
Friday, May 2, 2014

May's "virtual" Tea Party Picnic!!

With the weather this marvelous, who wants to be inside? 
Join us as we enjoy a wonderful spring-time picnic in the city of Sandwich, MA on beautiful Cape Cod.

Today we are pleased to celebrate the release of TWO wonderful novels: SO FAIR A LADY (Amber Lynn Perry) and THE PURSUIT OF TAMSEN LITTLEJOHN (Lori Benton)!

We couldn't be more thrilled to have you! Please feel free to find a place on the quilt and allow us to pour you a drink and offer you some refreshments. Amber has brought her homemade blackberry jam to accompany our fresh biscuits. Lori has arrived bearing character Janet Allard’s famous apple pie. “No one makes a better pie west of the mountains,” neighbor Jesse Bird has been heard to say of Janet’s yummy pies. There is plenty of tea, fresh fruit, bread, cheeses and meats to suit your palate.

Amber Lynn Perry, debut author of SO FAIR A LADY, is wearing a lovely floral top and simple green petticoat--similar to something heroine Eliza Campbell might have worn. (You might even recognize it from the cover!!)

Lori Benton, author of the thrilling THE PURSUIT OF TAMSEN LITTLEJOHN, is wearing a gown from the era of her story (1780s), created by Tamsen, who is a marvelous seamstress, with a fitted bodice and overskirt printed with a pattern of floral sprays, and a white quilted petticoat beneath.

Please do tell us your name and what you are wearing, we always love to get to know our guests!

While you enjoy your drinks and yummy treats, allow us to share with you the two authors and their stories we are sharing with you today.

Amber Lynn Perry's So Fair a Lady begins in Boston, but quickly takes a turn for high adventure as the patriot hero, Thomas Watson, and courageous heroine Eliza Campbell must escape sixty miles south to Sandwich or risk capture by the British—but the danger is only beginning.

A woman who needs the truth.
A man who needs to escape it.

Boston, MA 1773: Shards of Eliza Campbell's life crash to the ground when she discovers a devastating secret: her father was a spy for the Sons of Liberty. Determined to uncover the truth, not even a marriage proposal from the dashing British Officer Samuel Martin can dissuade her. When rescued from British capture by handsome patriot Thomas Watson, Eliza discovers what her father risked his life for and yearns to know more. But will her budding attraction to this courageous patriot damage her already wounded heart? 

After years of being blackmailed by Officer Martin, Thomas plans to start a new life in the small town of Sandwich. However, when his actions place Eliza and her sister in danger, he must act quickly to protect them from falling into enemy hands. If the three of them are discovered, their lives will never be the same. Now, not only must he protect Eliza, he must protect his heart from a love that is sure to wound him far greater than any British soldier ever could.

Sandwich is the oldest town in Cape Cod and boasts a rich history dating back to the year it was founded in 1637. Make sure you take some time to explore this wonderful place when our picnic is over. *wink* Amber loves America and its God-blessed history. She hopes that you will not only love this story as a historical romance, but that you will also increase in your own love for this wonderful country.

* How are you enjoying yourself so far? Do you need more tea? Please feel free to help yourself to another treat while you learn more about this next magnificent novel! *

Inspiration for The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn came straight from the pages of history. While researching the 18th century, Lori came across mention of the Lost State of Franklin—an attempt of the citizens of western North Carolina to form a separate state. Had they succeeded (and they nearly did) Franklin would have been the fourteenth state admitted into the Union. This first post-Revolutionary War attempt at independent statehood spanned a short but tumultuous period (1784—1789), marked by courthouse raids, fisticuffs, and battle, while two governments vied for the same territory. How, she wondered, could such a situation result in anything but chaos—and a setting that begged for a story to be woven through it?

Frontier dangers cannot hold a candle to the risks one woman takes by falling in love.

In an act of brave defiance, Tamsen Littlejohn escapes the life her harsh stepfather has forced upon her. Forsaking security and an arranged marriage, she enlists frontiersman Jesse Bird to guide her to the Watauga settlement in western North Carolina. But shedding her old life doesn’t come without cost. As the two cross a vast mountain wilderness, Tamsen faces hardships that test the limits of her faith and endurance. 

Convinced that Tamsen has been kidnapped, wealthy suitor Ambrose Kincaid follows after her, in company with her equally determined stepfather. With trouble in pursuit, Tamsen and Jesse find themselves thrust into the conflict of a divided community of Overmountain settlers. The State of Franklin has been declared, but many remain loyal to North Carolina. With one life left behind and chaos on the horizon, Tamsen struggles to adapt to a life for which she was never prepared. But could this challenging frontier life be what her soul has longed for, what God has been leading her toward? As pursuit draws ever nearer, will her faith see her through the greatest danger of all—loving a man who has risked everything for her?

Thank you so much for joining us today!! We do hope you have enjoyed the picnic. Such a peaceful way to enjoy the day with friends. Make sure you enter the giveaway below for a chance to win one of TWO fabulous gifts.  Can't wait to see you again next month for our next Tea Party.


Two separate winners will be chosen in the drawing.
One winner will receive a signed copy of Amber's novel, So Fair a Lady and a cookbook featuring delicious recipes from Cape Cod. Lori is giving away a signed copy of The Pursuit of Tamsen
Littlejohn plus a DVD documentary on The Lost State of Franklin to one winner (US addresses only).

We are using rafflecopter this time around, so simply follow the instructions in the box below to be entered!! Thank you again and God bless!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I am so glad to be here! The weather is simply wonderful for today's picnic! I am so excited to spend this day with friends, old and new!!! How exciting it is to discuss these wonderful authors and their books and get caught up with how everyone is doing!

    1. Welcome, Grace! Find a place on the coverlet and make yourself comfortable. Can I interest you in a nice slice of this apple pie?

    2. I would love a slice of apple pie! Especially after I arrived here , and fell asleep under this wonderful tree..My apologies to all for closing my eyes for what was only supposed to be for a few.I have been up early baking some extra bread for the Orphan Ministry...Ummmm this slice of pie is divine!!!

  2. I am staying at a nearby inn for the night to be fresh after my morning walk to join you dear friends mid-morning for scones and tea. It will be so good to see you all. Half-Irish Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

    1. Welcome, Kathleen! You had the right idea, lass. So glad you could join us today.

    2. I didn't know how to place the photo of my pretty frock so just put the location ~ I would love a cup of Earl Grey or Lady Grey tea ~ love those Grey's! And two scones, any kind. It is such a pleasant day and the low fire lends a hue of coziness, don't you think? Splendid to be here! Half-Irish Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

  3. I arrived early, so will just take a stroll and take in all of the sites of Cape Cod, having never been here before today. I am wearing a soft percale dress with a low neck edges with cream colored lace which also trims the three quarter sleeves and a full long skirt. The print is of yellow flowers. I also brought along my Yellow Umbrella for I fear the sun might get a mite bright today. will be there in time for some of the good Biscuits and Blackberry Jam. How I do love blackberries. See you again soon. Maxie Anderson

    1. Maxie, I thought I saw a yellow umbrella bobbing about town. ;) But doesn't the sun feel good? So glad you could join us today to celebrate our new books. Welcome!

    2. Maxie, so great to see you at the picnic! Oh my, I forgot my own umbrella and I shall dash back to the inn to retrieve it. Of course it is pink to match my gown! And Tamsen Littlejohn is even more lovely in person than I imagined!

    3. Maxie! I'm so happy you could be with us today! Of all the places on the Cape, Sandwich is truly special, so I'm glad you took some time to look around! Your gown is marvelous and that color looks beautiful on you! Did you get some biscuits? Here, let me get you a plate!! :)

    4. Thank you Amber, that sounds delicious. I am getting a bit hungry. Yes, the sun feels nice for now. but, when it starts getting early enough in Texas for a picnic the sun gets hot enough to cook you. :) Not quite, but feels like it. And, when it starts it stays. I really can't stay out in it very long at a time. All of you have such lovely gowns. Guess I'd best eat a bite. Thanks. Maxie

  4. I'd love some Cranberry tea please, as Cranberries abound on the cape! I honeymooned in Sandwich so it is fun to visit the quaint, historic village once again! Cape Cod is one of my favorite places and I've enjoyed many summers there throughout my life. I can just imagine sitting on a sandy dune reading these exciting new works by Lori and Amber! Congratulations to both!

    1. Hi Carla! Thanks for joining our celebratory tea. Cranberry juice sounds wonderful. I'll have some myself, but here, you first.

    2. Oh Carla, what a perfect place to honeymoon!!! Cape Cod is one of my favorite places as well!! I'm just so pleased to have you here! Let me know if I can get you anything else. :)

  5. By the way, Sandwich is the oldest town on Cape Cod, settled in 1637!

    1. Hi Carla! Yes, can you believe it? Sandwich has a very rich history! So glad to have you joining us, can I get you anything to drink?

  6. Everything looks so delicious and such a beautiful day for a picnic.

    Thanks for the giveaway, both these authors are new to me.
    Blessings and congrats on your new releases!


    1. Janella, so good to meet you! Thanks for joining our Tea. We hope you'll stay awhile and enjoy the day with us. :)

  7. You ladies have outdone yourselves. What a lovely picnic, and such enticing stories to read. Congratulations, Lori, for your prestigious accomplishments in being a double Christy award finalist! And Congratulations to you Amber, for your debut. Wishing all the best to you both!

    1. Good morning Kathleen, and thank you! I'm a long way from western North Carolina, but I think Tamsen Littlejohn would enjoy this setting immensely.

    2. Hi Kathleen! Thank you so very much for your kind words and for joining us today!! It really is a beautiful day for a picnic. :)

  8. What a beautiful day for a picnic! This is a special day for me and I am tickled pink that I get to spend it with you lovely ladies!

    I have read both books and absolutely LOVED them! Congrats , Lori on being a double finalist!

    1. I will be in and out today. We are moving West (South Dakota!) I have lots to do...pack, phone calls, pack some more, and a nap! So thankful we don't have to travel by coach or walk it! A big moving truck is challenging enough!

    2. Thank you so much Regina, and for reading our books! Blessings to you on this big day. You aren't kidding about the travel part. I went west (Maryland to Oregon) 20 years ago, with a truck and trailer pulling all our worldly goods. That WAS challenge enough, and we had a few scrapes, but nothing like what our forebears endured. I'm glad you could stop by and join us today!

    3. Thank you, Lori! When we first moved down here (SC) I drove a Uhaul truck by myself! When we got here I said I will not do this again, it was very stressful! This time we are renting a 26 ft. truck, my husband and I will be driving it. Our daughter will be driving the car with our three cats!! I can hear God laughing at me!

    4. We have done this going both ways. First from California to Maryland but had it shipped and then had to 'live in a hotel for about a month, while waiting for our belongings to arrive, and then 9 months later decided to return to our roots in Oregon, with my husband & son in a 26 ft. truck, followed by me in our little car behind with our 2 & 4 yr. old girls--both vehicles with every corner stuffed, leaving only enough room for our bodies. I can't imagine a wagon (or more than one) crossing the Oregon trail. Oh my! Good luck with your move.

  9. Good morning, ladies! Just dropping by, with coffee in hand, to say hello before I head off to work. I will join you again later this afternoon and be dressed in that beautiful spring gown. Until then... :)

    1. Good morning, Angi. I'm going to find myself a cup of coffee too here, in a bit. Thank you for stopping by, have a good day at work. We'll see you later on a bit.... :)

  10. Amber, Congratulations on your debut release! Teresa Matthews has been telling me how wonderful it is and I can't wait to get to it! LOVE the cover! This is such a great place for a party! Oh, and look--they are setting up a tea cart over under the tent!

    1. Carrie! I couldn't be more pleased to have you here and I'm so glad you like our little spot here by the pond, isn't it just wonderful weather? Your gown is exquisite!! Can I get you some tea? And I am just so excited that Teresa is enjoying the book so much, that makes my day!

    2. Her book is a page turner! Amber finished the day she received it and I finished it the next day! It is good, you will like it Carrie!

      Oh good! I am really thirsty and hungry! Haven't had breakfast yet!

    3. Regina! Thank you ever so much, that is what a writer yearns to hear! So pleased to have you joining us--no breakfast? You must be famished, allow me to get you a biscuit and a cut of tea, and let me know if I can get you anything else!

    4. Thank you, Amber! It is so lovely here!

      Oh yes, I posted the picture of my dress on facebook.

  11. What a lovely morning for a tea party! I heard it was to rain all day, and look! The sun is peeking over the bay! Hopefully I will not spill any of this delicious blackberry jam on my dress (even if it is rather plain homespun) - we'll be traveling later with no time to change.

    Congratulations on the new releases!

    1. Rachel! I see nothing plain at all about your lovely gown, it's absolutely perfect for a picnic! :) So pleased to have you here, thank you for coming--and don't worry, there's plenty of tea and biscuits to go around.

  12. What a lovely day for a picnic. I would love some cranberry juice which would taste wonderful with apple pie as I sit and gaze upon these lovely gowns. Amber you look stunning in yours. Congratulations on your debut novel. I hope it does well.
    Lori, you must be over the moon to be a double Christy award finalist on your debut novel.
    I look forward to reading both books.

    1. Janet, I'm honored by it that's for certain. SO many great books and authors nominated for the Christys. Thank you!

  13. So lovely to stop for a cup of tea under the trees in this beautiful sun. I'm tickled to have an occasion to wear the Royal purple gown, I found while visiting the Windsor Castle last month. Oh, forgive me, I forgot to introduce myself--I am Lady Victoria,. I'm afraid I can not stay too long, as we are going to go out this afternoon and visit the sites in Madrid today, and enjoy a bit of their celebration, as today is Madrid Day'

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Lady Victoria, we're pleased to see you here. I wasn't aware that today is Madrid Day. I hope you enjoy that celebration as well! Grab a biscuit or a slice of pie before you go, we don't stand on ceremony here. :)

  14. A tea party picnic-what a great idea! I used to visit Cape Cod every year with my family, so it is very nostalgic for me to be here today. I love the area and its history. Such beautiful gowns and equally beautiful book covers. Congratulations, blessings and much success on your debut novel, Amber. And the same to you, Lori, on your new release. Huzzah, on the Christy nominations. Awesome. Both books sound like wonderful stories and must reads! Very best wishes to you both!

    1. Lisa! What a joy to have you with us! Isn't Cape Cod divine?! I love it too, and a perfect setting for a wonderful spring-time picnic. Thank you so much for your well wishes, that means a lot!! Blessings!

    2. Thank you, Lisa! Glad you could join us today. :)

  15. My name is Janet Dowell. I am wearing a white pastoral maxi dress with a high waist. It is simple but elegant. I love walking beside the is so peaceful!

    1. I think the picnic is just awesome..............I love mingling and make new friends. Picnics are great for getting together with friends, So excited to be here! The atmosphere is perfect with the gentle breeze coming off the water

    2. Janet! I'm so thrilled you are happy to be here, just as we are so thrilled to have you! Your gown is absolutely perfect for a day like this. And I absolutely agree, the weather and atmosphere could not be more suited for our picnic!

    3. I forgot my email address:

  16. Good morning everyone! So excited to be here. What a beautiful day for a tea party. The sun is shinning, the sky is a pretty blue. I sure needed this little break today.

    1. Good morning! Yes, a break is certainly in order for today. So glad you could join us, Cheryl. Make yourself at home. :)

  17. Gooooood Carolina Morning to you, Ladies! A tea party sounds like a delightful way to spend the afternoon. I put a photo of my gown on the invitation page at FB. I've been a little under the weather so I may not be able stay too long.

    I've lived in NC most of my life, and not too far from where Lori has set her story, yet I never heard of them trying to secede. In fact, early on in our marriage, my husband and I owned quite a bit of acreage in Cocke Co TN. I would LOVE to read this book!

    1. Good morning, Anne, so glad you dropped by, and I hope you feel better soon. I'm always excited to meet a Carolina resident. I love that state, from the Outer Banks to the Blue Ridge. And it's true, this little corner of NC history revolving around the State of Franklin seems to have gotten lost along the way, slipped through the cracks, so to speak. I hope Tamsen's story will help revive the memory of it.

    2. Did you travel to the area for research? How did you find out about it?

      My friend, Rebecca Maney, was an early influencer for the book and she said it was fantastic! It will be on her Best of 2014 list :) I am going to check with our library to see if they have it, or have ordered it. If not, I am requesting they do so!

  18. Hello ladies!!! So glad to be here. I've posted a picture of gown (ivory with green springs and trim) to the Facebook event.

    I absolutely adored getting to know Tamsen and Jesse when I had the pleasure of reading it for endorsement over the holidays, and my book club will be reading it this summer--they're all very excited!

    Amber, I haven't yet had the opportunity to get yours, but it sounds so exciting! And I love the cover. Congratulations!!

    1. Hi Roseanna, thank you for joining us. I'm so thrilled to hear your book club will be reading Tamsen's story. Thank you! That's a lovely gown, too, might I say. :)

    2. Roseanna! Thank you so much for coming, I love that you are here and your dress is gorgeous! Such a perfect dress for a spring picnic. :) Thank you for your well wishes!

  19. Mmmm, what yummy jam and pie! Goes well with the tea. So wonderful to be visiting Sandwich after reading about it in the lovely So Fair A Lady! Beautiful day for a tea party.

    1. Susan!! So happy to have you with us today, can I offer you some refreshments? It really is lovely weather today, I couldn't think of a better setting for a picnic. Thank you so much for coming and so glad you can see Sandwich after having read about it, I do hope you enjoyed the story! Blessings!

  20. Amber, the cover on your book is simply gorgeous! Did you have any say in the design? It has a mysterious and ethereal quality to it, which I love! Must get my hands on a copy :)

    1. Hi Anne! Yes, I did have a lot of say in the design--in fact the girl on the cover is me! LOL Though I know its not for everyone, self-publishing has been a great path for me.

    2. Oh my goodness, it is FABuLOUS!!! You did good :)

    3. Amber, I did not know that. How fun. It IS a gorgeous cover.

    4. Wow, that's amazing! What a fun thing to model the character of your own book!

    5. It really was a blast--and much less expensive than hiring a model or spending hours trying to find just the right pic. Can't wait to reveal the cover for book two! ;)

    6. I look forward to reading the series. It sounds exciting!

    7. Amber, how neat that you are the model on your own book. Makes it even more special. I must have it on my bookshelves for a keeper. I am anxious to read it. Congratulations on being your debut book. BUT, I would have loved to see your pretty face. :) Ms. Maxie

  21. (Chaplain Debbie finally arrives on the scene)
    My oh my! It is SO beautiful here! (You have no idea how much I wish that I was actually at the place in that picture) I have arrived, ladies, but not sure how much I can pop in and out. These parties are wonderful, but they always seem to be on Fridays....which is usually when my daughter and granddaughters visit me. So, I will try my best to pop in throughout the day. Just know that whether I am here or not, you are all in my thoughts and prayers.
    So....What do you have by way of refreshments? I am parched and a bit hungry.
    (both books sound and look really good....congrats to both authors!)
    Now, I must go "virtually" stand by that water and take in the peaceful view....Hugs and God bless!

    1. Greetings Chaplain Debbie. Pull up a corner of the quilt and try some apple pie, or the jam and biscuits. But have some tea or cranberry juice for that parched throat first!

    2. Thank you so much, Lori, that sounds wonderful! Cranberry juice will hit the spot perfectly. This quilt is lovely. Did one of you ladies make it? Please pass me some of those biscuits with jam...they look so yummy.

    3. Debbie! So pleased that you could stop by even when you have company over! I'd be happy to share some biscuits with you, and please let us know if you need anything else! :)


    4. Thank you, Amber. I am off to visit with my granddaughters now. I will try to drop in later. Hugs!
      (Chaplain Debbie walks away.....hoping to return)

  22. Congrats to Lori on her book also - I have heard wonderful things about it! It is for sure on my WANT list. :) *back to sipping tea*

    1. Thank you Susan! I hope you do get a chance to read it.

  23. Whew, I just arrived from the uncivilized West and am so happy to be here with you ladies :) The children may distract me during the picnic, but Amber had a great idea to take them to feed the duck at the pond.

    1. Heidi!! SO glad you came, I've been looking forward to talking with you!! :) And the children are more than welcome, of course! I might have to join you in feeding the ducks! ;)

  24. I love this jam! I must have the recipe! And this pie...oh my! Everything is delicious ladies! Splendid job!!

    1. Regina! Oh, I'm so pleased you're enjoying yourself!! I think I might help myself to a bit of that pie as well.... ;)

  25. What a lovely picnic, ladies, I do decleah! I am Lady Diana Hampton of SC. What a beautiful pond. I do believe I'll take a few sandwiches and join Carrie over there. I'm simply famished from my trip. I'm so glad I brought my won't do for a lady to freckle, you know. Unless your name is Tamsen, who had every excuse to develop an unladylike tan. What that child went thru, I do decleah!

    Congrats on both of these wonderful books, Lori and Amber! The covers are gorgeous.

    1. Diana, glad you could join us, especially when you make me laugh. Poor Tamsen, I think freckles were the least of her problems. ;) Welcome to the picnic tea!

    2. I am so sorry I was detained, Lady Hampton. You do look divine! Come sit by me on this wedding ring quilt my mother made. I have a little tray of goodies for us, too!

    3. Now Ms Carrie, I do believe I see some chocolate on that little tray of goodies. :) Always so good to see you and lady Diana. Glad I could come. I got here early and took a stroll looking at the sights of Cape Cod. Later went back to my room for a quick nap. Ms Maxie

  26. It's a great giveaway and lovely location for a picnic! Both books sound equally interesting. Congrats on the releases!

    1. Thank you, Kate. I'm glad you could join us here. It's lovely to celebrate a new book with reader friends. Can I pass you some pie?

  27. What fun Lori and Amber!! Just LOVE that you get to celebrate your releases together!

    1. Joanne! Oh, I'm so happy you could make it! It has been so wonderful to get to celebrate with Lori, she is such a wonderful person and I LOVED her novel so much--she's a very gifted author.

  28. The pie is delicious and the blackberry jam is my new favorite! The children have fallen asleep on the quilt after their adventure with the ducks :) I must say that I admire authors of historical fiction who teach us about history and make it come alive while thrilling us with an unforgettable story.

    1. Very sweet, Heidi--those little ones of yours! I love fresh blackberries with cream! Here, I've brought you some tarts for when the children awake!

    2. Heidi, I'm just thankful there are readers out there who join us in our love of history, else we'd be writing to ourselves. I'm not sure what would stop us, but this is much more fun. We'll talk softly so we don't wake the wee ones. :)

    3. Carrie, I also love blackberries. When I was growing up I remember helping momma pick them. We would put some in a bowl with sugar and sit in ice box for awhile and made it sweet and juicy, then add some cream.. Yummy!! Lori, I also love all of the history I hear about from you authors. Wish the teachers in school had made it as interesting. I did not care for it in school days. The only subject I really had to study for my tests. Ms Maxie

  29. How exciting and so much fun! I just had myself a cup of tea and a eclair. What a wonderful day for a picnic too.

    1. Sarah, thank you for coming! I'm so glad you helped yourself, there really are so many delicious goodies here. Please stay a while and enjoy yourself!

  30. I am SO excited by these new releases from Amber Lynn Perry and Lori Benton! I recently ordered their new novels and cannot wait to indulge in the reading pleasure. I would LOVE some of the blackberry jam and tea! My mouth is watering at the very thought...

    1. Bless you, Elaine! So great to have you here with us, it just wouldn't be the same without you! Thank you so much, and yes, please help yourself to the biscuits and jam--and allow me to pour you some tea. ;)

    2. Hello Elaine. I'm glad to get to see you. Love your books. this is a great picnic in a lovely location. Also good food and company. Maxie

  31. This is just simply wonderful! I have been walking around, enjoying the conversation with friends, and , yes the delicious tea and food, and thinking how blessed that I am to be among all these wonderful people! Thank you, again Carrie for inviting me to this lovely gathering! I am also looking forward to reading these wonderful books by these wonderful ladies!!!

    1. Grace! I'm so very pleased you've been enjoying the setting today. Don't you think it's simply perfect? ;) We are very blessed to have you with us as well, thank you so much for coming!

    2. So very glad you could come, Grace! My carriage has just brought me back from a long physical therapy appointment. The food looks delicious!

    3. Carrie! Glad you made it back and I do hope your appointment went well!! Can I offer you any refreshments?

    4. Thank you Amber and Carrie! We have been praying for your recovery Carrie! Just sit back and relax and let us serve you today!

  32. Carrie, Your pink gown is divine! So thankful for the Good News in action! Half-Irish Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

    1. Thank you so much Kathleen! You know how I love rose petal pink, or any shade of pink! I am feeling very grateful today, thank you!

  33. Greetings, ladies!!

    I'm Lady Bonnie and I've come all the way from Kentucky for this wonderful picnic - on the banks of Cape Cod!! Such a beautiful day for it - I adore picnics and am thrilled to see so many of my precious friends in attendance!! This is my first trip to the fair town of Sandwich, and I'm dying to take a tour later!!

    My gown with blue floral bodice and overskirt and robin's egg blue petticoat is very similar to your beautiful gown, Lori, and yours is beautiful as well - Amber!!

    Thank you for the delicious blackberry jam, biscuits, and tea - blackberry jam and tea, two of my favorites!!

    I'm so enamored with the wonderful literary accomplishments of you both - Lori and Amber!! It must have been quite exciting posing for the beautiful cover of "So Fair a Lady", Amber - and what an honor re: those accolades for your "Burning Sky", Lori!! I'm told your "The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn" has been well received also. I'm especially looking forward to reading the new writings from both of you and appreciate so much your inviting me to your beautiful celebratory picnic!! Thank you!!

    1. Welcome Bonnie. Blackberry jam is a favorite with our household as well. So glad you could join us today. Be sure to enter the drawing for the two prize packages. Enjoy the setting and the good eats, virtually calorie free!

      Thank you for your kind words regarding Burning Sky and The Pursuit Of Tamsen Littlejohn (whew, can you imagine how many times in the past few months I have written out that long title? And I still get it wrong the first time nearly always. Makes me think a one word title might be a good idea for my next book!) ;)

    2. Lady Bonnie! What a pleasure to meet you and so happy you could join us, thank you! Oh yes, after you've got your fill of our delicious treats, please do enjoy a walk around the town, I know you will simply adore it! Thank you again so much for coming and let us know if we can get you anything else while you're with us. ;)

  34. I'm so glad to be here. Such a lovely day for a picnic!

    Katie J.

    1. Welcome Katie. It's a virtually calorie free picnic, so don't be shy. Dig in!

    2. Katie! How wonderful to meet you! I'm so glad you've come, and it really is a lovely day isn't it? Please help yourself to any goodies you like!

  35. Good afternoon ladies!
    I am Lady Rice from Maryland and this is my first trip to Cape Cod and I must say it is lovely here. I am delighted to be among so many friends. Everyone's gowns are beautiful. My gown is a blue bodice with striped skirt and long sleeves as it was cool this morning when I left Maryland. I brought my parasol as it is a sunny day, perfect for a picnic. I would love to sample some of the black jam, fruit and some hot tea please.

    Congratulations on your books ladies. They sound wonderful and I would love to add them to my book collection.
    Blessings, Tina

    1. Tina! Oh my, your gown is gorgeous and I adore your parasol, I simply must get one of my own! Thank you so much for coming, it's so nice to meet you!

    2. Good afternoon Lady Rice from my old stomping grounds, Maryland (though I hasten to add I am a Virginian, native born--thank you, momma!). So glad you could join us on the riverbank today. :)

    3. Lori, I was born in Virginia but we moved to Maryland when I was 5. Still have family there and visit often
      Blessings, Tina

    4. Amber, you simply must get yourself a parasol. They really do help to keep our skin white and not sunburned.
      Thank you so much for inviting me and so nice to meet you.
      Blessings, Tina

    5. And I was born in VA but moved to MD as soon as my momma got out of the hospital. But I can still say I was born there! My maternal line is from southern VA going back to the 1600s, so likely a good portion of the state is family some kind of way. :)

  36. (Chaplain Debbie comes running by)......Hey everyone, just passing by to say a quick hello. (Grabbing a biscuit and a cup of juice, she quickly devours them, waves at everyone....then grabbing her skirt, she hightails it back home) You all look lovely ladies! (she says on the run)

    1. So sorry you couldn't remain and enjoy the repast, Debbie! Safe travels!

  37. You look so lovely, Tina! Great to see you here. My name is Glenye and I'm from Virginia. I think my rose gown alongside your lovely blue makes a splendid pairing! Come sit by me and Miss Hampton if you'd like!

    1. Thank you so much Glenye. Thank you I would like to visit with you and Miss Hampton. And your gown is lovely.
      As I mentioned to Lori, I was born in Virginia but moved to Maryland when I was 5.
      Blessings, Tina

  38. Oh, there is my escort, Shadrach Clark, in his buckskins. I made him air them out last night at the inn where we stayed. He's a dear friend of our family but I'll admit I'd never seen him cleaned up until I insisted on a bath, too! I had NO idea he had such beautiful golden hair! And with that horrid beard shaved, well... Let us say that Miss Jennifer may find him handsome in the extreme! If my affections weren't already stolen by a certain golden haired man of my own, I could well be tempted. But with all those months he'd be gone scouting... Perhaps not. Still, for a picnic, Shad is a lovely diversion. Oh heavens, no--he's spitting tobacco. Let me run...

    1. Oh my,sounds like you have your hands full!!!

    2. Well, well, well! How nice of Shadrach to join us, I'm simply blushing to see such a handsome rugged man at our humble affair. ;) But spitting? Well, someone might need to tame him, I daresay, I wonder what lade we could match him with.....

    3. Yes, Grace, I do! Thank God he washed off that stinking bear grease he uses to repel flies and mosquitoes!

      Oh, Amber I dare not pawn Shad off on anyone else. Ah, I see Miss Hampton has given him a sharp rap on his hand with her fan!!! And now she'd escorting him away from the picnic so he can shed himself of that tobacco. Sigh... But he certainly comes in handy in the back woods. Ah, now he's shouting for Miss Major! He plays a mean mouth harp if you need music!

  39. this his such a wonderful afternoon..I just took a stroll down by the pond and was feeding the ducks..they seem so peaceful swimming to and fro..well, I just heard my name being called, got to run and visit some more !

  40. I loved the picnic and all the yummy food. I also love reading books about Colonial America.

    1. Hi Susan! I'm so glad you've enjoyed the picnic, hasn't it been wonderful!? I too love reading about the colonial era! And writing about it too. ;)

  41. Good afternoon, ladies. I'm finally finished with work for the day and have just arrived in my pretty little cream-colored gown with pink flowers. I am Miss Angi Griffis and I'm all the way from the great state of Iowa. The weather is simply splendid and it's so peaceful out here by the pond. I want to say Congratulations to Amber and Lori on the release of your books. Both of them look and sound wonderfully intriguing. I'll have to put them on my 'want to read' list right away. I am a bit hungry. Are there any of those yummy biscuits with blackberry jam left? And a slice of apple pie as well? Gracious, if I keep eating scrumptious treats such as these, I'm afraid I'll have to take a few turns around the pond if I want to keep fitting into my gowns. ;)

    1. Angi! I know what you mean! I've eaten far too many for my figure as well, but they are just so tempting. ;) I'll take a turn with you around the pond later if you like, its just too lovely not to.

    2. You look lovely, Angi! What a nice picnic!

    3. Amber, I'd love to have company as I walk around the pond. Maybe Lori and Carrie would like to join us, as well? :)

    4. Thank you, Carrie! You look stunning in your lovely pink gown! :)

    5. TY, I love pink! I am hobbling still so I have to pass on the walk!

  42. I finally made it! Since it is race day in Kentucky I chose a pink gown to attend the picnic today. So excited about these two books. It has been a busy day since the girls were not in school. So nice to relax for a bit!

    1. Oh Nancy, what a treat to have you with us!! So glad you could come relax for a spell. Isn't it simply lovely today? Please, allow me to get you a glass of tea and perhaps a biscuit or a piece of pie?

    2. Sounds delightful! Tea and pie would be wonderful!

  43. I sure have enjoyed this day! Meeting new friends, walking around the grounds,and, Carries escort definitely is a looker!!! I see the fireflies starting to come out, twinkling like little jewels..I sure do enjoy these gatherings...and meeting these wonderful authors, well it makes my day! The tea, jams and all the food was supuburb! I will enjoy the rest of the tea party visiting with friends and enjoying a game or two of croquet! Thank you all again for such a wonderful day!

    1. Grace, Shadrach really is a handsome man and an outrageous flirt--asking Tamsen Littlejohn if she's already claimed!

    2. My, my, Miss Carrie, Your friend, Shadrach, does seem the bold type, does he not? ;)

    3. I think that is how he'd survived out in the wilderness, Angi! Would you believe he was a terrified young man before a wonderful colonel took him under his wing?

  44. What a wonderful picnic this has been, with tea and apple pie, it couldn't be anything but fantastic! ! ! I also enjoyed "hearing" about the books too.


  45. Oh my! I hope I'm not too late for picnic. Is there any tea and pie? I would love to have some if there is any to give. :)

  46. Yes, there is still some left, sit down and enjoy along with a cup of tea! Glad you were able to make it. Care for a game of croquet?

  47. Thanks so much everyone for joining us today!

    1. Thank you, Lori and Amber! It was a wonderful tea party/picnic. Have a wonderful weekend!

  48. It was truly a joy to have you all with us today, thank you so much! I do hope to see you again soon! Have a blessed evening!

  49. I'm awfully late and not even dressed for the occasion (hides behind a tree), but I do wish everyone well with the new releases. These look like beautiful stories, and I am excited to read them!

  50. It's been such a grand day! I will treasure this day! <3


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