
Friday, September 29, 2017

Autumn New Book Release Tea Party!

Welcome to our Autumn Tea Party to celebrate Colonial Quills & CACW New Book Releases!

Please enjoy some apple tarts and gingerbread
along with your favorite cup of tea! 

Our setting today is in the Shenandoah Valley, the setting of Andrea Boeshaar's new release! Please come right up to the house and have a seat in the parlor!

Our party begins here so please participate in the comment area. Be sure to join us again this evening at Facebook from 7:00 - 8:30 when our authors will chat about their books. You may post images of your gowns on the page too! 

Andrea Boeshaar's new novel is set in the early 1800s in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and is the  fifth book in the My Heart Belongs series from Barbour!

Andrea will be giving away a paperback copy of Lily's Dilemma to one of our commenters for this party. She'll also be chatting with readers at the Facebook party.
The Captive Brides Collection

Journey along as nine historical women are about to make their escape from some of life’s greatest challenges. Can their captive hearts be freed to dream, to dare, to love?

Carrie's heroine travels through many states before she gets to freedom! One of our guests at the party will take home a copy (personalized and autographed if so desired!)

Love’s Escape (The Captive Brides Collection) - Virginia, 1850
With her life in peril, Lettie seeks escape from slavery. When Nathan offers to “conduct” her North via an unusual segment on the Underground Railroad, will his efforts help or do them both harm?

Author Bio: Carrie Fancett Pagels, Ph.D., is the award-winning author of fifteen Christian historical romances, including ECPA bestsellers. Twenty-five years as a psychologist didn't "cure" her overactive imagination! A self-professed “history geek,” she resides with her family in the Historic Triangle of Virginia but grew up as a “Yooper,” in Michigan’s beautiful Upper Peninsula. Carrie loves to read, bake, bead, and travel – but not all at the same time!

Links to purchase:
Check at your local Christian bookstores, e.g., Lifeway, to see if they have copies, too!
This teacup and sauce set will go to one of our guests who comments on our blog post today! My heroine, Letitia, does a lot of travel on the Underground Railroad to get North to freedom! Part of her journey is aboard ship!

Christmas is just around the corner!

Light a candle in the window and sit down to a slice of fruitcake as you delight in six 19th Century romances that welcome love at Christmastide.

Carla is giving away an autographed copy of Bygone Christmas Brides

'Tis the Season from Bygone Christmas Brides was originally released in the ECPA bestselling Mistletoe Memories. Now repackaged along with five additional Christmas novellas, I hope you'll enjoy the stories like the warm glow of a rekindled fire at yule.

'Tis the Season - Schooleys Mountain Springs, NJ, 1820
Stephan Yost, resident carpenter of Schooley’s Mountain, New Jersey’s fashionable resort, spends off-season working on repairs, renovations, and constructing new buildings. When he is hired to build a permanent home for the resort's physician and his spirited daughter, Annaliese Braun, in time for Christmas, Stephan finds himself enamored by the precocious spinster. But will he be able to compete for her affections against the advances of a manipulative iron baron?

Author Bio: New Englander CARLA GADE writes from her home amidst the rustic landscapes of Maine. With eleven books in print she enjoys bringing her tales to life with historically authentic settings and characters. An avid reader, amateur genealogist, photographer, and house plan hobbyist, Carla's great love (next to her family) is historical research. Though you might find her tromping around an abandoned homestead, an old fort, or interviewing a docent at an historical museum, it's easier to connect with her online at

Facebook Author Page (like me!)

Amazon Author Page (follow me!)

Gina Welborn is in BOTH The Captive Brides Collection and also Bygone Christmas Brides.

A Score to Settle (The Captive Brides Collection)
For JoJo the kiss was a means to an end—she wanted his wallet. For Cyrus her kiss changed everything. He vows to help her escape the snake oil salesman she works for, but exposing the man’s lies may mean settling a score at a cost neither JoJo nor Cyrus can pay.

Mercy Mild (Bygone Christmas Brides)

Civil War widow Mary Ann Plum learns the greatest peace on earth comes from giving and receiving love. (First published in ECPA bestselling Mistletoe Memories.)

Author Bio: GINA WELBORN is the bestselling author of sixteen inspirational romances, including the new Montana Brides Romances from Kensington Publishing. She’s a member of Romance Writers of American and American Christian Fiction Writers, and serves on the ACFW Foundation Board. Sharing her husband’s passion for the premier American sports car, she is a lifetime member of the National Corvette Museum and a founding member of the Southwest Oklahoma Corvette Club. Gina lives with her husband, three of their five children, several rabbits and guinea pigs, and a dog that doesn't realize rabbits and pigs are edible. Visit her online at

Gina is giving away winner's choice of one of her books.

Please comment to be eligible for our giveaways! 
What do you like best about autumn?


  1. Less humidity here in Houston area.

    1. We just finally, today, have a less humid day. I pray you survived the hurricane well, Robin!

    2. We did. Lots of rain and wind but no damage.

    3. Hi, Robin! Thanks for stopping by. Like you, my sister-in-law endured a lot of hurricane rain but no damage.

  2. One of the things I like best about fall is getting to make apple cider, which we freeze in small cups and have an apple cider slushie when we want one. I also love the pretty colored trees, as the leaves change their color. Looking forward to reading The Captive Brides. Such a great collection of authors!

    1. Yum, I love love love apple cider, Becky! Apple cider slushy sounds awesome. I hope you'll love The Captive Brides!

    2. Becky, I'm curious about your apple cider recipe. Would you share it? Never thought of making slushies but I'm intrigued and challenge.

    3. We buy a truckload of apples, wash them off and cut off bad parts, and then put them through our mill grinder. Then into a cider press. I also strain them in cheesecloth, before pouring them in small glasses and freezing them. When you thaw them out partially and then chop up the bigger ice chunks, you have an apple cider slushie. There is really no recipe, but we usually do a mix of Jonathons and McIntosh or Winesap. We found a mix of sweet and sour make the best cider. Our truck holds 2 bins, which make 20-30 gallons. I suppose you can do the same in the blender, and then press it through cheesecloth to just make a few. I'm not sure that helps you?

  3. The cooler weather and the lovely color changes. I enjoyed the stories I read in The Captive Brides. A good collection!

    1. Thanks, Anne, for being a Promo team member for Captive Brides! Glad you enjoyed it!

    2. Ahh, thanks, Anne, for the compliment and for helping promote it. :-)

  4. Congratulations, Carrie, Andrea, Carla and Gina! It’s a beautiful fall day here in upstate NY. The weather is finally cool enough to snuggle in with s good book or three! These all look terrific. Had the pleasure of reading Carrie’s already. Highly recommend! Have a wonderful party!

    1. THANKS so much for being my amazing critique partner, Kathy! Big hugs!!! Would you like some green tea and an apple cider doughnut? Loved those doughnuts when we lived in New York!

    2. Hi, Kathy! Thank you for stopping by and for being such a great supporter of Colonial Quills.

  5. Congratulations ladies on your new releases. The things I love best about autumn are the changing leaves here in the Mountain State and the end of canning season so I have more time to walk and read. Have a blessed day. This PALS member will see you this evening.

    1. Thanks, Leila! I miss all the changing leaves in Michigan, and plan to be there for the fall foliage in some coming autumn! Thanks!

    2. Thanks, Lucy!!!! Michigan is so lovely in the fall.

    3. I love the changing colors of the leaves as well. The different hues bring up many happy memories of earlier times. And, of course, new memories the making! What better way, then to sit and watch the beautiful colors artfully mastered by Our Saviour while reading one of these wonderful Books! Also a member of Avid Readers. Congrats Ladies on your wonderful new work!

  6. Good morning, ladies!! Congratulations on all of your releases! I loved reading Captive Brides.

    When I was up in Massachusetts I got to experience a bit of the fall foliage. It was a bit early for the full color but still pretty! It was pretty hot up there too.

    1. That's great you got to see some, Regina, as we don't have much down here in Virginia. Would you like some tea? I've got several types going!

    2. Massachusetts and hot aren't words I'd put together, but then again I've never been to Massachusetts so I'll have to take your word, Regina. :-)

  7. Congratulations Authors! I love all of you. I enjoyed The Captive Brides Collection too! My favorite thing about fall is the changing leaves on the trees. My birthday is also in fall, I used to love going for long drives, looking at the beautiful trees on the rolling hills of southern Indiana with the ready to be harvested corn in the fields below. I won't get to go home to Indiana for my birthday this year, I will be here in the flat land of Chicagoland.
    *I'm a PAL but since I won a book at the last party, don't enter me this time.

    1. Hi sweet Andrea! Love having you come by! Sit down by me and tell me about your birthday plans! Hugs!

    2. Hi, Andrea!!!! Thank you for supporting Colonial Quills.

  8. oh my goodness, so many new good books! How will I ever choose which one to read first?? Thank you all for sharing your talent and passion with us.

    1. Hi Terressa! I'd love to read the Christmas collection and I've got Lily's Dilemma on my kindle, too! Should be great reads!!! Have some muffins and tea!

    2. Hi, Terressa! I'm curious as to how your name is pronounced. I'm thinking Tear-ress-uh. Thank you for joining the party!

  9. oh I have added these books to my list of to buy.
    what a lovely tea cup and plate.
    I love the changing of colors. another promise of God.
    I love pumpkin smells and tastes everywhere.
    I really love the cooler temperatures.
    quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

    1. Thanks, Lori! That teacup is adorable. My heroine, Lettie, takes a ship as part of her journey! I love pumpkin, too! and so many pumpkin products now! Blessings!

    2. All this talk of pumpkin is making me wish I'd bought a pumpkin spice latte on the National Coffee Day. Alas, I chose maple pecan. Welcome to the party. Do you have any pictures of your quilts? Maybe a blog or we could be Facebook friends. I don't quilt. I'd like to. Quilting is such a long term skill. I tend to lose interest after picking fabrics. I can see my mother nodding.

  10. Well, my birthday often falls on the first day of Autumn so that's pretty exciting. Lol
    But, what do I love most about fall? Well, while I enjoy pumpkins, hay rides, apple cider, bon fires, and all the beautiful fall colors, my mind goes straight to my grandmother's tamales and smoked brisket! They were always on her Thanksgiving table and one of my favorite food memories. :) Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday--a time of good food, laughter, and family togetherness. It is the best part of Autumn!!
    Thank you for the giveaway opportunities!!

    1. Hi Holly! Yum, I haven't had real tamales in a long time and I love smoked brisket -- they have that out in Williamsburg at the Smokehouse in Busch Gardens! Would you like some English breakfast tea and a pumpkin scone?

    2. Tea, scones, apple cider, tamales, brisket, and pumpkins pumpkins pumpkins. How is a girl to stay on her diet? Good thing this party is online. :-) Thanks, Holly, for stopping by!

    3. Tea and scones sound lovely, Carrie! I visited Williamsburg around 20 years ago, but didn't make it to Busch Gardens. Also, per your request, I'd like to add "AVID" to my comment. 😉
      Gina, Autumn is a very difficult time for my Weightloss goals! I definitely enjoy the fact that online parties are calorie-free! Lol
      Congrats to you all on your new releases. Can't wait to read them!

  11. I love to go camping in the fall when the air is cool and crisp. Right now in Alabama though it's still sweltering.

    1. Hi Gail! For some reason I just don't picture people in Alabama doing any camping! Praying you get relief from the heat! I'll put your tea on ice!

    2. Hi, Gail! By "camping" do you mean tent, RV, or log cabin? Tea on ice is a grand idea, Carrie.

  12. How exciting! Can't wait until tonight! Congratulations ladies!
    jennydtipton at gmail dot com

  13. I love Barbour collections,they are sooo pretty. Love Carrie's writing Actually all these authors. . Would love to add this one! I like the fall colors and cooler temps, although it hasn't cooled down much here in Missouri.

    1. I really enjoy Barbour's collections too! Thanks Paula! It is trying to cool down here in Virginia.

    2. Thanks, Paula, for enjoying the Barbour anthologies. Don't you just love the variety of themes our editor Becky Germany chooses?

  14. Getting to break out the scarves, sweaters, and flannel.

    1. That's funny because that's what I dread! MW if you come back by, would you please leave your email address, in case you win? How about some tea & some chocolate dipped shortbread cookies?

    2. Flannel. Enough said. Wait . . . flannel sheets. Ahh. Thanks, MW, for stopping by.

  15. I love fall and all the things it represents - pumpkin,cooler weather, cider,sweat shirts,football games, school in session,etc. I also enjoyed reading the Captive Bride Collection. I look forward to reading the others.
    ldwrncpn at Comcast dot net

    1. Hi Lori! Lots to look forward to! I hope you will get to read all the new releases!

    2. Welcome, Lori! I'm glad you enjoyed Captive Brides. It's a fun collection to be a part of because my fellow authors are also my friends. :-)

  16. I'm sipping a cup of Pumpkin Ginger tea right now. Pumpkin flavored everything is one of my favorite enjoyments of autumn. I remember fondly the trips to Minnesota my husband and I would take in October. One of the highlights of the trip was when we drove far enough north to reach a Culver's Restaurant, so I could have a Pumpkin Spice Shake. PALS

    1. Fun! Who makes that tea? And a pumpkin spice shake sounds amazing! Would love a drive in the Northwoods!

    2. Pumpkin ginger tea?! Kay, what's the brand? Do you add sweetener or milk?

  17. I love Pumpkin everything!!! In fact, my pumpkin tea would look so nice in that teacup, Carrie! I'm a PALS member. I'm also excited to read the new releases!

    1. Hi, Amy! So good to see you again. Well, I was going to add "metaphorically speaking," but that's not right. How about "socially speaking."

    2. Hmm, my comment disappeared! Pumpkin time yay!!!

  18. That here in Virginia it's usually still warm enough to enjoy the weather. Love books that take place in Virginia.

    1. Hi Mary Ellen! My story starts in Virginia and Andrea's is set there.

    2. Hi, Mary Ellen! Virginia is BEAUTIFUL. I loved living there. While my story "A Score to Settle" isn't set in Virginia, I was thinking about Virginia when I wrote it. Well, not really. We had a house fire a couple weeks before I started writing my novella and very little was on my mind but dealing with post-fire life. But friends from Virginia called me. That's close enough. :-)

  19. Love our fall colors here in northern Colorado. They've been a bit late starting this year due to all the smoke from the fires; but starting to get some yellows, reds, and oranges now which makes for a great view from my office window. Looking forward to all the new releases.

    1. Hi Loraine! Glad your autumn splendor is starting despite the fires!

    2. Hi, Loraine! Colorado is about as beautiful as Virginia.

  20. Getting together with family at Thanksgiving

  21. Everything....cooler temps, fall color and apple anything:)

    1. Sounds like this is your favorite season! Have an apple tartlet Susan!

  22. I love walking on the beach when it is not crowded with summer visitors, I love seeing the beautiful fall colors in the trees. Cooler weather and a lot less humidity are on my love list too. The new books that my favorite authors have published are waiting for me to read!

    1. Yes, the beach is nice in the fall, isn't it? And a nice spot to enjoy reading!

    2. Ahh the beach. Thanks, June, for stopping by.

  23. Nice to see all you lovely ladies and read your comments about what you enjoy most about the season of autumn. Thank you so much for helping us celebrate today! It would not be the same without you.

  24. Definitely the cooler temps and the colorful leaves! Congrats on all the new releases, thanks for the giveaways and I hope to pop in to the Facebook party tonight.

    1. Oh, I do love the cooler weather and the beautiful array of color this season! We look forward to seeing you again this evening.

  25. What a beautiful autumn day for a tea party! The carriage ride here from Maryland was so pleasant, however, I brought my shawl for the ride home as it will be cooler. Your gowns are lovely ladies. I will try one of those delicious smelling apple tarts along with a cup of tea, please.

    Congratulations ladies on your new book releases! I have read The Captive Brides Collection and enjoyed it. I am looking forward to reading the other books releasing and have them on my very looong TBR list. Again, CONGRATULATIONS!

    I love autumn…the cooler temperatures, changing colors of the trees and pumpkin… Pumpkin pies, pumpkin bread-especially with nuts, pumpkin cookies-with nuts, pumpkin cake-with nuts…pumpkin (you get the idea). Oh, I love nuts too any time of the year. ;-) The smell of pumpkin baking gives such a “homey” feeling, for me anyway. I make my own pumpkin pie spices to have on hand at all times. I too have an autumn birthday, so autumn is doubly special to me.

    Blessings, Tina

    1. Mrs. Tina, we hope you enjoyed some beautiful fall foliage on your ride from Maryland and hope the tea warmed you. Yes, pumpkin everything! 'Tis a wonderful season!

    2. Carla, yes the colors are changing and some of the trees are so pretty. I love the bright oranges and reds, especially when the sun shines on them. We live in the country and have woods all around so we get to see all the changes. And rake all those fallen leaves too, sigh. My grandson, now 13!, likes to come and rake them and then jump in them. Fun to watch!

    3. I love apple and pumpkin with nuts, too, Tina. I wish we had more color here. We saw a hint of it when we were recently up in Maryland. So great to see you there. Whats not fun here is raking up leaves that never even turned a pretty color!

  26. I enjoy the cooler weather. By the end of summer, the heat can be really hard to take in rooms that aren't air conditioned. I also like the fall theme decor, accessories, coffee, bath products etc. that are everywhere. It helps put me in the fall spirit.

    1. I love mums! I need to get some, that perks up my porch!

  27. I love the cooler weather, the change in colors in the trees on the mountains.....I love the pumpkin spice things that crop up and it's just one of my favorite times of year :)

    1. It's my favorite time of the year as well! Everything pumpkin spice!!

  28. I love the beautiful colors of the leaves! I love pumpkins and apples. It is such a fun season.

    I love the tea cup and saucer Carrie. I have read 3 stories so far in Captive Brides and I have to say they are all very good. The other books I have not read yet but they sound like must reads.

    I will hopefully be able to join in the fun on the facebook party.

    pals member

    1. It is a joyful season! The brisk air, the colorful display in the leaves, the harvest to share. It is my favorite.

  29. Congrats on the new collection release! My is in the mail, can't wait to see it! Beautiful weather here in Nebr. middle 80's.. so nice..
    I'm a PALS member.. Hi Carrie :) love that tea set!
    dkstevensne AT outlook (DOT) com

    1. That's a lovely teacup set isn't it, Deanna! Watch on Tuesday for your book!

  30. Congratulations Carla, Andrea and Carrie on your releases! I'm excited to attend the wonderful tea to celebrate with you! Fall is my favorite season. I'm ready to leave this hot Texas weather behind!

    I'm a PALS member.

    psalm103and138 at gmail dot com

  31. Love the cooler temps and leaves changing colors! Shelia Hall

  32. Congratulations ladies on the new releases! I thought I had already posted, but I don’t see it so I shall post again! My favorite part of fall is the cooler temperatures, as well as apple and pumpkin everything! It makes my heart so happy! And I just love the chance to take a beat and slow down a little.
    I am a PALS member
    Trdivincenzo (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Apple and pumpkin scents in the kitchen are lovely, aren't they? Try this apple-pumpkin cake and see what you think!

  33. Looking forward to the party. Thanks, Carrie, for inviting me.

    1. Hi Janice! Thanks for coming by! Would you like to try our stew?

  34. What a wonderful array of authors and books today! Hello from Montana where the temps have finally dropped to a livable level and the fires are slowly being brought under control and put out. I am more of a fan of spring than fall but I do love all things pumpkin and the misty/rainy days we usually get here in my section of Montana. I also like that the hustle-bustle of summer eases and I can finally rest and try to de-stress a little with lots of good books.
    Jasmine A.

    1. Hi Jasmine! I don't picture Montana as being hot, so that's a surprise to me! I like Spring best, too!

    2. The eastern part of the state gets HOT in the summer and COLD in the winter. Where I live is usually much more moderate with only a couple of weeks or so each summer that get into the 90's in summer and only a couple of weeks of -10 to -20. This summer was weird, we had almost no rain which is abnormal, and we had probably 6 weeks with 90+ temps and quite a few days sitting around 100.

    3. I'd recommend a trip to Michigan in the summer, Jasmine!

    4. LOL, depends on what part of the state... The southern part is so much more humid. Montana heat is much, much, drier. My older brother used to live in southern Michigan and I visited several times, twice in the summer and once in late winter / early spring. I totally fell in love with the gorgeous lighthouses, in fact I saw my first lighthouse in Michigan, but I was so glad to get home and away from the humidity.

  35. I like the cooler air and the changing colors of the leaves during the fall season.

  36. Congrats to all of you wonderful authors on your new releases.

    1. Thanks, Cheryl! So wonderful to see you here, my friend!

  37. Huzzah for all the new releases!

    I love autumn for the gorgeous colors, even though this is only my second year actually experiencing them since I grew up in Florida.

    1. Hi Ashley, that's so cool you are actually getting to see fall colors now! I'm serving an early American stew tonight. It's wild game in there, so. . .

  38. I love Fall. The trees are so beautiful.

  39. Congratulations on the book contract. They look like winners.

  40. I look forward to you books in September 2018.

  41. I'm already here and decorating the table for tea. See you in a few minutes!

    1. Lovely manor house. This is even more grand than the Burwells' plantation!

  42. The colors! Autumn has a crispness to the air and leaves on the ground. I love to hear the fire 'crackle' while drinking hot tea or cocoa and reading a good book.

    1. Yes, the crackling. I love that too. So many of my stories are in the fall. I guess that tells me something.

  43. Ladies, wait until you see my gown and the pie Aunt Hilda made. I'll be online in about 20 minutes. But come over no and join the fun.

  44. the changing colors, thanksgiving and family coming together are my favorite

    1. Changing colors and family times do seem to go together somehow!

  45. Wow! All of the stories sound wonderful! Congratulations to you fabulous ladies!

  46. Just wanted to say hi!
    God bless you all
    Chris Granville

  47. Hello everyone! So glad that I finally made it. I love the beautiful colors of Fall and the cooler temps. I also love knowing that the next few months will offer special times of being with family and friends. Fall Festivals, Thanksgiving and Christmas all await us. And hopefully, more time for reading! Congratulations on this new book!!

    1. It is a special season, indeed. Thank you for your congratulations to us.

  48. Congratulations, Ladies, on what looks like several fascinating stories.

  49. I enjoy the cooler weather, even though it still seems like summer . Hot Chocolate is also a favorite along with a good book to read and a good blanket to bring it altogether.

    1. Cozy! All of it! Blessings to you. Thank you for coming.

  50. Sorry I can't stay. I am trying to comment on the FB posts as much as possible before I need to feed my grandson dinner. Hugs to all and God bless!

  51. So very glad I managed to get to the party in time. After spending quite a few years in southern climes (Tennessee, Virginia, Florida and South Carolina), I must admit I am looking forward to the continuing changing of the colors back here in Ohio. Just yesterday I caught a whiff of of the leaves drying and and saw some vibrant leaves backlit by crisp autumn sun. Looking forward to reading these new releases as I quaff some fresh apple cider.

    1. There is nothing like the crisp fall air and changing colors. Fall and books just seem to go together, don't you agree?

    2. The fresh-pressed apple cider is delightful, isn't it Miz Salsbury?

  52. Have a cool.crisp Fall. Congratulations on the book deal.

  53. I love all the new colors and smells. You get that little nip in the air, it's not to cold and not to hot. And where I live we get to have the Balloon Fiesta.

  54. I had to leave the party my Internet was so slow and I see I missed a lot of posts even while I was still on. It was fun other than the frustration of a slow computer. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Congrats to all the winners

    1. Our internet was cutting in and out for two days but PTL it heals up during the party! Have a blessed weekend, Wilani!

  55. I like the cooler autumn weather, the coloful weather and enjoying the fall harvest. Apple, squash, etc. carola245athotmaildotcom

    1. They have a ton of festivals here in our area but a lot of times I am too stiff and sore to go (and frankly I don't like dealing with all the traffic!)

  56. I love the cool air, the festivals, and my little sisters' fall "wardrobe", lol 😂.
    Elly -Indiana-

    1. Haha, Elly! I am guessing you "borrow" your little sis's clothes!

    2. Oh, no! Lol Although I do have two younger sisters aged 18 and 19 and an older sister aged 23, I meant the wardrobe of my LITTLE sisters, ages 11 months 2 years, lol. They're SO cute in their ruffly fall clothing!

  57. I'm probably too late but I did want to say Congratulations to each author. The books are beautiful and I know they will be great ones.
    I'm a Pal

  58. Living in the south it's always nice for the cooler weather to arrive! I love pulling out the jeans and boots.


    1. Amen to that, Patty! We have cooler weather here in Southeastern Virginia today!

  59. I love the beauty of the leaves changing color and the cooler weather.

    1. Sorry this didn't post, Dianne, it ended up in spam. I wish we had more local color in Virginia!

  60. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  61. From Deb Wilder: "I really enjoy watching baseball so all of the great post-season games are definitely a highlight of autumn for me.

    These books sound great. I love the ship cup and saucer set. Thanks for the giveaways."

  62. A good book to read and a cup of tea - now that's comfort.

  63. Would love to win the book and the cup and saucer. AVID

    1. If you win, I'll put some ginger and lemon tea bags in with it, too, Judy!

  64. Just seeing the teacup makes me want to snuggle with a cup of hot tea and a book on this beautiful crisp Autumn day in the Northeast! I am an AVID reader and love a good book!

    1. Yes, a teacup full of yummy tea and a new book that's perfect!

  65. Hi Carrie,
    As a fellow Virginian and AVID reader I love this time of year because I can open my windows and enjoy all the cooler fall air. My husband is smoking some chickens outside and that smells wonderful too.
    I would love to win this teacup, I collect blue and white transferware and this sailing ship would be right at home.
    Congrats on The Captive Brides Collection. I love Barbour collections, I have at least ten, they do collections better than any publisher!
    Happy Fall Ya'll!

    1. Hey Tracey! And we have a few Virginia-set stories for you! Wow, smoked chicken sounds amazing! Thanks so much! Best wishes!

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. I love the beautiful fall colors!!! I just spent the last two months in Michigan helping my parents. God blessed me with early color change, then a gorgeous hot Indian Summer. Love Avid!!!

  68. I love the beauty of the fall colors, the cooler weather and sweatshirts. I’m an avid reader of Carrie’s books. I need to get this one.

  69. Love the fall colors - Fall is one of my favorite seasons - I am an avid reader & thank you for this offer.

  70. Cooler weather and college football!!!

  71. That teacup is so cute! I sort of have a teacup collection, my dad's mom had one and after she died we inherited I think 3 teacups. I've added one or two from various places since then. They all sit in my mom's china hutch in our living room. AVID

  72. I did not realize until yesterday how much I love autumn. The cool air, apple cider, apple picking and the changing leaves. There is something in the air even though things are dying you can still sense life awakening.

    I am an AVID reader meaning that I always have books on me. I never know when more opportunities will rise for me to read.

  73. Carrie
    What another Wonderful Blog. So thrilled for you and the other Authors!
    What is not my favorite about Fall. Leaves, Colors, Cooler Air, Breezes that let me hear God's Voice more then any other time of the year, Food, Thanksgiving and My Birthday.
    Thanks for letting me share. I am an Avid reader of yours and pray I can still be as I move to South Africa. Much Love and Blessings Rock Star.

  74. I am an Avid reader. I look forward to the weather not being in the 100s. Congrats on the new book.

  75. Carrie, thank you for the muffins ;)
    Gina, my name is pronounced Ter-ress-uh. Thank you for inviting me to join your party. It's always fun.
    Also I never included that I was an "avid" reader ��

  76. I love Pumpkin pie!! I am an AVID reader.


  77. The pumpkin spice cookies!!! I am an AVID reader

  78. WOW! Such wonderful giveaways! Wonderful stories written by talented Authors! I would also love the tea cup and saucer! Thank you for the chance. Blessings to you all. AVID

    1. CONGRATS Wendy!!! Per you won the teacup and saucer set!!!

  79. I live in a very small town called Barnardsville, NC. There are no redlights but we do have a Post Office. I live in a valley with mountains on both sides of me. So my favorite thing about Fall are when the leaves change color. It's so beautiful especially when the mountains looks like God has layed a blanket of many colors upon them. It takes my breath away.
    I'm an Avid Reader and love the authors of both books.

  80. Since I am an AVID reader of yours I would love this teacup and saucer set. It is beautiful! And I really do love your books!

  81. Autumn is my second favorite season! While I enjoy reading about adventure and excitement in novels, I prefer my real life to be more organized and scheduled, LOL! After a busy and often chaotic summer, I'm always thankful for the family routine and fresh energy that comes with the start of a new school year! What makes it even better is it means cooler temps and the anticipation of my first favorite season!! Winter makes drinking tea and coffee in ridiculous amounts more acceptable and staying inside "to keep warm" when you really just want to read is always a good excuse!! I'm an AVID reader and recently discovered this blog!! It's enchanting!! I would love to win the giveaway!!! The teacup and saucer would get plenty of use while the books would be thoroughly enjoyed!!

    1. I love AVID, its such a great group! Glad you found us here on CQ!

    2. Angela, congrats on winning a copy of Captive Brides! I need to get your email~!

    3. Yay!!! I won!!! Awesome!!! We're Facebook friends! I just sent you a message!! ☺️

  82. I am an AVID reader. I can’t wait to get a chance to read this book.

  83. Thanks for a great party yesterday! I got a special package in the mail today from Andrea! Three books! Including the Shenandoah Valley book! Thanks so much Andrea! I’m really loving these: My Heart Belongs books! I have Carrie’s, too! Blessings!

    1. That is so wonderful, Paula, that Andrea's book came! I hope you'll enjoy all the books in the series for My Heart Belongs!

  84. I absolutely enjoyed your party! It was so wonderful to spend time with you lovely and gifted authors! Congratulations on your book, your collaboration and friendships. Avid.

  85. Thank you so much for the beautiful teacup and saucer! I will be drinking my tea by the fire on these chilly days. :) Congrats to all of the winners. Blessings to all.

  86. AVID! I love Fall for so many reasons. I love the weather, the smells, the lea especially, the colors, and the food. God really outdone Himself on this season! I love taking a quilt and coffee out on my front porch, sitting in my swing, and reading until my heart's content.

  87. AVID Thanks so much for a chance. The teacup is beautiful. Love all your books, so much! sonja dot nishimoto at gmail dot com


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