
Friday, February 16, 2018

Winter Tea Party

Welcome to the Winter Tea Party!

Thank you for joining us today as we celebrate the winter new releases of the Colonial Quill authors. It's always fun to gather together for a hot cup and a scrumptious bite...but of course, this time of year the travel can be tricky. So stay safely (and warmly) in your own home today, snuggle up with a cozy blanket and a steaming cup of your favorite drink, and don a digital party gown from your favorite era! (Please feel free to share images of your dress of choice on the Facebook Event page!)

First, help yourself to something hot to drink. Tea, or perhaps some mulled wine?

 And of course, a tea party isn't a tea party without some sweet! (Don't worry! Digital calories don't go to your hips.)

All settled? Great! Then allow me introduce our authors who are celebrating new releases in these cold winter months.

In order to be entered for the giveaways, just leave a comment below! (Be sure to include an email address so the authors can contact their winners!)

P E G G   T H O M A S

My story in A Bouquet of Brides is In Sheep's Clothing. This was a fun story for me to write. Yarrow Fenn is a spinner and a weaver in Colonial Connecticut. I'm a spinner, I've done some weaving, and my family has colonial roots in Milford, CT. There is also an orphan lamb in this story, and one of the things we raise here on our farm is sheep. You could say that there's a lot of "me" in this story!

And of course, I love the history. It was the Wool Act of 1699 that set up the events that happen in my story. King William III, in an effort to protect the thriving textile industry in England, signed a law that said colonist could not sell wool or cloth between the colonies. All sales must be to England. All sales would be taxed at the colonial port and taxed again at the English port. Then the wool or cloth would be made into garments and resold to the colonies, once again being taxed at both ports. The colonists couldn't afford to clothe their families! That dilemma sets up the conflict for my story.

In Sheep’s Clothing by Pegg Thomas (1702, Connecticut)
Peter Maltby might be all good looks and charm, working in the new mill fulling wool, but Yarrow Fenn fears he is the Crown’s agent in disguise who will destroy the only livelihood she has.
Subscribe to my newsletter for updates on my books, sales, and special giveaways, including a handspun, handknit shawl with every book release! The next shawl drawing will be May 31st for the Northern Lilacs shawl to celebrate the release of The Backcountry Brides collection.

T O D A Y ' S   G I V E A W A Y

Pegg will be giving away one signed copy of A Bouquet of Brides, complete with her story, In Sheep's Clothing to one winner inside the U.S. And the winner is BRENDA!


R O S E A N N A   M.   W H I T E

I'm so excited to welcoming Willa to the world in A Song Unheard! She was a stubborn character, LOL, but I had so much fun writing her story...and including my love of music into it. Though I play the piano and not the violin, it was a joy to dive into this music prodigy's mind and share one of the truths I've learned over the years: that music can be a way for us to reach out our souls to the Lord. Here's a bit about the story, and there's a giveaway too!
Willa Forsythe is both a violin prodigy and top-notch thief, which makes her the perfect choice for a crucial task at the outset of World War I--to steal a cypher from a famous violinist currently in Wales.

Lukas De Wilde has enjoyed the life of fame he's won--until now, when being recognized nearly gets him killed. Everyone wants the key to his father's work as a cryptologist. And Lukas fears that his mother and sister, who have vanished in the wake of the German invasion of Belgium, will pay the price. The only light he finds is meeting the intriguing Willa Forsythe.

But danger presses in from every side, and Willa knows what Lukas doesn't--that she must betray him and find that cypher, or her own family will pay the price as surely as his has.

Sign up for my newsletter to get sneak peeks and special content! Check out my website at and buy signed books from me at

Roseanna is giving away a signed print copy of A Song Unheard (or the first book in the series if you don't have it yet) to one winner with a U.S. address.

(This is Pegg nosing in on Roseanna's space to say that I've already read A Song Unheard and it's a MUST READ!)

T A M E R A   L Y N N   K R A F T

Red Sky Over America
Book 1, Ladies of Oberlin Series

I'm so excited to talk about my new release, Red Sky Over America. Here's a blurb.
William and America confront evil, but will it costs them everything?

In 1857, America, the daughter of a slave owner, is an abolitionist and a student at Oberlin College, a school known for its radical ideas. America goes home to Kentucky during school break to confront her father about freeing his slaves.

America's classmate, William, goes to Kentucky to preach abolition to churches that condone slavery. America and William find themselves in the center of the approaching storm sweeping the nation and may not make it home to Ohio or live through the struggle.


I'm giving away an Ebook of Red Sky Over America and a Godey's Fashions Coloring Book with wonderful fashions from the 1850s to one lucky winner. The winner is Joy.


G A B R I E L L E   M E Y E R

I'm thrilled to be here today chatting about Seven Brides for Seven Texas Rangers! If you're familiar with Seven Brides for Seven Texans, than you'll remember the fictional town of Hartville, Texas, which is where this collection is also set. I'm particularly excited about this continuity series, because it's about a company of Texas Rangers who are called into Hartville to take down a gang of outlaws! Each story follows one of the Rangers as they confront the outlaws and get tangled up with a woman who inadvertently foils (or helps!) their cause. The stories follow one another over the course of several months, until all the outlaws are brought to justice. I loved working with the ladies in this collection. So much talent in one book.

Here's a little bit about my story, The Ranger's Reward, which is the first story in the collection.

Texas Ranger Griffin Sommer stops to check on the young widow, Evelyn Prentis minutes before the Markham gang arrives at her farm needing a place to hide. Griff and Evelyn are forced to pretend they’re married to keep Griff’s identity a secret, but will Evelyn’s young son let the truth out before Griff can bring the gang to justice?

To preorder your copy of Seven Brides for Seven Texas Rangers, be sure to go here. Also, sign up for my newsletter to learn more about my upcoming releases and like my author page on Facebook to stay connected! I love hearing from readers.


Gabrielle will be giving away a signed print copy of Seven Brides for Seven Texans to one lucky winner! 


  1. I’m so excited to join this tea party! Thank you for the giveaways!

    - Kailey Bechtel
    Kaileybehrendt at gmail(dot)com

  2. I enjoy tea parties! I was under the impression that this event would take place on Facebook, then I reread the information! All the books sound very nice. It's good to know that you ladies have all been busy writing! Hope you have a good event, and I'll try to remember to check back in with you from time to time today.

    1. oops, email

    2. It happens in both places! Feel free to chime in on Facebook too, but winners for the books are drawn from the comments here.

  3. Good morning! I'll have some hot tea please. It is a bit above normal temperatures but I am still chilly.

    1. 'Tis nippy here this morning too, at 11 degrees. I'll share a pot of tea with you.

  4. Good morning. It was a rainy ride from Frederick this morning, a cup of tea sounds delightful. I love these tea parties!

    Congratulations ladies on your releases! Pegg, the shawl is beautiful and I can't wait to read your book In Sheep's Clothing. I just finished reading A Song Unheard, loved it coming soon. I just won a copy of your book Tamera, Red Sky Over America, waiting for it's arrival. Gabrielle, The Ranger's Reward, sounds interesting, love those Texans.

    Blessings, Tina

    1. Thank you, Tina! This shawl might be my favorite so far, but probably because I love lilacs. :)

    2. I hope you enjoy it, Tina. It should be ready to be sent out soon.

    3. Thank you for stopping in for a bit of tea this morning!

  5. Good morning, ladies, and congratulations on your new releases! They all sound very engaging! I'll join you in a cup of tea and one of those delectable chocolate, raspberry-topped cupcakes, if you please. :-)

  6. What an exciting new blog to find. It's like Christmas in February. Lol, it also feels like December as it is 13 degrees outside. Congratulations ladies on some fine books!

  7. I've had my cup of English Breakfast tea and am ready for the party! Thanks for the chance to win a fabulous book.

    1. I like English Breakfast, but I like Irish Breakfast even more. With a little Irish Cream creamer in it. ;)

  8. Congrats on all these lovely books! What a lovely party!

  9. Thanks for stopping by, everyone! Nothing like a warm cup on a cold day to chase away the winter chill. =)

    And Pegg, that temps me to create a fake profile so I can enter to win it, mwa ha ha ha. (Kidding, kidding. Or AM I? LOL) As always, you do such gorgeous work!

    1. Just subscribe to my newsletter. The drawing is open to ANY subscriber, be ye reader, writer, or wannabe. :)

  10. Congratulations on the new releases! They all sound wonderful. Thanks for the hot drink and a little sweet, as it is still very much winter here in Minnesota.

  11. Wow looks like some awesome books. I just finished a Song unheard and loved it. Now I will have to check out all these other books. I just love the Barbour collections.

    I think I will go have a cup of tea. What a perfect day for a party. Today is my dad's 89th birthday.

    1. Make sure to get a piece of cake for your dad, Wilani.

    2. Happy 89th birthday to your dad, Wilani! And thanks for stopping in today. 😊

  12. I lov ethese tea parties even though I don't have a fancy gown to wear.Oh, wait! Does my nightgown count??
    I've also read A Song Unheard! I loved it!
    I love the coloring book!
    It's time to go make my spice tea!
    A couple of these books I haven't read yet!

  13. What a lovely group of talented authors are here today! Of the books mentioned I've only read A Song Unheard, my very first Roseanna M. White book and I loved it! This is actually kind of neat because my birthday is on Sunday. We won't be doing anything special so it's fun to have this early 'party' to go to!

    1. Happy Birthday a bit early! Pick up some more of Roseanne's books. I've read most of them, and they're all good. :)

    2. Happy early Birthday, Jasmine! Good luck in the drawing.

  14. To the lovely hostesses of our tea party,
    Please don't enter me in the giveaways. I am blessed to be on two of your teams. Pegg, I borrowed A Bouquet of Brides and loved your story in it. I'm only missing a print copy of Seven Texans but may be getting one from another author. I'm only here for the fun and to support the authors I love.

    1. Thanks! Be sure and sign up for my newsletter - link above in the post - to be in the drawing for the Northern Lilacs shawl. :)

  15. I love a tea party! Ladies why do I want everyone of these books? Lol! They are sound so interesting! Oh and the covers are beautiful! It would be nice to win one of these (or all) Ha! Love all the Christian Fiction authors. I used to have to hunt clean books in my teens and 20s. Now I can’t buy them quick enough and have stacks to read. grandmama_brenda(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. I "discovered" Christian fiction about 23 years ago when I needed clean reading for my son. He read way above his grade level but I didn't want him getting into questionable content. Then I started reading it and ... hooked! Now I'm writing it.

    2. Brenda! You're the winner of a signed copy of "A Bouquet of Brides." I'll ship it next week. Congratulations and thank you for stopping by.

  16. This is a beautiful tea party. I am enjoying my hot cup of tea and dessert on this rainy day. Looking forward to reading the books by the wonderful authors. Blessings! jumpforjoy at gmail dot com.

  17. All the books sound amazing!
    Pegg Thomas you already know how much I love your story..
    Thanks for the "tea time" ladies

  18. I have been following around the web reading about "In Sheep's Clothing" by author Pegg Thomas. I would love to win today!! Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House lanehillhouse[at]centurylink[dot]net

    P.S. My favorite tea is Earl Grey and has a first time memory of the tea and first time outing with my husband of 33-1/2 years cross-country skiing. We are staying in this afternoon and a perfect time to head to the kitchen for that cup of tea and a boardgame with my dear. Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

  19. I am imagining in a vision -curling up by a crackling fire and reading a new novel by one of the amazing and creative authors along with a hot brewed tea during the cold and snowy days.

  20. Great books!! Excited to add some to my TBR list :) That thing just keeps growing and growing!!!

    1. My TBR list is longer than I'll ever have time to read. LOL.

    2. Pretty sure my TBR pile will outlive me. ;)

  21. Good Afternoon, Ladies! Congratulations on your releases! Everyone looks so lovely.


  22. It’s been a a while since I attended a good tea party. I enjoy a good cup of hot tea in the evening before bed, usually chamomile. But if I drink that, I might not be able to stay awake long and enjoy the fellowship.
    Thanks for the party and the giveaways ladies!

  23. Welcome to the tea party, everyone! I’m thrilled to be here and visit with all of you. Congrats to all the authors who have books releasing this winter.

    1. Hi, Gabe. I love your family snow day picture. I was wondering how a girl from in Minnesota writes such good Texas cowboy stories? Do you do a lot of research?

  24. How fun!! Thanks for the giveaways!

    mindyhoung AT msn DOT con

  25. I meant

    mindyhoung AT msn DOT com

  26. I’m late to the party, as I just now saw it. Congratulations authors on your beautiful books. Blessings.

  27. So fun! We had a real-life tea party at my house today in honor of my daughter turning 13! :-)

    1. Oops! Forgot something! teish AT teishknits DOT com

  28. Sorry I missed the tea party. Would love to read these . Kiplit at yahoo dot com. Lisa phillips

  29. I missed the whole thing. There was some type of delay in the email system and I just now got the email for this blog post. I hope to make it to the next tea party because I enjoy them so much.

  30. I did not know that about wool and cloth. Red Sky Over America sounds excellent, I’m curious what is the general idea for the series.

  31. I am so excited about these books. I hope to win one of them. They sound so exciting. Thanks for the giveaway and good luck everyone.

  32. Well, Crud. I missed it all too. I love these new books. Such lovely covers! I found out my email subscription has been going into SPAM. I've been so crazy lately it took me awhile to figure out I wasn't getting them. But it looks like you all had a wonderful time and congratulations to the winners!


Thanks for commenting, please check back for our replies!