
Monday, March 3, 2014

18th Century Creamware Rhyme

All sorts of earthenware sold here
Wholesale & retail from Swinton Pottery
By Richard Patrick 1773

Creamware is a cream colored, refined earthenware created in the second half of the 18th century by potters in Staffordshire, England. The inexpensive substitute for Chinese porcelain proved ideal for everyday use and was an was popular until the 1840s. It was also known as tortoiseshellware or Prattware depending on the colour of the glaze used. About 1779, Josiah Wedgwood, the most notable producer of creamware, lightened the cream colour to a bluish white using cobalt in the lead overglaze, calling it pearlware. As creamware fell out of favor, it became less expensive and more accessible to the middle and lower classes. Both creamware and pearlware were popular in the American colonies. I so enjoyed my visit to Colonial Williamsburg a few years ago when I got to view all the lovely examples of 18th century pottery, including creamware and others. I have a great time reading the various sentiments, sayings, and rhymes painted onto the creamware. So without further ado, allow these beautiful samples speak for themselves.

Let us know if you find a favorite!

 Creamware Tea Caddy, Hyson Tea, circa 1775

Beer Jug with painted armorial motif.

God Speed the Plow
Suceess to the Grain Return.

Success to the Plough the Fleece and the Pail
May the Landlord Ever Flourish and the Tenant Never fail

Sit down & spend a Social hour
In harmless mirth & fun

Let Friendship reign be just & Kind
And evil speak of none

Have communion with few
Be familiar with one
Deal justly with all
Speak evil of none.

Long may we live
Happy may we be
Blessed with content
and misfortunes free

 1790 Frog tankard

Love & Unity
Pretty girl and good opportunity

Creamware Child's Mug, 1820

A Present From a Friend

Made in England, mind you...

Success to the British Fleet

English Creamware Tom Paine Tankard

Prithee Tom Paine, why wilt thou meddling be
In others business which concerns not thee
For while thereon thou dost extend thy cares
Thou dost at home neglect thine own affairs
God save the King

Between the 1780s and 1820s British potteries capitalized on American patriotism by producing and exporting pieces that celebrated the new nation and its heroes.

America, Liberty, Restored

First in War, First in Peace,
and First in the Hearts of His Fellow Citizens

Leeds creamware teapot.

When This you see Remember me
Tho' many miles We distant be

Let your conversation
Be such as becomes
the gospel of Christ
Mathew Echers

This is my favorite creamware tea pot from the Colonial Williamsburg collection.
Let us therefore follow after the things which make for Peace.
(Romans 14:19)

Abolition mug

Health to the Sick
Honour to the Brave
Success to the Lover
and Freedom to the Slave

Forget & Forgive
To forgive and forget is a maxim of old.
Tho' I've learnt but one half of it yet.
The theft of my heart I can freely forgive.
But the thief I can never forget.

For more samples of colonial earthenware and creamware, visit my Pinterest board.


  1. Lovely post!!! So glad you got to make it to VA!!!

  2. Thank you, Carrie. I know you are fond of creamware, too. I had the best time in my life at CW!

  3. Hello ! Good post. A favorite is hard to choose. I like the taller blue and white pitcher. Also the lidded teapot or creamer,(long may we live words), the Leeds creamware also. But the the purple one from Colonial Williamsburg is also nice. Hi carrie. Nice post. Maxie

  4. Wonderful post, Carla! I just love all sorts of pottery, and my favorites here are the teapots, especially the 1st one, the one with the "Long may we live" legend, and the "Let your conversation" one too. The frog tankard is such fun too!

  5. Love this post and information. I never knew about all this pottery. :)

  6. Lovely post, Carla. How did you get those pictures of all those cups and teapots? Stunning!

  7. I know, it is hard to choose a favorite. The sayings are so creative! Those folks sure were witty! I got many of the pics from antique and collectors sites and some from Pinterest.


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