
Friday, March 7, 2014

Tea Party for March - MaryLu Tyndall and J. M. Hochstetler

 Tea Party! 

Introducing fabulous Colonial books by J. M. Hochstetler and Bob Hostetler and MaryLu Tyndall.

Sail away to Port Royal, Jamaica, and join in the fun!

Welcome to Port Royal, Jamaica! One of the most important British Outposts during the Colonial Era.  

'Tis a bustling port town of nearly 3000 souls right in the middle of the Caribbean. Hundreds of ships sail in and out of the harbor each year, carrying precious tropical goods across the pond to England and then bringing their commodities here. By the way, you may notice a pirate or two walking about, but pay them no mind. They're only interested in gold and rum, but you might want to hide any jewelry you have on.

Mayhap you'd like to take a tour of a tall ship? Afterward, you can head on over to the Sign of the Mermaid tavern for some tropical spiced tea or fresh lemonade!

 Here's the captain's cabin on board the Vanity. Isn't it beautiful?

After you see the Vanity, sit down and enjoy a cool drink at The Sign of the Mermaid!

I know these fellows don't look too friendly but they won't bother you. I know the head pirate and he will protect us! I must tell you that the lemonade here is to die for. Besides, it's close to 90 degrees outside and rather muggy, so you will need something cool and refreshing to drink!



Northkill, Book 1 of the Northkill Amish Series

by J. M. Hochstetler and Bob Hostetler

Drawn into the savage clashes of the French and Indian War, Jakob Hochstetler faces an impossible choice—and the irreversible consequences.

In 1738 Jakob Hochstetler and his family arrive in America, seeking sanctuary from religious persecution in Europe and the freedom to live and worship according to their Anabaptist beliefs, which include the doctrine of nonresistance. Along with other members of their church, they settle in the Northkill Amish Mennonite community on the Pennsylvania frontier between civilization and wilderness. They build a home near Northkill Creek, for which their community is named.

For eighteen years, the community lives at peace. Then, while the French and Indian War rages, the Hochstetlers’ way of life is brutally shattered. Early on the morning of September 20, 1757, their home is attacked by a party of Delaware and Shawnee warriors allied with the French. Facing certain death with his wife and children, Jakob makes a wrenching choice that will tear apart his family and change all of their lives forever.

Northkill is closely based on an inspiring true story well-known among the Amish and Mennonites. It has been documented in many publications and in contemporary accounts preserved in the Pennsylvania State Archives and in private collections. Book 2, The Return, will release in 2016.

Bob Hostetler is an award-winning writer, editor, pastor, and speaker who traces his descent from two sons of Jakob Hochstetler: Johannes and Joseph. He has co-authored eleven books with Josh McDowell and won two Gold Medallion Awards, among others. Bob is a frequent speaker at churches, conferences, and retreats.

J. M.Hochstetler is a descendant of Jakob Hochstetler’s oldest son Johannes. An author, editor, and publisher, she is the daughter of Mennonite farmers and a lifelong student of history. Her American Patriot Series is the only comprehensive historical fiction series on the American Revolution. One Holy Night, a contemporary retelling of the Christmas story, was the Christian Small Publishers 2009 Book of the Year.

Joan and Bob are offering two giveaways: a free copy of Northkill and a small box of delectable jams from Rise 'n Roll Amish Bakery in Middlebury, Indiana.

The Ransom by MaryLu Tyndall

Port Royal, Jamaica 1692

Living in a city deemed the wickedest in the world is no easy task for Miss Juliana Dutton. To make matters worse, with an ailing father and a drunken fool for a brother, she is forced to take over the running of the family business in order to survive. When a meddlesome suitor threatens to discover her secret and cast them all onto the streets, she agrees to a spurious engagement with the town buffoon, Lord Munthrope. She only hopes the man is trustworthy.

The Pirate Earl, Alexander Hyde, son of the infamous Captain Edmund Merrick Hyde, is the most feared pirate in Port Royal. Disillusioned with the religion of his parents and the pleasures of the world, Alex staves off his emptiness by leading a dual life to hide his deepest secrets.

A long-time enemy is out to destroy Alex and take Juliana for his own. Struggling to maintain her faith in the Divine, Juliana faces her problems bravely, but the harder she tries, the more it seems everything is working against her. Unwittingly, she and her weak fiancé become entangled in the hostility between  the Pirate Earl and his enemy, while even more dangerous forces are rising up to destroy them all.

Acclaimed author, M.L. (MaryLu) Tyndall dreamt of pirates and sea-faring adventures during her childhood days on Florida's Coast. With now more than fourteen books published, she makes no excuses for the deeply spiritual themes embedded within her romantic adventures. As a follower of Christ, her stories often reflect her own journey and walk with God. Her hope is that readers will not only be entertained but will be brought closer to the Creator who loves them beyond measure.  A Christy award nominee, MaryLu makes her home with her husband, six children, and four cats on the California coast, where her imagination still surges with the sea.

Giveaway entry:  To enter for Joan's prizes or for a copy of MaryLu's new novel (one winner will receive an ebook and another a paperback copy), leave a comment below. Those "in character" get 3 entries. If you are a CQ Follower put CQ on one of your comments and get an extra entry.


  1. Ahh! you're here! I will be over in the corner working and keeping an eye out for pirates! Congratulations ladies! I can't wait to read both of these books. What a great setting. Port Royal is a fascinating place!

    1. Welcome to Port Royal, Debra!! Don't worry about those silly pirates, we have the infamous Pirate Earl here to protect us. He's quite the gallant gentleman. Sit awhile and have some lemonade!

    2. Some strong hot black tea for you, Debra? Love those gorgeous curls of yours--ringlets all the way to your waist! And what a huge emerald ring!!!

    3. In this heat it is quite a chore to keep the curls under control. Thank you ladies! The pirates have been very polite, to be honest! Perhaps it's the ring?

  2. Such a muggy day to be out and about, but certainly enjoyed the tour of this lovely ship, the Vanity!! Have to say, this is one day I wish I had left my corset at home - this royal blue satin gown is one of my favorites, but certainly hot - so glad I remembered to bring my fan along!! I'm heading over to The Sign of the Mermaid for a cup of their delicious tropical spiced tea, with which to cool off !!

    Perhaps, while I rest a bit and wait for friends to arrive - I can read a few pages in one of the two books I've brought along: The Ransom by MaryLu Tyndall, and Northkill by Bob and J.M. Hochstetler - wonderfully brilliant authors, all!!



    1. Ahoy there Bonnie! So glad you could make it! I do quite agree with you about the corset. Tis not the most comfortable in this muggy weather., I dare say tis almost unbearable. On days like these I truly wish I could dress like a sailor in their loose breeches and light shirts. Sigh. Do sit down a spell and have some lemonade. I'm sure you'll fee much better! :-)

    2. Bonnie, alas I've been sitting in the corner and reading, too!!! Have a mug of punch and relax or have some tea--it's not too hot yet, today! Lemonade for our lady MaryLu.

  3. This is my first trip to the Caribbean, and the colors are as vibrant as I've always dreamed. The lemonade is so refreshing that I hardly notice the bold stares of the pirates in the corner. If they approach I shall tell them of the love of their savior and offer to pray with them. I'm so delighted for our authors today! These two captivating stories will keep me busy on the return voyage, I daresay. So wonderful to be here to celebrate Joan and MaryLu. Huzzah, darling ladies.

    1. Welcome Debblie Lynne and Kathy! We are so glad you could make it!! I agree! The Caribbean is the most gorgeous place on earth. I love your caring attitude. Perchance if we get enough ladies together at this tea, we can approach these pirates with the good news of Christ! A revival might break out right here in the wickedest city in the Caribbean! Oh my! Wouldn't that be wonderful?

    2. Lord Munthrope asked me to deliver a tray of pastries to you beautiful ladies. Isn't the patch on his forehead unusual? Looks like a horse.

  4. I'm too lazy to come in costume today, Carrie! It's freezing here, literally. Ice covered roads and trees have a dusting of snow, and to top it off I am OUT of coffee! But I couldn't miss coming by to say hello and read about pirates ;) I got my postcard in the mail this week advertising MaryLu's book so I am hoping to snag a copy of that one. Y'all have a fun tea party. Congrats to the authors!

    1. homesteading[at]charter[dot]net


    2. Thank you, Anne. I wish you could come. It might warm you up a spell to be in this hot weather with the turquoise waves lapping ashore. Do stay warm wherever you are and thanks for coming by! :-)

    3. Dearest Anne, I'm in servant's attire this morning so fret not! Tea? Punch or lemonade?

    4. Tea, please! And make sure it has plenty of caffeine. I need it so I can get some chores done. For some reason, the servants have all disappeared! ;)

  5. Good morning, ladies! I'm Barbara Hochstetler Stutzman, the daughter of Jakob and Anna Hochstetler. My new husband, Crist, and I live in the Northkill Amish community at the base of the Blue Mountain in Pennsylvania close to our parents and other church members along Northkill Creek. We're all concerned about the rumors of attacks by the Indians allied with the French. Everybody says it's going to come to war, but we're all praying that doesn't happen.

    I must say it's a relief to travel all the way down here to Jamaica and get away from the terrible tension for a while. This is the longest trip I've taken since 1738 when I came from Europe to America with Maam and Daat and my oldest brother, Johannes, who was only 3 then. I was just a toddler so I don't remember much about the ocean voyage, but that very enjoyable tour of the Vanity brought back a few memories about our ship Charming Nancy. It's so nice to get out of the heat and sit down in the shade here in the Sign of the Mermaid. I'd love to have a cup of that spiced tea--it smells so guud!

    1. Come and relax, Miss Stutzman! Spiced tea and how about some lemon cake? So glad no pirates attacked you on your way. I know Pirate Earl wouldn't have!

    2. I'd love some of that lemon cake, Frau Pagels! I'll admit I was a bit worried about the pirates, but I arrived safely. What an adventure I'm having! I'm sure Crist is envying me since he's home taking care of our baby daughter with Maam's help. You know how a first-time Daati is with a new little one, I'm sure!

  6. hmmmmm ... lemonade with pirates. To quote Capt. Jack Sparrow, "But why is the rum gone?" hahahahaha!! Seriously, the books look great! Congrats!

    1. LOL Pam! Let us reserve the rum for the pirates, shall we not? ;-) Thanks for coming to the party!

    2. Indeed, several pirates have rolled all the rum barrels away! But surely our refined visitors will enjoy the tea, lemonade and punch. I do have some rum cake coming right up!

  7. I'm right heartily glad to see everyone after spotting a pirate.
    I do beg your pardon, I'm Miss Janella and I would like to partake of some fresh lemonade.

    Congrats and Thanks for the giveaways.
    CQ follower

    arieljo12(at) hotmail (dot) com

    1. Greetings Miss Janella! Oh, but it is so lovely to see so many fine ladies here in Port Royal. I must admit I don't have many friends here at all. Please sit down and have some lemonade, and I do apologize for the leers you may have received on the way in here. :-)

  8. The Ransom is a great book! Thoroughly enjoyed it.

  9. A hearty welcome to you all! I'm Miss Juliana Dutton and I live here in Port Royal. My father runs a wealthy shipping business (or he did, rather, but that's another story and not one for prying ears) My mother, God rest her soul, is no longer with us. But what a pleasure to have so many lovely ladies joining the party! I'm beyond thrilled. I've ordered a tray of lemonade and sweet biscuits for us. Do have a seat. It's much cooler in here (The Sign of the Mermaid) than out on the streets. And don't worry your pretty heads over the pirates. I have a friend, if I can call him that, who will protect us. He is the Lord of all the pirates and they wouldn't dare harm any of his friends.
    Oh, and by the way, if the ground shakes... do not be dismayed. We get tremors often here in Port Royal!
    Oh, I'm so pleased you are all here!! I shall try to stay as long as I can but I seem to have lost my brother Rowan. If only he'd help me run the shipping business (whoops, did I say that?) instead of spend his days gambling and drinking. Oh well, never you mind about that!! Do sit down and enjoy yourselves!!

  10. Replies
    1. Good day to you, too, Cheryl!! Glad you could make it!

  11. How about some hot tea on this dreary day.

    1. Welcome! Here you are, Mrs. Baranski. Lemoncakes?

    2. Why thank you Mrs. Pagels. You must have read my mind. Knowing how I love lemoncakes.

    3. Welcome Cheryl! I daresay, tis 90 degrees out. I do think you mean lemonade not hot tea!

  12. Wonderful!
    The books sound great but most of all Please have a terrific,God-filled day
    Chris Granville

    1. You, too, Mrs. Granville! Have a seat and relax! Island life is interesting, isn't it?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oh my! Glad you made it in without any pirates disturbing you. Tea? Lemonade?

    2. Well I am having some difficulties but I have resolved. Oh lemonade sounds really good on this balmy day.

      I may be in and out. I am not feeling well.

      Congrats to the ladies on their new releases! Mary Lu I have your book on Kindle! Is that part of a series, I was a little confused about it.

    3. Welcome Regina! I'm so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. :-( The Ransom is indeed part of a series but can be read as a stand alone as well. No worries. Do take care of yourself, dear.

  14. I'm so sorry I can't stay, ladies, but a bout with kidney stones has me feeling quite out of sorts. :( My dr. has assured me that lemonade is the best thing so I hope you made it quite strong!

    I have a crush on Pirate Earl in the worst way! He is so very dashing, and really quite a gentleman for a pirate. The last I read, er, heard rather, is that he is getting ready to attend a very special ball to announce an engagement of some sort. Musn't give away too much of what I have, rather heard. I don't want to be known as a gossip as some of Juliana's "friends" are. And please don't tell them I just got off the ship with Pirate Earl or it will be all over Port Royal before I can say, "Ahoy, Matey!"

    1. Praying you feel better soon Diana

    2. Miss Diana, I'm so sorry you are ill!! Shall I send the ship's surgeon over to assist you?? Or mayhap you'd prefer the Pirate Earl. (she winks) although he has his hands full protecting all these lovely ladies from pirates. I pray you feel better soon!

    3. Praying for you, Mrs. Flowers! I understand you may be a Guest here in a few weeks and doing a "tell all" for our Port Royal newspaper.

    4. Yes, my dears. I shall be full of gossip next time I come by. No surgeon for me, MaryLu, as he might saw off a much needed body part (such as an arm or a leg) and then I would surely look like a pirate...all I would need is a parrot on my shoulder. But you may send the Pirate Earl, who mayhap have a few tricks up his sleeve. ;)

    5. Thank you, Cheryl, Carrie, and MaryLu for all the prayers!

  15. Greetings! I'm Elisabeth Lindsay, a Quaker from Horsham, Pennsylvania. I must say, the weather here in Jamaica is much more pleasant than it is back home. I'm thankful to be able to visit with you here before I sail on to visit with Friends in Barbados.

    Joan, I just finished your book this week. Loved it! Can't wait for the sequel.


    1. Thank you so much for your kind words about my story, Frau Lindsay! It's wonderful to meet a plain sister here today. Makes me feel well at home in my own plain garb. You live not that far from me back in Pennsylvania. I certainly agree with you about the winters there. I'm enjoying the warmth here very much!

    2. Miss Lindsay, welcome. We have plain fare but not many plain folks amongst us--you'll have noticed the brilliant hues in clothing here. Lemonade?

    3. Lemonade would be lovely. I thank thee.

  16. Joan and Mary Lu, I am so excited for you as you launch your new releases. What a wonderful way to celebrate Spring. Have a lovely party.

  17. So glad to be on board, and on a ship that permits the ladies. I thought I felt the ground rumbling as I departed the port...such a fright. I dare say we may have more to fear from the notorious Daniel Parke, if he be in town, than from any pirate. Goodness, a sea breeze is always a blessing, especially on such a stifling day. Is the rum cake gone? It's my favored sweet, especially a sip of lemonade.

    1. Rum cake on the ready and a spicy Caribbean meat tart coming up for lunch, with island fruit. Lemonade there for you in the crystal goblet. Welcome!

    2. Welcome Debbie!! Only The Vanity accepts ladies.. but I must warn you, tis a pirate ship! Anyway, do sit and have some rum cake. :-)

  18. Northkill, Book 1 of the Northkill Amish Series
    by J. M. Hochstetler and Bob Hostetler sound like an excellent read.

    1. Blessings to you, Cheryl! We're receiving very kind comments on our story, and I know Fraulein Dutton is too about her story. What a treat it is to meet her here today as well. We Amish aren't often able to travel so far from our homes on the frontier and meet so many interesting people.

    2. I just got my copy, Cheryl, and can't wait to read it!

    3. Ach, you're too kind, Frau Carrie! I pray you find it inspiring!

  19. Congratulations to Mary Lu and Joan - looking forward to reading your new releases!

  20. The Ransom by MaryLu Tyndall, sounds like another must read book.

  21. (Chaplain Debbie enters fanning herself.....looking for a place to sit)
    Ahoy there, ladies! But, my it is a hot day, is it not? This Chappy could use some of that cool refreshing lemonade. (Addressing a scurvey looking pirate) "What's the matter, never seen a lady Chaplain before? "
    As I was saying, can I have some lemonade please? It's nice seeing all of you lovely ladies here today....nice change from the usual riff raff. Oh, I do believe I see Miss Juliana.....Munny can't be too far away. I wonder if that infamous Pirate Earl will be dropping by. It seems like wherever Miss Juliana is, that Pirate is somewhere nearby. Anyhoo, how are you ladies doing?

    1. Ahoy Chaplain! It is hot but like I was saying it is nice compared to our Carolina weather. Yes watch out for those dreadful pirates! I have seen a few watching me...

    2. Ah.. there you are, Chappy! I feared you were assailed by a mob of pirates on the way here! But I should have known the Good Lord was protecting you. You simply must meet my fiance Munny... he's quite the entertainer.. but I do agree, I believe the Pirate Earl is lurking about. Please sit, have some lemonade and enjoy yourself! :-)

    3. How very sweet of Munny to seat you at a table of honor with Miss Julianna and himself! And he's ordered me out of the way so that his house servants may wait upon you! Welcome, honored guest!

    4. Oh, I am sorry I am late, but it was unavoidable. My days have been very busy as of late. Thank you for the invite and I would love to meet Munny. I hear he can tell the most delightful stories...and I understand he is quite a sight to behold as well.

  22. Gracious, despite what some may view as shortcomings, it must be said Lord Munthrope knows his way around a pastry shoppe.

    1. Indeed--he ordered the entire selection to be delivered but my favorite is the chocolate rum cake! Care for some?

    2. That sounds just too delicious, Frau Carrie, and I do believe I'll indulge in some myself. Just don't tell Crist and my folks or I may get in trouble!

    3. I quite agree, Debbie! He loves to impress his guests and often orders delicacies from across the pond!

  23. I was having a little difficulty here. I am glad to be here. Carrie dear I would love lemonade. Oh my it is hot today but I will take it compared to our Carolina weather. So dreadful there!

    Oh my, how rude of me, I am Regina and I am wearing a blue off the shoulder silk gown with an off white petticoat.

    I am going to go sit and rest after my dreadful carriage mishap. I have developed a slight headache.

    Congratulations to Mary Lu and Joan on their new releases.

    1. Come sit in the shade and put your feet up. Lemonade on the double. You look lovely. Praying your headache improves!

    2. Ah the lemonade is so refreshing, thanks dear Carrie! I hope it does to before tonight's ball, what fun that shall be!

    3. Welcome Regina! So glad you could make it. Hopefully the lemonade has cooled you down a bit. I'm so used to the muggy weather here but I realize so many from the colonies aren't. We do have the trade winds to cool us off a bit. I pray you are feeling better... I do see a handsome pirate looking your way. ;-)

    4. That pirate better be my husband! ;) If not he will be sorry. Hehe. The lemonade has cooled me off and I'm feeling much better. Ah such a lovely party! I do love these teas and I cannot wait for the ball this evening! I declare I do love to dance!

  24. Hi! This is my first time at sea and I am so excited to visit NorthKill Mennonite Community in Pennsylvania! It is such a beautiful state especially this time of year. I love seeing the snow covered mountains in the distance!

    1. And snow covered those mountains are, Frau Janet! We're hoping spring finds us soon. You'll find a very warm welcome in our little community though, and I hope you'll stop by our plantation for a good long visit!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. As I leave NorthKill Mennonite community, my heart breaks because I have made many special friends. I am on my way to Port Royal, Jamaica to attend a grand ball! I am in costume for the big night. When I arrive in Port Royal, I am wearing a beautiful mauve gown and sipping on tea from a tea cup. I am sitting on a beautiful claw foot couch waiting on a handsome pirate to ask me to dance! CQ

    1. You look stunning--in fact let's get you out of view of those pirates! Are you sure you wish to dance with one? Tea, spicy beef pie, and chocolate rum cake coming right up for you after that long trip!

    2. Greetings Janet, I do believe I can get you a dance with the dashing Pirate Earl. He's quite the lady's man but always a gentleman. :-)

    3. Pirate Earl is quite dashing and a great dancer, MaryLu! Thanks for introducing us!

    4. All the refreshments are wonderful, Carrie!

  26. Huzzah to MaryLu and Joan -- two of my favorite historical fiction authors. I've enjoyed reading other novels of yours, so I'll definitely be putting these new releases on my to read list. Both books sound appealing. I've researched a lot about pirates, but I haven't read much about the French and Indian war, and I'm eager to learn more about both. Wishing you much success.

    1. Greetings Susan! So lovely to see you!

    2. Susan, it's so good to visit with you again! It seems like a long time since I've had the privilege. I hope you'll come to visit us soon in the Northkill community, but when you do be especially careful on your journey. The French have been stirring the Indians up so much that everyone is in a tizzy.

  27. Will see everyone later. Save me some tea.

    1. Will do! And will have plenty of chocolate rum cake and spicy beef pie.

  28. I really have to say...I am so glad that I came. Please don't be shocked that I am in sailor's attire - I am hiding from one who is sure to hurt me if he finds me. Besides which, I have always wanted to dress like a
    That aside, the humidity is just what I need after a long cold winter! I would love a tall glass of tropical spiced tea and perhaps even a slice of chocolate rum cake, if I may. Thanks so much for the invitation to Port Royal and the party received from CQ. Continue to enjoy your day as I hurry on to continue my work.
    bettimace at gmail cot com

    1. Welcome Betti!! You look ravishing in sailors attire! And you can count on me to keep your secret. Do enjoy the warm sunny weather and refreshments!

    2. Thanks so much for keeping my secret, Cap'n dear :). The refreshments are wonderful, the company out of this world, but I must return to finish my day's work. Till later, perhaps!

    3. Have a seat and enjoy your lunch, sailor Betti! Mums the word!

  29. Port Royal may be filled with some wicked people, but it is quite lovely.....OH MY!!!! Did anyone feel that? I do believe that the Good Lord is not too pleased with this town. Heaven help us all. What ever happened to that new preacher?

    1. I felt it, Chappy! Oh my. That was a rather large one. The new preacher? Why he ran off and abandoned his post!! I'm beyond furious.

    2. Abandoned his post! Why that is terrible! Hopefully he will be repentant and make things right.

  30. Congratulations Joan and MaryLu!

    1. Hi Lori! So nice to see you here. Thank you!

    2. Thank you, Frau Lori! I'm so happy you've stopped by to visit!

  31. What a morning I have had, but am so glad to finally arrive. At first I thought I must be in the wrong place, what with all those (leans forward and whispers) pirates and all. But glad to hear that they are a "safe" bunch as long as the Pirate Earl is here? My, my.

    Thank you so much for the invite to this lovely tea Misses Carrie. I so enjoy these little teas with friends. This is my first trip to the Caribbean. It is certainly warmer here than at home and the lemonade sounds refreshing.

    Oh, before I forget, do you know of a safe place near by that I can replace my traveling sewing supplies? It appears with all the running around on this voyage, my sewing supplies have been lost. I simply cannot travel without some sort of sewing supplies.

    Congratulations MaryLu and Joan on your new books! I can't wait to read them.

    Blessings, Tina

    1. Greetings Mrs Tina! So wonderful you could make it! We are all most pleased to see you. Sewing supplies... oh my. True, there are several shops in town where you may be able to purchase such things but I must beg you to not go alone. Perchance I can ask Lord Munthrope to accompany you?

    2. Oh, thank you my dear. If it would not be an imposition, I would be delighted for Lord Munthrope's accompaniment. Let me rest for a bit first.

    3. I believe there is a mantua maker nearby. Dear Lord Munthrope is so kind to escort you. For dinner we will be having an assortment of seafood with Caribbean style rice, and we'll have a lovely ginger ale in addition to our tea and lemonade!

    4. Yes, so kind and thoughtful. I am rather excited, actually, to see what the mantua maker will have here. I am sure I will find everything I need. Thank you so much. And dinner sounds marvelous.

  32. Good day, ladies, and especial greetings and blessings to Barbara Hochstetler Stutzman (Joan) and Julianna Dutton (MaryLu), the heroines we celebrate today from two very exciting novels! This is my first CQ tea party, and as none of you have met me before, let me introduce myself. I am Iris Moon of Duxbury, Massachusetts, and I love adventure. Having lived on the sea for the earliest years of my life and a lover of all things seaworthy, you can imagine how excited I am to be here to observe real pirates! I confess I might be frightened if not for the company of you dear ladies. Oh, yes, my gown! It is a later style than I see most of you wearing, designed in the early 19th century. A lavender and pink printed calico with a ruffled, lavender ribbon at the slightly-raised waistline and large puffed sleeves that taper from elbow to wrist. It is quite a bit warmer here today than in New England. I think I will sit now and enjoy a glass of that cool lemonade!

    Lisa Norato

    1. Fraulein Moon, how guud of you to join us! I envy you having such adventures on the sea--and your lovely gown. We're so much more staid and quiet in my community, though I fear that will not be the case much longer with a war coming on.

    2. Oh, I was so hoping you would come, Miss Moon!! I've heard so much about you. I just know we will be the best of friends!!! Your gown is simply to die for. I do wish the current styles were more like it. They force us women to wear far too many layers here in the tropics for comfort!

    3. I would have been here much sooner ladies. I had thought to arrive this morning, but unfortunately it was a terrible time navigating the ship Google. I am so enjoying reading of your adventures, Julianna, and I feel you as a friend of my heart. Barbara, dear, I do so look forward to finding out what God has in store for you as well. Bless you both!

    4. Iris, you are absolutely lovely! Come sit and try some of the crab and scallop dish being served for early dinner! Let me know what you think--I can have the cook make it a little less spicy, if you prefer! Oh, and watch out--we've had a few rumbles today!

  33. Oh, dear, I am so late. I hope there's some food and tea left! The ice was so bad in Richmond in Richmond this morning that the coach was extremely late leaving. If I could sit next to the fire, I think I could thaw out rather quickly. And if it's quite all right, I'd like a copy of each book to take home with me.

    1. Mrs. Howerter, welcome! I've brought you some hot tea, but I promise you this hot weather will warm you in no time at all. Lovely gown!

    2. Not late at all, Cynthia! There's plenty of Tea and rum cake left! No fire here.. my dear. We are in the Caribbean. :-)

  34. My, my I am here at last, I do apologize for being late but it could not be helped. It is warm today, is it not? Did I hear someone say "Lemonade" and I do hope there is some left for me?

    Congratulations to MaryLu and Joan on their endeavors, bravo I say! Ladies in literary do need to stand together!

    1. Yes, lemonade it is. Would you care for seafood or the spiced beef pie we served for lunch? Chocolate rum cake?

    2. Welcome Melony!! Thank you for your congratulations... and yes, we literary ladies do need to stand together. :-)

    3. Well I never say no to chocolate! Thank you so much! Spiced beef pie, well, that sounds delightful. I have not had the pleasure of tasting that as yet. Thank you!

  35. Ahoy, matey's! I be musician Angi from the mighty pirate ship, The Redemption. But please don't be afraid of me. Me dear Cap'n be a wonderful believer in Christ (and she be a lady pirate, too). I thought to bring me flute along if ye be wantin' a little music to liven up the place. And I brought me cutlass in case some of the riff raff on the other side of the room try to bother any of ye. We, on the Redemption, have run into their likes afore. 'Twas hoping to get a glimpse of the Pirate Earl. I hear he be quite handsome. Well, mayhap, I shall have a mug of this sweet, cool lemonade. Thank ye for the kind invite, Miss Carrie. Congratulations MaryLu and Joan on your new releases!



    1. I'd love flute music. Perhaps Miss Julia will play her violin as well?

      Pirate Earl is so handsome. And just as charming as Lord Muthrope for some reason!

      So glad you could come by dear Pirate Angi and you can either have spiced Caribbean beef pie from lunch or the upcoming seafood casserole for dinner! Or both!

    2. Ahoy dear Angi!! There be many a tale about Port Royal about the feared ship The Redemption and her Godly Lady Captain! You are most welcome here. A flute in one hand, a sword in the other.. I love that! And so will the Pirate Earl!

    3. Ahoy Angi! It's good to see ye here, Matey! The Redemption be a great ship. I be proud to be on the crew!

    4. Aye, Miss Carrie, will get me flute ready straightaway to play ye a few tunes. Will see if Miss Juliana would accompany me. Then after a few rounds, I be tempted t' try some 'o that seafood casserole.

      Chappy! 'Tis good t' see ye here. Aye, I be proud t' be part of the crew of th' Redemption, says I. Mayhap ye would lead us in a prayer afore we begin th' music.

      Ah, there be Miss Dutton. I shall go 'n ask if she be willin' t' play a few rounds wit me.

    5. Absolutely lovely, Miss Angi! I sampled the seafood casserole myself and it was delicious!

  36. I'm a CQ follower and I've been to Old Harbor, Jamaica on a mission trip a couple years ago. The people would tell us that that Old harbor is the real Jamaica. 75-80 degrees everyday.

    1. That is really neat, Jennifer! Thanks for following us and welcome!

    2. Your are most gracious Lady Carrie!

  37. If we have a costume where do I put the picture?

    1. Jennifer, feel free to post it on the FB party page! Can't wait to see it. And have you come "in character"?

    2. Yes I did but my internet had issues earlier. Sorry Lady Carrie that I'm getting back to you so late. Your lady in waiting, Miss Jenny

  38. Hi Carrie, how are you feeling today? i hope you are resting comfortably? Hi Joan how are you? And Hi MaryLou!

    1. Welcome Jennifer! I'm so glad you could make it! That is really incredible that you visited the Old Harbor. They say it looks vastly different than it did before the earthquake. :-)

    2. I've been relieved of my duties by generous Lord Munthrope, Miss Jennifer! He's had his servants serve up dinner! How delightful!

    3. I'm so glad Lady Carrie that you were taken care of.

    4. They were filling back in the road when we left the airport on the way to Old Harbor MaryLu and they were rebuilding.

  39. What a fun tea party! It's the first one I've been able to attend! I guess I'm a CQ follower, too! But not everyday!

    1. Hi Bev!! Welcome!! So glad you could make it. :-)

    2. Great to have you here, Bev! Here come Munny's servers right now!

  40. i posted a picture of my outfit for the night on the Facebook page for the party.

  41. I love a hot cup of tea and I'll drink cold tea as well. Pink lemonade is my favorite and even better is an Arnold Palmer which is sweet tea and pink lemonade mixed. I usually don't drink soda but cherry shasta is my weakness or ginger ale.

    1. That sounds delicious... I'm heading over to mix my tea and lemonade. :-)

    2. Is Arnold a pirate? ;) That concoction sounds familiar!

  42. I am ready for the next adventure!! Pirates, ships, and of course strong coffee for me!! Sail on!!

  43. I am loving this dress of mine. What a delightful tea party....are we having scones today? I just had a delightful cup of hot Earl Grey tea while hubby enjoyed his coffee. Can't wait to read the books! congrats and would love to win! Rhonda Gayle Nash-Hall

    1. Hi Rhonda! I'm not sure the Sign of the Mermaid serves scones, but we do have rum cake and British sweet biscuits and fresh mangoes!

    2. The mangoes are wonderful, too. As is the rum cake. No scones! Great to see you Rhonda!

    3. the rum cake, mangoes and British sweet biscuits were simply divine,ladies! thanks!!!

  44. I just love adventures, I like hiking to new places, I Love Coffee,I drink it everyday and love it!!!! Thanks to all the people that are hosting this party, I Love it, Pirates, ships and beautiful gowns!!! I posted my gown on FB, It's blue with golden trims and ribbons!!! :) I also drink tea, but most of the time I take coffee with cream and sugar!!! Marylu your book looks awesome and I would love the chance to read it!!! Thanks for the Awesome Tea Party Joan Hochstetler and MaryLu Tyndall!!! :D


    1. Welcome Sarah! That's exactly how I like my coffee, sweet and creamy!

    2. Afraid you'll have to wait for coffee until you return to the American colonies, Sarah! Welcome and I love your beautiful gown!

  45. Could use some refreshment to quinch my thirst. Some tea with lemon with be lovely.

    1. Coming right up, Cheryl!! Thanks for joining us!

    2. Pirates' punch is being circulated around, Cheryl--beware. The regular stuff is in the crystal glasses not the pewter mugs!

  46. Well ladies, this has been fun, but I fear I must leave. Could I get an escort back to the ship, so that I will not be accosted by any ill mannered men? My congrats to you lovely ladies with your new writings. I will take my leave now. Hugs and God bless.
    (Chaplain Debbie awaits an escort, before heading out.)

    1. Lord Munthrope has gallantly offered an arm. But oh my, is that a cutlass beneath his cape? Thanks for celebrating with us Chaplain Debbie!

  47. Been running around all day since I last saw you lovely ladies - visiting all the shops, etc. - and would sure appreciate a spot of lemonade, to cool off, and perhaps a piece of rum cake!! My congrats to Misses Tyndall and Hochstetler on their literary endeavors!! I fear my lovely gown may be ruined by this humidity!!



    1. Great to see you Bonnie, and wishing you a lovely rest of the evening! Here come the servers now with a tray for you! Enjoy!

  48. I also have been running around today running several errands. I hope I haven't missed all the fun. Those pirates sitting out front, were a bit frightening, so I am happy to hear that all is under control thanks to your pirate friend. Is there anymore of that lovely lemonade left? It has been quite a warm day today, which I appreciate after all the snow in Boston.

    1. So glad the pirates didn't scare you off, Vicki! Great you could make it over. Help yourself as the servers come round with food and drink. Yes, much warmer in the Caribbean!

  49. Goodnight lovely visitors! This has been a lovely day celebrating the releases of two lovely ladies! Blessings all!

  50. Ay matey! such a lovely giveaway!

  51. Thank you Carrie for the lemonade and the lovely rum cake, they hit the spot after all my business of the day. I hope you have been resting your foot through the day. I must look a fright after all this heat (brushing at the wrinkles in my lavender gown.) All these petticoats keep one quite warm, and I am quite ready to get out of this corset. Nice to be able to just sit and rest a bit.

  52. and did I say, I always enjoy these tea parties Carrie--you are such a gracios hostess and always have so many lovely little dainties for us.

  53. Hello Ladies . I'm so sorry to be so late, but had too much interferences. I wore my favorite Green satin gown with lace o the sleeves and high waisted. I am Lady hamilton. Hope I'm not too late for some of the Choc.rum cake I heard someone mention, with some good lemonade. I am quite hungry from the long trip. Glad to see so many here. maxie mac262(at)me(dot0com

  54. Congratulations Ms. Tyndall and Hochstetler on your new books. They sound really good. Maxie

  55. Got home too late. Anyone save me some tea?

  56. Oh my, th I'm too late I forgot to put my CQ in my comments. I tried to refresh these to mix my comment in but no luck. Was only just past 9 here but forgot your time. Maxie

  57. I fear I am going to faint at the mere mention of pirates, let alone the sight of them.

    A refreshing glass of lemonade might revive me & my spirits.



  58. My, my, my things are bustling here! So sorry I'm late! I do hope there's still time for a tour of a tall ship! So beautiful! And the books! As exciting as the port! If you have a spot of tea I'd be ever so grateful!

  59. Good grief! I tried to comment, but when I asked for preview, the comment disappeared entirely.

    Congratulations, ladies and Rob. Delighted to learn a little bit about him as well.

    Looking forward to reading these books as they promise to be very interesting.

    jrlight 620 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  60. Yo, Ho, Ho and a bottle of rum! Bring me a good book, Matie!!


    Nothing like a great book from a great author!
    mauback55 at gmail dot com


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