
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Off the Beaten Path: Southport, NC by Carrie Fancett Pagels

This summer I've used some travel opportunities to do research for the blog on colonial spots that are off the beaten path. One such place is near Cape Fear, North Carolina--Southport, which was a colonial era seaport of some note! Southport is approached from the Atlantic Ocean, which then empties into a river west of Cape Fear, providing some protection from storms. This spot is at the very southern tip of North Carolina coast. Beyond, is North Myrtle Beach,  in South Carolina. Although the sign, above, indicates the city was established in 1792, the town has even earlier history. See the image below. For those of you who believe the Sioux tribes were always out West, make note of the far left on the timeline.

From the River Walk in Southport, you can view large ships coming into the very deep channel of the Cape Fear River. Nowadays it is regularly dredged so that shipping companies can go upriver to dock, but when I was there, I could really imagine pirates scooting up that river and could imagine people on the banks shivering in terror!

Below is a cargo ship going upriver! It was shocking that it could be that close to shore!

The beautiful small town has a real hometown feel. Note the patriotic bunting on the lovely homes below.

This was a great place to visit! Watch for an upcoming post on another place to visit in Southport!  It has a colonial influence, too! I got several story ideas and research done while in this area and it was well worth the time we spent investigating.

Question: Have you ever visited someplace and then wanted to either read or write a story set there? Where was it?

 Bio: Carrie Fancett Pagels is the award-winning and Amazon Christian Historical Romance bestselling author of The Christy Lumber Camp Series. Her latest release, Lilacs for Juliana is now available in both ebook and paperback formats.


  1. Ah! You are writing about my home state and the area I grew up in. I actually grew up in Wilmington which is right up the Cape Fear. That entire area is rich in historical heritage from early settlement through the Revolutationary War, Civil War, and WWII. I recently read and reviewed Mary Ellis's book that was set in Wilmington - the Last Heiress. So much fun to again "walk" the streets of home.

    If you are planning on a book set in that area, please contact me about a review.

    godleyv [at] yahoo {dot} com

    1. Wilmington looked like another great place to investigate, Vera! We drove by but didn't go into town! I'd love to go again! I'll have to check out Mary's book! Thanks!

  2. Did you see the old, old oak tree (I think) there? It's amazing. My late husband's favorite author lived there as well - Robert Ruark. Sure wish I knew someone interested in his books, as Steve had a nice collection of his books, which are no longer in print.
    Susan in NC

    1. His books looked fascinating, Susan! Hang onto those! The museum there had lots of pictures of Mr. Ruark and his books! Yes, I saw an old oak. Blessings!


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