
Friday, February 23, 2018

John Adams - the HBO series

We're all about books here at Colonial Quills, and nobody more than me. I'm not a TV person. I can't identify more than six or seven living actors. I haven't been to a movie theater in ... well ... let's just say it's been a while. 

My son is a history teacher and he often uses snippets of movies to help illustrate his lessons. On a total impulse, I picked up a DVD set of John Adams. I knew absolutely nothing about it, but my son's birthday was coming up and I thought he might like it. He LOVED it and he told me I needed to watch it.

He brought it home when he came for Christmas and I binge-watched the entire series in one day. One day! Me. Who doesn't watch TV. 

Why am I sharing this? Because if you love all things colonial, you should watch it too. The details are wonderful, from the clothing to the furnishings, it's amazing. The history is both well-researched and well-presented. I loved the portrayal of Abigail Adams. She's always been an interesting person to me and the actress - whoever she is - did a wonderful job. The same can be said of those who portrayed John Adams, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin. 

It's not a book ... but it's worth your time to watch it.


  1. Sometimes it's good to watch tv or video's. I admit, I do a lot of both! I love watching historical stuff for the costumes and settings.
    I'll have to look for John Adams.

  2. Hey, we're in the boat! I don't watch any TV either! And, it's been forever since I've seen a movie. I love this time period so i will see if the library has the series. It does sound sooooooooooo good!

    1. Oh! I'm happy to meet another non-TV person! I watch the news and I like the Masterpiece Theater shows on Sunday nights ... and that's it. Hubby loves TV, however, so I do make a point to watch a DVD movie with him a couple of times a month. It makes him happy. And I can knit while "watching" TV. ;)

  3. Pegg, this looks very interesting. I am much like you, in that I don't watch much TV. I would watch this however, if it was on. Thank you for alerting me/us to this DVD, I put a hold on it at our local library.
    BTW, it is cool that your son is a history teacher!
    Blessings, Tina

  4. I watched this one a few years ago. Very good!

    1. Yeah, I guess it's been out for a number of years. I'm always the last to know. :)

  5. My oldest sister has watched this and loved it. She shared various info about the movie. Now, I really must watch this. :-) Thank you.

  6. Hi Pegg! I bought this set as a gift for hubs a few years ago. I enjoyed it ( except the breast cancer parts). I don’t think he finished it. But I agree it is well done and the settings are amazing and all the detail! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yeah, that breast cancer scene was brutal. Probably historically correct ... but brutal.

  7. Yes, Pegg, it was a great film. Laura Linny played Abigail. It was fun when it was being filmed here. In the middle of summer they had "snow" on the ground at the film site.

  8. I've not watched John Adams. Thank you for sharing.


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