
Friday, April 27, 2018

In Sheep's Clothing - a Book Review by Tina Rice

In Sheep’s Clothing by Pegg Thomas
1702, Milford, Connecticut...
Yarrow Fenn (I find the name “Yarrow” very interesting) is a weaver of wool and makes unique cloth with her own designs. As she waits in line at the fulling mill she hears rumors of a new journeyman fuller … a young handsome journeyman. Well, she is not there for a handsome young man, she wants her wool-cloth to be prepared as quickly as possible so she can sew garments for her family. 

Yarrow has a secret that she holds close that could very well put her in danger … as well as being "illegal.” Illegal, really?  The “illegal” part was a surprise to me, I had not heard of that until I read this novella. Besides, she ponders, what if this Peter guy is not really who he says he is but someone in disguise? She must be on her guard, especially with her heart. Can Yarrow learn to trust God in guiding her in all areas of her life or will she continue to second guess even His plans for her?

The new journeyman, Peter Maltby, has a goal ... becoming a Master Fuller as quickly as possible while he is in Milford. Then he has other plans that do not include Milford, but rather a “settling of scores”... of a sort, from his painful past. He soon finds that among the wool-cloth coming into the fulling mill, he is most impressed with the quality of wool-cloth Yarrow brings in. However, he did not plan on being impressed with Yarrow herself.  No, getting involved with any young lady would only complicate things ... yet, there is something special about Yarrow that drawls Peter to her. Will he continue down a path allowing his bitterness of past hurts to overshadow anything good that may come from knowing Yarrow? Or will he be forever blinded by his past to see God’s blessings and love?

This is my favorite story in this collection. I learned a lot of interesting information regarding caring for sheep, shearing them, carding the wool, spinning the yarn, weaving and making your own cloth, and then having to make your own clothes with that cloth. I enjoyed the descriptions of the colonial woolen fulling mill and what was involved in fulling wool. What really took me by surprise was learning of the laws limiting trade of that wool/cloth. I did not know that. I like the author's notes at the end of this story regarding some of the historical elements of the era Pegg Thomas wrote about.

This is one reason I love reading Christian historical fiction, not only are the stories fiction and entertaining but there are bits of our history woven within that fiction ... an enjoyable “history lesson”.  :-) I really enjoyed Yarrow and Peter’s story. It is a fun story filled with humor, love, hardships, learning to trust and faith, and a tense few moments with that bear - not telling any more! - a heartwarming story.

Pegg Thomas lives on a hobby farm in Northern Michigan with Michael, her husband of *mumble* years. A life-long history geek, she writes “History with a Touch of Humor.” When not working or writing, Pegg can be found in her barn, her garden, her kitchen, or sitting at her spinning wheel creating yarn to turn into her signature wool shawls.
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  1. Thank you, Tina, for such a thorough and thoughtful review. I'm honored that you did it and that you enjoyed my story.

    1. You are welcome Pegg. I thoroughly enjoyed Yarrow and Peter's story.
      Blessings, Tina

  2. Wonderful review for an excellent novella! Thanks Tina!

  3. Oh, Tina, I can agree with you entirely that this is such a great, enjoyable story, and I learned so many things from it! I still have a couple of stories to read in this collection, because I have had to lay it aside several times.

    1. Thank you Becky. It is a wonderful story. I was surprised by some of the things I learned from this story. That is why I love Christian historical fiction. Too bad history in school wasn't so interesting, I may have liked it more. ;-)
      Blessings, Tina

    2. My son is a history teacher and he was homeschooled ... by his history geek mom. He gets all sorts of nice comments from students and parents alike about how fun he makes history. It's hiSTORY, after all.

    3. That is so cool, Pegg! I bet his students are fascinated by his class and what they are learning. I love that.
      Blessings, Tina

  4. This sounds so good. Enjoyed your review.

    1. Thank you Lucy. I hope you get to read it soon, you will enjoy it I am sure.
      Blessings, Tina


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