
Friday, July 31, 2015

July Tea Party - MaryLu Tyndall, Gabrielle Meyer, and Rebecca DeMarino on a Pirate Ship!!!

WELCOME to Nassau harbor!!! This lovely island is one of the settings for The Reckoning, MaryLu Tyndall's latest exciting release!  This is a time travel book, so there are both contemporary and historical elements plus even an alternate reality section--it really showcases MaryLu's considerable skills as an author!

A modern day miss is transported back in time when she finds this amulet aboard ship during a modern-day Tall Ships festival in coastal California! And it plays a part in the story line, of course, for the ending because there has to be a "portal" when you have a time travel novel.

Hero Captain Dutton's ship, "The Reckoning"!

Come on into the Captain's cabin and have some refreshments!

Also, be sure to stop by our Facebook party, during which the authors will be chatting with our guests. The FB party event page is the place to show off your clothing for this event!

The Reckoning, by MaryLu Tyndall

Isn't this a gorgeous cover? Love it!
Available for purchase online at Amazon. (click here)
(For Barnes and Noble, click on the cover image!)

Giveaways: In addition to a copy of her book, MaryLu has a nice ocean bath gift basket that contains Bubble bath, bath salts, shower gel, and  body lotion. 

We're serving an assortment of teas, lemonade and Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. 
Desserts:  Plum-Duff pudding, Shrewsbury Cakes
Snacks/ meal:  Goose and Truffle Pie, Lobscouse, Breadfruit biscuit, and an assortment of toasted cheese.
 * * * *
A Groom for Josette is the second story we're celebrating during our July Tea Party! This story, by Gabrielle Meyer, is a novella in The Convenient Bride Collection from Barbour Publishers.

Once you step off Captain Dutton's ship, The Reckoning, be sure to board Itasca, a Mississippi steamboat traveling from St. Louis to Minneapolis in 1855.

This is the ship our heroine, Josette LeBlanc, takes from St. Louis to Minnesota Territory in hopes of finding a husband. She goes after seeing this ad: Wanted: good-looking women for the town of Little Falls, Minnesota Territory. We guarantee a hundred eligible bachelors for every single lady. If interested, please inquire with Philip Sommers at the company store.

Josette LeBlanc, the daughter of a French Fur Trader
and a Chippewa mother
Josette must find a husband within three weeks, or her father's shipping empire will fall into the hands of her incompetent half-brother, and she'll be cast out on the street.

Little Falls, Minnesota

When Josette arrives in Little Falls, she reserves a sitting room at the Northern Hotel to conduct interviews with prospective grooms. However, when the appointed hour arrives, the hotel proprietor doesn't bring her to the sitting room...he brings her to the ballroom, where over a hundred eligible men stand waiting!

But only one man catches Josette's eye. His name is Alexandre Dugas and he's traveling up the Mississippi from New Orleans to pastor a small church just north of Little Falls.
The only problem is, he isn't looking for a wife.

Reverend Alexandre Dugas
When Alexandre meets Josette, he feels compelled to marry her...but a misunderstanding threatens both their plans. Will they find their happily-ever-after, or have they made the biggest mistake of their lives?

The Convenient Bride Collection is available for purchase online at Amazon. (Click here.)

Visit Gabrielle's author Facebook page here.
Gabrielle is offering a copy of The Convenient Bride Collection to one lucky winner!

Step into the 17th Century with a chance to win a copy of To Capture Her Heart 
And sail on The Swallow from Nassau 
to Southold, Long Island, NY
Mayhap the Captain of The Reckoning will toss us a breadfruit biscuit! Or better still, we'll walk the plank and join the party with a plate of Mary Horton's Ginger Cakes! 
Captain Horton's The Swallow
It is 1653 and Heather Flower, a princess of the Montaukett tribe, is celebrating her wedding feast when a rival tribe attacks, killing the groom and kidnapping her.  Though her ransom is paid by an Englishman, she is bound by her captors and left to die—until she finds herself rescued by handsome Dutch Lieutenant Dirk Van Buren.

Still tender from her loss, Heather Flower begins to heal in the home of the Hortons, English friends of her people. Torn between her affection for Dirk and her longtime friendship with Ben Horton, Heather Flower must make a difficult choice—stay true to her friend or follow her heart. 

Giveaway: A Copy of To Capture Her Heart

Rebecca DeMarino writes love, legends and lore as a historical romance author and lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She inherited her love of baking and gardening from her mother, a love of horses, reading and writing from her dad, and the wanderlust gene from both parentsHer travels have taken her from Alaska to Nebraska and Florida, from Long Island to England and Italy, and from Washington DC to Texas, California and Guam. 

Our wonderful Facebook Party Event page was taken down--we don't know why.  But here is the link to the new page (click here) where you can chat live with authors from 5:45 to 9:00 PM Eastern Time.  


  1. I am always amazed at MaryLu's ship pictures! I enjoyed reading Rebecca's & Gabrielle's books now I just have to get The Reckoning ! Looks so good...
    dkstevensneAToutlookD oTCoM

    1. Thank you for reading our stories, Deanna! MaryLu's looks so intriguing! I'm also amazed at her pictures. They're so vibrant!

    2. Hi Deanna! You look lovely! Would you like some ginger cakes? They are delicious with tea!

    3. Deanna, you look lovely today! I do hope you win the Reckoning... especially now that you've been aboard the ship. :-)

    4. Thank you so much, Deanna! I know you will enjoy reading The Reckoning ~ the ship is divine, is it not?!

    5. Thank you Ladies for the constant inspiration you provide in your books. It is great to have some Wonderful Christian Authors who let us enjoy a part of their lives thru your books. MaryLu, Rebecca and Gabriella!

  2. Three very intriguing books by three 3 talented authors! Wow! What fun to have a tea in this beautiful captain's cabin. I am also amazed at MaryLu's ship pictures. Where do you get them all, MaryLu? Love the concept of a seafaring time travel.

    1. I hope MaryLu tells us where she found those pictures. They're incredible! It's a beautiful location for our tea party, and makes me all the more intrigued to read her story. Thank you for stopping by today, Lisa!

    2. The pictures really make stories come alive in my mind.

    3. Now here's a lady who knows her way around the captain's cabin! Tea and ginger cakes? What a fetching gown!

    4. Welcome Lisa!! Pinterest, my dear... Pinterest! Check out tall ships.

    5. Thank you for the welcome, Gabrielle, Carrie and MaryLu! Gabrielle, I really enjoyed your pictures as well; they really tell the story! And MaryLu, ah, Pinterest - thank you! Yes, Carrie, tea and ginger cakes, please. So delighted to be here.

    6. 'Tis beautiful on board! Ah, Pinterest - love it!

  3. Welcome to our tea party, ladies! I hope you're enjoying the lovely spread the captain has laid out for us today. Make yourselves at home, and feel free to poke around a bit. I wonder what secrets lie within the nooks and crannies in this room?

    The weather is breathtaking today in Nassau, so be sure to take a stroll on deck, just watch your step. I'm sure the crew will be happy to oblige any and all questions.

    Don't forget to join our live conversation on Facebook today from 6:00-9:00 p.m. EDT!

    1. Thank you, Gabrielle. This is a gorgeous setting and you look lovely! Let me pour you some tea.

    2. Thank You Gabriella - I look forward to talking to you thru fb! Going there now!

  4. I agree, Kate! It's fun to see the inspiration for the author's setting and characters. I hope you have a lovely time at the party today. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Such a beautiful setting, and delightful snacks and desserts. Likewise, some beautiful books - thanks for the giveaway opportunities. I have MaryLu and Rebecca's wonderful books and would love to win The Convenient Bride Collection and other goodies!! And of course, will donate the other books to my church library, if won.


    1. Hi Bonnie, great to see you here! Sit down with me and have some ginger cakes. We have more food coming shortly!

    2. Welcome Bonnie! You look lovely in your gown today!! :-)

    3. So nice to see you here, Bonnie! A party isn't the same without you. :)

    4. So good to see you, Bonnie! I'm joining you and Carrie for a little tea and ginger cakes!

  6. What a fun post with lots of beautiful pictures. I recently won a copy of The Covenient Bride Collection, but I would love to win and read The Reckoning or To Capture Her Heart as well!! :) Super excited about these novels!! Thanks for the giveaway!


    1. Isn't that a great book, Sydney? So many different stories in it. Loved Gabrielle's novella. And Rebecca and MaryLu are talented authors so here's wishing you well in the win!

    2. Greetings Sydney! I pray you win as well! Do wander about the ship and enjoy yourself! :-)

    3. So happy to hear you won The Convenient Bride Collection! It's a wonderful book. I hope you enjoy reading all the great stories! And good luck with the drawings here.

    4. Good morrow, Sidney! Delightful to see you!

  7. I, too, welcome everyone to the ship, Reckoning!! Isn't the captain's cabin just delightful? Morgan Shaw, the heroine of my book, decorated it herself! (With Captain Dutton's permission of course!) Normally it's quite a mess. LOL. Please help yourselves to the refreshments. We have lots of local delicacies along with tea, lemonade and iced coffee. The weather, as Gabrielle, said is indeed divine... in the low 80s with a stiff Caribbean breeze. Feel free to wander about the ship and up on deck (I'd stay away from the gunroom if I were you. The crew were told to remain there out of sight and they aren't the most mannerly sort, if you know what I mean!) Ladies, you may want to have your fans ready because it does get a bit warm below decks! Welcome, Welcome!! Captain Dutton says this is the first tea party he's ever hosted on board his pirate ship. He winks... Ladies, you best stay away from him.. he's taken, you know. ;-)

    1. This is absolutely gorgeous, MaryLu and thank you for inviting us here to Nassau and to The Reckoning! Captain Dutton sure is a handsome fellow for a pirate and I shall spread the word that his heart is claimed!

    2. (Chappy enters the Captain's cabin....smilin' real big)
      Ahoy, me Cap'n MaryLu! Chappy has arrived! Let the festivities begin! Ye know, ye don't have to tell me twice about wanderin' about the be such a fine day and I can't wait to see every part of this here ship, even below decks. If those scallywags give me any trouble, I'll show them the business side of me cutlass! Ye be lookin' mighty fine in yer dress there, Cap'n MaryLu....I'm sure there will be plenty of reasons fer the crew to be peakin' their heads above deck, from what I've heard, they can't pass up the opportunity to stare at fanciful women...or any woman for that fact. Anyhoo, I will be strollin' all over this ship throughout the day, eventually makin' me way up into the crow's nest. I can't wait to see the view from up there! So, if ye be excusin' ole Chappy, I think I best get goin' on me private tour and see what this here ship has to offer. Oh, and tell Captain Dutton that I be wantin' to meet him sometime today. I am anxious to talk to him about his recent adventures with Miss Morgan. Haha! Such a tale! Well, off I go! Talk to ye all later!!!!!
      (Chappy leaves the cabin...lookin' fer adventure)

    3. Do be careful, Chappy!! The crew seems a bit restless down in the gunroom. I dare say Captain Dutton has been asking to meet you too! I shall go see if I can find him. You do look stunning in your gown, dear.. but please don't trip on your skirts climbing to the crows nest! :-)

    4. Oh no worries about me skirt, dear, ye see I've learned to pull me skirt up between me legs and tuck it into me waistband....instant bloomers! So, climbin' to the crow's nest shall not be a problem. I will, however, probably need to take a nap later in said crow's nest....just a short one, mind ye, just to refresh meself. This is goin' to be a looonnnggg day fer ole Chappy, so I need to be pacin' meself. Oh, there be the handsome Captain excuse me dear Cap'n MaryLu, while I make me way over to converse wit' the man........

    5. I am hoping to have a tour of the ship later. I will be sure to stay away from the gun room.
      Oh, Chappy, you be ever so careful if you do climb to the crow's nest.

    6. No worries, Miss Tina....I am always careful. ;-)

    7. Greetings, MaryLu! What a fantastic idea to party on The Reckoning! So nice to see Gabrielle and Carrie and all the ladies!

    8. Hi Marylu- What a Devine Captains Table, Morgan decorates so devinely!

    9. Oh I want to read Marylu`s New book so bad. I enjoy your books and can hardly put them down.

  8. That's one of the reasons I love Pinterest in the 21st century, Kate! Just got here from there via the internet portal, which had been down for 12 hours! Whew! Let me get a tray of goodies and bring them around!

  9. I have read To Capture Her Heart! A great book ! I haven't read any of the other ones yet!

    1. Welcome Debbie! Enjoy the party!

    2. You'll have to chat with the authors tonight on the Facebook page and learn more about their stories, Debbie! Right now I'm bringing around Plum-Duff pudding. Care for some?

    3. Good day, Debbie....I've yet to read To Capture Her looks very good! I pray that ye have a great time here at the party!

    4. Welcome, Debbie! I hope you get a chance to read the others. We have some very talented authors amongst us. :) Good luck in the drawing.

    5. Thanks to all of you for the welcome and I will be in and out getting ready to go to my sister's for the week as I helping you in her church's VBS this week

    6. Debbie!! So good to see you! Welcome and thank you for coming by! I do hope you had time to sit for a spot of tea. And the table is laden with so many sweets and delectables, 'tis hard to choose!

    7. ok since this a virtual party I want to sample all, guess it is okay to be greedy, don't have to worry about the calories and there won't be a shortage of food, so we don't have to worry about running out before the rest of the guests get here

  10. Oh my goodness , what gorgeous pictures ! I am always amazed how an excellent author can transport me right there to the story and what is taking place there . I always feel as though I've found a friend in all the books I read ! Looking forward to reading these wonderful books and chatting with the authors at the party today !
    Deanne Patterson
    Cnnamongirl at aol dot com

    1. Greetings Deanne!! So glad you could make it! It's equally hard for me to finish a book I'm writing because the characters have become such dear friends. :-) Enjoy yourself here on The Reckoning!

    2. Deanne, I have to agree with MaryLu. It can be so hard to finish a story when the characters have become so near and dear to my heart. I'm also looking forward to the Facebook party later today!!

  11. I wish I could make it might just pop in to say hi! I Love how your imagination is sparked by each one of the Talented Authors who Bless Us With Being apart of this! It is wonderful and I will read each information on this page as we drive to New York City! Be Blessed Everyone!

    1. Here's a cup of Plum Duff to take with you, Justina!

    2. Oh, New York!! I wish I were traveling there today. Have fun!!

  12. Greetings Kate!!! I pray you enjoy the party!

  13. Oh my goodness, these books all sound so amazing!!! I think the travel bug just bit me again too!!

    1. Travel bug? Sure hope you don't mean those scurvy devils have gotten aboard ship. Sit yourself down and have some Plum Duff, ginger cakes and tea. Three lovely authors at this party!

    2. Abby... could be those weevils in the hard biscuits! I shall have the cook get rid of them right away. ;-) Welcome!

    3. That's what I love about books, Abby! They transport us all over the world. :) Have a lovely time at the party!!

    4. Welcome Abby - if you stay long, don't let the bedbugs bite! Oh, gracious! Did I say that? So good to see and thank you for coming to our tea party!

    5. Thank you all very much for your kind invitation!! I do believe it is the call of adventure that has bitten me, sorry to alarm anyone to the possibility of bugs nearby!

      oops, I forgot my email! alander87 at allcom dot net!

  14. CONGRATULATIONS MaryLu, Gabe and Rebecca on your releases! I so excited for you. I am ready for some time travel. I already have a copy of The Convenient Brides. I am looking forward to reading Heather Flowers story. What a wonderful celebration you are having! :)

    1. Welcome Caryl!!! But are you ready to be transported back 300 years onto a pirate ship? LOL

    2. Thank you, Caryl!! So nice to see your lovely face at the party. I'm having so much fun aboard this ship!! And the food is much better than I expected from pirates!

    3. Thank you sooo much, Carol! have a tea whilst you peruse the books!

  15. This is my 2nd virtual tea party. I'm thinking a likely target for rebel crew members is where food and ladies are handy, so I will mostly be topside enjoying the view from the foredeck under my ruffled parasol. Thank you for the invite ladies. :)
    Fun to learn of Gabrielle Meyer. Brilliant to tie the tea party into your blogspot.

    1. Aye, ye may be right, Bethany!! I may join ye topside where we can catch the gentle breeze. Enjoy!

    2. So nice to meet you, Bethany! Parties are a good place to get acquainted with new friends. Your parasol is lovely and matches your dress to perfection. Thank you for stopping by the party!

    3. Such a pleasure to meet you! Thank you for coming by, and might I join you and MaryLu topside?

  16. What a wonderful party! Not only is it a joy to be here with you lovely ladies, but I'm thrilled to find three new books that I cannot wait to read! My stomach is telling me it's time for some food, but before I have any refreshments, I must purchase each of these books. Save a Shrewsberry cake for me, please.

    1. Saving a cake for you, Cynthia! Thank you for joining us!!

    2. We'll be sure to save several pieces of cake for you, Cynthia! So nice to see you here. :)

    3. And a cup of tea, Cynthia! So good to see you, Cynthia!

  17. Greetings! Honour Metcalf here. I have recently arrived all the way from Boston. 'Twas afraid I might have missed boarding this grand ship, but I am so pleased to have made it to offer my solicitations to my dear author friends. Huzzah, ladies, huzzah!

    1. Welcome Miss Metcalf! So nice to see you! Thank you for venturing so far to join our party. You are looking none the worse for your long journey and are quite fetching in that gown. :-)

    2. Wonderful to see you again! What a journey you've made, and in such good timing, too. I hope the weather was decent for your trip. Now that you're here, relax and enjoy the Caribbean breeze. It's so lovely...

    3. So good to see you! Thank you so very much for coming! Might I offer you a spot of tea?

  18. Wasn't sure about this time travel thing, but I finally am here on this beautiful ship, The Reckoning. ..whispers, hope there aren't any of those pirates lurking around.
    My first time here in Nassau, such a gorgeous place and a lovely breeze.
    Captain Dutton's cabin is much larger than I thought...and what an offering of refreshments! I certainly will try some of that Goose & Truffle Pie with a tall glass of lemonade. Per chance, will we be meeting Captain Dutton and his lady? Oh, I see many of my friends here, I must go and greet them.

    I do so enjoy these little tea parties and coming in costume. Congratulations ladies on your books! I have read The Reckoning and The Convenient Bride Collection...excellent stories. I have not read To Capture Her Heart, yet. It sounds like a story I would enjoy.

    1. Tina... I see you made it through time without any bruises! Indeed, there be pirates lurking about but Captain Dutton has them well under hand. Nothing to fear. He expresses his great desire to meet all of the lovely ladies at the party and will join us shortly. Enjoy!

    2. Yes, Capt'n MaryLu, I made it without any mishaps. You and Captain Dutton have put my mind at ease.

    3. So happy you stopped by to celebrate and enjoy the lovely party, Tina. I've heard the captain is around today...I can't wait to get a peek at him myself. :)

  19. Hello everyone! I am glad to see everyone here! I am currently travelling between centuries and finishing up my baking for today's tea party! I truly hope that you will enjoy what I have cooked up for today's event. I must say farewell for now, I spy a handsome pirate walking this way!

    1. Beware of those handsome pirates! ;) Enjoy the party, and thank you for the treats!

    2. I am about to bake corn muffins back in the 21st century so I'm time traveling over there, where I'll also be creating some more jewelry for our guests!

  20. I am enjoy the lovely view of Nassau from the top deck! The water is so amazingly clear. Oh wait, I think I see some bloomers flying from the crow's nest.

    1. Oh my, I believe you are correct. Here, turn away and have a shrewsbury cake!

    2. That must be Chappy!! I told her not to climb up there in her gown!

    3. Oops! Sorry ladies! Wavin' to ye from be so nice up here, the view is amazin'!

    4. I've never met Chappy before...and now I've seen more of her than I expected... :)

  21. Hello friends! I am excited to be here, but I only have a moment. These books look lovely! I have the Rebecca Demarino book to read and review and it's coming up shortly! After I am done I am hoping to acquire and read the Marylu Tyndall book, because all her books are fabulous! Stopping for a quick snack and them off to ready myself to take my daughter and her friend on a grand adventure to another city to see a concert. Enjoy the day ladies! And congrats on the new releases! And Gabrielle I am ready to read one of your books! I am sure they are just as delightful!

    1. Hi Nancy!! So glad you could make it!! Enjoy your concert. :-) I do hope the pirates will regale us with a ditty. They are quite good at it.

    2. So nice to see you here, Nancy. I hope you get a chance to read one of my stories. :) Have fun at the concert!! Sounds like a good time.

  22. Oh my goodness! What a plethora of reading pleasures abound here! They all sound wonderful. I hope I haven't missed too much. My early morning was crowded, and I have just this few minutes over my lunch hour. I'll try to check back in again this evening.

    1. Welcome Judith!! So glad you could make it. Don't miss out on the plum-duff pudding before you leave. Or in meeting Captain Dutton! :-)

    2. So nice of you to stop by for the few moments you could!! Be sure to fill up on all the goodies and take a quick look around. :)

  23. What a lovely party! I am so sorry I must return to work. Might I take one of these lovely sweets for my trip? I look forward to reading all these wonderful stories 😀

    1. Please do take some refreshments with you, Betti! So glad you could pop in. :-)

    2. Yes! Please do take some treats, and before you return to work, be sure to step up to the main deck and inhale some of that amazing Caribbean breeze!

  24. I am home for a short while after our last day of Bible Time at my church. I did the Preschool class which is supposed to be for church kids only (4 kids) and I ended up with 13 kids. I'm ready for some refreshments and these look delicious.

    1. Indeed, you must be in need of refreshments, Becky, with 13 kids to manage! Please have a seat and grab some lemonade!

    2. Bless your heart!! As a mother of four (including 5-year-old twin boys), I appreciate our church volunteers so much!! Take a moment to catch your breath, indulge in a few treats, and soak up that beautiful Nassau sunshine!

  25. (Chappy enters the Captain's cabin....flustered)
    Well, isn't this a fine mess! Has anyone seen Farley and Edith? I tore me gown and cut me leg on some riggin'. It's not too bad, but I need it looked at and me dress needs mendin'......Can I get something to drink, please....I be quite parched. Thanks kindly. I will wait right here for Farley and Edith. Waving to all the pretty people!

    1. Indeed, Chappy! Someone mentioned seeing your bloomers up in the tops! LOL. Let me go find Edith and Farley right away. They'll have you patched up and sewn up as quick as you can say "pirate" !

    2. Thanks kindly, Cap'n MaryLu.....I do believe I will sit here awhile and people watch. I want to be able to go back up in the crow's nest later to watch the sun set.....should be gorgeous! And, aye, I will be careful.

    3. Ah Chappy, hope you have yourself all patched up.

    4. I hope someone has seen to your cuts! Wouldn't want to have anything ruin your time at the party.

    5. Coming through with Lobscouse and biscuits and tea! Anyone care for some?

  26. Forgive my tardiness, but the winds were not favorable, and walking the plank a bit of a tizzy! But The Reckoning is grand and I'm so thrilled to be celebrating with MaryLu and Gabrielle! Carrie's tea parties are divine and not to be missed! And the gowns are delightful! I borrowed Heather Flower's wedding gown and I'm feeling a bit like a princess! So wonderful to see so many lovely ladies! Welcome!!

    1. You are too sweet, Mrs. DeMartino! I am so happy for you, MaryLu, and Gabrielle! That is a goreous gown!

    2. Simply beautiful!! So fun to be celebrating together. :)


    A foole, later shortened to fool, is a dessert made by blending pureed sweetened fruit with sweetened whipped cream or cooled custard. I hope you enjoy this sweet treat!

    1. Yummy!! That sounds and looks delicious, MammaG! I can't wait to try it. Thank you so much. :-)

    2. You are very welcome! I hope the Captain will like them as well!

    3. Sounds so refreshing! Can't wait to taste this.

  28. Hey Ladies! So fun to see so many people I know at the party! Carrie always throws wonderful tea parties! Couldn't let the day pass without stopping in (since I'm finally home!) Off to find something yummy to eat. ;o)

    1. Debbie Lynne, you sweet thing, thanks so much for dropping by! Yes, Carrie is the queen of the tea party! Do try the Lobscose... I hear it's divine. And don't forget to meet Rowan Dutton... and Miss Morgan. They have quite the tale to tell!

    2. Hello Ms. Debbie Lynne! Lovely seeing you here at this fine celebration. You are looking quite beautiful today!

    3. Thank you for stopping by, Debbie! Please try a little of everything on the table, I hear the Plum Duff is delicious. :)

    4. Try some of this Lobscouse and biscuits that MaryLu wanted served today. It is delicious, Debbie Lynne! And TY for your kind words!

  29. Blown Almonds

    Gently baked almonds, dipped first in egg white and drenched with sugar, make a simple dessert.

    18th Century
    “After having scalded and blanch’d your Almonds, let them be stirr’d about in the White of an Egg: Then let them be put into powder’d Sugar, and well roll’d in it. Having thus ic’d them over once, if you perceive that they are not done enough, dip them again into the White of an Egg, and afterwards into powder’d Sugar: At last , they may be laid upon a Sheet of Paper, and bak’d in an Oven, with a gentle Fire.”

    1. Wow... I love almonds and this sounds scrumptious!

    2. I must confess, almonds are one of my favorites, as well. Just ate some chocolate covered almonds a few moments ago!

  30. Oh my, those sound wonderful Gracie! I'm afraid I forgot to add the oil to my cornbread muffins! They turned out all right but not as moist and flavorful as they'd have been with oil in them. :( My sweet neighbor broke her leg and I'm making her dinner for tonight, which I can share here on the blog, too!

    1. That is so thoughtful of you Miss Carrie! I'm sure that your muffins taste great! Best wishes to your neighbor!

    2. For today's "fooIe" I took some strawberries, and mango's, with a "hint" of pineapple and folded that into some freshly made sweet cream. You can also substitute with cooled custard .

  31. I love these neat pictures you have posted about pirate ships, It's all so interesting! My ship was held up by the weather but i've finally made it. Hi Ladies!

    1. Hello Miss Jennifer. would you care for some coconut-pineapple "Foole"? It is delicious.

    2. Why yes I would be delighted to have some!

    3. Good afternoon, Jennifer!! So glad you could make it! I pray you enjoy your time aboard the Reckoning!

    4. I'll for sure enjoy my visit! Thank you

    5. So happy you could join us, and the weather held out for you. :) Now that you're here, you can relax and enjoy the party!!

  32. Oh My is Ms. Chappy alright?! She was so PRECARIOUSLY perched on the edge of the nest admiring the view. Or maybe she was wanting a private meeting with the captain of this fine vessel. Someone please keep an eye on her.....

    Hello Ms. Carrie, thank you for the scrumptious refreshments. You are so thoughtful!

    1. She always does that, Caryl! Never you fear! May I offer you some of GRACIE's yummy coconut-pineapple "FOOLE" which tastes delicious!!!

    2. Ahoy Caryl! I be just fine....a bit tired from all the climbin', but doin' good! Miss Carrie, how lovely ye look! Thanks fer the vote of confidence. Big hugs!

    3. I do believe Chappy seeks that handsome pirate, Rowan Dutton. She's always climbing about the rigging and tops... never fear she's got her sea legs from her time on my ship, The Redemption.

    4. Ye know that Rowan be hidin' from me.....he be afraid that I be wantin' to do a little sword fightin' wit' him. He is always afraid of hurtin' ole Chappy....silly pirate!

    5. He has become quite the gentlemen since Morgan got ahold of him. LOL. But I do believe he's witnessed yer skill at the sword, Chappy!

    6. Aye, that be true. So, what refreshments do ye recommend? I be quite famished and thirsty.

    7. I would love to witness the sword skills of our Captain!

    8. Mayhaps MaryLu can convince the Cap'n to put on a little show.....I fer one, would be up front and center to watch! What say you, MaryLu? Now, where did she wander off to? Got to tie a bell on that woman!

    9. I think a little sword fighting would be just the thing to entertain our guests!

  33. Blown Almonds sound really good!

  34. Would anyone care for a bite of Kesha yena?Keshi Yena is
    a shrimp (or chicken or beef) mixture is baked inside a hollowed whole Edam cheese ball.Can I freshen your tea perhaps?

    1. This is turning into an amazing selection of goodies and I'm getting mighty famished just hearing so many yummy choices.

  35. Hey Everybody! So excited to be here! I love Tea Parties! Everyone looks nice in their outfits! All the stories sound great! I love to read Historical Romance books......The covers are gorgeous! I think I am going to head over to buffet and grab me a cup of tea and some Plum -Duff Pudding! I am going to mingle and talk to everyone!

    1. Welcome Janet!! We are equally excited to see you here! You look lovely today. Enjoy the refreshments and beware the occasional pirate peeking up from the hold. ;-)

    2. Hello, Janet! So nice of you to join us today. Isn't the ship amazing? And that Caribbean breeze is heavenly. The Plum Duff pudding has been a hit today! Be sure to take seconds.

    3. Janet, I'm serving Lobscouse with biscuits right now and there are ginger cakes and a yummy "Foole" and other treats! Welcome! Yes, try the Plum Duff!

  36. Oh yes just in time! Pass some this way need to refresh myself on this warm day! Thank You So Much everything looks and taste so Yummy!! Especially the Captain

  37. Whew! Glad to know Ms. Chappy is alright. I would love some "FOOLE" especially after ALL the excitement that has been happening on the top deck......

    1. Thank ye fer yer concerns, Miss Caryl. May I sit with ye fer awhile? Before I be headin' back up on deck....I love it out there!

    2. Ms. Chappy I would enjoy visiting with you! I do love looking out on this beautiful sea.

  38. I have finally made my way from the Dakota Territory. It was a long and difficult journey. I'm so happy to be here with all you lovely ladies! Everyone looks gorgeous!

    Congratulations to the authors. I cannot wait to read them!

    1. Welcome and thank you, Regina! You have, indeed, come a long way. Please rest and enjoy the lovely Caribbean breeze and some cool refreshments. :-)

    2. Did you come by way of a steam boat on the Mississippi to New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico? If you did, you might have run into Josette and Alexandre--and maybe you heard Alexandre preach on the way down. I hear he has quite a way with his sermons...

    3. Thank you, Mrs Tyndall! The breeze is so refreshing, and I am enjoying the cool refreshments.

      Mrs. Meyer, I did travel that way. After seeing a steam ship explode, I was nervous ours was next! Oh boy, I have been shaking in my shoes ever since. Maybe it was Alexandre's powerful prayers that got us safely to harbor. I hope you will be able to hear him preach sometime.

    4. Glad you made it through your time travel portal all right, Mistress Fujitani! Sit down and have some hot Lobscouse with some biscuits fresh from the oven.

  39. How is everyone doing? day! My you all look lovely! Captain Rowan and his crew are definitely on their best behavior today.Everyone looks stunning! Thank you all for coming!

    1. I believe the Captain threatened the crew with keelhauling if they didn't behave!

    2. Yikes! I didn't think he could be that mean! But it looks like the threat is working!

    3. There's been a bit of noise coming from the hold...but I hope the pirates behave themselves...wouldn't want any trouble, though it would be exciting. :)

  40. I do not envy the choices that Heather Flower will have to make!

  41. I'm currently enjoying some pink lemonade right now and tastes so refreshing!

    1. Would anyone care for a glass?

    2. Just got the base made for the Lobscouse recipe, Jennifer! Should have that baked within the hour. How about some tea? But that pink lemonade does sound great (pssst--did you brink back any ice from the 21st century???)

    3. Oh my, I'd love a glass. It's getting quite hot below decks!

    4. I'd also love a glass, thank you!

  42. All of your books sound awesome! I cannot read fast enough! :D Thank you all for many hours of entertainment.

  43. It's quite pleasant to be reading on the top deck. The breeze is lovely and the view is incredible!

    1. Sounds lovely! The sunshine is divine.

    2. Shall I go fetch you some tea or lemonade, Caryl ?

  44. Well, Chappy needs to do some time travelin' back to our appointment....I shall return later, Mateys!
    *POOF* (Chappy vanishes!)

  45. I have read To Capture my Heart and loved it so much can not wait till next year and the third book comes out. I am in the process of reading Convenient Bride so far it is also awesome! I have not had a chance to read Marylou's book but I have it on my wish list.

    I am thankful for the new link to the party. Looking forward to participating on facebook

    1. So nice to see you, Wilani! I hope you enjoy looking around the captain's cabin and partaking in some delicious treats!

    2. What a lovely name Wilani! Thank you for coming to our party! We are still in full swing and I'm sure you'll find much to entertain you. :-)

  46. Ahoy! I'm back from my road trip & thought I'd stop in for refreshments.. Sounds like a lively party & the comments are so fun to catch up on~

  47. Ms. Rebecca, how did you come to write about the Native Americans? I enjoy learning about different people groups. I am looking forward to reading your books.

  48. Would anyone care for a tea refill, or perhaps another of the delectable treats we have here?

  49. *POOF* (Chappy reappears, with a huge grin on her face)
    Oh yeah! I return wit' great news! Me blood tests came back clean, which means that me liver be fine! Praise be to God! I'm so excited, I could run laps around this ship! Anyone care to join me on deck fer some fresh air? No, I won't make ye run...but I may ask ye to do a little jig wit' me!

    1. I'd love to do a jig with ye, Chappy!! Let me get one of the sailors to play his fiddle. God be so good!!

    2. Sounds good! I be ready to jig all over the deck! (Lifts skirt and does a little jig)

    3. I'll join you in a celebratory jig! We do serve an mighty God.

  50. I am ready to dance a jig!There's fair winds a blowing!

  51. What a wonderful party.Long journey and really hot. I would love a refreshing cold drink. Tea or lemonade please. A great bunch of lovely ladies here. Congratulations to MaryLu, Gabrielle, and Rebecca and your newly released books. Would love to read them all. I must move around and chat with some of these lovely ladies after I refresh with something to drink.
    Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

  52. I be havin' a thought....what say we have that jig AND watch some swordplay! Think ye can convince the Cap'n to put on a little show, MaryLu?

    1. Aye, I believe Miss Morgan can convince him. He does just about everything she asks!

  53. Such beautiful pictures and the necklace is stunning.

  54. Hello Carrie, care for a cup of tea, or perhaps a serving of "foole" ?

  55. I'm going to try this again. I had posted a comment this morning but it seems to have disappeared. I have read both The Reckoning and To Capture Her Heart already and loved both of them. The description of the novella in the collection sounds wonderful too. I'm going to have to see if my husband will let me buy it. He limits how much I can spend on books because we both know it would be way to easy to destroy our budget if I just bought what I wanted to.

    I love these tea parties. Now to go post a picture of my dress.


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