
Friday, January 29, 2016

Guest Review by Bonnie Roof of Elaine Marie Cooper's "Road to Deer Run"

Road to Deer Run

Review by Bonnie Roof

In 1777, nineteen-year-old Colonial woman Mary Thomsen finds wounded British soldier Daniel Lowe lying on her Massachusetts colony farmland. At first fearful of aiding an enemy - she is reminded of the biblical account of the Good Samaritan, her sense of right and wrong demands she must help Daniel. Managing to help support Daniel's weight while the two walk to an abandoned American wigwam, which Mary and her younger brother used as a playhouse when children, Mary hides Daniel and rushes home to secure medical supplies. Leading her mother, a midwife, to believe she is leaving to give medical aid to a wounded dog - Mary returns to the wigwam to nurse Daniel. When he develops a fever from the infection of his wound, and without enough protection from the cold late October weather, Mary realizes the time has come to ask for her mother's help; yet fearing her reaction due to the recent death of Mary's younger brother, Asa, by British soldiers.

Mary's mother, Ruth - a widow, still grieving over her youngest son's death, and concerned for older son James' safety while away fighting for America's freedom - refuses to fully engage in Daniel's care. Until...while sharing bible scripture with her youngest daughter Sarah, she reads Proverbs 25:21: "If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat, and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink". A woman of deep faith, she prays for God to remove her bitterness towards the King's troops and restore forgiveness - then makes the decision to bring Daniel into her home for healing treatment. The dangers involved in hiding Daniel, a smallpox epidemic, and an incident of drunken abuse aren't the only elements of drama which kept my eyes glued to the pages of "Road to Deer Run".

Elaine Marie Cooper paints an unforgettable story of forgiveness, redemption, romance, deep faith, courage, hope, and the horrors of war during the American Revolution. Based on true events and the lives of her great-great-great-great grandparents - there is much realism of characters, precise historical facts, suspense, and one of the sweetest, most tender love stories I've read. My initial attraction to the book being it's beautiful, compelling cover featuring it's heroine portraying such depth of distress on her face - I found it hard to put down once I began reading, it's characters remained in my heart after finishing the book. A touching story of deep inspiration! 

Road to Deer Run - publisher CrossRiver Media Group, is followed by book 2 of the Deer Run Saga, "Promise of Deer Run" (June, 2016), and book 3, "Legacy of Deer Run" (December, 2016). "Saratoga Letters" will be released by Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas in October, 2016.  

GIVEAWAY: Winner's choice of paperback or ebook copy (ebook only outside the USA).

Guest Reviewer: Bonnie Roof is a reviewer on the Overcoming with God blog. She lives in beautiful Kentucky, is an avid reader, and loves God and His people.  


  1. Dear Bonnie, Thank you for your lovely review of "Road to Deer Run." I am grateful for your sweet words and so happy the story blessed you!

    1. I was honored to read/review "Road to Deer Run", Elaine - such a beautiful book, it touched my heart and soul!! I pray I did it justice. Thank you for your kind comments!!

  2. Thank you, Bonnie, for such a fine review of Elaine's novel. As an author myself, I know Elaine treasures your thoughts about and reactions to her excellent work.

    1. I certainly do treasure feedback and was so blessed by Bonnie's review. Reviewers can be such a gift, can they not? ;)

    2. I so enjoyed doing it, Susan - I look forward to the read/review of your "Laurel" in the near future, will let you know when I post the review. I already know "Laurel" will be a wonderful read, based on all the wonderful comments/reviews I've read - your writing gift, and your graciousness (which is sure to come through in it)!! I truly appreciate your comments, and thank God for the opportunity to enjoy and be blessed, educated, and inspired by beautiful Christian Fiction by so many gifted authors!!

  3. This is such a beautifully written review, BONNIE! There was a time when all I read was Revolutionary and Civil War era novels, but I have broadened my reading horizons just a wee bit. lol Sounds like a wonderful book!

    1. Thank you, Diana!! I love Revolutionary and Civil War era novels also, and "Road to Deer Run" is beautiful - you will love it!!

  4. Thanks, Bonnie, for this lovely review and for sharing on this guest post on CQ! Elaine is a talented author! Blessings!

    1. I'm honored to do it, Carrie - AMEN to Elaine being a talented author!! Blessings to YOU, my friend!!

    2. Thank you so much, ladies. You are both a blessing to me!

  5. This was a wonderful review and it makes me anxious to read this book.

    1. Connie, please see below for my response to your comment. It posted out of order. Thanks!!

  6. Lovely review, Bonnie! This looks to be a fabulous read. Thanks

    1. I really appreciate your comment, MaryLu - thank you!! "Road to Deer Run" is a beautiful book with a spiritual message.

  7. Thanks so much, Connie!! "Road To Deer Run" has so much to offer readers: drama, suspense, faith, forgiveness, hope, romance, an awareness of hardships during the American Revolution, and some amazing characters. The fact it is based on the author's ancestors lends even more realism to the book. Please do give it a read - I feel you will be touched by it, thanks for commenting and good luck in the giveaway!!

  8. Great review Bonnie. This sure sounds good, especially in relation to the author's ancestors. I wonder how the research started? From Elaine'so ancestry first or historical events first? Thanks for the chance. Will add to my TBR shelf. Annie

    1. Thank you, Annie!! Elaine has a lot of info, and pics, on her website about her ancestry and research for "Road to Deer Run" - very interesting!! It's a wonderful historical read with a sweet romance and infused with faith. I feel sure you will be blessed by it!! I a appreciate your comments!!

    2. Hi Annie. Great questions! The research into my family background began with one of my mom's cousins. Then I picked up what I knew and took it further, discovering where my 4th great grandfather settled, what regiment he was in when in the King's Army, etc. The research of the time period was done at the same time. When it all came together, it finally culminated in the book. It was so much work—but so worth it! Thanks for commenting!

  9. Great review. Sounds like a good read.

    1. Than you so much, Kim!! I think "Road to Deer Run" will touch your heart, please give it a read. Good luck in the drawing!!

  10. Okay, Bonnie, you sold me, my friend -- both your review and Elaine's amazing plot and cover!!

    Elaine -- what a fascinating plot! Can't imagine all the research it took to flesh it out, because I always feel the further back an author has to go in time for a historical, the more in depth the details must be. And as an author who is not overly fond of research myself, but loves reading the fruits of it, this book sounds quite rich and rewarding in that respect.

    LOVE the cover -- the look on the girl's face coupled with Bonnie's excellent review instantly compels one to want to read it, so great job, both of you!


    1. Dear Julie, thank you for your wonderful remarks! It's fortunate that I love research because I did plenty of it for this novel. Books and notes galore, contacting a researcher in England who found the regiment my 4th great grandfather was in & when he came to America, the list is endless. But it was worth it all. I learned so much in the process and hope that I was able to bring the life of early America alive for my readers. It was definitely a step back in time. And while the times our ancestors lived in was not romantic, I included lots of romance between the two main characters. ;) Thanks for commenting!

  11. Isn't that cover beautiful, Julie?? The look on the model's face is what attracted me to "Road to Deer Run" even before I read the blurb. The info and pics Elaine has posted from her research are amazing. I love the theme of forgiveness - Elaine does a wonderful job with it, as did you in your latest release. With a tag of "Queen of Romance" - you're sure to love the romance in "Road to Deer Run", it truly is one of the "sweetest" I've read. Always love your sweet encouraging comments, thank you so much!!

  12. I thoroughly enjoyed your review, Bonnie as I did the story when I read I some time ago. I would love to win a paperback copy so I could keep it on my shelf and read it again :)
    bettimace at gmail dot com

  13. Hi, Betti!! It's a beautiful story, isn't it?? It's a "keeper" for sure!! So glad you stopped by - thank you for your comments!!

  14. Great review Bonnie!
    I have read this amazing story and find it has stayed with me weeks after reading it. I love the book cover, it captures her feelings perfectly.
    Blessings, Tina

    1. Thank you, Tina!! I had the same reaction as you after reading "ROAD TO DEER RUN" - the characters found a resting place in my heart. I agree with you in that the book cover so accurately depicts Mary's initial despair and fears. It is what initially drew my attention to the book. Thanks for your wonderful comments!!

  15. I REALLY need to read this! :D The more I hear about it the better it sounds!

    Many Blessings, Amada (pronounced:

    1. SO glad you stopped by, Amada!! Yes, you definitely DO need to read "Road To Deer Run" - it's a beautiful book that will inspire you!! Blessings back, my friend!!

  16. I'd love to read this book! It looks so great :)
    mdp94 (at) bellsouth (dot) net

    1. Glad to meet you, Morgan!! I think "Road to Deer Run" will be a very enjoyable blessing to you - enjoy, and good luck in the drawing!!

  17. A beautiful review Bonnie, for one of my favourite books ever!! Elaine, I would just like to thank you for adding all that extra romance for this hopeless romantic, as well as the enormous effort that went into your research for this book and series!

    1. Isn't "Road to Deer Run" a beautiful book, Noela?? I loved your exquisite review also. As with you, I SO loved the sweet romance, and appreciate the hard work involved in Elaine's bringing such a beautiful, inspiring story to fulfillment!! Thanks so much for your sweet comments, Noela!!

    2. Noela, I'm so happy you enjoyed the romance—and the research! LOL I think a good Inspirational romance should have enough tender moments to be sigh-worthy yet leave the graphic details to one's imagination. It's a delicate balance but the romance should definitely help a reader feel the love between the characters. I hope I was able to accomplish that. Thank you, both, for your sweet endorsements!

  18. Loved the review, Bonnie and it certainly makes me want to read Road to Deer Run! I like many of the others am drawn to the cover and that girl's expression. Very appealing, then to hear the premise, even more so! Thank you! Blessings!

  19. So happy you stopped by, Caryl!! Isn't that cover amazing?? The story within is even much more so - I know you'll enjoy, and be inspired by, the read!! Thanks for your sweet comments, hugs and blessings back!!

  20. This review sure has my curiosity stirred up as to what happened in the rest of the book! I would love to read it. d[dot]brookmyer[at]yahoo[dot]com

    1. It's an exciting book, Donna - tempered by a sweet romance and beautiful inspiration!! Thanks for your comments and good luck in the drawing!!

  21. This book is a MUST READ!!! It was so exciting and also so beautiful in it's many deep and life-changing themes that show how true Belivers should live. All this is accomplished by weavong these different characters together, each with their own weaknesses to overcome. It is now at the very top of my favorite book's list. To me, it should become known as a classic story for the way it's written and the effect it has on people no matter which era you live.

    1. Dear Connie, your remarks are so sweet and gratifying. Thank you for reading and for appreciating the many facets of this story, from the romance to the work that God was doing in everyone's lives. When one writes such a book, it's impossible to ponder the characters' spiritual transformation without contemplating one's own. It was an inspirational adventure for me as well. Blessings!

  22. This book is a MUST READ!!! It was so exciting and also so beautiful in it's many deep and life-changing themes that show how true Belivers should live. All this is accomplished by weavong these different characters together, each with their own weaknesses to overcome. It is now at the very top of my favorite book's list. To me, it should become known as a classic story for the way it's written and the effect it has on people no matter which era you live.

    1. Thank you for your beautiful comments, Connie!! Amen to all you said, glad to see you enjoyed "Road to Deer Run" just as much as I did!!


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