
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Gabrielle Meyer's "A Groom for Josette" -- Reviewed by Guest Gracie Yost

The Convenient Bride Collection from Barbour (2015)

Gabrielle Meyer's "A Groom for Josette" is a novella in The Convenient Bride Collection (Barbour, 2015).

Guest Review by Gracie Yost

When one thinks of getting married, it's most likely because you fell in love with someone and want to spend the rest of your life with that person. That's how it's supposed to happen right? Marriages haven't always consisted of two people who fell in love. In fact, many were nothing more than an arrangement made by two people born out of necessity.

   Our heroine, Josette Leblanc, finds herself in a precarious position. She has recently learned that at the stroke of midnight on her half-brothers 21st birthday, her father’s entire estate and business will be handed over to her half-brother. The thought of this happening terrifies Josette. Stephen is a known gambler and incompetent. If he gains control of the estate and business, along with  guidance from his mother, not only would Josette become penniless and homeless, but everything would fall into ruin.

    Is there a way for Josette to secure her fathers legacy? And, in the process save herself  from a life unimaginable? Mr.Trestle, her fathers lawyer, informs her of the only way he knows of which could prevent all this from happening. His answer shocks her, "Get married and return with the marriage certificate by the deadline and the estate will remain in your control."

   What will Josette do? She has three weeks in which to find a husband, get married and return with proof of the union. But how? And, who? Answering a newspaper advertisement for brides, Josette travels to the town of Little Falls, Minnesota, in search of  a husband. But, questions remain heavy in Josette’s mind. Will her family’s heritage prevent her from finding a husband as it had in the past? As a daughter of a fur trader and an Indian mother, she knows her chances of finding a husband are slim. But, she retains her hope and faith in God, that he will see her safely through this turmoil.
Author Gabrielle Meyer
     I highly recommend Gabrielle Meyer's, "A Groom for Josette". You will be on the edge of your seat as you journey with Josette. You will feel her sadness and share her joy as Josette’s prayers are answered in a way that she never dreamed or imagined possible.

I give this wonderful Novella 5 stars! *****

CFP: Guest Reviewer, Gracie Yost, loves to read Christian fiction, especially Christian Historical Romance.  Thank you, Gracie, for this wonderful review!

GIVEAWAY: Winner's choice of ebook or paperback.  Leave a comment to enter!


  1. Sounds like a good read. I'll have to look this one up. Thanks for the review!

    1. Thank you for your comments! I believe that you will truly enjoy this wonderful story a much as I did! There is so much more that I wanted to include in my review,but, I did not want to give away to much....

  2. Really enjoyed your review Gracie. I won a copy of the book but have not read it yet.

    1. Tina, it truly is a great story! It seems more often than not that many marriages in the past began this way.It's wonderful reading about what all God can do! Please let me know how you liked this wonderful story after you read it!

  3. Thank you for this beautiful review, Gracie! You captured the essence of my story perfectly. :) I'm honored you enjoyed Josette and Alexandre's story.

    1. Thank you!! I truly did enjoy reading your wonderful Novella! And, it definitely kept me on the edge of my seat as I read it. When I first picked up the book I realized that I would have to read it at one sitting.Congrats again on a truly wonderful Novella!

  4. I just received this in the mail....all of the stories sound great! Thanks for the review. Looking forward to reading Gabrielle's story.

    1. Thank you, Chappy! I know you will enjoy Gabrielle's delightful story!

  5. Thanks so much for the guest post, Gracie!!! I loved Gabrielle's novella in this collection!!!

    1. Your welcome, Carrie! It is a great story,isn't it! And, knowing that Josette found love in the most unlikely of circumstances just added to the great plot line!

  6. This sounds like a great read! I'll have to look this one up too. Thanks, Carrie! You do such great book reviews. :-)

  7. Thank you, Joan!I It is a wonderful story! What is your favorite Inspirationl genre?

  8. Lovely review on what sounds to be an excellent story. Thank you for sharing!

  9. Thank you for sharing your wonderful review, Gracie! I am eager to read A Groom for Josette, as well as the other stories in this lovely collection!

    1. Thank you! I'm sure that you will like them!

  10. Great review, Gracie! Thanks for writing one! I will have to buy this collection! Blessings to you!

  11. Sounds like a good story, as I'm sure all in the collection are. Thanks for sharing your review.

  12. Hello Carrie and Gracie. I loved this review and love books with Indian in it. I just know I will love it. Good job Gracie. Sure hope I can win. God bless you both.
    Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

  13. Nice review! I haven't read any of Gabrielle Meyer's stories yet, even though I have The Most Eligible Bachelor collection. Not enough time lately to read all the books in my TBR. But this collection sounds good.


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