
Friday, February 5, 2016

Return to Shirley Plantation: A Civil War Romance Book Review by Tina Rice

Return to Shirley Plantation: A Civil War Romance, 2nd Edition (Hearts Overcoming Press, January 2016) by Carrie Fancett Pagels. Under new cover beautifully designed by Roseanna White. 

Blurb: Abducted against his will, theater manager Matthew Scott is conscripted into the Confederate army because of his Copperhead senator father’s political leanings. Injured at Malvern Hill, Matthew is taken by the Union army to Shirley Plantation in Virginia where he is tended by seamstress Angelina Rose, a freed slave. Given an opportunity to leave the South and start a new life for herself, Angelina remained for the sake of her sister’s orphaned twins who are still enslaved. Matthew must use his acting skills to remain safe. Will his return to Shirley Plantation settle a mystery concerning his father’s past? And will Matthew find the family he longs for?
Shirley Plantation in Charles City, Virginia

Five Stars *****
Review by Tina Rice

Matthew Scott heads a very successful theatrical group in Ohio and has no plans in joining the war on either side. However, because of his father's political ties, he is conscripted to fight in the Confederate Army. During a battle he is wounded and taken to the Shirley Plantation along with other wounded soldiers where the Army has set up a field hospital.

Angelina Rose is a freed slave and is a servant at the Plantation. However, things change quickly when the Army takes over the Plantation making it a field hospital. Angelina is disguised in a black mourning dress as the widow of a Carter relative. Since she is 1/8 African and is light skinned, she easily passes as a family member. She has a job lined up as a seamstress but would not leave her niece and nephew behind who are still slaves. Besides, God has impressed on her to wait.

While helping the wounded Angelina meets a handsome soldier, Matthew and is drawn to him. But will he still be interested in her when he learns of her heritage? What secrets will Matthew learn about his own heritage and how will that affect his life? Can Matthew and Angelina trust God to guide them and will their growing love survive the many secrets as they are revealed? What does the future hold for them?

I love books about the south and the Civil War time period, not about the war but the history, people and the relationships. This book is full of history of that time as well as the struggles of the soldiers and the families left home waiting for their return. As a nurse the field hospital and medical practices of the 1800's is fascinating. I enjoyed reading about the characters, their struggles, triumphs and faith-how they sought God in their decisions, small or large. The story ended too soon for me, would have liked to read more of their story.

Bio: Tina Rice is a newer member of Colonial Quills. She is a reader/reviewer who loves Christian fiction and colonial times. Tina lives with her family in Maryland.

Giveaway of a paperback or ebook copy (USA only for paperback): Answer this question: How many books have you read where the heroine was a former slave?  


  1. Thanks for the great review, Tina! I am so happy with the new cover that Roseanna designed! Blessings!

  2. You are welcome Carrie. I so enjoyed reading it. Roseanna did a fantastic job on the cover.
    Blessings, Tina

    1. You have to see it in person, Tina! The cover practically glows! Thanks!

  3. Great review. Love the cover. I don't believe I have ever read a story where the heroine was a former slave. Would love to win a copy.

    1. I think I had, some time ago, a secular book, but not a Christian fiction. Thanks for coming by and commenting, Robin!

    2. Thank you Robin. I had never read a story where the heroine was a former slave either until I read Return to Shirley Plantation. Hope you get a chance to read it.

  4. I have read books where the heroine's best friend was a former slave. I would like to win a print copy! Thanks for the offer. Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

    1. Kathleen, was that in Lynn Austen's books? I think there is another series, too, like that but I don't think I've seen where she was the heroine in a Christian fiction and I don't know why. Blessings!

    2. Kathleen, thanks for commenting. This is a great story, hope you get a chance to read it.

  5. I have read a few stories where a heroine was a former slave. There's a good one by Jacqueline Whitlock released last year I believe.

    1. Amy, I have not read Jacqueline Whitlock's book. Thanks for commenting. Hope you get a chance to read Return to Shirley Plantation.

    2. Amy I believe you mean Jacqueline Freeman Wheelock, who is ALSO represented by Joyce Hart, as is Jane Kirkpatrick, mentioned by Gail farther down in the comments! "A Most Precious Gift" is Jacqueline's title and the heroine is enslaved while the hero is a freed man. Looks like a great story!

  6. Carrie: Thanks for offering this free book, which sounds wonderful. Tina: Excellent review!
    I used to teach history, and the Civil War era is my favorite period of U.S. history to study. As you said, not the war, but the people and their interactions with each other, the settings, the emotions generated. I would love to win this book!
    I think I read a book by Eugenia Price once wherein one of the characters was a former slave, but not the heroine.
    Grace to you both,

    1. Thanks for coming by Jen! I used to love Eugenia Price's books and it has been a while since I read one. God bless you for having been a teacher! My son loves history and has twice scored perfectly on our state History exam! Blessings!

    2. Jeanette, it is a wonderful story and I think you will like it, it fits right into your favorite era. Hope you are able to read it soon. Thank you for your wonderful comments.
      Blessings, Tina

  7. 6 !Shelia Hall

    1. Shelia, the best to you and winning a copy of this wonderful story.
      Blessings, Tina

  8. Wonderful review, Tina - thank you!!

    I can't recall reading a book in which the heroine was a former slave, other than "Return to Shirley Plantation"!! This is a beautiful story, I love stories set during the Civil War!!

    1. Bonnie, it certainly is a beautiful story. I love stories in that time era too. Thank you for the wonderful comments.

  9. Enjoyed the interview. I've read some books where the best friends had been slaves.

    1. That seems more common, Bev, that the friends were slaves but not the hero or heroine! Thanks for stopping by!

    2. Bev, I have as well. Although I did read a book where a slave owner's daughter was best friends with a slave. Thank you for your comments.

  10. A Light in the Wilderness by Jane Kirkpatrick.

    1. Thanks, Gail! I appreciate it and will look into that one. Jane is represented by my same agent, Joyce Hart, CEO of Hartline Literary!

    2. Gail, I read A Light in the Wilderness a couple years ago, very good book and it is based on a true story. Best to you on winning a copy of this wonderful story.

  11. There was one I know counts "A Light in the Wilderness" and one that might not Widow of Gettysburg. She was more of a secondary heroine but I REALLY loved her! :)

    Hugs, Amada (

    1. Amanda, Widow of Gettysburg is another great book. Thanks for commenting and the best in winning a copy of Return to Shirley Plantation.
      blessings, Tina

    2. That is one I'll have to look into, Amada. Do you remember the author? Thanks for coming by.

    3. Mrs Tina: Thank you! :) That whole series is amazing! LOL! There are times it will get SO deep that I'm like I have to put this down and digest some of this, but by the time I reach the end I'm like I HAVE to read the next one!!! LOL!

      Carrie: Yes Ma'am I do! :) A Light in the Wilderness is by Jane Kirkpatrick and Widow of Gettysburg is by Jocelyn Green! Thank you!

    4. Amanda, you are so right, the series is amazing. I love when a book captures me and I don't want to stop until I am done.
      Both Jane Kirkpatrick and Jocelyn Green have that affect on their readers as do so many other authors.

  12. Tina, great review! This was the first book of Carrie's that I read, nearly two years ago, I believe (under the original cover), and I loved it! The new cover is gorgeous!

    MaryLu Tyndall has a book out ("Veil of Pearls") in which the heroine is a runaway slave, though she is light-skinned and you wouldn't know it by looking at her. Love the history behind these awesome stories. Thank you for sharing your review! :)

    1. Yes this was my DEBUT in Christian FICTION, Angi!!! Three years ago, can you believe it? Duh, one of my favorite books is MaryLu's Veil of Pearls and I LOVE that cover!!!

  13. Angi, it is a great story and the cover is beautiful. I have not read Veil of Pearls yet, it is on my long to-be-read list and I hope to get to it soon.
    Thanks for your wonderful comments.
    Blessings, Tina

    1. You have to read it, TINA, and in paperback. We must remedy that!

    2. I hope to remedy that soon Carrie.
      Blessings, Tina

  14. Beautiful and fantastic sounding book! I am definitely wanting to read this!

    1. Sonja, it is a heartwarming story. Best in winning a copy.
      Thanks for commenting.

    2. Sonja, if u come back can you confirm your identity? I'm going to check on FB to see if this is who I think it is. Thanks for your kind words!

    3. Per you won a copy Sonja! Do you feel like a winner? Huzzah!

  15. Thanks, Tina for the wonderful review! I haven't read a book where the heroine was a former slave. I just recently read about this book, Return to Shirley Plantation, and it immediately went on my "Must Read" list. It totally captivated me. The new cover is it! The Civil War is one of my favorite eras to read. I would love to win this book! Thanks so much for the opportunity of this book giveaway! ~Alison


    1. Alison, reading stories about the lives during the Civil war time period is one of my favorites too. Best in winning a copy. Thank you for commenting and your sweet words.
      Blessings, Tina

    2. Hi Alison! Thanks so much! Roseanne White, who is also a contributor on the CQ blog, designed my new cover for Return to Shirley Plantation! I think she did a great job! Blessings!

  16. Never but am interested in reading this series.
    Diane Rivera

    1. Diane, thanks for commenting. Best in winning a copy.

  17. Sounds like a great read. none where the heroine but where the best friend is yes.

    1. Kim, that seems to be common in stories. Love that Carrie took her remarkable story in a different direction. Best in winning a copy.
      Blessings, Tina

    2. Hey Kim nice seeing you here on CQ! Thanks for commenting!

  18. I have never read a book where the heroine was a former slave. It sounds like a wonderful storyline and I know the character would be strong and courageous. I love historical fiction and Return to Shirley Plantation sounds like a wonderful book I would love to read.
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

    1. Maryann, it is a wonderful story and I love the characters. Best in winning a copy. Thank you for your comments.
      Blessings, Tina

    2. Thanks, MaryAnn! Glad you could come by CQ!

  19. I can't think of any I have read where the heroine is a former slave. I am looking forward to reading this.

    1. Ruby, that seems to be pretty common in stories. Love that Carrie took her heartwarming story in a different direction. Best in winning a copy. Thanks for your comments.
      Blessings, Tina

  20. I can't think of any I have read where the heroine is a former slave. I am looking forward to reading this.

    1. Ruby, that seems to be pretty common in stories. Love that Carrie took her heartwarming story in a different direction. Best in winning a copy. Thanks for your comments.
      Blessings, Tina

  21. Wonderful review, Tina. I would love to win a print copy :) of this lovely book!
    bettimace at gmail dot com

    1. Betti, I am sure you will love it. Thanks for commenting and best in winning a copy. Thank you for your sweet words.
      Blessings, Tina

    2. Hi Betti, Thanks for your lovely review of The Steeplechase, too, and thanks for visiting with us over at!

  22. Stopped by to say hi...can't wait to start reading Return to Shirley Plantation...looks positively fantastic!

    1. Hi Teri, Return to Shirley Plantation is a heartwarming story and I am sure you will enjoy it.
      Thanks for saying "hi" and for your comments. Best in winning a copy.
      Blessings, Tina

  23. I have never read a book where the heroine was a former slave and this book sounds fascinating!

    1. Connie, I had not either. Love that Carrie took her heartwarming story in a different direction. Thanks for your comments and best in winning a copy.
      Blessings, Tina

    2. Connie, a book I really love is Veil of Pearls, by MaryLu Tyndall. She has a former slave in her book.

  24. Great review, I really enjoy books set in the Old South and Civil War era. I don't recall ever reading a book where the heroine was a slave. Putting this book on my TBR list.

    1. Hi Dianne! I think you might enjoy my book since you like that era! Many blessings!


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