
Friday, May 23, 2014

Visiting our Past

Visiting Our Past – America’s Historylands
a book recommendation by Pat Iacuzzi
            “A land of plenty, and plenty of it. Born amid bounty, America grew up in the age of wondrous new machines made for abundance—they reaped it quicker, spread it around, created more and the hunger for more. From the fertile wilderness sprouted the giant of the Industrial Revolution.”
            Several years ago I wandered through a favorite spot—my public library bookstore where used books are donated and sold for a pittance (usually .50—5.00) depending on size and condition. Beautiful books. Fiction, non-fiction, craft books, hard cover, soft cover…
It’s where I found Visiting Our Past – America’s Historylands published by the National Geographic Society. Need I say more? Like its magazine namesake, this coffee-table, hardcover version contains impeccable research text on America ’s past from the conquistadors, to earliest new world settlements such as Jamestown, Plymouth, and Williamsburg, to the industrialized Gilded Age. And like the magazine, this book is richly illustrated on every page with detailed photos by staff photographers.
If you enjoy discovering more about America’s history, take a virtual tour of life in forts, settlements, early American homes, or people working and enjoying leisurely pursuits, this well-written and illustrated book is a treasure.          


  1. Wow, look at that fireplace! Would love to cook something in it.
    Enjoyed your article very much. Will have to see if I can locate this book for myself.
    Blessings, Tina

  2. Sounds like a wonderful book
    God bless you
    Chris G

  3. These are the treasures you find at library sales! I'm always on the look-out. People seem to donate 'coffee table' books often, like these great reference books.

    thanks, Pat!

  4. Hi Ladies--

    Thanks for stopping in....was on the road with my son (took a short day trip to visit friends), and am now home. As I mentioned in the review--this is a terrific book; if you're not a fan of reading a huge amount of detailed info for research, you will easily pick it up in the generous number of authentic re-enactment photos.

    I've seen copies for sale on Amazon & Ebay. Enjoy!

    A huge congrats to all the winning authors mentioned above; also saw where Elaine Cooper won a Selah award!

  5. I have a copy of this book, and have for a long time. It was one of my favorite books as a kid (weird, huh?). It is so fun.

  6. I have a copy of this book, and have for a long time. It was one of my favorite books as a kid (weird, huh?). It is so fun.


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