
Friday, October 3, 2014

Tea Party in Santa Barbara - MaryLu Tyndall, Carrie Fancett Pagels, and Gina Welborn

Welcome to Santa Barbara, California 1855!!

Back in 1855, Santa Barbara was a gorgeous city perched between azure waves that were filled with whales and seals, and tall mountains filled with gold!  At that time, the  city was nothing but a few saloons, houses, farms and a gorgeous white Mission built by the Franciscans in 1786 that sat in the foothills!

 Today you are invited to Ms. Caroline Moreau's quaint adobe home nestled in the hills in the middle of her vast vineyard. Please come inside. Sit and enjoy the cool shade offered by the adobe walls and spanish-tiled roof. There is plenty of sweet tea and fresh grape juice as well as corn tortilla pancakes, mexican flan, and sopapillas!  So Welcome! Enjoy! and stay awhile! We are giving away many gifts to our guests!

Sopapillas are a mexican treat that taste sort of like a fried pastry.. almost like a donut but lighter. Here's a picture to get your mouth watering!

 The Westward Christmas Brides Collection
Authors: Wanda E. Brunstetter, Susan Page Davis, Melanie Dobson, Cathy Liggett, Vickey McDonough, Olivia Newport, Janet Spaeth, Jennifer Rogers Spinola, and MaryLu Tyndall

A Collection of NINE Short Romantic Christmas Stories from the American West! 

Take the journey into the American west alongside nine women who are chasing their dreams—Cynthia, for security; Beryl, for a new family; Adeline, for freedom; Molly, for marriage; Beth, for a new start; Belinda, for a place to heal; Suzette, for adventure; Juliet, for peace; and Caroline, for a future for her children. Celebrate Christmas alongside these pioneers as love finds them in nine distinctly different romances penned by leading Christian fiction authors, including New York Times bestselling author Wanda E. Brunstetter.

MaryLu Tyndall's story Christmas Bounty is the last one in the collection. Here's a review from Angi Griffis:
MaryLu Tyndall, most known for her pirate stories, has crafted a sweet Christmas romance story that takes place in the state of California and features a handsome pirate hero who falls in love with a beautiful widow and her two children. The only problem is, Caroline Moreau wants nothing to do with him, albeit she needs the protection of a man. Strange things have been happening, threatening her home, her children, and her livelihood. With that in mind, she proposes marriage to save his life in exchange for the security of his presence on her property…and that’s all she wants. But Dante Vega has ideas of his own. Despite his wife’s sharp tongue and the fact that she keeps her distance from him, Dante loses his heart to her, making him vow to win hers. Hopefully in time for Christmas.

Purchase from:  Amazon  Barnes and Noble

MaryLu is giving away a copy of this book to one lucky winner!!!

The Fruitcake Challenge
Carrie's book is #3 in the Christmas Traditions Series: A Collection of Eight Romance Novellas! Authors also include: Cynthia Hickey, Niki Turner, Gina Welborn, Jennifer AlLee, Patty Smith Hall, Darlene Franklin, and Angela Briedenbach.

The Fruitcake Challenge by Carrie Fancett Pagels

Set in Mackinaw City, Michigan, in 1895, in the big white pine woods of Emmet County. 

Blurb: When new lumberjack, Tom Jeffries, tells the camp cook, Jo Christy, that he’ll marry her if she can make a fruitcake, “as good as better than the one my mother makes,” she rises to the occasion. After all, he’s the handsomest, smartest, and strongest axman her camp-boss father has ever had in his camp—and the cockiest. And she intends to bring this lumberjack down a notch or three by refusing his proposal. The fruitcake wars are on!
Large Holiday Garland Yankee Candle Factory Candle
Giveaway: Carrie is giving away an ebook copy of her book plus a Yankee Candle Factory candle (USA only). We hope this delightful scent will remind the winner of the deep woods of upper Michigan. Or at least put them in the Christmas mood!

Purchase Links:
The Fruitcake Challenge (2014) on Amazon and on Barnes and Noble

The Marshal's Pursuit (Love Inspired/Heartsong Presents, September 2014)
Malia Vaccarelli Needs a Place to Hide
When her brother is arrested for a gangster's murder, Malia is plunged into danger. Her life in peril, she trusts no one—not even the special U.S. marshal assigned to protect her. But handsome Frank Louden isn't what Malia expects.

Hiding Malia on his grandparents' Tuxedo Park estate may not be the best idea, but Frank is determined to do anything to protect her
even if he's soon unable to ignore his growing feelings for the beautiful woman. As their romance blossoms, will Malia's criminal connections force her to choose between her family and her heart?
Purchase links
The Marshall's Pursuit
Barnes and Noble Christian Book Distributorsand Amazon

Author Bio
Gina Welborn wrote public service announcements for a news radio station until she fell in love with writing romances. She's written three novellas for Barbour, including the 2014 Selah finalist "Mercy Mild" in the ECPA-bestselling Mistletoe Memories, and is currently writing to more novellas for Barbour. This year ushers in the release of her novels: The Heiress's Courtship, The Marshal's Pursuit, and Masterpiece Marriage. A moderately obsessive fan of Community, Once Upon a Time, and Chopped, Gina lives in Oklahoma with her pastor-husband, their five Okie-Hokie children, a box-lab, two rabbits, four guinea pigs, and a fancy Russian dwarf hamster. She is represented by The Steve Laube Agency. TEAM BLOG

Giveaway: Autographed print copy of THE MARSHAL'S PURSUIT to reader in continental US.

WELCOME to the party!!! 
Would you like to share your beautiful gowns with us? If you've worn something special, please feel free to post on the CQ Tea Party Event Page (click here.)


  1. Good morning, dear ladies! I just wanted to stop in to say hello before my work day begins. I will be back later to join you for tea. Have a wonderful day! :)

    1. Praying for you in your job situation, Angi. Thanks so much for coming by. Yes, please come back for some flan and tea. Looks delicious!

  2. Good morning! I am stopping by early to say hello. I have many things I need to accomplish, but hope to stop by later for tea. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

    1. Great to see you here, Kay! It's so great for me to get out of the lumber camp and enjoy the sights here in Santa Barbara. As many accents and languages as I've heard in the camps, I admit that Spanish hasn't been one of them. But I love the delicious food Caroline has set out for us!

  3. Loved the beautiful gowns posted on Facebook!

    1. Me, too! Did you post yours, Missy? I'll go look! I chose plain, being from a lumber camp and all, I couldn't really get too fancy but now that I'm here looking at all the gorgeous dresses I wish I had!

    2. We sure love making a colonial fashion statement!

  4. What a lovely home in Santa Barbara and the treats are yummy. I'll be checking in off and on today. Thanks for the invite to the lovely tea. I have read the Fruitcake Challenge and loved it. I am wanting to read the Westward Christmas Brides and the Marshall's Pursuit.

    1. Thanks so much Wilani, for reading my story. Let me introduce you to Tom. Wait, I think he disappeared into the library with that pirates-looking gentleman.

  5. Good morning ladies! Thank you for the Tea Party invitation.

    As you can imagine, it was a long, tiring coach ride to get here from Maryland. Ms Caroline, you have a lovely home, so warm and inviting. Ms Caroline, Ms Jo your gowns are lovely. So glad you could get time away from the lumber camp for a visit Jo. A hot cup of tea sounds lovely and the corn tortilla pancakes smell delicious!

    Speaking of lumber camps, we are presently have some trees removed at our home in Maryland. My heart stops when I see the men climb so high up in the trees with only a rope holding them!--praying for their safety the whole time!

    Congratulations ladies on your books! I have/already read The Westward Christmas Brides and The Fruitcake Challenge, both great stories--loved them!
    I have not read anything by Gina Welborn, yet...her book, The Marshal's Pursuit sounds interesting.

    Will check back later to visit some more. Keeping an eye and prayers on the two men taking down our trees.

    Blessings, Tina

    1. Oops, that should say "having" some trees....not have....
      Blessings, Tina

    2. Removing trees is dangerous work, Mrs. Tina! That's one reason why I've never agreed to deliver the lunch out to the men in the woods--not that Pa would let me anyways. Mr. Brevort has seen so much in his life I don't think anything scares that man! Come sit by me and tell me all about your home in Maryland!

    3. I can understand that Jo! I am sure your Pa wants to keep you safe. Our home in Maryland is in the country but not far from town, about half hour or so by wagon. We have woods surrounding the back and one side of the house and there is a wooded area across the road from us. Our yard has several large trees as well. Love to watch the deer come up out of the woods into the yard. They like to eat the acorns falling from the trees.
      blessings, Tina

    4. Oh, Tina, my book is interesting!

    5. Hmm, I was hoping to catch a glimpse of Ms Caroline's pirate...uh, Dante. Oh, I see him outside! He is rather dashing isn't he?
      Going to head over and visit with Chappy for a bit and join in with the singing

  6. The gowns are lovely. Tried posting picture didn't work. So I'll just drop in some and have fruitcake and tea once a while after my errands today.

    1. Welcome, Lynn. I think the secret is copying a link to a picture (usually the ones on Pinterest work great). Why don't you describe your gown for us? Try some of that flan--it is so tasty! I could never make that for the men at the camp--they'd make a huge mess with it.

  7. It is a pleasure to be invited to your home, Ms. Moreau. The fresh grape juice and corn tortilla pancakes are scrumptious. I look forward to visiting with everyone throughout the day!

    1. Sure is a relief for me to not have to be cooking for everyone, Britney! Welcome!

  8. Good morning ladies. Hope everyone is enjoying the party. I would like to thank our hostess for this party. I would love some grape juice and corn tortilla pancakes. Oh, and my name is Debra Dawn, :)

    1. Debra Dawn, Mrs. Moreau has some servants bringing the food and drink around right now. Welome to the party, we're so glad to see you! It's so pretty here, isn't it!

    2. Yes, it is very pretty here. I am enjoying myself. It is a beautiful home.

  9. Welcome, Robin! I did sneak some fruitcake in, but the baker in town tells me she can send up a Spanish fruitcake later this afternoon! Blessings!

  10. Mmm, I would love a sopapilla, please! Fantastic books by some fantastic authors! I'll just make myself at home here on the rocking chair in the corner. :)

    1. I put a link from Pinterest up on FB for some delicious looking sopapillas, Susan! Welcome!

  11. Good morning, ladies, guests and today's celebrated authors! This setting is so lovely and cozy, and the food sounds delish. I would love a little taste of everything. Congratulations Carrie, MaryLu and Gina on your new releases! Much success and blessings to each of you. I have already read The Fruitcake Challenge and loved it. I look forward to MaryLu's and Gina's stories. They all sound wonderful. Perfect books to curl up with a blanket in my easy chair now that the weather has started to turn chilly here in the Northeast.

    1. Thanks so much for your endorsement of my novella, Lisa, and I can't wait to read yours! We'll swap recipes! Glad you've come out where it is warm!

  12. Good Morning! I just love seeing all the beautiful and stylish gowns y'all are wearing. I believe I'll have a cup of tea to fortify me for the days chores. I'm looking forward to discussing the latest books, and congratulations to the authors for their hard work and perseverance!

    1. Thanks so much, Anne! I'm delighted to have a break from the work in the lumber camp. I was so delighted to visit in the Upper Peninsula and view the gorgeous fall color in their hardwoods! Chilly, though!

  13. Wow! Look at all the great books! I'll definitely have some Christmas reading to do. Carrie, the fruitcake wars sound so interesting!

    1. Jo Christy here, and Miss Schamel if you met Tom Jeffries you'd understand perfectly why there would be a war over his fruitcake challenge! Thanks for coming by! Tea?

  14. Good day to you all!! This is Mrs. Moreau and Dante Vega, and this is our home! Well, it is my home, I should say. Dante is really just a hired hand, though he's become much more than that. (clears throat as face reddens) Truthfully, he's a pirate! (She fans herself) Oh my, I shouldn't have said that. He's more of a reformed pirate you see... Anyway, you all look so lovely!! I'm so glad you could make it. Please have a seat and enjoy our traditional delicacies the Sopapillas are to die for.. truly, you must try them. I'm so honored you all could make it. Now, where did Dante run off to?? Oh my... looks like he's teaching some of your men folk how to tie ship knots outside.. do excuse me...

    1. Lovely home, Mrs. Moreau. Mr. Vega is dangerously handsome! I'm so glad he and Tom are getting along. But making ship knots? Hmmm, we'll have to interrupt that activity!

    2. I would love a Sopapilla with a bit of cream and honey on top to go along with my tea. Are we sitting outside or in front of a window where we can have an unobstructed view of the beautiful outdoors, and ALL the delicious scenery? ;)

    3. Thank you so much for inviting us to your lovely tea party Mrs, Moreau. I have enjoyed mingling with everyone and your Sopapilla is delicious. I did catch a glimpse of your pira...uh, Dante, he is very handsome to be sure.

    4. Such a lovely home, Mrs. Moreau. A sopapilla and a spot of tea, lightly sweetened, would be wonderful.

  15. Hi Everybody!So good to see so many friends at this delightful tea party! It is so peaceful to look out at the beautiful lake from the back porch! The food looks delicious! I think I will mingle and get me some tea and fruitcake...............and sit on porch and enjoy my refreshments!

    All the books sound great! Congrats to all of you!

    1. I wonder if it is possible to make a Sopapilla with fruit bits in it? Yes, everything is lovely. Welcome and thank you for coming!

    2. Maybe I mistook what I chose for fruitcake.................Anyway it is DELICIOUS and very moist! :~)

  16. Hello everyone! Delighted I could make it to the party. Some sweet tea and a corn tortilla would be very refreshing after the journey from Missouri! Carrie, I was just a bit disappointed you didn't show up with fruitcake. I am about half way through your Christmas novella and am enjoying it. I thought I saw Tom wander by a little while ago. He is a handsome lad.

    The books look great. There are so many great books being written and published right now. Difficult to keep up with the latest! I am thinking since I am in such a Christmas mode right now that I might want to read the Christmas collection above. Who was that scary looking gentleman that looked like a pirate walking by?

    Thank so much for having me today.

    Mary Koester

    1. Greetings Mary! Oh, do forgive Dante. He doesn't mean to scare people. He may look a bit rough around the edges but he has a heart of gold! I pray you enjoy your time here!

    2. Thanks for reading about my life Mrs. Koester. I'm so glad Tom and I could leave the lumber camp and get a little break! I agree with you--he's the handsomest man I've ever seen, although Dante comes close.

  17. Replies
    1. Better than yesterday, Cheryl, at the homeschool co-op! But still stiff.

    2. Better than yesterday here, too. How are you, Cheryl?

  18. Replies
    1. Hi Cheryl! How are you this fine day? Please come in and get acquainted with everyone.. have some tea and do try some of the mexican Flan.. it's to die for!!

    2. Good morning, Cheryl, it sure has been fun to have someone else serving me here! Great flan!

  19. Could she make it gluten-free? That'd be delish!

  20. Good morning ladies. I sent my husband, Lord Jonathan out back with the other men. Lady Victoria here in my purple silk gown that Lord Jonathan brought home to me on one of his recent journey's to England. Debra Dawn, I love your purple gown--it looks so nice on you--a perfect fit. The food looks delicious, I think I will go check it out, since I didn't have a chance to eat any breakfast yet.

    1. Lady Victoria, I don't know what to say. Literally. Because as a humble camp cook I've never met any titled ladies before. You're so pretty! Come sit and enjoy the food!

    2. Thank you Ms. Jo. You make me blush with your lovely comment. I would be honored to sit next to such a wonderful cook--maybe some of your talents can rub off on me. I fear I could never make a fruitcake that would qualify for a marriage proposal. Good thing I found Lord Jonathan. (Winks...)

  21. What a lovely picture. I was born 37 miles from Santa Barbara. The fashion show of all the lovely gowns was terrific, and the books sound fascinating.

    1. This party must bring back fond memories, Janet. So glad you are here!

    2. It's a gorgeous city, Janet.. just 5 hours south of us..

  22. Hello, all. Sopapilla and tea. Lovely. I'm enjoying the company and conversations and pictures of Santa Barbara. I've never visited the West Coast, except when I was little and on the way to Japan, where my dad was stationed in the Army. The mission is intriguing. I'd like to explore it :-). Congratulations, ladies, on your books. I've invited a bunch of my Facebook friends to join us today. I hope they can make it.

    1. Welcome, Susan, and I hope your friends can make the journey, too! Thanks for your kind words. I'm a fan of your writing as you know, through my correspondence with you!

  23. (Chaplain Debbie enters carrying a hymnal of her favorite Christmas songs...waving to one and all)
    Hello everyone! My, but isn't this a lovely day? Waking up to the crisp Autumn airs does this Chappy's heart and body good. Everyone looks so lovely in their gowns and the men look very handsome. (She spots her Cap', Mrs. Moreau) Mrs. Moreau, your home is so quaint and inviting. Thank you so much for opening up yours doors for this event. *whispers* Where is that pirate of yours? Dante, is it? I hear that the way he came to live here is quite the tale. I simply must meet him. *louder* So, anyone want to sing a Christmas song or two? I think I shall get some juice, my throat is a bit dry..please do excuse me Mrs. Moreau....
    (Chaplain Debbie walks off, singing one of her favorite songs)...."Joy to the World, the Lord has come......."

    1. *Joins Chappy in singing...*

    2. Wait a moment. Tom has his fiddle with him and we'll join in! So many of the old classic Christmas hymns have re-released in the past decade (1880's) but I fear the folks in 1855 may not have heard them.

    3. are so right! Grab Tom and let him pick a tune and we can all join in!!!!!

    4. Good to see you here Chappy. Mind if I join you for a bit and sing along?

    5. Everyone is welcome to sing! The more the merrier, says I! And you look lovely in your gown, Ms. Tina.

    6. Great to see you, Chappy! Thank you for encouraging everyone to sing! This house has never been filled with so much merriment! I'm having trouble finding Dante.. have you seen him? Last I saw he was teaching my son how to throw a knife! My Goodness! Before I could get to him, he disappeared again. Sigh

    7. Oh dear! I do pray that they are alright. Maybe we should send one of the other men out to find him. What am I saying, I am sure he is fine, he seems to be very self-reliant....he IS a pirate after all. *giggles into her fan*

  24. Hello everyone! Sorry for my late arrival! Oh my, everyone looks absolutely lovely in their gowns! The grounds are beautifully decorated as is the interior. And, to have so many talented writers in one place is amazing! Is that MaryLu I spy standing under the mistletoe with a very handsome dark haired stranger?

  25. Hola, Señoras and Señoritas. Gracias for the invitation to this lovely tea. I am certainly enjoying the lovely delicacies, especially the sopapillas, Señora Moreau. I must say, that is quite a handsome helping hand you have out back. I will be sure that my lawman husband knows to leave him alone... and there he goes to enjoy the company of men. I am sure it will be fine.

    1. Oh my, I didn't realize we had a lawman in the group. I sure pray there won't be trouble. Where I live, in the lumber camps up north, we usually have to take care of our lawbreakers by ourselves until we can get them to the sheriff's office!

    2. Hola, Senora Cross! So happy to see you here! Yes, please do tell your husband that Dante is a "reformed" pirate and he is no longer on the wrong side of the law... though he does appear rather nefarious at times. :-)

    3. I shall be sure to let him know.

  26. Congratulations Carrie, Gina, and MaryLu! I'm so excited for each of you! What a joy to finally arrive at the tea party. A cup of hot tea would surely refresh this traveler. Please direct me to a comfy chair, and then I'd love to hear all about your wonderful books. I'm planning to take a copy of each home with me.

    1. Thanks so much, Cynthia. So happy to have this novella out. Thanks for referring me to Eva Marie, who was so much help with the story!

    2. Thank you, Cynthia!! So nice to see you. :-)

    3. Hello Carrie and maryLu. I am always happy to have a chance to talk with you. I need to find some tea and maybe a couple of Sopapillas. Sounds so good. MS Maxie

  27. What a lovely party. Please pass the flan

  28. BTW--I tried to post a copy of my gown (from Pinterest), but didn't know how to do it from my iPad. :-(

  29. Good day all! I have just returned from a Dr. appointment and would love a cup of tea and some flan if it is available. The air here in Michigan is quite cool, so the tea should taste delightful. The water is rough here, but looks lovely down south. Thanks so much for the invitation to visit 😊

    1. Why I've just traveled all the way from northern Michigan! How thoughtless of me and Tom to have not invited you on the journey with us, Mrs. Betti! Yes, the straits of Mackinac were mighty turbulent (Tom's word not mine!) when we left! Welcome!

    2. Welcome Betti!! I hope the doctor gave you a clean bill of health! Thank you so much for dropping in. :-)

    3. I finally made it to Santa Barbara! There was a very fast train with just one seat left, so here I am. Your home is simply lovely, Mrs. Moreau. I am so very grateful to be safely here, and the warmer temperatures are very welcome. I do hope the treats are not all gone. :)

    4. Btw, Carrie - I finished The Fruitcake Challenge while waiting at the Dr. this morning. I was wearing my Mackinac hoodie at the

  30. A nice cup of peppermint tea would be just the thing right now. I bought The Fruitcake Challenge and I'm enjoying it, Carrie. The other books here look great.

    1. I'm so glad Caroline has peppermint tea because I'm all out at my cook house up north in the lumber camp and I'd love to have some, too. So glad you are enjoying my story. Have you met Tom? He's in the corner reading a book he wants the children to have in the new school in the Upper Peninsula!

    2. Welcome Erin! I'm about halfway through the Fruitcake Challenge and loving it!

    3. Mmm, I love peppermint tea--that or cinnamon tea. May I please have a cup of tea as well

  31. Goodness, late as always. My comment didn't post the first time for some reason. I tried to get here earlier but I need a new carriage as mine broke down on my way here. Sigh. I was afraid I'd ruined my new tea gown! Thankfully I am here! I would adore a sweet tea and sopapilla (or two). After all, that was quite a walk to this grand estate! I am so glad to be here with all you lovely ladies! Good heavens, what a treat!

    1. Those sopapillas are as delicious as my hotcakes and the sugar cookies I make in the lumber camp. Of course if you slather hot fudge on cookies it does make them delicious. Aren't the vineyards here beautiful?

    2. You're never too late for a party, Sarah!! So nice to see you! Aren't these beautiful vineyards lovely?

    3. Thank you, sweet ladies. Indeed they are lovely! I believe that when the tea is done, I shall take a wander through them if my delightful hostess doesn't mind.

  32. What a delightful party, my friends! Congratulations Carrie, MaryLu, and Gina on these splendid books! They all sound wonderful.

    1. Thanks so much, Carla. You should come by the lumber camp some time, especially since you've been involved with the Christmas tree transport from the Upper Peninsula!

    2. HI everyone! I hope that I'm not to late! My, my everyone looks amazing! Why, there are pirates, lawmen, all types of wonderful people here. And, such amazing writers, I feel honored to be in the midst of such talent! My name is Miss Deborah Crum of Ohio!

    3. Thank you, Carla!! And Welcome Miss Crum!

    4. Welcome Deborah! Have you had a tour of this wonderful house yet?

  33. The tea is delicious as well as the treats. My grandfather helped plant some of the pine forests in Michigan with the CCC :)

    1. Welcome Becky!! Wow... that is so cool about your grandfather. We hear about so many people chopping down trees.. it's nice to hear about those who replant them. :-) I hope you enjoy the party!

    2. That is so cool, Becky! God bless Roosevelt for instituting those programs to help replace all the gorgeous forest that had been chopped down. Ooops, did I say that? I'm Jo Christy and my Pa, brothers, and all the other loggers are cutting down the trees!

    3. I would love to visit with you as you cook at your lumber camp. I would probably learn a few things. Maxie

  34. That could work for me too... GF fruitcake & tea. :)

  35. All the comments are delightful... would love to read all these books :)

    1. I hope you would love them all, Deanna! Thanks for reading Christian fiction!

    2. I always love the Christmas stories. Even in other months. But especially in Christmas season. It is such a lovely time of year when are celebrating the birth of our Lord, isn't it. Lovely hearing all of this singing and music. Always nice to see everyone again too! Maxie

    3. Great singing, Maxie, I love Christmas season as we focus more on the meaning of God's amazing gift to us!

  36. Greetings, Ms. Moreau!! What a beautiful day in Santa Barbara for a Tea Party - I enjoyed viewing the water before ascending to your quaint home. I would have loved to have tarried at water's edge - however, my fair skin burns so easily!! I'm delighted to be in your company and that of so many wonderful friends!!

    1. Greetings Ms Roof! So glad you could make it all the way out west!! Yes, do stay out of the sun and come inside where it is cool. My skin is the same way. Enjoy!

    2. It is lovely here, isn't it, Bonnie. So good to see you, you're such a blessing!

    3. Carrie, this is my first time to be in California. Very pretty in this area. But, so gload I got to come after being sick. Love visiting with everyone at our Tea parties and seeing new places. Maxie

    4. Good to see you also, Miss Christy, you dear lady!! I've wanted to meet you for the longest time!!.

    5. I'd have never thought, when I wanted to get out of the lumber camp, that I'd be traveling this far, Maxie and Bonnie! Great getting to visit with you today and if you see Tom, please tell him we are ready for his fiddle playing!

  37. Yes, it was a very long trip - however, I wouldn't have missed this party for the world!! I'm just dying to meet the authors of those wonderful new books I've heard about!!

    1. The Christy family lumber camp thanks you for your support, Ms. Roof!

    2. Hello MS Bonnie. Always nice to see you at these parties! We just had a bad storm, so glad I could make it even if I was late. MS Maxie

    3. You're more than welcome, Miss Christy!! And - Ms. Maxie, so glad you made it safely through the storm!!

    4. Did you try the zucchini, onion, tomato, pepper and salsa with chicken broth dish that I made? I just had to sneak into the kitchen and help. It tasted so tangy with the Salsa Verde in it!

  38. Hello all! Caroline you have a beautiful home! Thank you for inviting me.

    1. Thank you! The Spanish tile and adobe really helps keep it cool.. although the ocean breeze is always blowing. :-)

  39. Oh my I hope I'm not too late! I was so looking forward to tea! And my oh my what a beautiful selection of books! They all seem quite captivating. I haven't read any of them, but will definitely add them to my to read pile! I've been at sea for a while with my cap't and I must say I am enjoying the sights very much! Beautiful area and what a great place to show off my new gown :)

    1. Welcome Melanie! The tea cart is coming around again. I'm so grateful I'm not the cook here! I cook for over four dozen people back at the lumber camp in Michigan. Lovely dress!

    2. Welcome Melanie!! You are never too late! And you look lovely!

  40. Oh you know I am loving all this early holiday cheer ! Sweet Tea and Sopapillas sound wonderful. Me Captian knows I have her book already and a wonderful one it is for sure... I also have Carries too. Wonderful Stories... I have not read the last one at all and have not got a copy to enjoy yet. I bet its a great one too ! Candles I so love candles. Carrie you know I have mom that Pink Lady Slipper candle last year when I won it... she has it in her bathroom ! The hearth and the Blue door are so homey you know... I mixed up a batch of spiced tea today for this cooler weather were having in NY. Well I am going to sit and visit with you all this evening and not blow the weight loss I have achieved.... Nope Dont tempt
    Hugs and Blessings
    Linda Marie Finn
    Women Professing Godliness
    Faithful Acres Books & More

    1. Thanks for visiting with us, Linda. Love those Sopapillas. Thanks for reading about Jo's and Tom's story of hope. Please don't mention my brothers to him, tonight, he's still a little bit sore at them--but he shouldn't be! Hugs!

    2. Welcome Linda!! So happy to see you! I promise I won't tempt you with any goodies.. though I did make them all low fat. :-)

    3. The great thing about the goodies here is they are all fat free, calorie free and sugar free, so enjoy at least a taste Linda. Wink...

  41. Replies
    1. I am so glad, Grace! Am only just now able to get back on the internet. Not sure what is going on with Blogger!

    2. Me too, Grace!! Thanks for coming!

  42. Congrats ladies!! those sopapillas look delicious.

    Thanks for the invite

    1. Thanks so much for being on the Christmas Traditions series promo team, Janella! Great to see you here!

    2. Thank you, Janella! They are delicious. :-)

  43. Well, this party seems to be in full swing! Everyone in conversation....some singing, some dancing.....ahhh....I do so enjoy watching others. I believe I will sit here a spell, enjoy some juice and hum a little tune....

    1. Let's sing I Wish You a Merry Fruitcake, Chappy!

    2. Hahaha! Okay! We wish you a Merry Fruitcake, We wish you a Merry Fruitcake, We wish you a Merry Fruitcake and a Happy Tummy! How's that?! LOL

    3. Here, Tom, play your fiddle as we sing. Okay everyone, 1-2-3 We wish you a Merry Fruitcake....

  44. Whew! I made it! Will be checking in now and then while I'm cooking dinner! We're having ham and a zucchini casserole that would, I believe, fit in with this party! :)

    1. When I'm done here, I'm coming over, Pam. That sounds delish! Thanks for dropping by!

    2. The zucchini casserole is wonderful! Even people who don't like zucchini eat this. So easy - I do 4 med. zucchini and one sweet onion, chop them and simmer them in water until they're really soft. Then drain in a colander. While still in the colander, use a potato masher and mash them until soft and mushy. Pour into a bowl, add half a stick of butter, one egg, and about a cup and a half of sharp cheddar cheese and mix well. Pour into a greased casserole dish and bake at 350* for half an hour. So yummy!! I even like it leftover for breakfast with scrambled eggs.

    3. Sounds really good. I'm copying this down! Thanks Pam

    4. That is so funny, Pam, because I have a zucchini, pepper, and salsa and onion mix in chicken broth on the stove right now and just uploaded a pic to FB! Great minds think alike! I like your recipe! Mine is much simpler.

    5. Mmmmmmm ... yours sounds good, too!

  45. Hi everyone!I tried to post a dress but couldn't get it to post,sorry.I have been reading all the comments and enjoying.It is a rainy day here in my neck of the woods.I love Christmas stories.Christmas is my favorite time of the year.

    1. Christmas has always been my favorite too, Jackie. Thanks so much for coming !

    2. Thanks for having me at this great party.

    3. I love Christmas, too, which is why I am so glad that Gina Welborn asked me to contribute my novella to the Christmas Traditions series that she and Cynthia Hickey put together and which The Fruitcake Challenge is the 3rd book. Many blessings!

    4. Christmas is my fave time of the year, also - ladies. It's not only the birthday of our Lord, but mine as well. A snowy, slick day it was, when I was born at home.

    5. Christmas is a wonderful time of the year. Rarely snowy here, though. Hopefully this year. ..

    6. Bonnie, I love Christmas but it is difficult for me because of my RA, so I have to start planning well ahead of time. And the stress, even good stress, causes flare ups, so...

    7. Harmony, in our lumber camps up north we want there to be snow and a freeze, which makes hauling the logs easier. But this year, 1890, the weather has been quite mild, which is causing issues for my father's lumber camp. But it has made it easier for people to travel!

  46. Hello ladies. Sorry I am so late, but so many problems this week. Biggest was going to ER with extreme blood pressure. Been feeling bad then this. And girls came to help. So glad I got some better so could make it even late. Please keep me on your prayer list tho. So many beautiful dresses today. Was a long trip. Congrats with all of you ladies who have won awards with your books. I think all of you authors deserve awards. Love reading your books. MS. Maxie

    1. Maxie, I'm so sorry for your troubles! I am praying for you and your family now! I'm so glad you were able to make it. Please have a sit and rest, dear.

    2. My comment didn't take, Maxie so I'll try again. Am praying for you sweetie and hope you are feeling all better soon. Thanks so much for reading the stories.

  47. These books sound fabulous! Thanks for hosting this fun party giveaway and sorry I couldn't join the party earlier. Congratulations to the authors listed above who won awards and a big thanks to all of you for providing exciting and romantic stories for all of us to enjoy.
    Brittany McEuen
    kbmceuen at yahoo dot com

    1. Hi Brittany! Thank you for reading romantic stories like mine and Tom's--lumberjacks can find love and lumber camp cooks can find hope, too! Blessings!

    2. Thank you, Brittany! So glad you could make it!

  48. Carrie, I am feeling worse again and its a long way home so I must leave. Been a very nice party tho. And, again congratulations to you, MaryLu, and Gina. Love to you all, and GOD bless. Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

    1. Oh Maxie, I am so sorry! Praying for you sweetie! Big hugs!

    2. Saying a prayer for your health and a safe journey home, Ms. Maxie!!

  49. This party is so much fun. I am enjoying talking to everyone. The food was delicious too. :)

    1. About to take some squash, peppers, onions with Spanish seasoning around for supper. Being a cook, I just couldn't resist helping out in the kitchen. What can I say? Nothing like our usual lumberjack fare. So nice to find these fresh vegetables here in California!

    2. Talking is fun, but singing is better! Won't you join us, daughter? You know you want to....I see your toes tapping and the smile on your face. Chime in!

  50. I am back. It has been a very long and tiring day.

    1. We locked up earlier, Cheryl. I hope you got a lot done!

  51. Time to have a little refreshment. I am parched.

    1. Up north we usually serve hot cider in the camps once we get into October but it's so warm out here in California, Cheryl. Sweet tea?

  52. Chaplain Debbie, is the singing over?? I love to sing!!

    1. The singing is never over, Bonnie! Chime in anytime and have a great time!

    2. Tom is playing his fiddle and we are taking suggestions for the next three songs!

  53. Every book looks like a good read. Would be honored to win a book from any of the authors participating.

    1. Thank you, Bonnie!! Glad you dropped by :-)

    2. I think you'd love them all, Bonnie! Blessings and thanks for joining us!

  54. Yo Ho Yo Ho It's Christmas time fer me! Haha! It's nice celebrating the holiday early, it puts one in a great mood! So, anyone have any favorite Christmas songs? Let it be known and mayhaps Tom can play it on his fiddle! (Chaplain Debbie proceeds to do a little jig, while humming the above verse.....Yo Ho Yo Ho It's Christmas time fer me!....)

    1. Oh Holy night is my all time favorite!

    2. Love that one! Gives me goosebumps. :)

    3. Tom did a beautiful rendition of Oh Holy Night and I was glad to sing. I don't get much chance for that at home. We don't often sing when the stump preacher comes but we will be singing at our Christmas Eve celebration in the Cook Shack.

  55. Thanks for the giveaways! I loved looking at all the pretty dresses on the facebook page. :)

    1. Aren't they gorgeous Anna? I almost wish our fashions were like that now a days. Almost.. cause I know it was really arduous to get dressed.

    2. They are beautiful, aren't they?!?!

    3. It's fun and it gets us all in the mood. I was happy to not have to wear an apron!

  56. Yes, I'm getting hungry too. (Looks around for the food...

  57. Mmm...I think I'm smelling some dinner food--what am I smelling?

    1. Could be Pam's zucchini casserole!

    2. I made a zucchini, pepper, onion, and Salsa Verde dish. Just couldn't stay out of the kitchen Vicki!

  58. Thank you for hosting such a relaxing and lovely tea . It's been a great break from house work.

    1. It's a great break from cooking for all those lumberjack who inhale their meals in minutes after I and my crew have slaved over them all day.

  59. Congratulations, by the way, to each of the nominees and winners. :)

    1. Thank you for coming, Harmony! Everyone needs a break from housework!

  60. Good evening ladies. I haven't checked in for a while...what have I missed?!?

    1. Hi Robin, We've been singing Christmas carols, eating tons of food, and decorating my house. Also, the men have been out surveying the grapevines and checking out the tools in the barn. And probably doing other things we don't want to know about.. like shooting guns or something. LOL

    2. I was locked out earlier for a couple of hours, but I just watched all those young men fumbling with rope knots. Then I went to the kitchen to cook for a little bit!

  61. I have enjoyed the tea party so much. Thank you for inviting me to your lovely home Caroline. I have a long, long coach ride home so must be going.

  62. It's such a warm day, I think I'll have another cup of that delicious fresh grape juice and some flan to go with it!! What delights!!


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