
Friday, April 4, 2014

April Tea Party ~ Roseanna M. White & AMC's Turn

Welcome to the Tea Party!

With spring officially upon us and espionage in the air, join us today on Long Island ~ the birthplace of American's first spy ring!
Do pull up chair--and make sure it's one with a view of our screen, because today we're not only talking books and tea, we're also taking a sneak peek at AMC's new TV series, Turn ~ featuring the same Culper Ring that Roseanna M. White wrote her series of books about!

Today, we're serving you from Roseanna's own Lefton china tea set.

and featuring her strawberry banana cake

 Do describe for us your historical gown of choice that you've arrived in. Roseanna loves her historical fashion, and though she was tempted to dress in Colonial garb in honor of the blog and Turn, she decided instead to tip her hat to Marietta from Circle of Spies and don a Victorian gown with a butterfly pattern to celebrate the coming of spring.

Now that you're all settled, let's chat about spies! We at the Colonial Quills are very excited that AMC is launching on Sunday a new series set in the Colonial era and following the escapades of the Culper Ring, American's first spy ring. Turn uses as its primary source Alexander Rose's amazing book, Washington's Spies (click here to read the review), which was also the primary source of Ring of Secrets, the first in White's Culper Ring Series. To sweeten it even more for those of us at the CQ, the show was filmed at Shirley Plantation, which has been featured here before!

Turn premiers this Sunday, April 6, at 9 p.m. EST on AMC. It promises to deliver action and depth as it follows Abraham Woodhull ~ Samuel Culper himself! ~ into the world of intrigue. If you haven't seen anything about this show yet, here's a preview!

The series begins when the Culper Ring began, with Benjamin Tallmadge recruiting Abraham Woodhull. The series will incorporate Caleb Brewster, the fearless seafarer, and Austin Roe, a courier. Later the series will no doubt introduce "Samuel Culper, Jr." ~ a.k.a. Robert Townsend, the historical figure seen most often in White's Ring of Secrets.

But where Turn will likely only continue through the Revolutionary War setting, Roseanna White's latter two books delve into the "what if?" of the Culpers. What if they reactivated during the War of 1812? That was the premise of book 2 in the Culper Ring Series, Whispers from the Shadows

And then what about the Civil War? By then, espionage was no longer considered such dirty business, and both the Union and Confederacy had spies about everywhere. What if the Culpers were still working behind the scenes, influencing those other secret agents like Pinkerton's Intelligence Agency and the Confederacy's Knights of the Golden Circle?

Circle of Spies follows the great-granddaughter of the Revolution's spies into a show-down between those two groups. Marietta is forced into the Culper Ring when she discovers a KGC castle hidden under her Baltimore home--and is charged with protecting the brooding agent Pinkerton sends in to infiltrate. All her life she had focused on flirtation and had hidden an amazing gift God had given her: a perfect memory. But now she must finally embrace faith and purpose...and learn to trust her own reckless heart.

Today's Giveaways!

We are giving away one copy
(winner's choice of signed paperback or digital)
of Circle of Spies.

To enter for the book, just leave a comment below!
(this is exclusively for Colonial Quills readers!)

A 3-pearl necklace, similar to the one
featured in the Culper Ring Series!

The complete Culper Ring Series
Enter for #2 and #3 through Rafflecopter
(this giveaway is also on

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Good morning and I am accompanied this morning by my husband, Lt. Jeffrey Pagels, who received his military training on Long Island. Now you have me wondering... Did Lt. Pagels truly learn maritime tactics or was he secretly involved in the Culper ring? I don't believe so. Today I'm attired in a rose silk brocade frock with French lace at the neckline and on my sleeves. And since we are entirely indoors, I've donned my French silk pumps with new buckles. Congratulations on your new novel, Mrs. White!

    1. How lovely you look, Carrie! Thanks so much for coming. And to your husband too...who, if he DID receive any covert training on Long Island, will no doubt keep hush-hush about it. ;-) Allow me pour you a cup...

    2. Thanks so much. I've tried wifely torture methods but can't get it out of him! I think his only covert operations may involved young ladies he squired about before he met me!

  2. Good morning from an actual Long Island native (not too far from where the Culper Spy Ring actually took place)! I'm dressed simply in a Victorian gown much like Roseanna's, and am so very excited to be here! How fun that there's a series about the Culper Spy Ring- I can't wait to read it! I have the first book on my Kindle, and am looking forward to diving in. =) Also, Turn looks amazing!

    1. Hello, Elyssa! Well you didn't have far to travel then, did you? ;-) So glad to have a Long Island native among us. I don't know about you, but I always find it pretty exciting to read a book (or watch a show) that mentions a place I know. Enjoy the tea party!

    2. Yes, I love it when that happens! I had seen the trailer for Turn a while back, and did some looking into it. When I recognized an old Long Island name, I got so excited when I found out that it took place not too far from where I live! I can't wait to learn more about the Spy Ring from your books and the show. =)

  3. Good morning to Carrie and Roseanna! I thought I would stop in before heading off to work, but will check back and be dressed in my finest gown later on. Have a wonderful day, ladies, and save a cup of tea for me. :)

    1. We'll be sure and have a fresh pot waiting for you to refresh you from your day of work. ;-) Thanks for stopping in for a quick hello this morning!

  4. The Culper Ring is so fascinating.Such an important time in USA history but what I find fascinating and what many my not realise is the impact it had on the history of my own country of Australia...Had this period not happened they British may not have settle Australia when they did..I would love to read more about the who period.

    1. I homeschool my kids, and we've just been studying this time (briefly) in our history class, and how the American Revolution sparked so many changed throughout the world. I love seeing how far-reaching the effects of these decisions can be. Thanks so much for stopping in, Michael!

    2. Australian and Americans have alot in common in that sense...If the events happened 50 years later I maybe American rather then Australian..

  5. Congratulations Roseanna! I want to sit down some day and read through all three at once. Can't Wait!!
    I am staying out of sight - still in my jammies and avoiding that dessert as long as I can!

    I don't have cable so I'll be waiting for TURN on DVD. Enjoy the day, ladies!

    1. Someone without imagination might mistake my beautiful Victorian gown for jammies too. ;-) And a Culper Ring marathon sounds awesome. I fully approve, LOL.

      So glad you could stop by, Debra! And come on--have some cake. No fat, no calories, no consequences, I promise. The beauty of a digital cake. (Of course, the drawback is no taste...but shh!)

  6. Good morning! And what a fun blog!

    I'm actually wearing a gray traveling dress that the heroine in my Civil War novel, "His Steadfast Love," wore when she took information to her uncle, Colonel Rip Ford, in charge of Confederate troops in San Antonio. The report could cause the defeat of the Federal troops under the command of her Union officer sweetheart.

    Not a very glamorous frock, but appropriate for the occasion, I thought :)

    I would love some of that delicious looking cake and ... coffee if you have it. You know, we just got so hungry for good coffee during the Civil War.

    1. Perfect, Golden! Your heroine would fit right in with Marietta and Slade. (Though her poor sweetheart!)

      Coffee = absolutely. That's what I'm enjoying right now too. And the cake is definitely breakfast food with all that fruit, right? =)

  7. Good morning everyone. I am in my traveling attire today.
    My husband and I must make that long journey back home today.
    I pray the rain holds off so we don't get drenched.

    1. Oh yes, wishing you safe travels. Do take some cake and coffee or tea for the road! Thank you so much for stopping in before you head out.

  8. What fun! I love this time period and the espionage of the American Revolution (wrote a short historical with a spy hero for Heartsong Presents in this setting many years ago). Both your books and the AMC series sound marvelous! I can't get over how much information is available to us writers since the Internet. Even 10-12 years ago we had to use research books--if we could get them.
    To this elegant event I am wearing a blue French-Revolution-era gown in honor of my current heroine. It is a lovely color, but the ruffles around the neckline are probably a bit too much on my figure . . . I think I'll keep my domino on and hope no one can identify me while I'm eating digital cake.

    1. Your dress looks lovely, I assure you. =) And I agree on how helpful the internet is for us writers! I remember writing as a teenager with *gasp* encyclopedias at my side. I do still regularly get research books, but nothing beats an online search for those little questions!

  9. Lady Diana Hampton here from the Carolinas. The weather has turned wonderful and spring is definitely here! Dogwoods and azaleas blooming all over SC, although the pine pollen is quite nasty! I brushed up against my carriage and got it all over my royal blue gown, making it necessary to wear the lavender gown I wore to the last party here. Oh, it's so beautiful with the lace bodice and purple bows on the puffed sleeves, Im just sure everyone will recognize it. My stars! I do decleah, one must battle the elements, but this is such a wonderful party, I'm sure it's quite worth it. Just a thin sliver of cake please, as these stays are rather tight.

    Oh such wonderful prizes but I do decleah, Rafflecopter? Whoevah heard of such a thing. Must be something to work the fields, I'm sure. Roseanna, so grand to see you, my shine girl. It has been way too long, my deah!

    1. It has been too long indeed, madame! So glad you could join us, and I just adore your lavender gown! The pearls would complement it perfectly too, I must say. ;-)

      Do have some tea or coffee with your cake, won't you?

    2. Oh yes I'd love the pearls AND the books! I'm not greedy, sugah. ;)

  10. how exciting. Can't wait to see this new TV series, and what a delightful surprise to see a Civil War heroine named Marietta. And set in New York. Congratulations on all of your many successes, Roaseanna. God bless you mightily.
    As always, I have shared this on my facebook, twitter and giveaway blog. It is my pleasure to help other writers and promote their hard work.

    1. Marietta is the perfect name for a Civil War heroine, isn't it? I had just turned my manuscript in when I saw your heroine and mine had that in common. Thank you so much for sharing!

  11. I love your dress, Roesanna. Mine is of a little heartier material since I travelled by coach from the wilds of Northern Ohio. My dress is powder blue velvet. I love spy novels. It's raining in Ohio, and there's nothing better than curling up by the fire with an historical spy novel. I can't wait to read them. We have spies in Ohio too. The Moravian missionaries have been reporting British movements out her to the American soldiers. We all must do our part for the Revolution.

    1. We must indeed! A hearty thanks to those Moravian missionaries--and to you for braving the wilds of the Ohio territory to join us this morning!

    2. You're welcome. I so enjoy visiting the civilized world. I'll have a cup of tea please.

  12. Good day from the somewhat dreary England today. I am thrilled to be enjoying some lovely tea today and I brought you some packages of the English breakfast tea here, along with some freshly baked crumpets. Of course they are nothing without some clotted cream and homemade strawberry jam. I even have a photo on my FB wall from the other day.
    Yesterday, while exploring some of the shops here, I noticed a wedding gown in one of the windows that I thought would be quite fitting for this occasion--if only it was a wedding. Since it is not, I am wearing a lovely lavender gown with embroidery near the bottom hem. It also has an overskirt that is cream with small lilacs scattered on it. I will probably pop in and out, but before I pop out, I MUST try some of that wonderful looking strawberry banana cake that you made for us. I am sure it is lovely!

    1. I forgot to introduce myself--I am Lady Victoria usually from the West Coast of the United States, however visiting England for a couple more weeks.

    2. Your dress sounds gorgeous! And it's a rather dreary day here too, so we'll just have to cheer ourselves by the digital fireplace and take comfort in good company. =) So glad you could join us!

    3. Thank you Roseanna, and i forget to tell you that I love your beautiful gown--so lovely for such an occasion as this. I hope you will enjoy and share some of the crumpets with clotted cream and homemade strawberry jam that I brought, as I think they will go well with your tea. I posted a photo of my dress on the event page and I will add a photo of the tea and crumpets that I enjoyed the other day.

    4. Oh yes, I will enjoy some crumpets with cream and jam now! I do love clotted cream--there's a tea house in my hometown who serves it with scones, and it's just delicious!

    5. This might be a dumb question but is this clotted cream the same as the cottage cheese in the twenty first century? Just wondering. Maxie

  13. Good morning!
    Today, in the 21st century, I am dressed in my pajamas.
    But for the purposes of coming to this tea party, I have donned a light blue silk damask gown with a broad blue-edged straw hat.

    1. Both excellent choices for the multiple centuries. ;-)

  14. Good morning ladies! I am able to drop in just to say hello and to wish you all a fine day. I will be busy today with family, and celebrating me and my hubby's 30th anniversary. HUGS to you, Rosanna! Everything looks lovely. I would love to win a set of your books and that lovely necklace. I must go......hugs and God bless to all. I will try and pop in later.

    1. Happy, blessed 30th anniversary!!!

    2. Happy 30th Anniversary Chappie! While I was out exploring with a friend yesterday, we visited the very old Portsmouth Castle which Henry the VIII had built, and they had a section of pirate things in their gift shop. I thought of you and took a picture to share with you (I will do it later today hopefully). I also got a pic of myself with Henry the VIII too. ;-)


    3. I forgot--we did not take photo's WITH Henry the VIII, because we feared he might make the dreaded statement: "Off with her head" (and besides the lighting was dark in there, but we did take one of him by himself.
      Lady Victoria

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Good Morning, Ladies! I'm just popping in to show y'all my new dress that my darling husband brought back from his recent trip to Sweden. Isn't it beautiful? I adore pink silk moiré with white bobbin lace on machine-made tulle and white silk tulle. I can't imagine hand sewing anything like this with all these layers on the skirt! Eight of them to be exact! I know it's a little fancy for morning tea but as I don't get out often I decided to wear it anyway. I just know y'all won't mind. There's a bit of a chill in the Carolina air this morning so a cup of tea sounds delightful. And maybe just a small sliver of Roseanna's delicious looking strawberry cake to tide me over until luncheon.

    1. So glad you could make it, Anne! Enjoy the tea and cake--and there's no such thing as too fancy for the Colonial Quills! =)

  17. Good morning, ladies and especially our guest of honor-Roseanna! This is an exciting event. What perfect timing for your books, Roseanna, with the series TURN about to premiere. It's like God ordained the timing Himself! It will be very exciting to read your books in conjunction with watching the show. Congratulations and best wishes for much success. Oh, and that strawberry banana cake looks amazing! Did you bake it yourself? A woman of many talents. Blessings!

    1. Thanks you, Lisa! And yes, this timing definitely feels divinely orchestrated. =)

      Enjoy the cake--I did make it myself, yes. A rather traditional banana cake recipe, but with a layer of strawberry Real Fruit between the layers and on top. Quite delicious. =)

  18. So glad to be here, ladies! Congratulations, Roseanna! May the Lord richly bless you and your work. Can't wait to read your books! I cannot resist a slice of cake served on that gorgeous china!!

    1. Thanks, Cynthia, and welcome to the party! Enjoy the cake. =)

  19. Congratulations, Roseanna! I'm so happy for you. I had to avert my eyes away from the strawberry banana cake. Believe me, I could have a huge piece and be in heaven. But just looking at it I could feel the pounds growing on my hips. So I shall pass and have a cup of unsweetened tea, preferably Earl Grey.

    1. Thanks, Rita! I've been praying for you and am so glad to see you around the CQ again. Unsweetened Earl Grey coming right up for you.

  20. Congrats! The cover and subject matter are so appealing. Beautiful!

    1. Thank you! I'm in love with this cover. So gorgeous. They did a brilliant job, and the model is a perfect Marietta.

  21. It is so fun to see everyone's beautiful gowns today. Such an assortment of beautiful colors. We are all coming from such various locations which only adds to the fun. I am enjoying this so much, but I fear I may have to leave soon, in order to have time to wash some of Lord Jonathan's laundry or he shall be sore with me. I will try to come back later to see how things are going and see if there are any new ladies and beautiful gowns to see.
    Lady Victoria

    1. So glad you could make it, Lady Victoria! Lovely gown.

  22. Good morning! Does anyone have a dress I can borrow? I'm afraid I've hobnobbing with the French on the far side of Lake Superior, and neither civilization nor spring has quite reached those scruffy, frozen fur trappers yet . . . In fact, after that rather long and arduous journey (and winter), I may need a bath first, but my that cake looks delicious . . .

    Felicitations on your release! Everything looks so lovely!

    1. Thank you, Rachel! And of course we can lend you a gown. Here's one of my favorites. (House of Worth!!!! DROOL!)

    2. Afternoon ladies!
      I can only stay a short time as I have not been well, but wanted to drop in to congratulate you on your book. It is good to see so many here and the gowns are lovely. My gown is a brocade satin gown, just right for spring weather. I would enjoy a cup of tea and a tiny slice of that delicious looking cake.
      Blessings, Tina

  23. I forgot my dress! How rude of me :) I would be wearing a lighter color in cotton since the weather is turning warmer. As a married woman, nothing fancy but enough to show my craftswomanship in embroidery and sewing. One must always wear their best when calling. Handmade lace lines the bodice and sleeves along with modest rosettes.

    1. And what an artist you are with the needle! Lovely. =)

  24. Congratulations, Roseanna! I really love this series and can't wait to read this newest book. Today I'm wearing a pale blue gown with a scoop neckline trimmed with a rose print, and billowy ruched bell sleeves with blue silk edging. I'm waiting patiently for a slice of that lovely cake. In just a little while, I'm planning to time travel forward so I can record Turn on a device known as a DVD, and later I will download Circle of Spies to an even better device known as an e-reader. Happy release day, and thank you for the delicious tea and cake.

    1. A most excellent use of time travel. And Suzie, are you sure you didn't top your ensemble with a pith helmet? I've been involved lately in a certain hunt for an ape with large feet with a young lady you might know... ;-)

    2. Alas, Roseanna, I've left the pith helmet at home. Since I do already have a difficult time feeling comfortable in to large groups, I thought it best to wear a hat more suitable to a garden party. This one is decorated with the same rose trim as my gown.

    3. I meant to add, I do hope that young woman in the pith helmet isn't giving you too terrible a time as she hunts for her friend with the overgrown feet.

    4. Not at all, Suzie, I'm enjoying my time with her immensely. Though as I"m now on my writing retreat, Chloe will have to wait for me to rejoin her next week. Hopefully she won't get too impatient!

    5. I don't know, Roseanna. Chloe is always up to something. It's hard telling what kind of trouble she'll get into while you're away. But I do hope you're enjoying your writing retreat. You deserve it!

  25. BTW, I also forgot to mention that since I have not yet read any of the books in this series, it would be a special treat to win the series, and the necklace is lovely as well. Thank you for the opportunity to win these things.
    Lady Victoria

  26. Good afternoon, ladies! Congratulations on your new release, Roseanna. I'm Elizabeth Howard, and considering my own experiences as a spy for General Washington, I find both your series and the new TV series Turn to be highly, um, intriguing, shall we say. I've spent a bit of time on Long Island myself during the late battle, but unfortunately it was not a pleasant experience due to our defeat, alas. In honor of the party I'm wearing a cream colored silk robe a la polonaise striped with blue interspersed with pink roses, trimmed with lace. I do believe I'll have a cup of tea and a slice of that delectable strawberry banana cake. It looks just too scrumptious!

    1. I can see your dress perfectly! (In fact, I do believe I have something quite similar pinned to a board somewhere or another on Pinterest, LOL.) A fair welcome to another of Washington's intelligencers, and a scrumptious slice of cake for you too!

  27. I just cannot wait to read this one! I am totally in love with your series.
    Mm, the banana strawberry cake is delightful and the tea is warm and soothing. I will have to wait until the tv show comes out on Netflix or something - we do not have normal tv. But until then, I will enjoy my tea while basking in the sunlight coming thru the window. It shines off my yellow, lace lined, frock beautifully. I feel springy today!

    1. Well now, that's enough to make my day. =) I'm all in favor of feeling springy! Thank you so much for stopping by, Susan. =)

  28. Since I was very little I've been fascinated with the Revolutionary War, spies, and the Civil War, so needless to say I love Roseanna's books and I can't wait for Circle of Spies! Also I'm really excited to see Turn, I really hope they do a good job!

    1. I'm hoping the show is amazing too, Abbi! I have faith in AMC, so I think it'll be great. And thanks. ;-)

    2. Oh my! What a lovely party! And oh, that banana cake looks divine. I am Miss Angi Griffis and I am wearing a sweet little burgundy day dress with white skirt. Perfect for a warm spring day (though it's a bit chilly here with the winds blowing near 40 mph). I posted a photo on the events page. Roseanna, your Culper Spy series sounds very intriguing. I would love to be able to read them. I love stories about American History. Well, I think I shall go and get a piece of that delicious cake and a cup of tea. Oh, I think I see Carrie on the other side of the room. *Waving to Carrie* :)

    3. Ooooops...forgot my e-mail address:

    4. Just read the Rafflecopter and would like to be entered for both the books and the beautiful necklace. Thank you!

    5. So glad you could join us, Angi! I saw the picture you posted on the Facebook page, and it's lovely!

  29. I am so excited for your new book and for Turn! Unfortunately, I work Sunday night, so I will have to wait until Monday to watch it!

    1. I'll likely be waiting until Tuesday to watch it, as I'm traveling, so I feel your pain. ;-)

  30. I am so excited about this next book, but sad to see the series end. I will definitely have to DVR the show though! I loved the first 2 books in the Culper Ring series, The history of it fascinates me and I just LOVE learning more!

    1. Forgot to add I would love to be entered in for both contests Please

    2. Miss Beth, please enter via the Rafflecopter system that Mrs. White put on the post. Blessings!

    3. I had a blast with all the history! And yes, it's sad to wish them farewell. But no fear, there is more romance and intrigue on the horizon. =)

  31. Hello everyone. You all look so lovely. I got my seamstress, miss Ellen to make my teal blue gown off the pattern of the lady on Rosanna's book cover, Fairchild's Lady. I just thought it was such a lovely style. I am so sorry for being here so late. just a busy day. Know I missed a lot of good conversations. I think I would love some of that Banana Strawberry Cake and a cup of tea. That is if it's not already gone. Sure looks good. And, Rosanna, your China is beautiful. I would love to win your books. MS. Maxie Anderson

    1. Mrs. Anderson, I am so delighted to see you here! I'm finishing up a piece of that scrumptious cake myself. Let me send Lt. Pagels over to fetch you tea and cake. Sit right down and relax! Lovely gown!

    2. So glad you could make it, Maxie! And an excellent choice of gown. ;-)

  32. So many beautiful dresses still showing up--I hate to miss a single one, however, with the time difference in England, I need to go and get some sleep, and Lord Jonathan is awaiting me in the carriage. I loved the Strawberry Banana Cake and the tea went very well with it. You have been a great hostess Roseanna, and I would gladly return for another tea sometime.
    Lady Victoria

    1. Sweet dreams! Roseanna has been a lovely hostess, indeed, Lady Victoria! Thank you so much for attending!

  33. ...waves, and says farewell, to Maxie as I head for the door. "So sorry I missed you Maxie--maybe next time." (and I agree with Maxie--the china is beautiful too.)
    Lady Victoria

    1. Lady Victoria, the china is lovely! Bidding you a fond farewell!

  34. I'm so excited about this series, Roseanna! It is really an adventure and I love the free bonus novellas, It's wonderful to have such a series to sink into. Congratulations!!

  35. Good evening, ladies, Lilyan Xanthakos here, all this talk of spies reminds me of my short time as a spy for the Patriots to free by brother, Andrew, from the dreadful British prison ship. I wore this dress in honor of my dearest friends, campfollowers with Brigadier General Francis. When dearest husband, Nicholas, proposed in the middle of the South Carolina swamps, my friends put together the loveliest wedding gown a woman could desire. It’s a sky-blue mantua with silver daisies embroidered on the underskirt. I’m wearing a lacy blue kerchief and also a clan Cameron pin at my shoulder. I’ve left the veil, a frothy white lace mantilla, at home for my daughter, Laurel, to wear at her own wedding. Oh, my, I’m getting misty. Pardon, while I fan my cheeks and retrieve my composure.
    Congratulations, Roseanna. I’m wishing you much success with your writing.

    1. It sounds lovely, Lilyan--and your tale quite exciting!

  36. I'd be interested in both the necklace and the book!

  37. I'm sorry to have arrived so late ladies but my family has been traveling most of the day after visiting the Hall family in West Virginia and getting home to Kentucky not to long ago by coach.

  38. I'm so exhausted from the journey so I'm just wearing a simple regency gown of which my dearest husband admires so on me.

  39. I would like to congratulate Lady Roseanna on her success!

    1. Thank you, Jennifer, and so glad you could make it through the wilds of West Virginia--my own home state. =)

  40. What a lovely tea. Was so glad I was invited. O that strawberry cake was so good. If it wasn't for this darn corset I would ask for another small piece, I would love to be entered for either giveaway please. I look forward to these books. O my think I better move on I think I spy a spy!! Catch ya later.

  41. Hello, Ms. Carrie, and Ms. Roseanna!!

    Sorry I'm so late - that beautiful cake must have been delicious!! And I love tea ANYTIME!! Everyone looks beautiful in their gowns and finery!!

    Praying much sucess for Ms. Roseanna's novel "Circle of Spies", and hoping the AMC series will help with the promotion also!!

    I would love to be the recipient of the beautiful necklace, and the books - even more so!! Thank you!!


    1. Hi Bonnie! Great to see you here! I hope you entered via Rafflecopter. I drink tea all day, too! Blessings!

  42. I love coming to your house. The teaser is exquisite! I would love to be entered for the books. Thank yoy

  43. Roseanna, Loved the post !
    I would love both or the books.
    Thank you!

  44. Thanks so much for the invitation to visit! I look forward to reading these books. SO very glad you have a drawing for them, as I would love to win.
    bettimace at gmail dot com

  45. What an awesome giveaway:) I must say even though I'm not dressed for tea, I am happy to be here:) I have read the first 2 books in the series, and I love them!!! Can't wait to read the third! Happy Writing!

  46. I would like to enter for both. Thanks!

  47. I would like to enter for both as I am wearing my red victorian dress because I just bought a new hat to match. I would love a cup a tea as we chat about this wonderful book set! thanks for the chance to win - here is my calling card truckredford(at)gmail(Dot)COm

  48. Gifts are wonderful things and make us so happy. I would love both! A smile comes to my face just thinking about winning. Keeping my fingers crossed for sure!

    mauback55 at gmail dot com


Thanks for commenting, please check back for our replies!