
Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Frigate Hermione Comes to Yorktown!!! By Carrie Fancett Pagels

This Friday, the frigate Hermione makes her 2015 trip to America, departing from Rochefort, France, where the original ship was built. You can read more on the Hermione website.

You can follow the Hermione on Facebook, too.

And on Pinterest
I love their boards!!!

They are also on Twitter

According to what I have read, Lafayette did not sail into Yorktown during the Battle of Yorktown, the last major battle of the American Revolution, BUT of course the French did sail in and helped turn the tide for the Americans and the HERMIONE was one of the ships. One of my Rousch ancestors, a Virginia militiaman, was there to witness it. Now I live only miles away from this historic site. I am so blessed!
The Waterman's Museum, Yorktown, Virginia
A Gala reception was held in Yorktown on May 20th to raise funds to support the Hermione expedition. Held at the Waterman's Museum in Yorktown, Virginia.

The Hermione will be stopping at multiple ports along the Eastern seaboard of the United States this summer. Some are: Mt. Vernon, Alexandria, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and more! 

Weather here in Yorktown has residents watching for Noah's ark (or maybe we're supposed to go on the frigate Hermione instead!) She's supposed to sail into port around 8 a.m. with ship tours beginning at 2 p.m.  There are also tents set up in Riverwalk for displays. Hoping to get down there in my raincoat and with my umbrella tomorrow afternoon. The Hermione will be in port all weekend, when the weather should improve. If you are a local, come on out!!!

Q:Will you have a chance to see the Hermione near where you live?


  1. I won't see her unless she braves the St. Lawrence and makes it into the Great Lakes. And really ... I think she should! We have tall ships that sail on the Great Lakes and they are a joy to see.

    1. Afraid not, Pegg--just the East coast. I'd love to see the ones on the Great Lakes! Where do they launch from?

    2. The Niagara is the tall ship that comes into Alpena. She's out of Erie, PA. Here's the scoop on her:

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Oh! And the tall ships challenge is back on the Great Lakes next summer. :)

    5. Oh, I wonder if I'll get to see them in 2016, Pegg? I am planning on coming up again! TY for the link!

  2. Oh, I'd love to go see it! But alas, I'm on the West Coast. What a heritage you have, Carrie. I hope you get to go aboard, raincoat, umbrella, and all!

  3. Oh, I'd love to go see it! But alas, I'm on the West Coast. What a heritage you have, Carrie. I hope you get to go aboard, raincoat, umbrella, and all!

    1. We have so much cool historical stuff where I live, Deb, and yes, all along the East Coast! My umbrella came in handy as a parasol, too!

  4. It was nice seeing you there today, Carrie

    1. Great seeing you, too, Janet, and I'm hoping to do another post with pics.


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