
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Three Places to Win Copies of Carrie's Release "The Steeplechase"

My new novella, set in 1810 Tidewater Virginia, is now available in paperback! This is the cover, above!

Several ways to win a copy!

1) Go by the Facebook party on Thursday, February 25th for Love's Sporting Chance collection, including The Steeplechase! (click here or on image above) I'll be giving away a paperback copy and several ebook copies at the party and

2) one on my author page. (Click image above or click here.)

3) Come back here to Colonial Quills next Friday, March, for our Tea Party celebrating our authors' new releases, including The Steeplechase! We'll also be hosting a Facebook party for part of the day, where visitors can interact with the authors! (Click here for the Facebook party.)

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