
Friday, May 15, 2015

May Tea Party -- The Most Eligible Bachelor collection and The Lumberjacks' Ball

Martha Custis's house in Colonial Williamsburg

WELCOME to our May Tea Party!!!
We're gathering in the parlor of Martha Dandridge Custis's lovely home at Colonial Williamsburg. I'd never have noticed that this was her residence had not my friend, Mistress Cynthia Howerter, pointed it out on our recent visit. This fine home is located directly across the street from the historic 
Bruton Parish Episcopal Church. This house is NOT on the CW tours. But we are going to virtually hold our party here and the cook house out back has already been preparing a lovely tea for us!  While you are visiting you may want to take a Tour of Colonial Williamsburg!

Colonial Williamsburg postcards atop a CW paper bag.

One of our guests will take home this goody bag with Colonial Williamsburg postcards just for leaving a comment on the blog today.

Romance Collection
9-in-1 Anthology
ISBN 978-1-63058-876-2
Barbour Publishing May 2015

A hero often has larger-than-life qualities and is the one for whom all the women set their cap. But some are unassuming and overlooked. Meet nine men from bygone days who have all the qualities of a true hero and who all the single ladies wish to court—though some are unassuming and overlooked until their worth is revealed. The socialite, the architect, the doctor, the masked vigilante, the missionary, the postmaster, archaeologist, the wealthy widower, and the heir can have their pick of brides, but which one will they choose?

Three CQ authors are in the same collection! Shannon McNear, Gina Welborn, and Gabrielle Meyer.

The Highwayman, by Shannon McNear

The collection's only colonial, The Highwayman, is set during the summer of 1774, on the eve of the American Revolution. Samuel Wheeler is an ordinary colonial wagonmaster by day, a masked vigilante by night. It started as a lark, but has gotten out of hand. He hardly sleeps, his secret identity has taken over his life, and the girl he loves barely notices him while his alter ego sets her aflutter.

Sally Brewster works hard at her parents’ inn, nestled in the lower Shenandoah Valley, along the Great Wagon Road that runs from Philadelphia down through the Carolinas. She pays little mind to the gossip about the mysterious highwayman who lately makes life difficult for the redcoats—until the night when the heroic figure saves her from brigands.

The Highwayman is the second colonial novella by Shannon McNear. Her first, Defending Truth, a 2014 RITA nominee, was part of A Pioneer Christmas Collection, first released September 2013. (The collection is up for a second edition in September 2015.)

Four Brides and a Bachelor, by Gabrielle Meyer
In 1852, missionary Luke Longley travels a hundred and fifty miles down the Mississippi River to convince a stranger to marry him. When he arrives, there isn't one single female missionary, there are four, and all are eager to become his bride. He only has one week to choose, but can he pick the right one before time runs out?
Gabrielle Meyer lives in central Minnesota on the banks of the Mississippi River with her husband and four young children. As an employee of the Minnesota Historical Society, she fell in love with the rich history of her state and enjoys writing fictional stories inspired by real people and events. Gabrielle can be found at where she writes about her passion for history, Minnesota, and her faith.

Four Brides and a Bachelor is the first of two novellas Gabrielle will release with Barbour in 2015. The second, A Groom for Josette, releases July 1st.


Baker's Dozen, by Gina Welborn

Twelve socialites vie to win the heart of a widowed shipping baron
who has his own fascination with the childhood friend-tuned-cook
who has aspirations of her own.

1910 / Autumn / Fort Worth, TX

Grieving widower Duke Baker needs to remarry. Thus his father invites twelve socialites from all over Texas to a weeklong house party in Fort Worth’s exclusive Quality Hill neighborhood. Duke doubts he’ll find a woman comparable to the wife he buried two years earlier, but his five-year-old daughter, Tabitha, needs a mother. Only Tabitha is more interested in hiding out in the kitchen with the cook than with helping Duke “connect” with any of the socialites. After four years of studying at Miss Farmer’s School of Cookery, Irie LaCroix is back home and wants to open her own cooking school. What she needs is financing. So when Duke’s father offers her a chance to prove her cooking and teaching skills to a dozen socialites, she jumps on the chance. She never anticipated a child re-awaking a past she’s tried to forget. Will Duke and Irie allow God to heal their brokenness and restore their hearts to love. (Click here to go to Gina's Pinterest page for Baker's Dozen.)

Gina Welborn is the author of eight inspirational romances, including an Amazon and an ECPA bestseller. After a decade in Virginia, she now lives in Oklahoma with her pastor husband, their five Okie-Hokie children, and a slew of pets.

Click here to purchase THE MOST ELIGIBLE BACHELOR ROMANCE COLLECTION on Amazon. Slide sy Christian Book Distributors and Barnes and Noble and the following:


Gospel Bookstore




Do a little time traveling with me to 1891 to the woods of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan!

The Lumberjacks' Ball by Carrie Fancett Pagels

The Lumberjacks' Ball, by Carrie Fancett Pagels.  Available in ebook and paperback on Amazon (click here). This is book two in The Christy Lumber Camp series.

The Lumberjacks' Ball Blurb

A decade after surviving a brutal attack, a mercantile owner’s daughter begins her life anew in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. A gifted craftsman wishes to leave the lumber camp and seeks employment at her new store. When his presence dredges up memories she wishes to suppress, the proprietress must learn to face her past and open her heart. When complications arise, will they overcome adversity in time for The Lumberjacks’ Ball?

Book One, The Fruitcake Challenge was a Family Fiction finalist for Book of the Year and is a Selah Award finalist! The winner of the Selah will be announced next week at Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference in North Carolina! Very thrilling! Originally part of The Christmas Traditions series, The Fruitcake Challenge has a new cover.             

My three ebook novellas are all on sale for only 99 cents right now through Friday May 15th! So grab them now on Amazon!

I am giving away some wonderful hand-made soaps from The Feathered Nest (a company co-owned by my son's homeschool co-op drama teacher!) They'll be tucked inside a mini bag from Colonial Williamsburg (on the left).  Get your sweetheart to use the Bay Rum soap (mmm! Smells so good) and you try to sweet Spring Rain scent. All natural ingredients, e.g., olive oil.

Don't forget to come by the Facebook Page Party from 2-4:30.

Come in character here to the blog party if you wish! (We encourage it!!!)  And share your gowns on the Facebook page if you like!

See above PLUS:

Two paperback copies of The Most Eligible Bachelor Collection (USA only). (CFP: I have read these novellas and LOVED Gina's, Shannon's, and Gabrielle's stories!!!)

Winner's choice of Carrie's Lumber Camp series books, choice of format (international ebook only).

Please leave a comment below. For Carrie's giveaways please answer this question: Have you ever been to Michigan's beautiful Upper Peninsula? If so, what did you think? 

Come be seated for the Tea Party or walk around the nearby gardens and come back for your tea time! All manners of teas and lemonade served throughout the day and hearty food for our travelers--many of whom have had coach rides from far away. Martha's china is simply fabulous and should hold up well for our Southern biscuits and ham, Sally Lund with fresh butter and jam, pudding or custard, salat with fresh greens and more! And we have a small quartet playing music in the courtyard out back. Enjoy and mingle!


  1. So wonderful to see all of you lovely ladies here for our tea party! I look forward to visiting with all of you today.

    1. Good morning, Gabrielle! It is such an exciting day!

    2. Congrats on your new release, Gabrielle! Loved the story! And we're so glad to have you here on CQ!

    3. Hi Gabe, I'd already received a copy of the Most Eligible Bachelor Romance Collection for Mother's Day. I'd love to receive more to share with my mom & sister for their birthdays in June. I'll check back for high tea!

    4. Congrats Gabrielle! Four Brides and a Bachelor is a delightful story!

    5. Thank you all!! I'm honored to be with such an amazing group of authors. :)

  2. Good Morning! I'm sipping my tea with honey as I join your party. Seriously! My beverage of choice for breakfast. Looks like some fun stories and I LOVED THE LUMBERJACK'S BALL! Awesome story, Carrie. Have a fun party, ladies. And thank you for inviting me!

    1. Good morning, Debbie! I'm glad you were able to pop in! Hot tea and lemon sounds really good. I love Carrie's Lumberjack series! I have the Bachelor's book but I haven't had a moment to read it! I cannot wait to read it!

      Would you like something to eat with your tea?

    2. Hi, Debbie! Thanks for stopping by for a spot off tea.

  3. Good morning, ladies! I hope everyone arrived safely without any mishaps. Please help yourself to the refreshments. Oh, the dresses are certainly beautiful! Enjoy yourselves! If you need anything please let me or one of the other hostesses know.

    1. God bless you for helping us at the party, Mistress Fujitani. May I say you look lovely! I'm here as Rebecca Jane Hart and I'm looking for Garrett--some call him Ox. Have you seen him? I want him to see my new colorful frock--and to see the surprise on his handsome face!!!

    2. I think I did see him earlier, but I'm not sure where he disappeared to!

      Rebecca, you look lovely as always! Garrett will love that dress on you! I think he will faint dead away!

    3. Lovely dress, Rebecca. Garrett walked by earlier mumbling something about peonies.

  4. Good morning ladies :) I am ready for a delicious cup of tea and read some wonderful comments..
    Carrie I have never been to Michigan.. except in your books. I would love to visit someday.

    1. Good morning, Deanna! Would you like anything with your tea? Thanks for stopping by!

    2. Mrs. Stevens, If you ever get up to the straits of Mackinac you'll get to see where Garrett and I (Rebecca Jane Hart) both live. The blue in the water up here is amazing. Some say it is from the limestone beneath. I can see you are not from up there as your gown is definitely from the city! Lovely!

    3. Hello, it's a beautiful morning here in S.E. Nebraska. A thunderstorm just went through and it smells so good. I would love a custard with my tea. My mother used to make me the best custard :)
      We have some beautiful lakes around so I can imagine the beautiful blue you get to enjoy!

  5. Congratulations, ladies. Such entertaining stories, and an elegant setting. I hope to stop in for tea at two!

    1. Thanks, Deb, I (Rebecca Jane) am offering hot black Irish morning tea (Did you know Garrett is of Irish descent?) and some lovely cut fruit.

    2. Good morning, Deb! Did you bring us some quilts to admire?

  6. Good morning ladies. I just came in from checking on the kittens. A stray cat had kittens in our garage on Easter. They are adorable. 2 pretty little tiger striped females. I will be keeping them after they are old enough to leave the mother. While I was outside I watered my garden. It's coming along well. I look forward to a bountiful harvest. My daughter was so nice she made me tea while I was outside. I have never been to any part of Michigan. I had a friend who visited next door to my grandparents cottage when I was a child that lived in Michigan. I would love to visit Michigan. And see the beautiful scenery.

    1. Where do you live, Deanne? My parents owned a mercantile in lower Michigan when I was a child, before that horrible attack, and it was pretty there but I find the Upper Peninsula and Mackinac Island to be much nicer. And with this being the turn of the century (1891) so many tourists are here it makes life very interesting! And helps with my new business! Thanks for coming by, sit down and have a delicious ham biscuit. Garrett loves those--they're just like his Kentucky-born mother used to make.

    2. Good morning, Deanne! We have two furbabies, both calico cats. I love seeing newborn kittens! I've never been to Michigan myself. Enjoy the party!

  7. (Chappy enters wearing her unusual yet fun dress)
    Good morning beautiful ladies! Congratulations on the new releases! What a lovely place this is for a tea party. I am famished and parched.....any suggestions?

    1. Good morning, Chappy! You look beautiful! Would like a biscuit with jam or ham? How about a cup of Irish tea? We don't want to offend our hostess serving any other kind of tea. 😉 I love this place, it is so quaint and beautiful!

    2. Chappy, great to meet you. Your ensemble somewhat resembles the biking suit Miss Juliana Beauchamps rides around in. I've heard the library board plans to sanction her if she doesn't return to wearing more traditional librarian garb. I have a fruit cup and ham biscuit at the ready plus hot Irish breakfast tea. And sugar bowls are right there on top of that lovely linen tablecloth!

    3. Thank you so much ladies. Everything looks yummy. Poor Miss Juliana. They need to just leave her be and allow her to wear what she likes. That ham biscuit smells divine, I must get some. Excuse me ladies.

    4. Chappy, you look lovely! (although you have a bit of a crumb on your endowments)

    5. Oh my! Thanks for the heads up, Gina! Excuse me..
      (Chappy scurries over to a corner to get rid of said crumbs, then returns with a smile on her face)
      Gee, I hope none of these handsome gentlemen saw that.

    6. and if they did, they would be too much of gentlemen to say

    7. This is true. Thanks again. :-)

    8. So nice to meet you, Chappy. I love fun dresses. :) I'm drinking blueberry tea. You're welcome to enjoy some.

    9. Why thank you and it's nice to meet you, too. This party has been so pleasant!

  8. CONGRATULATIONS Ladies on your recent releases! This is such a fine day to celebrate with a lovely tea. As always our Hostess Mistress Carrie has done an EXCELLENT job of planning and decorating. Ladies, you are looking lovely in your beautiful gowns. I'm going to make my way over to the buffet for some refreshments.

    1. Good morning, Caryl! I love your dress! There are a lot of goodies, enjoy! The cook is busy in the kitchen cooking up our midday meal. It smells heavenly in there!

    2. You can imagine how horrified I was to learn that Jo Christy came in and with the lumber camp ladies worked herself to such a state that she cannot even partake of the party right now. I (Rebecca) should have known she'd head out to that kitchen and take over and that's what she did! Ham biscuits, fruit cups, tea, and oh no...there comes Jo with some kind of potato casserole and scrambled eggs (I do hope they don't make a mess of Martha's fine linens!) Welcome and thank you!

    3. I have not been to Michigan's Upper Peninsula. It sounds like a place I would enjoy visiting.

    4. WOW! Several fantastic authors of new releases! Congratulations to all of you! It sounds like great story telling in each of these. Saying hello from Northern Michigan!

    5. Caryl, Wendy, it's so good to see you.

    6. Caryl, it's always so nice to see your smiling face. :) Thank you for stopping by! And, thank you for the kind words, Wendy!

  9. This is gonna be fun. Where can I post a picture of my gown? This is a new thing for me and I am terrible technology challenged.

    1. Hello Robin! You look lovely. You can post a picture over on the tea party Facebook page. I'd post the link, but I can't from my Kindle. Enjoy the party!


  10. Coming around now with this lovely salat served with honey-glazed chicken. We have coffee brewing, too, for those who prefer. And Lemonade of course.
    I love that the name of the salat is Beauchamp since Miss Juliana Beauchamps is my librarian friend!!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. That's the chicken that goes on top. Also posted on the Facebook party!

  11. Good morning ladies! You all look so very lovely in your beautiful gowns. Thank you so much for inviting me to your tea party. I missed out on the ham biscuits but the honey-glazed chicken looks and smells divine, I will have some of that with a cup of the Irish tea please.
    I had my driver wait close by as I can not tarry long. Must return home soon and prepare our wedding anniversary dinner for this evening--44 years!

    I have not been to Michigan's Upper Peninsula but would love to visit.
    I have read both The Lumberjack's Ball and The Most Eligible Bachelor...loved them all! Great stories ladies, congratulations!

    1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! May the Lord continue to bless you!

    2. Happy Anniversary! Have a wonderful celebration!

    3. Mistress Rice, such a long trip from Maryland. I do wish you could tarry a while with us but SO happy you popped by! ENJOY your wedding anniversary! I had given up on every marrying, but now,,,well Garrett makes me think it is a possibility!

    4. Glad you found Garrett, he will make a wonderful husband.

  12. Super excited to read this Novella! 😀📚

    1. We have four novellas and hope you get a chance to read. If you come back can you introduce yourself? I am Rebecca Jane Hart the heroine of The Lumberjacks' Ball!

  13. Good afternoon, my lovelies! I'm only popping in for a few minutes as I'm helping care for my elderly, infirm mother. Your dresses are so beautiful! Please excuse my rather plain but serviceable jacket and petticoat; I did change into a fresh apron over all!

    Carrie, Gina, and Gabrielle--you all had such wonderful stories! I enjoyed them very much!! And what a blessing to share this day with you ladies.

    1. Hello Shannon, good to see you. You look just fine to me. God bless you for caring for your mother.

    2. You are such a GOOD daughter, Shannon!!! God bless you for your care for your mom! LOVED your colonial/Am Rev story!!! Thanks for your kind words!

    3. Shannon, you look lovely and your story is highly recommendable. I love colonial romances!!!!

    4. Thank YOU all for the very kind words!!

    5. So nice to see you here, Shannon!! Thank you for the kind words. :)

  14. Hello ladies! I am looking forward to all the delicious treats! Thank you for sharing the recipe for the Beauchamp Orchard Salad Carrie. The honey-glazed chicken looks divine. I'm heading to the facebook group to post a photo of my gown :)

    I would love to visit Michigan one day. The baby we recently adopted has heritage from the Potawanami tribe there.

    1. Welcome, Heidi! Did you come as one of your books' characters? That is so cool that you have a baby with that heritage! I have family members with Chippewa heritage and I think one with Iroquois.

    2. Welcome, Heidi! I love your gown.

    3. Thank you for stopping by, Heidi! Love this little tidbit about your new baby. I hope all is going well for you. :)

  15. Waving hello! So delighted to see so many friends here, and I love a good tea party.

    1. Welcome, have some tea and salat with chicken for our luncheon! Looking forward to having you on Overcoming with God blog next week!

    2. Hi, Susie!!! So happy to see you here. :)

  16. (Trying this again)
    Courier delivery!
    My sister, Pam Zarate and I are running a little late. We got in EARLY this morning and missed our beauty sleep.
    We know we are missing a lot of fun and yummy food. Maybe the cook will pity us and set some of the best back!
    Pam used to live in Saginaw. I, unfortunately, have never, out of all the states I've visited and lived in, been to Michigan.
    Our courier can bring back a message (or food, LOL!).

    1. Frenchie Brevet is SO sweet -- he and Pearl will run you and Pam some chicken salat and ham biscuits and a jar of lemonade. Hope you can get to Martha's house soon. The musicians begin at 2 pm. Michigan is a lovely state!

    2. Michigan is a lovely state. When I was researching for my first Heartsong, I discovered all sorts of wonderful facts that lead to way too many story ideas. I hear the musicians warming up...

    3. Thank you so much for the refreshments. So sorry I missed the beginning of the musicians.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Carrie, I tried this on Internet Explorer and it only took 2 (Two, can you believe it?) tries to work. YAHOO!

    1. Robbye, I have been having trouble with this site too...after a few minutes it goes blank with an error message...(I use firefox)...
      Blessings, Tina

    2. I am having issues, too, and I dk if it is because I got hacked or if it is blogger or what.

    3. I initially had issues. Seems to have corrected.

    4. Thanks for the suggestion, Tina.

    5. It seems to be working now...

    6. I've been having issues. Every time I leave this page it goes to this url I'm not sure why it is doing this. I'm using my Kindle, Silk is the browser.

  19. Hello ladies. So glad to visit with you and have some tea. Living in Michigan as I do, I've been to the UP many times. My brother and sister both went to college there. My sister married a Yooper and they lived in Marquette on the shore of Lake Superior for many years (they're in Arizona now). It is beautiful.

    1. That's why I always love communicating with you, Becky!!! I miss it so bad this time of year. It is a beautiful place. Thanks so much for coming by! Have some tea and chocolate torte! Whipped cream, too, and sylabub!

    2. Actually I may have eaten the last of the chocolate torte.

    3. LOL Gina! We have more in the back!!!

  20. GABRIELLE MEYER is now UP on the FB Tea Party. Over here we're about to serve either hot green tea or cold (one of the merchants shared his ice with us to chill it!). The musicians have started out back if you'd like to carry your scones and chocolate torte out back. Lemonade, too.

    1. Oh, so you had more torte in the back. You sneaky yet well-planned lady...

  21. I must rush to the wardrobe and choose a dress so I can joint you for tea.

  22. I'm running late today! The weather's nice and we are going to be working on putting up the trellis my husband and son built for me on Wednesday. I posted a picture of my dress over on the FB page. It was a tough decision but I love Spring Green! Anyway, congrats on the new releases!!! I have both books, thanks to a dear friend. ;)

    But those soaps...oh my, I would definitely use them. I used to make my own soap and will again someday. It's so much fun to create a yummy smelling bar of soap!

    1. Gorgeous dress, Mrs. Payne. Were you surprised that I put aside my dowdy clothes and picked a light turquoise green color for my gown? Garrett has been complimenting me all afternoon. I'm blushing!!! The soaps smell lovely and I'm going to have to get Garrett some Bay Rum soap when...I hope...someday...that is...if he should ask me to marry him...

    2. He has noticed you for sure, Rebecca Jane. How lovely you look, and that fresh Spring Rain will indeed bring you to mind for him.

    3. It was lovely to visit with you on the Facebook chat party! Thank you for stopping by the party over here. :)

  23. I have never been to Michigan, CARRIE. Most of what I know about it, I hear from you or read it in your books. ;)

  24. Hello! I am so glad I haven't missed the scones ~ Irish tea and I will try it iced, please. So lovely outdoors, exercising with fresh air and sunshine amid the wonderfully displayed gardens of our lovely hostess. I was speaking with her gardener and was told the flowers are on their second bloom. Coaxing aromas that waft in the mid-day also coming from the kitchen and I hurried inside. Half-Irish Kathleen

    1. What is that, dear? No, I haven't been to Michigan, however, my dear husband and I honeymooned in Door County, Wisconsin, sharing the same waters on those shores. Actually, 31 years ago this coming Tuesday we were wed. Cold, cold waters, may I add.

    2. I agree about how cold the waters are up there. Wonder why that is...

    3. Found an answer from an Ann Arbor resident: "Winds that push deep water from out in the lake up onto shore can make it colder near shore."

  25. I'm enjoying the party.. The dresses and comments are wonderful.. I'm back for that tea and scones now Carrie... I do love my afternoon tea :)

    1. Tea sandwiches and refills on your tea? The cucumber sandwiches are wonderful! I'm about to pour myself a cup of green tea and sit down in the back and listen to the musicians. Come join me!

    2. Oh, it is so lovely outside and the music is soothing too. What a wonderful day with friends and new acquaintances sure to become so. I have iced Irish tea in my glass; a first for me iced. I would like some of the sandwiches as well.

  26. I am so glad I am in time for some cold sweet tea and CHOCOLATE TORTE! I am going to see if Mistress Carrie needs any help. Toodles!

    1. Jo Christy has borrowed my recipe for the flourless chocolate torte, Caryl. Even though I run a store, I do take time to bake on occasion, such as holidays. I have a wonderful German sacher torte I make that even my not-so-nice parents had to agree was delicious. And with them running a mercantile I had no trouble getting chocolate for it!

    2. Thank you for loaning your recipe!

  27. I have been visiting Martha's library. Four Brides and a Bachelor caught my eye inside her newest acquisition displayed on her table, The Most Eligible Bachelor Romance Collection. Can you imagine, four to select from?

    1. There are nine stories in the collection and three of them our authors!

    2. Four brides to select from ~ the depth of his discovery will surely be to his heart's liking. I hope they are not just marrying to fulfill the need to be before leaving on their assignment.

    3. His need to be before leaving on HIS assignment ~ goodness. I would correct that to say I hope that the requirement is not the only determining factor in his choosing a wife ~ not in haste

    4. I would love to win this Collection to find out what happens to these Bachelors and their selections.

  28. I have never been to the Upper Peninsula but would love to after reading your book, Carrie. You really made it come to life for me! I love country ham biscuits and Earl Grey tea! I also thoroughly enjoyed my tour of Colonial Williamsburg. I live just a few hours away and come often.

    1. You need to connect with me when you are down here Rhonda! Michigan is a great place to visit in the summer and fall (spectacular color)! I'm glad I brought it to life for you, yay! TY!

    2. I may tag along if you come through here on your way....

  29. Yummy tea sandwiches and I brought some over to Gina Wellborn who is at the FB Tea Party right now.

  30. The refreshments are wonderful.
    Everyone's gowns are delightful.
    Oh, Pam and I made some gifts for everyone, we thought all the ladies could use a hankie. We finished them on the way so the needlework may not be so nice.

    1. Thank you; I am enjoying mine. Will be a fine remembrance of our day together today. half-Irish Kathleen

    2. That is so sweet, Miss Pink! The crocheted edging on my best handkerchiefs have all grown threadbare. I'd love a new one!

    3. Thank you Lane and Carrie.
      Don't we women go through these so fast?

    4. I like the keepsakes too ~ so pretty and the embellishment so dainty in the pretty colors. half-Irish Kathleen

    5. What a lovely gift. Thank you, Robbye!

    6. Thanks, Lane Hill House and Gabrielle!

  31. Passing the kitchen on my way back inside, Southern Biscuits and Ham leftover from earlier are delicious! Yum. I am glad I came this way. It is a wonderful day with friends.

  32. Replies
    1. Hi Cheryl, So glad you were able to come this afternoon. The refreshments and music have complemented each other. Do enjoy! half-Irish Kathleen

    2. Hello, Cheryl! So nice to see you here.

  33. I am very late to the party - was out of town until just now So very glad that everyone has not gone home! I have been to the UP and absolutely loved it and can hardly wait to return someday. Carrie's books are a real treat to read and I look forward to the rest of the story!
    The bachelor stories sound like they would be very enjoyable. Everyone looks lovely in their gowns - so glad I could be here for a little while. :)

    1. The garden is gorgeous with the brilliant flowers and enjoying them in the soft breeze. So refreshing. So glad to make your acquaintance. Enjoy the refreshments. half-Irish Kathleen

  34. I'm simply parched from talking so much. I do believe I will go sit in the garden with a glass of lemonade and listen to the music. Just hope I can balance my glass while I am fanning!

    1. Come sit at the wrought iron table. Did you want gravy with your pasty? We also offer breaded fish tonight with mixed vegetables. We had to ask Mistress Pagels to help us with the food as Jo totally wore herself out.

    2. Thank you. So sorry to hear about Jo. I am glad Mistress Pagels could take over.
      Aww, didn't realize my feet were getting sore. It feels good to sit down.
      I would love gravy with my pasties. Thank you.

  35. Thank you for the lovely tea today! So enjoyable. half-Irish Kathleen

  36. I had so much fun at the last tea party I simply couldn't miss today's. I have to admit that I've never been to Michigan at all.

    1. Hello Deb! Good to see you here. You look lovely! Yes, these tea parties are always wonderful!

    2. Well it is a lovely place to visit Debbie! I'm so glad you've come back!

  37. Have you ever snowmobiled up there, Kate? I've heard from time travelers that such a thing is possible in the mid to late 20th century! As for me, I enjoy the cerulean blue of the straits of Mackinac plus I got to reconnect with Garrett Christy again, swoon!!!

  38. Can't wait to read it!

    1. I hope you enjoy all four stories! They were a pleasure for us to write. :)

  39. Just stopping by now! Congrats on the new releases! I loved The Lumberjacks Ball! And am very interested in reading The Most Eligible Bachelor!

    1. it is a great book Nancy! So glad you liked Lumberjacks' Ball, too!

    2. Thank you, Nancy! Good luck in the drawings. :)

  40. I've never been to the UP of Michigan. I would love to see it someday.

  41. Thank for the lovely tea party! I had a grand time celebrating with you! Have a wonderful evening.

  42. I love being surrounded by all these beautiful gowns and the wonderful food, but my greatest joy is spending time with all of you lovely ladies! It's been a pleasure to see old friends and make new ones. I hope everyone is having a marvelous time at the tea party!!

    1. So fun and so glad to celebrate with you, Gabrielle!

  43. I am having such a wonderful time. I am so missing my good friend MaryLu....but alas she is away visiting family. I am sure she would have loved being here. I will have pleasant dreams tonight, thinking about this lovely day. Thanks for such a great time ladies. I will try to drop by later to see if anyone is still here.
    (Chappy heads for the door, waving at and hugging everyone)

    1. Love having you here, Chappy! I miss ML, too! Hugs!!!

  44. I'm late, but glad to be here. Williamsburg is one of my favorite places, and will always be a special place to me and my late husband. We made so many great memories there.
    No, I have not been to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, but I have been to Michigan. Carrie makes it sound like a wonderful place! I've love to go!
    I'm looking forward to reading the book of stories by the awesome authors featured in the book!
    Susan in NC

    1. Would love for you to come back up, Susan! Thanks for coming by the party. When is school out for summer?

  45. I had a wonderful time. Such good food, music, lovely gowns and conversations.
    Thank you lovely ladies for all of your work in putting together the tea. Also, thank you for the work involved in writing such amazing books for us to read.
    Good luck everyone.
    God's blessings and have a great weekend!

    1. You are so welcome, Robbye and it is always fun to see you here! God bless!

    2. Thank you, Carrie. I'm just glad I finally found a way to comment!

  46. Well, I finally made it, all dressed in my pretty pink gown! What a lovely home! And all of the ladies looks so beautiful. And the bachelors! OH MY! What a handsome lot! I was in Michigan years ago when I was little, but I was so young, I don't remember much of it. But it sounds beautiful. Would love to revisit again sometime! Is there any tea left? I think I'd like a cup. :)

    Loved Carrie's story, "The Lumberjacks' Ball" and would love to read "The Most Eligible Bachelor".


  47. It's been a lovely tea party.. I and certainly putting these books on my TBR list.. I do have Carries and loved them.. I think I'm ready to relax with a cuppa hot sweet tea and some of that tea and CHOCOLATE TORTE! G'nite all and thank you for a perfectly lovely day :)
    dkstevensne AToutlookDotCoM

  48. Sorry about being so late. Have felt bad most all day. Hope everyone ha had a good time. Sounds like more new reads. And, good prizes. I have never been to Michigan, or anywhere in that part of our country. No traveling money, or opportunity to travel. Can just imagine the beautiful dresses. Like the picture of Martha Curtis's house. Take care and GOD bless you all. Maxie

    1. That's one of the great things about the internet, MAXIE. I've been limited in my mobility and haven't been traveling much but PTL I am walking more again, after three long years!! God bless you, too!

  49. WINNERS are posted up top but I'll mention here, too. CONGRATS to SUSAN F, TONJA S, CHERYL B., DEANNE P., and KATE - KATE come back and give us your email--you won Gina's giveaway of a copy of Most Eligible Bachelor.

  50. Sneaking in at the 11th hour for a quick peek to see if any guests are lingering as I was unable to attend earlier due to the arrival of out of town house guests. My heartfelt congratulations to all the new release authors with wishes for many more forthcoming publications.


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