
Monday, June 27, 2011

Interview with Laura Feagan Frantz

Interview by: Carrie Fancett Pagels

Laura Frantz is the author of The Colonel’s Lady, due out "officially" on August 1, 2011.  I am hoping to see it earlier as sometimes happens, a few weeks earlier than that day. She is also the acclaimed author of The Frontiersman’s Daughter (2009), and Courting Morrow Little (2010).

Published by: Revell

Laura’s website is

Laura, what got you interested in the colonial time period?

Ever since I was very young and read those little historical bios in my elementary school library – Betsy Ross, Daniel Boone, Dolly Madison and others – I’ve been colonial crazyJ. I still remember standing by that particular shelf, puzzling over which ones I’d read and liked best and which I’d yet to check out. The period itself is so rich, full of fascinating people and events, that it’s easy for a novelist to draw inspiration from.

What inspired your latest colonial work?
The real-life colonial hero, George Rogers Clark. I fell in love with his story and the painting of the young George while visiting Locust Grove in Louisville, Kentucky. But he had such a tragic life I decided to give him a happier ending. Writing The Colonel’s Lady was the result. I hope readers become smitten with him and his revised story, too!

Do you have a favorite colonial place you like to visit and why?
There’s nothing like Colonial Williamsburg. It’s truly like stepping back in time. If I could live my life over again, I think I’d attend the college of William and Mary and be a lifetime re-enactor at CW, scribbling stories on the side. Being a writer in residence there is my idea of heaven! I’m also very fond of Olde Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts as well as Fort Boonesboro in Kentucky.

Laura, do you have a favorite colonial recipe you enjoy? Would you care to share it with CQ readers? Readers, you can find Laura Frantz’s recipe for Kentucky Cornbread this coming Saturday on CQ.

If you care to say, you can tell readers where you live and what colonial places you have in your state or your home state if different.
I live in Washington state now but Kentucky is my home. Since Kentucky was not one of the original 13 colonies, it doesn’t have a great deal of colonial history other than being the “wild west” during that time period. Daniel Boone opened the area for settlement and colonials poured into the area, forcing the Shawnee and other tribes out of their beloved hunting grounds. Most settlers came into Kentucky after the Revolutionary War was won.

Giveaway: Laura has graciously offered to give away a signed copy of The Colonel’s Lady to a reader. J Please leave your comment and your email address for a chance to win! TCL will release August 1.

The Colonel's Lady is available for pre-release through Amazon
Order yours now and you will also be notified when it ships!  I have seven in my cart and will also be buying a Kindle copy. Laura can be counted on to write a "must read" book and I am looking forward to getting my copies in my hot little hands soon!

Thank you so much Laura for doing this interview for us. Laura is a contributor to CQ, also, so come back to check on her posts!


  1. Hello, Laura : ) I truly enjoy each of your interviews. You are as interesting and appealing as the heroines in your wonderful books. Thank you for bringing the American Colonial Era to such vivid life. I very much look forward to "The Colonel's Lady"...and beyond!

    Best wishes for much happiness and continued success : )

    gcwhiskas at aol dot com

  2. Laura, I remember reading all those elementary school biographies as well! John Deere's biography was my favorite. (Once a farmer - always a farmer!) We homeschooled our son and I found those old books in a small country library. He devoured them as well. I think that may have contributed to him becoming a history teacher. :)

    Thanks for entering me in the drawing!
    twinwillowsfarm at gmail dot com

  3. Ahh! I'm so excited about this new book (I feel like its a baby about to be born, we've been waiting so long for it, lol) I love that Laura had a real life hero in mind and then gave him a happier ending. I think everyone is due a happy ending!
    I love Laura's work and how she weaves fact with her fiction. Its always so nice to see others that are so passionate about history and books! And I want to be a reinactor in Williamsburg too! How fun would that be! Heck, I'd just like to dress up! lol...

  4. Our Miss Laura is on west coast time and was up past my bed time fixing a couple of my boo boos - thanks Laura! Bet we see her here before too long!

  5. Oh, so wonderful to wake up to you ladies this morning! Bless you all:) Up at 5:30 this morning and had a Publisher's Weekly review for TCL in my inbox. Guess the fun has begun!

  6. Virginia, Once again, you've been on my mind and heart and here you are!! And you always bring such gracious words. I love the thought that I may be even a tiny bit like those heroines that roll out of my head:) Thank you for that. And I'm so thrilled you want to read my next book. Since my Roxanna comes from Virginia, I think you'll feel quite at home:) Thank you for entering the drawing!

  7. Always an interesting interview where Laura is concerned! She is one of my favorite people and authors in the whole wide world, (you can tell I've been around my little gson all weekend, lol),and I can't wait to read her latest! I love the way Laura doesn't give us a bunch of historical facts in her books, but instead her characters live them. I have learned alot reading her books and they are pure bliss! Please don't enter me in giveaway, b/c a little birdie told me I have one coming in the mail soon!

  8. I've been to Colonial Williamsburg once in my life, but I was about 12 or 13 at the time, and didn't appreciate all the history around me. How I would love to go back, and experience it FOR REAL! ;o)

    I'd love to be entered in the giveaway, too. :o)

    southernsassythings at gmail dot com

  9. I too enjoyed Colonial Williamsburg but I enjoy your books much more Laura. Your gift of writing takes us back in time to be a part of those experiences recorded in history. In a very rich way. I love it, and am thankful.

    Thank you for the opportunity of being in your drawing. Maggie Ann at

    catch3all at yahoo dot com

  10. I had the privilege of reading TCL as it developed. You all are in for another great set of 18th century characters and frontier story from Laura. I'm looking forward to having the book in my hands and diving in to read it again!

  11. Come on August 1st!!!(hoping for an early release!) I am excited to turn those very first pages of The Colonel's Lady! I better hurry up and get all my house projects done because when my book arrives I will plant myself in my cozy chair and tune the real world out!!

    I love how enlarged the cover is on this post!


  12. I would love to visit colonial Williamsburg. My parents and I made a brief stop their when I was 15 but it was pouring down rain so we didn't stay. I enjoyed your first two books. Courting Morrow Little is in my top 5. Looking forward to your new one. Please enter me. Thanks.
    sweetdarknectar at gmail dot com

  13. Good morning, Pegg! Happy to know I'm not the only one who remembers those little bios and loved them:) But I must admit I didn't read the one about John Deere and wish I had! When my son was small I wallpapered his room and decorated with John Deere everything. He was my little farmer for a time. Neat to learn your son is a history teacher. Oh, to have 9 lives like a cat! I'd be a history teacher, too;)

  14. Oh my, just got a call from Revell and had a brief break but am back now and see more wonderful names and faces...

    Heather, This is a BIG baby;) About 416 pages or so, plus I threw in an author note and acknowledgements, something I didn't do for the last one. SO happy you're excited to read as I know you're as passionate about history as I am and love the same type books!

    Diana, It means so much that you say you've learned from my books but I have to chuckle as I've learned a lot, too! Readers like you make writing so worthwhile. It can be a real jungle out there and release days are a combination of jitters and joy but having faithful readers is such a gift!

  15. Christy, So happy you're here:) Like you, I've often lamented that I spent so much time in historical sites as a teen and young woman and didn't really absorb or appreciate it like I would today. But glad we can relive everything through books. Bless u for being part of the drawing and for taking time here today!

    Maggie Ann, Oh, so glad you're here, too! Your passion for history and those oft lost things of the past is one of the reasons I enjoy your blog(s). Thankful the Lord brought us together through our love of history. And I hope you enjoy TCL. It was a real pleasure writing about a mature woman rather than two teenage girls;) Bless you for stopping here today!

  16. Ah, Lori, 18th-century writer extraordinaire:) Having you along on the journey makes it much easier - plus you are so good at catching those boo boos;) Not too much longer on this one as it arrives at Baker on July 11th...

    Stacie Hope - YES, please hurry on those home projects and just park yourself in that chair and READ! I often wish I could come to the story fresh as a reader again. Praying this blesses you and is worth the wait!!

  17. Amy, So happy Morrow made your top 5:) That sure warms my heart! It will be interesting to see what readers think of my Colonel McLinn and Roxanna. I lament the rain kept you from enjoying CW but given you really have to walk everywhere that would have been one soggy day! It's my dream to be there in the spring or fall when the weather and tourists abate somewhat. Bless you for being my reader and for entering the drawing!

  18. Great interview. I'm always happy to see Laura out and about on the internet! I'd love to be entered to win a copy of her book. If I end up with an extra copy, I know plenty of folks who would love to read it :)

    reneeasmith61 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  19. Renee Ann, Happy Monday! Still thinking about your Sunday post. It blessed more than me as another friend wrote to tell me so...

    So thankful you're my reader. Hoping you have a long summer break that is brimful of blessings:) Lots of porch time and all those books, mine among them. Bless you for that!

  20. Carrie, Another reader tried leave a comment but couldn't and contacted me. If you could add Sarah Shy to the drawing, we'd both appreciate it. Bless you!

  21. The only time I've been to Colonial Williamsburg, I was 4 years old so I don't remember much. I'd love to go back someday.

    My home state of Louisiana was never an American colony, but still has a rich French colonial history that I'm enjoying exploring.

  22. Laura, your passion for the colonial era is inspiring! And it comes out so naturally through your writing in all the beautiful weavings of your story. I cannot wait to read Colonel McLinn and Roxanna's tale.

    Blessings to you on this new release, as I know it will bless the readers!!

  23. Oh goodness! My one day to myself when I can finally get online and my favorite author in the world is giving away a copy of The Colonel's Lady??!!! AND signed to boot??!!! I'm a blessed girl indeed :) Thank you so much for the chance to win your sure to be AMAZING new book!!!

    Laura, I always love your interviews! Never been to CW but would happily spend my days re-enacting right alongside you, my friend :) To be honest, your up coming release has brought a smile to my face more than once over these past couple weeks and is like a lighthouse in my current storm. Your books make people happy, bringing joy and hope and a sweet treat to look forward to and savor once it is received. Thank you for allowing Christ to make you into that kind of author :)

    God bless you, dear friend!!

  24. Rachel, So glad to see you here!! Your home state DOES have a rich history, much richer than many states as it began early. I love anything Creole, even food, and would love to come down your way:) Thanks for entering the drawing. I think we're all overdue for a trip to Colonial Williamsburg though I know it's pretty hot there right now. Bless you today!

  25. Carla, Oh, you're a bright spot this morning - hope this means you are feeling better!! I treasure your comments and hope the book blesses you. It was a joy to write and I wish I could just go back and read fresh. Am getting ready to begin another book now and trying to get into the heads and hearts of these new characters when I'm still pining for my old ones:) Praying your own writing is going very well! Can't wait to hold that first book of yours in hand next year...

  26. OH Amanda! Many thoughts and prayers going your and PJ's way these last couple weeks! Praying all is calm today and you are feeling refreshed in spirit and having a bit of time online to be blessed and in turn be a blessing:) I was just telling the Revell publicist this morning how tickled I was that you had my last book before I did last time! I'll never forget that. I think you'll see something in your mailbox sooner than you think, dear friend, and hopefully it will give you a little escape into Roxanna's world. Please know prayers are with you all the way and it means a great deal that you'd stop here and share what you have. Isaiah 26:3.

  27. Laura, my current WIP is set on a French Creole cotton plantation. The next book in the series will take place entirely in the Creole culture of 1860 New Orleans.

  28. Boy would I love the job of full-time reenactor, that sounds like the funnest job on the planet! :)

    rmjagears AT gmail DOT com

  29. Wow! Laura, the cover is gorgeous! I love it!

    Great interview.

    Please enter me
    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  30. Rachel, Oh, that sounds so very interesting and not one that is overdone in the CBA! I encourage you to keep plugging away. Oftentimes, it is the book with the unusual hook/premise that opens the door and you may well have an edge. I know the Creole culture is rich and complex. I even love their dialect/language. The fact that you live there and have all that history at your fingertips really makes things come alive for your story, I'm sure. I had a similar situation being a Kentuckian and telling a Kentucky story which led to my first contract for The Frontiersman's Daughter. Thanks for letting me take a peek at what you're doing, Rachel. So glad we met here and can connect like this!

  31. Hi Melissa, I've seen you around the blog world so welcome here:) And I'm with you 200% - put me in a reproduction dress and stays and the whole bit and i'd be one happy reenactor... Thanks so much for entering the drawing!

  32. Faye, Oh, thanks for the thumbs up on the cover! Would you believe my readers asked for a blue dress and the design team went with it:) I love it, too, and all lovely little details - the window and tapestry sofa, the locket, her posture, etc. Interestingly enough, I just heard from the designer today and he's agreed to do an interview for my blog which gives us a sneak peek on the cover art process. Hopefully I'll be able to post here and over at my home blog, Please stay tuned. And bless you for entering the drawing!

  33. Hubby and I were talking about working as a reenactor this past weekend. We were at Mackinaw City by Fort Michilimackinac. I told him my dream retirement job is to be a full time reenactor there. Have spinning wheel... will travel. ;)

  34. Laura, this was quite a nice interview. I enjoyed reading it. As close as Boonesborough is, I have to admit I've only been once, and that was probably 20 years ago. Perhaps I can talk myself into going back someday.

    I will have to remember to come back on Saturday for your cornbread recipe.

    mchapman (at) windstream (dot) net

  35. Oh, Pegg! You're a spinner!! I hope you'll stay close for the release of my next novel and meet my spinning heroine... She loves her Saxony wheel and on a recent trip west, wanted to haul it atop the coach;) You love history as I do - I can tell by your comments. Oh, to be able to spin!

  36. Michelle, It's never quite the same till you Kentuckians show up:) I hope you like the cornbread recipe. It's been in my family for many generations. The one thing that's been a bit tricky living elsewhere is that they put SUGAR in their cornbread!! I'm sorry but this southern girl likes butter and that's it;) I don't blame you for only being at Boonesboro once. It must have been about the time the fort opened. It's not on the original site, sadly though I understand why (flooding). I think those of us who grow up the state are often the last to visit certain tourist attractions. There are so many there, anyway, and if you're book lovers like we are, it's sometimes far more relaxing to just curl up in a chair and travel through those historical pages!

  37. Hi Laura,
    I became quite fascinated with the Clark family myself after reading James Alexander Thom. I was obsessed with the Lewis and Clark Expedition but I still consider G.R. Clark's journeys for "the northwest passage" to be above and beyond what the human body could withstand.

    There are a lot of readers anxiously awaiting The Colonel's Lady to make her entrance!

  38. Hey Laura,
    I've had a little trouble with Mozilla Firefox since I downloaded the latest version so I am a little late in posts. I really enjoyed the George Whitefield post. He was definitely someone I admired.
    My grandmother built a Colonial Williamsburg home because it had always been her dream. And my mother loved Thomas Jefferson's Charlottesville, Virginia home. People do seem to favor certain eras. Hope you are having a good day!
    Oh, and it must be neat to be an author and recreate a person's ending.

  39. Adrienne, So glad you're here! You've been quiet lately and I should have known it was a Blogger issue. I had to download Google Chrome to be able to navigate my own blog and others and am still having issues. I'm sorry you are, too. Glad you didn't miss the Whitefield post. He remains my hero, right up there with Daniel Boone:)

    Love hearing your granny built a CW style house! Jefferson's Monticello is certainly worth a mention, too, as it had such unique features. Haven't been there (only in books) but would really like to go. And yes, it IS wonderful being able to rewrite history and give people happy endings. My big regret is that I've never found evidence that George Rogers Clark was a believer. That makes me sad and was further reason to include it in my story. Thanks so much for taking time to bless us with your comments, even with ongoing internet issues!

  40. Wow, I go to a swim meet (over an hour each way, too, plus a few hours there) and come back and goodnessgraciousme! So glad to see your fans visiting here, Laura, and that people have enjoyed the interview. Pegg, I am SO looking forward to going to Mackinac City and Mackinac Island when I get back. I have part of my second story set there. Will check email to see if we have anyone else unable to post to the blog. Busy girl, Laura!!

  41. Forgot to mention that I was able to tour Locust Grove plantation last year after ACFW in September, along with my fellow CQ contributor, Joan Shoup (J. M. Hochstetler). It's such a rare treat for me to be able to visit an 18th century ANYTHING, but to get to visit the place that inspired TCL was doubly blessed. We had a wonderful tour guide who looked remarkably like the aged George Rogers Clark!

  42. I am so late, but so glad I made it. I just love reading anything you write, Laura-- interviews, recipes, stories, research... You spin colonial tales for pure enjoyment, and Revell has done such a lovely job with the covers. Beautiful! If anyone has not yet read The Frontiersman's Daughter, or Courting Morrow Little, please do so. You will be transported to another time and place--and won't want to return! May God richly bless your writing endeavors, Laura!

  43. Oh I can't wait to get your newest book in my hands! I like to reread my favorite parts of Morrow on occasion. =)

  44. Oh, Laura, bless you! You brought tears to my eyes today. Your beautiful devotion spoke to my heart. Without presuming to say even in my heart "what doest thou." Amen, yes, I NEED that spirit. Press forward, do not linger. Yes, this is exactly what I needed on a day with lots of unanswered questions.

    And then to come over here and you're talking about Colonial Williamsburg brought back such sweet memories for me!

    Thank you, Laura, you never cease to bless me!


  45. Oh, did I see a CBD date of July 1st?? I was really excited to see that.

    Have to mention that ever since I saw your cover first I've been wondering about the necklace and can't wait to find out more about it :)

    Thanks for the site. Ah, the Hardy Boys have been favorites for many a nonreading fan I think. Those and Nancy Drew I think.

    I'm chatty tonight, up past my bedtime and the house is too quiet for my liking, although I generally like the quiet.

  46. Please enter me in the drawing!! I love to read her books!!
    I live in Arkansas. We have Arkansas Post, Jacksonport, Old Washington State Park, and the Ozark Folk Center that showcase and preserve Arkansas History and Culture.
    Thank you,
    Lisa Nelson

  47. Lori, No doubt you saw the HUGE mural of the young George in the visitor's center that I was instantly smitten with;) I think it's great you and Joan were able to go. It's such a beautiful place and I'm so thankful they've restored it and kept it open like they have in a day when many historic places are being lost. The Ohio River itself, just down the hill from Locust Grove, is really quite amazing with its width and power. The Kentucky River that I grew up on is really quite tiny in comparison. Anyway, thanks for refreshing my memory, Lori, with your trip and for blessing others with it, too. I hope folks will add it to their list of places to visit!

  48. Pat, Oh, so glad to see you here:) And thanks again for taking time for my books and for mentioning them here. I will be a bit sad to leave Kentucky behind with the release of The Colonel's Lady. But like you said, I pray the Lord will continue to allow me to write these stories. I sure am thankful He's brought us together through our love of historicals!!

  49. Mandy, Ah, what a lovely comment! Knowing you like to revisit Morrow means a lot to me. I have some favorite scenes myself, particularly the table scene when RS minds his manners and then when he's wounded and she has to take care of him, etc. And that ride up into the mountains. Or when Jess appears... Oh my, I could go on and on! Bless you for jogging my memory;)

  50. Julia, You're here! I thought of you and C. so much Monday and your comments here tell me so much. YES, my heart's desire is to be able to surrender like Whitefield and press on, no matter what. So glad that spoke to you at this time. I really post these devotionals with my readers in mind but invariably they are what I'm struggling with and pondering, too. So many of my younger readers are going through such trials right now. Prayers with you all every day...

    CBD is always first to get the books:) Amanda had hers before I did as she lives on the east coast and they got them out so fast. Amazon is a bit later. Oh, so glad you want to read!!

  51. Lisa, I've never been to Arkansas but your list makes me want to go! I know it has a rich history and I've never been there. Bless you for entering the drawing and I thank you for taking time here!

  52. Carrie, I have 3 more names to enter in the drawing as they tried to comment but couldn't, thus emailing me and requesting instead...

    Cyndi Shaeffer
    Jenny Shaeffer
    Niki Anderson

    Thank you!

  53. Thanks, Laura, and I will add the names and any that are emailed directly to me at I am "running" to CBD right now! Will add the link, too!

  54. Can family still win a copy?!? I can't wait for your book to come out! I am not reading ANYTHING at the moment except for a summer calendar full of swim meets, tennis lessons, basketball camps and more! Looking so forward to curling up when my house is quiet (after 8pm...) with The Colonel's Lady!

  55. Debra, Somehow you snuck in on me there! I just came in and saw your comment and think you just magically appeared since I've been missing you! I'm thrilled you're acquainted with James Thom. He's my favorite historical writer in the secular realm along with my buddy, Allan Eckert;) Like you, I find the Clark family so fascinating and like William almost as much as George. He had a much happier life, anyway. From my research, George had great trouble physically later on in life from that heroic trek. Bless you for entering the drawing and taking time here. It's wonderful to catch up with you!

  56. Brionne, Oh, so happy to have family here! You won't believe it but Paul and I went strawberry picking today and he started talking about his "little tribe" from Tennessee and said, "That Emily was sure cute." He really liked the boys, too, and remembers everything they did! I'm thrilled you're here and are in the drawing! If for some reason you don't win, check your mom's mail mid-month (July). You can tell her I accidentally sent YOUR copy to her;) How's that for a family secret?! Love you all...

  57. Oh, can't wait for the cornbread recipe. I love cornbread!!
    Thanks for the chance to win. Looking forward to reading your latest book, Laura.
    kristengjohnson (at) gmail (.) com

  58. Great interview, Laura. The only colonial American town I've been to was Plymouth and I fell in love with it. So enjoyed walking around in all that history. Looking forward to The Colonel's Lady. My email address is sagens at verizon dot net.

  59. 8 is Amy. Congrats to you on winning a copy of TCL! And thank you everyone for stopping by. We will be having a couple of more TCL giveaways coming up on CQ within the month or so. Come back often and visit us!

  60. Just wanted to stop back by and thank everyone HUGELY for all the wonderful comments. I am so encouraged and thankful to have such great reading friends! Congratulations to Amy! I pray the book blesses you and draws you closer to Him, plus provides you with a Kentucky escape;)

    I've just posted the book trailer for The Colonel's Lady on my personal blog, If you leave a comment there you'll automatically be entered in at least 8 drawings for the launch party beginning August 1. Four of these will be signed books and then I'll be giving away other gifts, some from Colonial Philadelphia, and even a bottle of the cologne my hero wears in the book, dating back to the 18th-century. Would love to see you over there!

    Thanks so much for being here! You're always a bright spot:)

    Sandy, Oh, I'll take Plymouth any day! There are so many wonderful historic sites and that is one of the bedrock ones that began it all. Bless you for your comments.

    And last but not least, thank you, dear Carrie, for hosting this!! You are a GEM:)

  61. Come by on Saturday for Laura's cornbread recipe. And a surprise second giveaway! Stop by and check out the secret about that for another chance to win TCL, Laura's upcoming release!

  62. hi laura,

    thank you for the opportunity to read your latest masterpiece. what a beautiful cover, too :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com


Thanks for commenting, please check back for our replies!