
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Colonial Recipes: Apple Tansey

Rita Gerlach shared this recipe with CQ readers.
Apple Tansey
Rita said, "Apple Tansey is yummy! I found the recipe on the Colonial Williamsburg website. It is original, from the 'The Compleat Housewife' book, published in America in 1742."

To make an Apple Tansey:

Take three pippins (apples), slice them round in thin slices, and fry them with butter; then beat four eggs, with six spoonfuls of cream, a little rosewater, nutmeg, and sugar; stir them together, and pour it over the apples; let it fry a little, and turn it with a pye-plate. Garnish with lemon and sugar strew'd over it.

Note: Rita says she uses water instead of rosewater.

Thanks, Rita, for the recipe!


  1. Carrie, I've always thought the name of this so charming for some reason, and the cookbook would be so fun to have replicated! You'll find this recipe in my upcoming novel as my heroine is quite a cook;) Bless you for sharing.

  2. Whoops, and thanks to Rita, too! I only looked at the bottom and caught Carrie's name...

  3. Yes, I broke this off from Rita's interview on Monday. It does sound delicious! And easy, too! I agree with Rita, I would not do the rosewater if it were me.

  4. Has anyone made it yet? I'm trying to decide from the ingredients what it's like. Is it something of a custard?

  5. Hi Rita--
    Wondered if this was anything like apple betty? This sounds delicious-- A great early fall treat!
    Thank you!

  6. I'd say it is closer to a custard. It is really good for breakfast.


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