
Monday, July 7, 2014

Review of Circle of Spies by Roseanna M. White

Circle of Spies

by Roseanna M. White

As the Civil War stretched on,
the Culper Ring must draw an unwilling agent 
into the family legacy of espionage...

Guest review by Dorcas Perkins 

5 Stars aren't earned easily. But this book deserves every one of them.

It isn't often I read a book and say "I wouldn't change a thing." There's always SOMETHING that just doesn't quite "scratch the itch." So I was amazed that when I at last put this book down I didn't have one negative thing to say about it. It was perfect.

The characters are flawed and REAL. The heroine is a coquette and drawn in many directions by her desires; she makes some bad choices in her life which eventually cause her to rethink where she is heading. At heart she is a good person. She's also fascinating, in that she has perfect recall. She only has to glance at something (or see something or hear something), and it is forever and indelibly inscribed on her memory. This is both a blessing and a curse. But it's interesting how it all pans out and is put to use.

The hero is very likable. A bit of a rogue who has turned his wayward life around (on the inside), but as a Pinkerton detective he assumes the role of his traitorous dead twin brother to infiltrate the KCG.

And the villain...he's a perfect villain. I liked that he didn't hide his "villain-ness" till the last page. He was a villain from the very first chapter, which made it all the more spooky. But don't get the idea that he's somehow comical. He is an abusive control freak who will stop at absolutely nothing to posses his deceased brother's wife (the heroine). He's positively smooth at the start of the book but becomes increasingly unhinged as he loses the devotion of his intended.

I just loved this book. You need to read it. Even the secondary characters were well formed and living. Such a well developed story. Did I say I loved it??

Many thanks to NetGalley for my free ecopy to review

Dorcas Perkins reviews at 
and Goodreads.


One copy of Circle of Spies or any Culper Ring book
(U.S. mailing addresses only--
international winner eligible for ebook)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Such an outstanding author. Such an amazing book. Such a unique story line. Such memorable characters.

    You could sign it with, "May you not be deceived and find the truth." Or "May your eyes be opened to the Truth of His words."

    1. Oh, I just realized when you left this comment that I hadn't updated the "comment" section in the giveaway when I duplicated an old one! LOL. Sorry--the "how you think I should sign it" was from the pre-release giveaway... ;-)

      Thanks for stopping by, Kate!

  2. I love this series and your writing! I am living learning about the Culper Ring! Thanks for the introduction!
    Nancycooks4u ( at) gmail ( dot ) com

    1. Thanks, Nancy. =) And I enjoyed chatting TURN with you last week!

  3. Ooh, thanks for another giveaway opportunity! I thoroughly enjoyed your whole series, but I have to say the three different spy groups dancing around each other was among my favorite parts of the series.


    1. It was SO MUCH FUN to develop that aspect!! =D

  4. Oh yes, I love this series!!! Wonderful author and storylines are intriguing and gripping. :) Great review!

    1. Aw, thanks, Susan. =) And isn't it a great review? Even better is that it was the first one I got! (And one of the few I've read, LOL.)

  5. I love your books so much, Roseanna! As a fan of all things espionage, I love reading about the Culper Ring. AND I cannot wait for your upcoming book with Bethany House--again, congratulations!

    1. I can't wait either, Jillian! Though of course I must. It'll be another year before it's out...

  6. Looks like a very interesting and exciting book! I'd love to get a chance to read it :)


  7. I have been introduced to many new authors here on Colonial Quills. This sounds like a wonderful book. I love reading books about the Civil War. Thank you for sharing and a chance to win. ~ Blessings ~ lisastifler(at)yahoo(dot)com

  8. Another series I would love to dig into! So many books, so little time...



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