
Friday, November 13, 2015


One of many enjoyable things to do in Williamsburg, Virginia is visiting the
The Williamsburg Farmer's Market
Farmer’s Market on Saturday mornings. Vendors selling locally grown vegetables, fruit, cut flowers, herbs, specialty soaps, cheeses, bakery 
products, eggs, seafood, meat and honey take over Market Square on Duke of Gloucester Street, also known fondly to locals as (DOG Street). Shoppers, many with dogs, come to purchase seasonal and
Virginia made products as well as socialize with neighbors and listen to local musicians.  

The first open market structure in Williamsburg dates back to the mid-eighteenth century, but until recent years, the exact location had not been identified. The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation meticulously researched to find the precise location and then reconstructed it according to its original plans. The original Market House was built in 1757 and remained until the 1790s when it was moved to the old Magazine. A new Market House was built in the 1830s and remained until the eve of the Civil War.

In colonial times market houses were at the heart of a city or village. Wagons and carts would travel on the unpaved roads from nearby farms or plantations to sell their goods. Local tradesmen and others with products to sell would also operate in the stalls and stands.

The Williamsburg Market House
under construction
Thanks to a generous gift of one million dollars from Forrest Mars, a replica of the 1757 timber-framed structure was recently built near the Williamsburg Magazine (where the armaments were housed). Visitors to the colonial area of the city have watched master carpenter Garland Wood leads a team of carpenters, along with Historic Area's brick makers, joiners and blacksmiths, working thousands of man-hours on this project.And in keeping with historical accuracy, a bell has been installed on top of the market house which will be rung at the start and close of business each day.

The Williamsburg Market House

Some produce is sold at the Market House, but their primary wares are souvenirs of Colonial Williamsburg. The Market House replaces the previous outdoor sales tent which stands approximately a hundred yards away.
old outdoors sales tent

The Market House Grand Opening will take place November 20 and 21, 2015 from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Market House produce
Inside the Market House


  1. Enjoyed your post Janet. I love Colonial Williamsburg, haven't been in years and hope to return someday soon.

  2. I love when efforts are made to preserve history :) I've spent a lot of time lately studying Colonial Williamsburg to get a feel for that era for the book I'm currently writing.

    1. It's a wonderful site for research and they have so much online. Thanks for stopping by, Angela.

  3. Very interesting. I love Colonial Williamsburg.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Kay. I never get tired of being there.

  4. Hope to get there to see it soon, Janet! Thanks for the article!


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