

    1. Good morning Joy! Hope to see you sometime soon! Thanks for coming by! Happy Christmas to you!

  2. I see so many books I want to read!

    1. Yours is one of them! I’ve heard a lot about this one but not the other two. What are the titles of those?

    2. A Heart Set Free- circa 1770
      A Heart For Freedom - circa 1775-1776
      Setting Two Hearts Free 1781-1783

  3. Glad you could come by today, Joy. Have a blessed Christmas and a healthy and happy 2021.

  4. these covers are beautiful. lots of books to add to my tbr pile.

  5. Merry Christmas ladies! What a great selection of books, some I have read and enjoyed, and the others are on my ever growing TBR list.

    Yes, this has been a hard year in many ways but thank God He is in control! ��

    Blessings, Tina

    1. Glad to see you here Mrs. Tina. I know what you mean about growing TBR piles. I can't keep up.

  6. These books all sound so good! I love finding new books and authors!😃

    1. Good morning, Elly, and happy Christmas to you! If you come back by, could you leave us a way to contact you if you win a party gift? Blessings!

    2. Sorry! I didn’t realize, lol! 😂 My email is jcservantslaveATicloudDOTcom 😉

  7. All these books look good. And I love the pictures of the wreaths.

    1. Most of the doors on Duke of Gloucester Street in Colonial Williamsburg have unique natural wreaths and décor. They are all truly lovely.

  8. Welcome to all! I've spent the morning editing, and now I am ready to turn my attention to my WIP, so I'll be traveling back to 1813 on the Georgia frontier. I may need a cup of tea to fortify me for the journey. Anyone else? - Denise Weimer

  9. My TBR pile and list gets bigger and longer. Everyone's books look and sound so wonderful that I want to read every single one! The title to Carrie's book, The Fruitcake Challenge, grabbed my attention because my grandmother made the most delicious fruitcake, and it was what I most looked forward to in the goody bags she made up for her grandchildren.

    I know many of us are feeling a little BLUE this year because we cannot all celebrate the way we want, but the LIGHT of Christ still shines in the dark. (Well, Shannon, that was easy!)

    After seeing all the photos of the gorgeous wreaths, I am in the mood to decorate now. Yes, I still haven’t pulled out the decorations. I'm still working on handmade gifts.

    Merry and blessed Christmas, everyone!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I've read most of these books and can recommend them. :)

    2. Haha, Roxanne, that was great! Merry and Blessed Christmas to you as well! ❤✨🎄

  10. Carrie Fancett Pagels,
    The Fruitcake Challege sounds such a fun book to read! I have a copy of Mercy in the Red cloak but haven’t had a chance to read it yet. Can’t wsit to get into it.

  11. Christy Distler,
    I have a copy of Strands and can’t wait to get into it!
    This thing about the COVID challenges has changed so many things for all of us. The thing that keeps me going is the Lord is in control. and He knows what He’s doing. He also knows the outcome.

  12. Shannon McNear,
    I have a copy of The Blue Cloak that I purchased a few months ago. I gave it to my daughter to give me for Christmas. So, I haven’t read it yet but can’t wait.
    Love’s Pure Light sounds so good! I’ve done good things about this book. It’s on my TBR list but I haven’t purchased it yet.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and chatting, and for such kind words! ❤ I hope you enjoy the stories. It's always a pleasure to hear from our readers.

  13. Pegg Thomas,

    I have been concurring one of those new social media places. Part way done on Parker. Just heard about the other last week.

    1. I meant considering one of those social media places. I should have looked before I post that.

    2. Parler is *very* political right now, but I assume that will wain when everything settles down. There are a lot of Christian conservatives over there, and I'm starting to find my tribe with the #writingcommunity. WeMe is more of a challenge for me, but that may just be because it's still a smaller platform. It's Facebook-like, but easier to move around in, I think.

    3. That’s kind what I’ve been hearing, too.

  14. Denise Weimer,
    Your 1812 book sounds really good! Looking forward to reading it.

    1. Thanks! The 2021 romance will also be set in that same time period in Creek Territory (AL). :)

  15. Authors,
    Thank you for telling us about your books. They all sound so good!
    Have a Merry Christmas no matter how you will be spending it.

    1. Thank you! We'll be celebrating here in Virginia. Not leaving the Commonwealth this year!

    2. I’m not sure what we’ll be doing. Maybe nothing. We did nothing for Thanksgiving. We usually go to my brother’s but at Thanksgiving he had their kitchen torn up to remodel. The only thing in it was the the stove and fridge. My sil is hoping it’s done before Christmas but I haven’t heard anything so far.

  16. I LOVE Colonial Williamsburg. Thank you, authors, for sharing with us. It was all interesting reading. Thanks for all you do!
    Susan in NC

    1. Going there is on my bucket list, for sure.

    2. Hi Susan! If you ever get up here again and want to visit I bet I could Janet to come with us to meet you over there! Blessings!

  17. Hello everyone! Chappy here. Stopping by to say Merry Christmas! These books all look wonderful. I've read a few already. Have a blessed evening ladies. Hugs!

    1. So great to see you here, Chappy Debbie! Praying for California! We see all the Covid cases info on tv every night. Hugs!

    2. I pray for California every day and just for Covid. I think the majority of people living here would rest easier if our governor was replaced. He's an evil man, always mandated this and that.....not that we listen to him. 😉

    3. I meant to type "not just for Covid"

  18. Merry Christmas to each of these wonderful authors. I have read Mercy in a Red Cloak and The Blue Cloak and both were excellent. May the LIGHT of Christ shine in your hearts this Christmas season. Hugs

  19. All of these books look and sound fantastic. Anyone would be a pleasure to win. I enjoyed all the posts.

    1. Hi sweet Rory! Such a talented group of ladies! We're really blessed on CQ to have them! Merry Christmas!

  20. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.

    1. Hi Wilani! Thank you! Praying your own writing is going well!

  21. Merry Christmas, Dear Colonial Quill ladies! I enjoyed the various book covers and wreaths shown. I need to mention I'd love to win Shannon's LIGHT book. We just found out today that my dad tested positive for COVID.

    1. Oh Becky, I am sorry about your dad! Praying he recovers well. I think all the books sound amazing. I love blogging with these ladies!

    2. Praying for your dad, Beck! And thank you for the mention! 💕

    3. I’m so sorry, Becky! Prayer offered.

  22. Merry Christmas blessings to everyone.
    I have read The Blue Cloak and think it is very well written and one of my favorites.
    The book I’d like to read is Love’s Pure LIGHT.
    I love historicals.
    Colonial Williamsburg would be awesome to visit at Christmas!

    1. Paula if you ever get down here at Christmastime I'd love to meet up with you over at CW if you ever get down here. I have to say that this year, in pandemic, it was no where near as pretty as it usually is.

  23. OK, I am going to explain how you can find the Secret Garden at Colonial Williamsburg, which I promised in my post on Wednesday. Okay, make your way to St. George Tucker House, which is a beautiful building where certain donors can enter for special programs. Immediately past St. George Tucker building, to the right of it from the street, there is a small gate in the fence that you can open and then you can enter onto the pathway that will take you to the Secret Garden!

  24. Our family loves Williamsburg. Growing up in Hampton, Va, the school field trips were often to Jamestown and Williamsburg. Such beauty and interesting history.

    1. We sure miss you up here in our authors' group, Melissa! But happy you're nearer your grand baby!

  25. Thank you for giving me a respite tonight. I was diagnosed with Covid 19 yesterday and even though I'm not as ill as many others are, I am experiencing extreme fatigue, body aches, and diarrhea. Thanks for a chance to read your comments. Merry Christmas to all!

    1. Oh no, Connie! So sorry to see this! Praying for you! Hang in there!

    2. Oh Connie, praying for you! I had it about 6 weeks ago as well. Many hugs!!

    3. Goodness, Connie! Prayers for you that you feel better quickly. -denise

  26. The wreaths are so beautiful! I am intrigued by The Secret Garden. Just the name is special!

    1. Hi Sally! Thanks for coming by! Did you see my message, above, where I explain how to get in there? The wreaths were mostly dry stuff this year which was a little disappointing. Usually they are so gorgeous but with Covid. . .

  27. Merry Christmas ladies. Love learning about all the books, some of which I have read and some which I would love to read. Thanks for the giveaway - A little LIGHT would be a good thing at Christmas :)

    1. Hi Betti! Merry Christmas! So glad you could come by. I've still got some amazing herbal Christmas tea and some yummy Queen's cake to serve!

    2. Hello, Betti, and good to see you!! Merry Christmas! 🎄

  28. Denise, which is your favorite genre historical or contemporary?

    1. Hi, Paula, well, sometimes contemporary is fun to write, especially if it is something lighthearted. But you know I love my historicals for frontier action and deeper themes. ❤️ -denise

  29. Hello Ladies!

    May you all experience Christ in a new and deeper level this Christmas season. YOU are a blessing!

    1. Good evening, dear Caryl! I pray that our entire nation will submit to Christ's will instead of submitting to wordly desires.

  30. I'm sorry I'm so late in getting here, but I'm so glad to read all of your encouraging words. We are so blessed to be followers of Jesus Christ. He is ever with us, each one, so we need not fear nor be anxious. Thank you all for your Christian fiction stories. They bless my life. (LIGHT)

    1. Hi Kay! So glad you could make it! I've got some delicious Christmas Eve herbal tea and some ginger cakes if you'd like some. Thank you for your kind words!

    2. Kay, I am also thankful for beautiful stories to make our lives uplifting. And to impart encouraging messages.

  31. Merry Christmas! Such a busy time. Ready for that hot beverage. Such great books . loved the Blue Cloak and Carries books.

    1. Hi Deanna! It's been different this year with us not having guests and not going to Chicago. I hope you'll enjoy this hot tea and the yummy scones!

    2. Thank you so much for the mention, Deanna! Blessings on your Christmas and New Year's!!❤✨🎄

  32. It has been a difficult year, books and tea have really kept me calm and helped me through.

    1. Audiobooks and tea and Gods good grace and mercy! Hugs!

  33. Sorry I’m late. Not sure how I missed the party but I’m thankful that I saw Carrie’s FB post as it was heartwarming to read through everyone’s blog posts. It’s certainly been a rough year. I have a hard time not worrying and today has been one of those days so it was quite refreshing to read the encouraging words.

    1. Hi Sherry! I really wanted our authors to share some Christmas cheer so I am glad that has brought comfort! Looking forward to seeing you in June or July!

    2. Hugs, Sherry! May the Lord's peace surround you in a special way this season! ❤

  34. I'm more than late to the party thanks to my phone's hotspot only giving me decent speed late at night. But I wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year anyway!

    1. Blessings, Jasmine, and thank you so much for stopping by!! I remember those days of "thin" internet ... one of the downsides of living out in the country, though we love it and are so thankful for where we are. 😊

  35. What a great post. Love the posts of each author as we get through this rough year. It will be hard to separate, yet again, from family we love but are not in our household. May the Lord bless all of us to feel his Spirit as we enter a new year in all our lives. Merry Christmas to you all.

    1. Merry Christmas, Sonja, and we're so glad you joined us!!

  36. These all look so good! One of my favorite Christmas books of the year is Love's Pure Light. I loved how they all worked together!

  37. Every book looks so good. What a great treat at this time of the year!

  38. Historical fiction is such a delight! It's my favorite genre, particularly the nineteenth and eighteenth centuries. I enjoy reading about both the Revolutionary and Civil War, so your book fits right in as far as I'm concerned, Pegg! We need to remember our history and what God has done for us now more than ever so that we can proclaim and be His LIGHT shining in the darkness.
    Thanks so much for the giveaway opportunities!

  39. What great books!
    mauback55 at gmail dot com

    1. Melanie I have missed seeing you around! Any chance you'll get back up to Mackinac any time soon? Blessings!

  40. Merry Christmas to you & your family! Thanks for sharing the summaries of some great sounding books!

  41. I enjoyed reading this post. Not sure when the winners will be chosen but I would enjoy reading any of these. moma3homeschool(AT)gmail(DOT)com

  42. I dont know how I missed this! Ive been having trouble leaving comments. So this is me Gracie but I have to use my granddaughters google to post. I love this group and the people in it.I loved the posts! Blessings to all for a wonderful new year!

  43. Gracie YOst


Thanks for commenting, please check back for our replies!