
Friday, December 4, 2015

December's Tea Party - Andrea Boeshaar, Elaine Marie Cooper, and Angela Couch

Welcome to our December Tea Party!
'Tis a festive time of year to celebrate new historical book releases! We're celebrating in Virginia's beautiful Shenandoah Valley!

Newly Released: A Thousand Shall Fall: A Civil War Novel

 A story of love, hope, and healing set in the midst of the Civil War

Nineteen-year-old Carrie Ann Bell is independent and spirited. The only thing she really fears are the Union soldiers fighting against her Confederate friends. When her youngest sister runs away from home, brave Carrie Ann is determined to find her and bring her back. Disguised as a soldier, she sets off–only to find she’s fallen into the hands of the enemy. 
Her childhood friend Confederate Major Joshua Blevins has warned her against these Yankees: they’re all devils, ready to inflict evil on unsuspecting young women. When Colonel Peyton Collier arrests her for her impersonation of an officer, it seems to confirm all her fears.

Soon, though, she finds herself drawn to the handsome, gallant colonel. He rescued her, protected her, and has been every inch the gentleman. Carrie Ann discovers that her foe has become her ally–and more than that, someone she could love. But the arrival of Joshua in the Union camp as a spy will test her loyalties. Will she protect someone who has been like family or be loyal to this stranger to whom she wants to offer her heart? When her world is being torn apart around her, whom should she trust?

Set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, A Thousand Shall Fall is framed around compelling characters and a very romantic setting in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. Andrea Boeshaar’s extensive research guarantees historical accuracy and romance genre enthusiasts and Civil War buffs alike will enjoy the Christian perspectives on actual historical events.

Bio: Andrea Boeshaar is a co-founder of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and runs “Steeple View Coaching & Writer’s ER." She is the author of thirty published works, including Threads of Faith, a finalist in the Inspirational Readers Choice Awards. Andrea is also the author of a popular devotional and
regularly blogs on a number of sites.

Make your Christmas even merrier!

From now until December 10th, enter to win a Kindle Fire HD 6"

You might also enjoy Andrea's Civil War Christmas novella Everlasting Light. The e-book is only .99 in celebration of today's tea party. It's also available in audiobook edition. 

To purchase, CLICK HERE!

Also releasing this month is Road to Deer Run by Elaine Marie Cooper.

About the book:
War is in the air in 1777 in western Massachusetts. The able-bodied men have all left Deer Run to fight the battle at Saratoga, New York, leaving the Colonial women and the elderly behind to tend the families. While news of the American victory is heartening, the personal losses are already felt by the Thomsen women in Deer Run.

Still reeling from the loss of her brother, young Mary Thomsen comes upon an unexpected and terrifying discovery: A wounded King's soldier. Her heart wants to hate, but her compassion and sense of Christian duty overcome her grief. But becoming a Good Samaritan takes a terrifying toll, and brings Mary on an adventure of fear and passion that she could never have anticipated.

Road to Deer Run first appeared in 2010 but has been given new life with a new publisher, new edits and new book cover. This new release will be available on December 10, but the paperback can be pre-ordered through CrossRiver Media here. If you use the code DEERRUN25, you will get a 25% discount through release day. You can pre-order the kindle version at Amazon here.

GIVEAWAY: Elaine Marie Cooper will send a signed copy of Road to Deer Run to one person who leaves a comment today.

Elaine's Bio: Elaine Marie Cooper is the award-winning author of Bethany’s Calendar and Fields of the Fatherless. Her re-release of the Deer Run Saga begins with Road to Deer Run this month and will be followed by Promise of Deer Run (June 2016) and Legacy of Deer Run (December, 2016). Saratoga Letters will be released by Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas in October, 2016. Elaine's passions are her faith, her family, and the history of the American Revolution, the era in which her historical fiction novels are set. You can read her blog on her website here Elaine is represented by Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency. 

And last but not least... (Though perhaps they are least--I mean, they are short stories.)

 A Bit of Christmas and A Kiss is Still a Kiss are short story anthologies with one thing in common...stories by Angela K Couch!

I Head the Bells (Dec 1, 2015)

Virginia, December 1864:
Three years ago, Gabriel Morgan left his home in Virginia to fight for the Union army, despite his family and his fiancĂ©e’s loyalties to the South. Now, with battle fresh in his mind, and the war still raging, he chances a quick trip home with one prayer…to make peace this Christmas.
Shackled (Nov 1, 2015)

Arizona Territory 1883:
He came west to find freedom and ended up shackled to a chair. She’s not sure she ever wants to let him go.

Bio: Angela K Couch is an award-winning author for her short stories, and a semi-finalist in ACFW's 2015 Genesis Contest. As a passionate believer in Christ, her faith permeates the stories she tells. Her martial arts training, experience with horses, and appreciation for good romance sneak in there, as well. Angela lives in Alberta, Canada with her "hero" and three munchkins.

Find her books on Amazon or Goodreads
GIVEAWAY: Both an e-book and a print copy of A Bit of Christmas!


  1. Good Morning Ladies! Congratulations Andrea, Angela, Elaine on your releases! Hope everyone is bundled up well on this beautiful, crisp morning. I am looking forward to chatting with you by the cozy fireplace with a cuppa tea and scones. Blessings to you.

    1. Good morning Caryl! So glad you came by! On mornings this time of year, it is kind of nice we done have to leave home to have a party. ;)

    2. Thank you, dear Caryl! We so appreciate you stopping by! And the scones are heavenly. :)

    3. Hi, Caryl. I'm so excited about my new releases. I've got some wonderful CQ Tea Party deals and giveaways planned for today.

    4. And I understand that you won a beautiful teacup/coffee cup over on the FB part of the party! Congrats! Hope you'll enjoy it, CARYL!

    5. Congrats on each of your books, authors!! They each have beautiful stories!!

  2. Good Morning, dear ladies! Congratulations Elaine, Andrea, and Angela! It's nice to be here and celebrate your new releases with you. It's freezing here in Virginia, so a hot cup of tea while I take a chair next to the warmth from the fireplace is most welcome this morning. Not to mention, of course, that the tea cakes and scones are calling to me! Best wishes for success!

    1. Thank you, Cynthia. I hope things warm up their as the day progresses. I'm sure they will here! :)

    2. I must say, the cakes and scones are certainly calling MY name. I might have to loosen my stays! ;)

    3. *SIGH* Should anyone bring Christmas cookies, I fear I should NEVER adjust my stays comfortably. ;)

    4. HeHehe, I'm still blaming the effect of all these goodies on my last baby ;)

    5. I'll never tell, Angela, lol!!

  3. Good morning, ladies!! It is Tea Party Day!! So exciting!!!

    Congratulations on your newest releases, Elaine, Angela, and Andrea! Looking forward to reading your books Angela and Andrea!

    I am going to go warm up by the fire and have a nice cup of tea.

    1. Good morning to you! There is nothing better than a hot fire, warn, drink and a good book on a winter day. :) Oh, and a tea party!

    2. I've had the tea, and shortly will have the good book to read by the stove.

  4. Good morning! As a newbie to Virginia I love the beauty of the Shenandoah valley. The picture is breathtaking and your books sound wonderful, too.

    1. I'm with you. It does look beautiful, though. I'm glad we came all this way. :)

  5. Welcome Kate! Hope the water is almost hot. It is the perfect day for a warm drink. :)

  6. Good morning Everyone! You all look lovely! Thank you for coming to our tea party! I'm personally more of a hot chocolate person, but today I'm mixing up lemon and honey...yep the kids decided to share their head cold. What kind of warm beverage do ya'll enjoy the best?

    1. Hot herbal/decaf tea. But I do enjoy a cup of hot chocolate on a cold, snowy day.
      Hope you and your children feel better soon.

    2. Good morning to you, Angela! I pray that dastardly cold will go away soon.

      I used to love hot chocolate and a good cup of hot tea. But my esophagus and stomach rebel with hot beverages, however I am thinking of mixing up some homemade hot chocolate. It just sounds soooo good on these cold, winter mornings.

    3. Thank you both! Homemade hot chocolate sounds great, Regina! :)

    4. I love both tea & hot chocolate!! Praying for swift healing of your cold, Angela!!

  7. Good morning ladies, you all look lovely. I so love the Shenandoah Valley, perfect for tea parties. I am going to get a hot cup of tea and some refreshments and warm up by the fire....the ride from Maryland was rather chilly.

    Congratulations Andrea Boeshaar, Elaine Marie Cooper and Angela Couch on your books! Love the book covers and the stories sound amazing. I just finished reading The Road to Deer Run, loved it. Can't wait to read the other books.

    1. Thank you so much for coming, Mrs. Tina! We are honored by your presence. And I am so blessed that you enjoyed "Road to Deer Run!" Do sit and have another cup of warmth. :)

    2. Thank you, Mrs. Tina! I do imagine that would have been a chilly ride. I'm personally enjoying the warmer weather down here. Perfect time to come south. :)

  8. (Chappy enters in her flowing red gown)
    Christmas greetings ladies! My everyone looks so wonderful. And I smell something yummy. A cup of hot coffee would hit the spot right now. Congratulations on the new releases....I think that my TBR pile is going to grow.
    (Chappy hangs up her cape and hat and goes off to greet others)

    1. Mistress Debbie, you look ex-QUIS-ite! And I would be happy to pour you some hot coffee—drink of the true American Patriots! Enjoy your visit with our guests.

    2. Thank you so much and you look great yourself, my dear.

    3. *blushing* Thank you for your kind words. :) Is the coffee warming you up?

    4. That's why short stories are so great! they don't take too long to get off your TBR pile. ;) I love the red, by the way. A great color for you...and the season!

    5. Thanks Angela. The fabric is quite comfortable and warming....Yes Elaine, I am warming up quickly.

  9. Kate, we hope you get to read ALL of them! Stay warm inside. Brrr.

  10. Hello Chappy! You are looking quite lovely. I'll have some tea and chat a bit with amazing authors and readers.

    1. Ah! Welcome, Mistress Caryl! We are blessed to have you here this chilly day. Come warm yourself by the fire whilst I pour you some tea.

    2. Hey Caryl! I'm hoping to stay while, but I may need to leave for a bit later.

    3. I so enjoy these tea parties and meeting amazing authors!

  11. Don't miss out, everyone. Enter my Kindle Fire HD 6" giveaway contest.

  12. Congratulations on your new releases, Elaine Cooper, Andrea Boeshaar, and Angela Couch.

    1. Thank you, dear Janet! Please sit by the fire and warm yourself. Tea or coffee?

    2. Do you have any Christmas cookies?

    3. What kind do you like, Janet? I have some sugar cookies and gingersnaps here. :)

    4. Love sugar cookies!!

  13. All of these new releases look wonderful. I love coming to the tea parties every month. Thank you for the chance to win.

    1. Mistress Debbie, we are SO pleased you have come! Please join our guests for some warm refreshment. And don't forget the scones and cakes!

    2. So glad you could come, Debbie. I hope you don't walk away empty handed! :)

    3. I had so much fun today. This was my first CQ Tea Party. :)

    4. So glad you are here, Andrea - the CQ tea parties are always so much fun. Those scones look delicious, Elaine!!

  14. Congratulations on your new releases, Andrea, Elaine, and Angela! I know Elaine's Road to Deer Run is wonderful, and the others look amazing too. We're having a beautiful cool but sunny day here. I'm taking a break from tending to a bit of yard work to warm up by the fire, and I believe I'll have a cup of hot tea as well. So good to see all you ladies here today!

    1. Thank you so much, Joan! So glad you could take a break from your outdoor labors. It's wonderful to see you here. :)

    2. I so enjoy your books, also - Joan!!

  15. Don't miss out, everyone. Enter my Kindle Fire HD 6" giveaway contest.

  16. I have a copy of the 2010 Road to Deer Run and have A Thousand Shall Fall
    Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

    1. I would like to win a print copy of A Bit of Christmas
      Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

    2. Good luck then! Either way, I hope you take the time to read it. All proceeds goes to the ACFW Virginia chapter for classes and such. :)

    3. Angela thanks for sharing about the proceeds going into the chapter. That is wonderful!

    4. I hope you enjoy "A THOUSAND SHALL FALL," Lane.

    5. Colonel Peyton looks like a fine hero ~ hope they are able to mend their differences and blend their hearts
      half-Irish Kathleen

    6. Love that, Angela!!

  17. This Chappy is having a hard time keeping up with this blog and two FB chats...Head spinning....

    1. Take a breath and a sip of tea. I also have some smelling salts if you require them. :)

    2. Let's take a walk outside in the brisk air to refresh ourselves....

    3. Thanks. I do need to sit a spell.

    4. So sorry I missed the fun of all those chats, Chappy - my day was so busy, I only arrived a short while ago.

  18. Congratulations on your releases, Andrea, Elaine, and Angela! They sound wonderful and I cannot wait to read them!!

    1. So sweet of you to extend these kind wishes! Welcome to our Tea Party. :)

  19. Congratulations Andrea Boeshaar, Elaine Marie Cooper, and Angela Couch on your new releases. I am so excited to learn more about them. I love civil war and historical fiction. I live close to Gettysburg, PA and go there many times exploring and imagining what could have been. I can't wait to read these exciting new books.

    1. Thank you so much! So glad you could stop in!

    2. Thank you, Deanne. When I visited the Shenandoah Valley last year, I had similar thoughts. Oh, the history of that place!!!

    3. History of the United States is a passion of mine! I'm so grateful to the thousands of Americans who keep it alive in museums and historical sites throughout the country.

    4. I enjoy not only reading Christian fiction but learning about history. Great job ladies.

    5. Just the name Shenandoah Valley invites historical interest, doesn't it - Andrea??

  20. Oh, my. I'd forgotten how much fun it is here. I've been snowed under with other things. The new releases look wonderful! Congratulations, ladies. After a quick sip of that wonderfully aromatic herbal tea, I must be off to another commitment.

    1. So glad you were able to stop in, even for just a moment! Blessings to you.

  21. I had so much fun today from 2-3pm. Right now Elaine Cooper is hosting the tea party.

  22. Hi everyone. My name is Debra Dawn. I am happy to be here at this party. All of the tea party's are a lot of fun. Congratulations on all of your books ladies. Now, it is time to mingle. :)

    1. Hello my daughter! You look lovely. Enjoy the party.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thanks mom. I am enjoying the party. :)

    4. Hi, Debra Dawn. Welcome to the CQ tea party. Angela Couch is presently hosting on the FB page.

    5. Thanks Andrea. I told Angela hi. :)

    6. It's lovely to meet you, Debra Dawn! Welcome to our Tea Party!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Hello everyone! I have really enjoyed today's Tea Party! It's such a blessing making new friends and getting together on here! Definitely is a blessing to me, love you all!

    1. Mamma G, we are grateful for your friendship and attendance! Welcome. :)

  26. I hosted the tea party from 2pm to 3pm. I had fun too, MammaG.

  27. Two of my publishers agreed to a "Tea Party Special" on two of my books. "Everlasting Light" (A Civil War Christmas story) and "Seasons of Love" (3 contemporary novellas -- the last a Christmas romance-- all with correlating recipes) both for $0.99 today. Find the links below.



  28. That is both books are $0.99 EACH.

  29. Hi, everyone! I'm with Chappy! Hard to keep up!
    All the books look wonderful! And the Kindle would be a dream come true!!
    Thank you ladies so much for the prizes and party. Good luck and God's Blessings to everyone.
    I'm going to try to find a spot by the fire, can't blame everyone for crowding around it!
    (if this posts twice, I'm sorry. My computer and Blog Spot have a very definite love hate relationship!

    1. I'll join you by the fire.....maybe it will calm our spinning heads.

    2. How about some of this wonderful cider to help warm you up?

    3. I love to sip a cuppa tea and watch the party! ;)

    4. Hi, Robbye...I'll make room for you near the hearth.

    5. Delightful to have you here, Robbye! Do sit a spell.

    6. These chats go by so fast, my head spins.

    7. I had a yen for your cider, also - Chappy. The cider I purchased wasn't nearly as tasty as I had expected. Guess I will need to make my own.

  30. Debbie, Mama G, and Caryl...I do hope you'll forgive me for my gossiping...I mean sharing news at the tea party today.One must keep up with the times, you know.

    1. Gossip? Nah, simply sharing awesome news. I hope you are enjoying the party.

    2. Andrea, you are a wealth of information. It was greatly appreciated! *wink*

    3. You've eased my conscience, ladies. :)

  31. What a wonderful Tea Party! So many wonderful, creative writers. I am sorry that I am late. Got held up in traffic, due to weather, bumpy roads and being such a long ways to come. Coming from Mackinac, traveling along the Great Lakes the air was crisp. I am ready for some hot tea!

  32. "Would I like some hot chocolate with marshmallow? Thank you, I would indeed." It is so cheery inside with the festive aromas and dear friends gathering. half-Irish Kathleen

    1. Here is an extra hanky, in case your hot chocolate gives you an unsightly chocolate mustache....hehehe.....I kid with love. Good to see you here.

    2. We must be careful not to soil our lace gloves, ladies. That fudge can be brutal to wash out.

    3. Agreed.....I shall be careful. Wait, I just remembered, I brought an extra pair....I will still be careful. If anyone spills, I am happy to lend you my extra pair.

    4. Wouldn't want to ruin our gowns either!

    5. Hi sweet Chappy, These teas are so fun and making acquaintances! Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

    6. I will have to repost my day gown ~ I would have to dye it brown, hee hee
      half-Irish Kathleen (over at FB post)

    7. I love marshmallows in my chocolate!

    8. Here is my beautiful day gown I would love to have for real to wear! half-Irish Kathleen

    9. Another great thing to try is a little iceberg of ice cream in your hot chocolate. :)

    10. A wonderful idea, ice cream in my hot chocolate. It's worth taking a chance on soiled gloves - for that yummy fudge.

  33. Hello ladies. So many pretty dresses. Oh I need close to that fireplace with something warm to drink. I get cold so easy. What a lovely tea party. And I want to congratulate these three special ladies on their new releases. All of your books sound wonderful. Maxie .
    > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

    1. I'll move over, Maxie. :) So glad you're here.

    2. Please sit close to the fire, dear Maxie...but not TOO close. Here is some warm tea to help you.

    3. I enjoy seeing all the dresses everyone posts.

  34. Congratulations Andrea, Elaine, and Angela. I love the covers of your books and I know you must be pleased with them. I followed Elaine's posts about the making of her cover and was excited when she revealed the final product.

    1. So glad you could come, Susan! And thank you for your kind words. Now sit a spell and relax a bit.

    2. These are new authors to me! Love being introduced to new authors!

    3. And we, Karen, love being introduced to new readers. :) I hope you have some time to put your feet up this busy holiday season.

  35. These books sound great! Found some new authors today and that's always good!

  36. Chappy has to for Christmas. Hugs to all! Waving as I leave.

  37. Good Afternoon Ladies! Just stopping by for a cuppa tea and wonderful conversation.. love to read all the comments!

  38. Ladies, this has been a wonderful party, but I must bundle up now for the long ride back to Maryland.

  39. Ladies it was so much fun visiting with you! Safe travels home. Have a wonderful weekend.

  40. Some really lovely books this month!

  41. Looks like great books to read while enjoying a cup of hot tea, chocolate, or coffee.

  42. Good evening, ladies! This party looks like lots of fun! And the books look intriguing! I've already had the pleasure of reading "Road to Deer Run" and it was wonderful. I highly recommend it! Would love to read Andrea's and Angela's books as well. Historical novels are my favorites. I think I'll go get a cup of tea to warm up.

    1. Glad you can make it Angi! What kind of tea would you like?

    2. Thank you, Angela! Do you have anything that won't keep me awake since it's close to bedtime? ;)

  43. I'm a last minute guest - unexpected busy day kept me from getting here until now. Such a beautiful setting for a tea, & amazing story lines in each of the featured new books - I want to read everyone of them!!

  44. Perfect tea day here in Ky., also - cold, I'm imbibing right now!!

  45. Congratulations ladies. I hope you had a lovely day and the weather suited you. Perhaps we will have a milder winter for Virginia this time. It's nice to meet our newer contributors and also see Elaine's re-release. Have a wonderful Christmas, and many sales!

  46. Congratulations ladies on 3 wonderful books! I was unable to make the party, but the books all sound like I need to get reading :)


Thanks for commenting, please check back for our replies!