
Friday, February 21, 2014

The Benjamin Patterson Inn, circa 1796 in Corning/Painted Post, NY

by Kathleen L. Maher

Photos of Benjamin Patterson Inn Museum, Corning
This photo of Benjamin Patterson Inn Museum is courtesy of TripAdvisor

 The region of Upstate New York around Corning first opened to settlers with tracts from the Pulteney Estate, managed by Benjamin Patterson in the late 18th century. His base of operations, and a place for travelers to stay while surveying their own purchase, was a place in Painted Post still in existence today--The Benjamin Patterson Inn at 59 West Pulteney Street.

The Williamson Road served as the first highway into the area from Pennsylvania, and the Chemung River conducted travelers through the region. Benjamin and his wife Sarah offered their hospitality to those visiting, looking to make a homestead in the lush and fertile land.

The original Benjamin Patterson Inn dining room is still in existence, plus a tavern, and a working kitchen with ,Photos of Benjamin Patterson Inn Museum, Corning
This photo of Benjamin Patterson Inn Museum is courtesy of TripAdvisor

hearth, as well as a guest bedroom circa 1800 and the Patterson's own quarters. All is preserved in authentic period furnishings and living history demonstrations, guided tours, and a working garden in the summer. Some of the crops tended include broom corn, hops, spinach, yellow squash, lettuce, carrots, and more.

Stepping back into time in this lovely historical preserve and museum is encouraged for anyone visiting the Finger Lakes region. School tours are routinely given, and admission is very reasonable at $10 per family.

Other historical buildings and attractions nearby include a one room schoolhouse, the Wixon Road log cabin circa 1855, and the Starr Barn, which details agricultural history in the region from 1800. Tobacco was one of the chief crops in the area, but orchards, vineyards, dairy, and lumber also created livelihoods for settlers. The museum features tools and methods used in the first half of the 18th century.

For more information, see


  1. This is very interesting. Love that fireplace in the kitchen. Can you imagine cooking your meals in it?!

  2. You make me long to go east to see all these wonderful historic sites. Thank you for the virtual tour.

  3. Nice post, Kathleen. I had to chuckle at the Tupperware on the table.

  4. This was a neat post Kathleen. Enjoyed. Would be nice if I could go to places like
    this for visits. Don't think anything that is built now would last that long. Do enjoy this
    part of history in pictures as well as words. Thanks.
    Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com


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