
Friday, February 7, 2014

Early Valentine's Soiree at Shirley Plantation!

Shirley Plantation

Welcome to our

Valentine Soiree!
(Virtual site is Shirley Plantation 
in Charles City, Virginia!)
AMC filmed many scenes from their upcoming television series "Turn" at Shirley Plantation.
(Click here for the "Turn" website with trailer--warning it is a secular show and violent.)
The servants will be coming through with tea, coffee, and cider. 

Kitchen at Shirley Plantation
They've been busy in the kitchens, preparing pies, cakes, tarts and all manner of foods for our guests. 

Reproduction Colonial  Sugar Bowl 
Giveaways: Gifts from Lady Cessalye's gift shop, an antique reproduction blue and white china sugar bowl from Yorktown Victory Center.

Whispers from the Shadows

A  copy of Roseanna White's novel, which shares similar elements as Alexander Rose's "Turn" but is a Christian fiction.

And a copy of Carrie Fancett Pagels' a copy of "Return to Shirley Plantation" novella.
Return to Shirley Plantation and Shirley ornament 

If you've come in character and dressed accordingly, you'll receive extra entries for the giveaways! Leave your comments and let the fun begin!

First giveaway:
Fine Tea from Colonial Williamsburg
This adorable little spoon rest is something I also found at a museum store!

Oh my!!! We have some new "company" who were not invited! They may call themselves privateers, but the militia at the garrison call them pirates! Oh dear!!!

Yorktown Privateers

I'm going to hand out a few our the lovely Shirley Plantation history books for those of our guests who may have decided to, er…hastily depart rather than sup with these "watermen" who've brought no fish with them, although their arrival here is rather "fishy" at best!

Ah, there come the Charles City Militia, ready to escort these "gentlemen" to their ships down at the James River!

Several types of colonial American military coats


  1. WELCOME!!! I've got to go find my lace sleeves and put them on! And the orange, spice, and black tea is all ready to serve. I'm taking my cup to my room for a bit of time in the Word before the guests arrive! Will be back shortly!

    1. You might need something a little heavier than your lace sleeves on this cool day!

    2. ANNE, We've got the house well-heated with all the fire places lit, and of course only the very bottom of my linen sleeves has lace on it. My other sleeves have plain cuffs.

    3. I'll be right over so I can get warm! Might I ask if you have a muff for my hands? :)

  2. I had so hoped to arrive earlier, but the coach between Richmond and Shirley left late. I'm in my best blue brocade gown with a white wool shawl for a little warmth on this very cold Virginia morning. I took note that the colonial sugar bowl would look lovely on my tea table! Don't you agree?

    1. Welcome, Cynthia! You look lovely. Is that blue brocade one we examined whilst visiting in Gloucester? Exquisite detailing! I do agree--especially on the lovely tray top tea table!

    2. Why, yes, Carrie, that is the dress! How nice of you to remember!

    3. Cynthia, Your gown sounds lovely!

  3. Replies
    1. Good morning, Cheryl! I'm looking forward to seeing you next week, too!

    2. Good morning Carrie. I am looking forward to seeing you next week.

  4. Good morning, all! I'm well dusted with flour and already have 24 cupcakes and 3 cakes out of the oven and a batch of sugar cookies chilling. Lovely to sit for a spell and enjoy a cup of coffee with everyone!

    1. Let me have one of the servants bring the coffee over. We have sausage biscuits, eggs, fried potatoes, and hot apples for those arriving early! So yes, sit a spell and enjoy! I fear I promised to assist in the kitchen to make a treat called "brownies" for a very large social event tomorrow evening in the community. So I may end up with flour and cocoa on my attire, as well!

    2. I've seen pictures of your goodies before, Roseanna! I know they will be delicious and for such a fun party.

    3. after all that effort, you'll NEED to sit or you'll be having a fainting spell!

    4. I must try one of your famous cakes and cookies Roseanna, I know from past gatherings they are delicious. Never mind the dusting of floor, you look lovely as always.

  5. Good day, Ladies! The sun is shining on this crisp and cool morning. I still need a heavy shawl to ward off the chill. I've already nibbled on a delightful piece of coffee cake but I would enjoy a nice cuppa before I take care of some tedious tax business :)

    Ugh! The recaptcha (?) has me punching numbers already!

    1. Wondering if our hostess might see to the removing of captcha for this soiree? it would definitely make conversing soooo much lighter !
      and thank you for looking into that, dear one...

    2. Afraid I was detained by the physician but shall tend to that as soon as I get back!

  6. THis tea is the perfect energizer for my day - lovely - TY!
    and yes, of course I'm dressed in character - after all, I AM a character ;)

  7. Good morning, everyone--Elizabeth Howard here. How good to see you all! Since I rode over from Williamsburg, I chose to wear my moss-green wool riding habit, and I must say that warm fire feels lovely on such a cool morning. I'd love a cup of that bracing orange tea and a slice of that delectable cake too, if you please.

    1. and very tasty it is, Joan - enjoy it with us...

    2. Tara our servant shall bring it over! You look lovely!

    3. Enjoying it, I am, and especially this wonderful company. Carrie, thank you so much for the compliment, and I'll return the same to both you and Faith! The day may be cold, but the fellowship is warm!

  8. Good morning Ladies, I am Lady Cotton visiting from Ga, it has been long time since I have been at the Shirley plantation. I am wearing my Rose colored long dress with apron and a hat with ribbons attached, I needed long sleeves today with the cooler weather. I want to view the river after I have a spot of tea to warm me, that is a long drive up the tree lined road but oh so pretty to see. thanks for inviting me. I see there are many guest already here, looks like you will have a full day.

    1. Good morning to you, Lady Cotton! So good to visit with you and you do look lovely, I must say!

  9. Good Morning from half-Irish Kathleen ~ I would love to have two scones and Lady Grey tea, if available. I am fortified with porridge and blueberries before leaving home for this exciting day with friends.

    1. Tara is bringing it over with lunch also.

    2. Looking forward to it! Will yogurt with fruit be served? Y-U-M ~ know it will be a hearty meal.

  10. Good morning everyone, I am Lady Victoria coming all the way from Bangalore, India and it has been a mighty long trip across the seas to get here. Before leaving I went to a small cocktail party offered us by the hotel general manager, to thank us for our 4 week stay here, although I only drink alcohol very rarely, it was nice meeting the manager, and I enjoyed several different little Indian appetizers, and a nice tall glass of ice water. As suggested by Carrie, since I am coming from India, I am wearing a Sari, however, they are mighty difficult to figure out how to wrap and secure it. But once on, it feels rather regal. Of course, I just had to have one made out of a beautiful silk of Royal Purple with many beads along the edging. I would love to have a cup of that lovely spice tea carrie.

  11. Looking forward to the orange/spice tea. I love anything china in blue and white—Delft, Canton, Blue Willow. Although I'm arriving to Shirley on foot—as a First Virginian Powhatan—I hope you ladies will be enlightened enough to allow me to participate in the tea party and not consign me to the servant's domain.

    1. I agree, Lisa. I collect Blue Willow and have one Made in England tea cup with birds and flowers, blue on white, I enjoy. half-Irish Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

    2. I wouldn't dream of placing a Powhatan princess in a corner! Come, take my arm and I shall conduct you throughout the room as was done in London for Pocahontas. Relations with the Powhatans have been friendly for some time. Best if we make no mention of the Pamunkey, however.

  12. Blessings on the morning to all you lovely ladies on this beautiful winter's day! With all the snow we've had lately here in Rhode Island, I was so pleased to be heading south. For the soiree today, I have donned one of my finest winter gowns made of emerald velvet with great, puffed sleeves which taper snuggly from elbow to wrist. And I've added a wide, portrait collar of white cotton voile that was lovingly embroidered by my dear mother. Now, let me take a seat amongst you all share of cup of that nice, hot tea!

  13. Good Morning Ladies, Lady Linda Marie Finn... I am so totally frozen, so glad it is a tad warmer here in VA then it was in NY. I will be hugging the fire for a bit to warm up. Carrie I will delight in some of that Tea this morning ! I have come in my Green Dress Today, long sleeves and wool plaid skirt. I have my woolies on under... it was a mere 5 this morning in NY... Threw on the Carriage blankets this morning !!!! It was such a long trip. The Orange Tea is wonderful ! So thoughtful of you to have such a divine breakfast prepared for us Lady Pagal, just what I needed this morning... I have not yet had the privilege to read Lady White's Novel, what a treat that would be. The Sugar bowl is lovely and of course I cherish your novella, it holds a special place here on my shelf above my desk. I so need another bookcase as the shelf is so heavy with books I have read/reviewed and influenced for it might just fall from the weight...giggle I cannot wait to see who comes by today, I have so missed all you ladies...but am looking forward to seeing many of you today. We surely must do Tea more often...Perhaps a Tea Hop sometime ?
    I am hoping to have you fine ladies all over for my grand opening of my new website in the very near future. Come and join me by the fire....

    1. Oh dear--New York is under such a thick blanket cover of snow! I've requested Green Tea be prepared and served next and Tara is seeing to the details. She's a delightful young lady.

      I love the idea of a Tea Hop!!! What a delightful notion! Do send us an invitation, Mrs. Finn!

    2. Ah, Lady Finn, it is so wonderful to see you here today. I love your gown!
      We really should arrange to travel together on our next visit here to Shirley Plantation, it would make the trip much more enjoyable.

    3. Oh that would be delightful Lady Tina , the ride is long in the carriage or by sleigh.. hopefully spring will come and it won't be so cold.
      Lady Pagals, I shall be sure to let thee know then the Tea shall be and we shall make it a fun and exciting time.

  14. So many beautiful gowns in such a beautiful array of colors! I particularly like your emerald green velvet with the puffed sleeves Lisa! Such a regal look, for such a special affair such as this tea party. Isn't this orange spice tea wonderful? I like my tea to be fruity, but while in Bangalore, the closest I could find to a fruit tea, was peppermint tea. It has been good, but I have missed my orange spice tea at home. I am looking forward to a little time at home, before our next trip away.

    1. Thank you, dear Vicki, you flatter me! And I do agree, the tea is wonderful, as is this gathering. So nice to visit with you, dear Vicki. I hope your travels are safe and bring you blessings!

    2. You both look lovely and are so charming! I drink several types of tea throughout the day. They have health benefits and taste so wonderful. Am about to prepare Mrs. Howerter's tea pot for my table--come join me, Lisa. I fear I've had to tuck Mrs. Marney into one of the guest room beds for the night! Night for her and she must get her rest!

    3. I must say I am in envy of all you beautiful ladies in your lovely gowns. I'm in need of several new gowns myself and will take note of these lovely styles and fabrics!

    4. I do so enjoy shopping for fabrics for new gowns. Do you have a special seamstress you use J. M.?

  15. Why hello Lady Linda. Come take a seat next to me near the fire and we will warm up together. While it has been about 93 while in Bangalore, this weather here in VA is quite cold to me now.

    1. The temperatures have warmed into the 40s today. I should say the difference would be quite alarming!

  16. Good morning everyone! It's so nice to take a break and sit for a short while with all of you. The spread is lovely as usual.

  17. Such a wonderful Colonial look. Such a beautiful home.
    So many wonderful smiles
    Have a terrific day. God bless all of you
    Chris Granville

    1. This is a lovely home the Carter family has! And the guests are so congenial, Mrs. Granville. Would you care for crab cakes and roast potatoes? Cornbread or biscuits?

  18. Feeling faint with hunger reading about all these wonderful foods. Off to forage for something to eat

  19. I don't know how long I will stay right now, because with the 10.5 hour time difference, my brain is still on India time, so I may start getting REALLY sleepy and have to go get some sleep in awhile, but it is nice enjoying tea and treats with everyone. I never want to miss out on anything. Giggle...

    1. We've made a room ready for you to rest in, Mrs. Marney! I fear with the bad weather coming in tomorrow there may be some leaving so as to not have their carriages stuck in icy mud! Rest easy, we shall keep your chamber warm!

  20. Good morning! I have arrived late, since I have been abed; sleeping away the hours. 'Tis a long week of studying. Also, I misread the time. I thought the tea party was 7:30 pm. Alas, I awoke with a start when I realized the actual time. I hurriedly dressed in my blue satin gown and slipped on a pair of red brocade shoes, had my servant arrange my hair, the curly locks pinned with a lace cap, and applied a cream choker around my neck before summoning my driver to hitch up the carriage. I am here now, after a pleasant ride through forests bathed in late morning sun. Mmm.. I smell great treats! 'I think I will indulge a little.
    Oh, 'Tis such a pleasure to see everyone's smiling faces!

    1. I have failed to introduce myself--I am Glenye. Your mantua maker did a superb job! Come sit with out other guests and get acquainted. I'll instruct Tara to bring you a bowl of crab bisque and some tea, and ham biscuits. Save room for a cherry tart!

  21. Well, sad to say, but I'me before you find my head really getting sleepy, so I think I need to leave and go get some sleep, lest you find me with my head in my tea cup! I will check back inn later to find out who I miss--please save e some of the tart I saw over there. Thanks for the lovely orange spice tea--one of my favorites! (wave's, while covering the yawn while walking out the door.).

  22. It looks like the milliner finished my muff just in time. I'll be getting into my carriage shortly and joining you for a lovely repast! All of these things look perfectly delightful.

    1. Jessica, the milliner did a fine job, from what I heard! Can't wait to see how it turned out!

    2. Once I return from the 18 hundred, I intend to do a little blog post about it. It's a lovely red satin, studded with a few pearls. very lovely indeed, and it keeps your hands ever so warm.

    3. Come back and give us the link to your post! Sounds fabulous! Would you care for some Lapsong oolong tea?

    4. I would love a cup of tea, it is so refreshing! Thank you ever so much. A little sugar if you please.

    5. I will be sure to post about my millinery experience when I return from my sojurn here, it is ever so delightful!

    6. Here is my little post about my muff and even my mitts!
      Hope you enjoy!

  23. Good morning ladies INDEED!!!! I have come by for a tankard of fresh cider & a slice of brown bread & a bowl of Philadelphia Pepper Pot soup. Then I am on my way west for several months of exploration & hunting for I am a longhunter, I trust that term is familiar to the fairer sex. If there was anyplace here to post a picture of myself & my men I would gladly do it. Failing that, I plan to place my image on Madame Carrie's wall & she can do with it as she will - or quill. After my hunt west into unknown lands, where I have many friends among the tribes, I shall return to help Tom - pardon, my good friend Thomas Jefferson the attorney - I shall return, I say, to help Thomas with a bit of writing he is working on. "We hold these truths to be self-evident . . . " How is that for a line, hmmm? Too cumbersome, you say? Why, I think it rather neat & tidy myself. Well, well, I've downed my Pagels Cider & my Shirley Plantation Brown Bread and - last but never least - my Philly Pepper Pot soup. I shall be on my way & I bid you fair ladies adieu for the time being. I shall just fetch my curly maple long rifle from the corner and my powder horns and possibles bag - and my skinning knife & deerskin jacket, and I shall be on my way into the woodlands. God's blessing on this soiree, I trust I may quaff some maple lemonade upon my return. I hope you shall all fare well :)

    1. Welcome, sir. Cider coming your way - heated and spiced. I'm afraid you are mistaken--this is Tidewater Virginia and we have Blue Crab bisque, crab cakes, and duck comfit. We wish you all the success on the frontier as we have family dwelling there--several scouts with beautiful long rifles such as yours! Don't forget to take that muslin bag of biscuits with you and the pot of Shirley Plantation jam!

    2. I left behind a horn of powder & have returned briefly to fetch it - ah, ladies, speaking of fetching, you ALL look fetching - yes Missus Pagels, my dear, crab & duck will do nicely, let me sample a bit - ah, there's flavor for you - I hope you will not be averse to some sweet venison from my game bag upon my return

    3. It's wonderful to meet you at last, Mr. Pura, and I'd love to sample some fresh venison. I do hope someday you'll be able to meet my fiance, General Jonathan Carleton. I know he'd love to converse with you about hunting--one of his favorite pastimes--as well as your experiences among the tribes as he is himself a Shawnee war chief. Of course, that's gotten him in a spot of trouble from time to time with some of the other officers in the Continental Army!

    4. I am so glad that I sent word to thee this morning , I knew you would enjoy the fine fare and the company of the ladies. So glad you
      You should come more often fine Sir. We are always wearing our finest gowns and Lady Pagals serves us the finest teas and danties. I know that thou has't a long trip home and I pray you God speed. Looking forward to seeing you again.
      Lady Lindy

  24. (Chaplain Debbie enters with a bit of a red nose)
    Hello wonderful ladies, I am so glad that I finally made it to this lovely soiree! Everyone looks so lovely. Of course, you ladies always throw the most exquisite tea parties, so I am not surprised that this one is just as lovely. Do pardon my appearance, even though I am wearing my favorite lavender dress with lace about the neck and sleeves, I do fear that my face shows that I have been a bit under the weather. I am still nursing a nasty viral thing that has been going around my family. So, you see, that is why my voice is so raspy and my nose is so red. Carrie, thank you so much for your invite and your prayers. I would absolutely love a cup of coffee with a little bit of cream. And a scone would hit the spot right now. I will be over by that warm inviting fire visiting with my friend Linda Finn. Do excuse me......(walks over and greets Linda and settles next to the fire)

    1. Come closer to the fireplace and let me spread Father's wool blanket on your lap. Tara has a tray of coffee and scones for you. I suggest a nice bowl of blue crab bisque, as well!

    2. Oh, Blue Crab Bisque sounds so yummy right now! Thank you ever so much, Carrie, and thank you for the blanket. I fear I may not move from this spot for awhile.

    3. Sorry to hear you are under-the-weather my dear. Do take care of yourself and stay by this warm fire. A cup of this delicious tea just might help your throat.

    4. Here Dear , have this hankie, I am so sorry your not feeling up to par. The hot coffee and scones shall warm you and the fire feels so good after a long trip. Now sit down here and relax and we'll have you on the mend in no time. Hug

  25. What do the ladies say to bundling in cold winter weather?? (winks, opens the Bible, reads a bit, takes up his Lancaster long rifle, and disappears while the ladies are fanning themselves by the fire and trying to formulate a reply to his audaciousness)

    1. My oh my, but longhunters are bold, are they not? At least he carries his Bible and reads it. I do pray that he stays safe in his travels.

    2. Oh heavens, I'm not sure I've ever actually seen a man wink at a woman! 'Tis considered most improper indeed, Mrs. Mitchell. Of course I am telling you this in confidence. And bundling? Why the marriages are arranged by our parents, who'd never consider such a backwoods proposition, indeed!

    3. As bold as an officer in the Army, without a doubt. Our friend has nothing on General Carleton for boldness, let me tell you! But having lately gained some small experience of life on the frontier, I can testify that bundling, whether in cold weather or warm, is not unknown nor is it universally frowned upon--though that may be hard for those of us who were were reared in more refined circumstances to comprehend.

    4. Just like a man to be so bold and then disappear...whew....sigh... I know mother would be appalled if she were to hear such.... She may just faint dead away... Ladies, I thought Lord Pura was a married man ! the nerve !!!! sigh... and here I thought that only the old order from holland did such things....

  26. Oh my, Lady Cotton standing by the fire watches as the long hunter disappears with his rifle, did I just hear what I thought I heard...Ladies I declare. well after all he is just a man. I am amazed to see so many pretty outfits today, all of you look fantastic. Has anyone been out by the river yet? I could use a walk....

    1. Good day, Lady Cotton, you look just lovely today. Yes, that longhunter is quite outspoken, but as you say, he is a man after all. I have yet to walk by the river and I am afraid I cannot accompany you this day. I am nursing an illness and I fear I may make it worse if I venture out in the cold right now. But, do have a nice time, I am sure there is someone here who would love to join you.

    2. Please do come down by the James River, if you wish! 'Tis a might chilly today but if you walk through the gardens, you'll find some wind break. Very happy to see you here, Lady Cotton. I fear our rustic long rifleman has been flirting with our ladies and asking questions impolite for our company--but such is the fact of living in colonial Virginia. I trust you haven't such intimate questions back in England, Lady Cotton!

    3. I would be delighted to walk with you, Lady Cotton, Let me introduce myself. My name is Amber Hammrich. The name on my blog is sort of my moniker, my pen name, if you will. Hope you have enjoyed the party, I know I have been.

  27. I'm a little late. The weather in the wilderness of Ohio is dreadful. I do hope you have food left for me. It sounds delicious. I'll have a cup of tea to warm me up. I wore my red cape and white muff for the occasion.

    1. Oh my oh my!!! You've come such a far distance, Mrs. Kraft and through such DANGEROUS territory. Come, rest and let's have Tara bring you a tray to the table in the dining room. We've got a nice fire going int here, as well. Coffee, tea, or cider?

  28. Glenye, my dear, I would love to come to your table and share a pot of tea with you! Let us drink to your good health and friendship.

    1. Indeed, and to more of your northeastern tales! You've got quite a talent!

  29. I have not enjoyed crab bisque before and will look forward to it. I like clam chowder and fishboils made with whitefish, and lobster too. Sounds grand. half-Irish Kathleen

    1. It is heavenly, Kathleen! I've borrowed the recipe from Ye Olde Yorktowne Riverwalk Tavern!

  30. Good day to you. What a long ride from Indiana to the Shirley Plantation. I came in my rose colored gown and a plume hat of same color. Would you have a bit of tea to warm Lady Di. What a beautiful tea party. Thanks so much for the invite.

    1. Welcome, Lady Di! My, we have at least two aristocratic ladies here at the party! So good you could come to the party! Oh my, you also traveled from dangerous territory. What on earth was your husband thinking, taking you out there?

    2. O he is such a love he knew I wanted to attend the tea so bad, He made the ride nice. I think he had a touch of cider and went hunting with Murray.

    3. indeed he did but our hunt was successful & we will shall join you sooner than I expected - I send this message by horseman - we look forward to putting our feet up on the hob & smoking our long-stemmed churchwarden pipes in a leisurely Biblical fashion

    4. So happy to hear you are on your way back. Having a successful hunt is wonderful also. We shall have tea or cider ready to warm you.

  31. Hello sweet ladies. Ms.Maxie here. Looks like a nice crowd you have here Carrie. Well, here I am in my favorite purple Brocade with high neck and long sleeves, trimmed in lovely lace. Nice to see so many could come. Roads bad in some places. And, so cold. Hard to stay warm. I would love to have one of those good tarts and some good hot tea please.

    1. Welcome, Maxie! We have our Long Rifle man's venison roasting over in the kitchen. Yes, the roads treacherous between here and Williamsburg. I'm setting a full pot of tea right here by you and Tara will fetch you cherry and almond tarts!

    2. Miss Gwenye, I would love to have a bit of that Venison, when it is done. Thank you. Great party and I love the Shirley Plantation I have heard you speak of so many times. Ms. Maxie

  32. Well, ladies, I have to be going. I was just informed that I am going to have company today. I must go prepare for them and I fear I may not be able to come back here until later. Have a wonderful time.
    (Chaplain Debbie regretfully leaves the party)

    1. How delightful! We appreciate you visiting at our party, Mrs. Mitchell! Felicitations on your dinner!

  33. Good day to you all! This is Miss Magnolia Scott, originally from Georgia. My apologies for my tardiness but it couldn't be helped. Our ship hit a tiny squall on the way here from Brazil. It was so terrifying! But I'm here at last! My ruby merino wool gown seems to have suffered no more than a dampening, however. but I fear my ruffled bell sleeves look a bit bedraggled! I'd simply love some of that black spice tea. Oh dear, it may help calm my poor nerves. What a lovely plantation!! Ours, of course, is far more elaborate.. or it was, before Daddy had to sell it to pay off debts. But on my, let's not talk of that nasty business here. Regardless, I am thrilled to be invited to such a grand affair!

    1. Magnolia Scott--you have me DREADFUL fits of worry with the letters I received from you! so very glad you are able to come back. Let's have chamomile tea for you, dear, with honey! I'm sure Shirley DOES remind you of your plantation--once you've rested please come explore!

    2. What a delight to see you here at last, Miss Scott! Needless to say we're all relieved that in spite of the storm your ship made it through unscathed. Do sit here by the fire with me. I'm sure your sleeves will dry out beautifully, and I can assure you that the tea is quite restorative.

    3. Oh, it is so good to see you again Miss Scott! Your gown is stunning.

    4. Bless you, ladies!! What a warm welcome. I am overcome!!

    5. Good day to you Miss Scott. I have heard of your escapades and did not know you were here, I thought you in Brazil. How delightful to meet you. You must tell us all about your adventures. (leans over and whispers) Did you meet any frightening tribes in the wilds?

    6. Miss Scott , lovely to see you here dear... You should by all means spend the night here and know you are safe with us ladies. I have decided to stay or and travel tomorrow... It is so cold back home and travel by night would be chilling to the bone. I love your gown dear, it so becomes you. I am so sorry for your loss and pray the Lord's blessing over thee.

    7. MS. Maxie : Good day to you Miss magnolia. Guess you are the reason for the Pirates being here manning your ship from Brazil. Well it is very good to see you. This is such a nice place for a tea Party.

  34. Hello to all my good friends, so sorry to be running late but it was quite a ways to come from South Carolina. I do believe it's a tad cooler here in Virginia than back home, I'm so glad I brought my heavier wrap. Carrie everything here is lovely, what a beautiful place Shirley Plantation is.

    1. Only in the 40's and we have a storm coming in--the chill air goes right throw a wrap! Thank you and have a seat--we have duckling, roast venison, and pork for dinner, with roast vegetables and rice with brown gravy.

  35. Greetings, ladies. Elizabeth Lindsay from Philadelphia area here. I do apologize for my tardiness, but the roads in Pennsylvania are still quite dreadful from the ice storm. I have worn my best gown, plum-colored but otherwise unadorned as I am a Friend and dress plainly. Very grateful for the warm fire and good company after my long journey.

    1. Welcome Miss Lindsay! We have a great many Friends in Philadelphia and welcome you into our company. Although you may dress plain, dare I say that Captain Carter has observed your loveliness and is coming over to greet you!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Oh my. I thank thee for telling me. 'Tis a pleasure to meet thee, Captain Carter. A lovely plantation thee has indeed.

  36. Yumm, I will take some Blue Crab bisque, crab cakes

    1. Better eat up--we've got a big dinner coming! Glad you made it back!

  37. I think it is so funny that you are having the party today. I went to my mom's house and she went in her attic and gave me a set of Colonial Homestead dinnerware. Fits the theme today.

  38. Hello ladies. With help from my lovely daughter, Amber, I chose to wear this beautiful light blue L.anglaise gown. with a white over petticoat with French lace. I apologize for not being here throughout the day. I've got a slight cold, hopefully it will pass quickly. I may not stay long but please know I may pop in now and then. Carrie, thank you for this delightful tea! I wish I was up to form to enjoy it more. I think I'll get some tea.

    1. Welcome, Regina! You and your daughter are both so lovely! If you need to rest, we've rooms aplenty in this big house. No need to get up--Tara will bring you your very own pot--a lovely shamrock decorated set from a dear Irish friend of mine!

  39. Good afternoon ladies, I am Lady Rice from Frederick, MD and quite frozen. Sorry I am a bit late but we had a terrible ice storm Tuesday past and we have had a time of heating our home since. In fact the workers finally got the heat back to working this very noon. Thank goodness we have a fireplace which kept us from freezing entirely.
    Oh, (eyes wide) did I see a longhunter leaving as my coach came up the drive? My, my.
    At least my favorite green gown with the long buttoned sleeves had been pressed and ready for this soiree prior to the dreadful ice storm. I love this gown as it is trimmed with the beautiful lace my dear husband, Russell brought back with him on his ship from Spain. He brought enough to trim my bonnet and shawl.
    I see so many friends here today, it is lovely to chat with them and you our dear hostess Lady Pagels. I think I will sit by the fire and sip some of your orange tea and the crab bisque sounds heavenly.
    I must say, your blue sugar bowl is beautiful!

    1. Lady Rice, welcome. I must get out my fan--I'm a bit flushed from chasing after the extra servants who need to get our wonderful dinner on the table. Yes, indeed, the long rifleman is responsible for the wonderful venison we'll be enjoying. Come eat near the fire place--my dear, how sad that you suffered so without your own fireplaces working throughout your home! Beautiful gown! Welcome!

    2. The venison sounds wonderful, will join you for a bit longer but then have to make the long trip back home. Hope the home fires are still burning.
      Thank you for such a lovely soiree. Blessings,Tina

  40. I forgot to mention that I traveled here from Upstate South Carolina with my daughter Amber. I believe she's around here somewhere, possibly sipping tea and reading a book.

  41. Oh, I'm so thrilled the snow has melted or the trip heah would have been so much worse! It was rathuh cold in that drafty carriage all the way from SC! Oh, I'm Lady Constance Hastings, by the way, and aftuh I remove my heavy wrap and muffler I would deahly love some some orange/spice tea. How do you like my lavenduh dress? The beadwork in the bodice alone cost a small fortune. My seamstress was so slow I thought perhaps I might have to wear a gown I have worn once before; heaven forbid. Oh, the fire feels so wonduhful, y'all.

    I'm glad that mountain man left before I got heah. Winkin' at the ladies? I do decleah. Someone needs to teach him some manners but what can one expect from someone who tromps around in the woods all day. sigh I must admit he has some interesting stories to tell although I'm not certain they are fittin' for a fine lady such as myself!

    I missed Lady Victoria, but it's so wonduhful to see Lady Carrie, and Madame Teresa, and all of the rest of y'all! And Miss Magnolia!

    1. Lady Hastings--welcome. I fear I am not an aristocrat and am a colonial-born woman, so you may address me as Miss Glenye if you wish. Your garments are truly heavenly! I've never seen such work in these parts. It is, after all, only the 1740's here and we're rather remote in Charles City--not quite like Charles Towne in South Carolina! Come in--you shall enjoy the wonderful venison that our impudent frontier man brought to us!

    2. Impudent indeed! You are looking quite lovely yourself, Miss Glenye, in spite of the remoteness here. I am rather famished and some venison sounds wonderful!

    3. Yay! I won something! Ahem...I mean thank you kindly for the lovely gift. ;)

  42. I just had to see the James River while here but you are right it is a might cold for a walk there, I believe I saw Miss Scott come in from Brazil, I was wondering how they were doing with the community starting there so I will mosey over to chat with her a bit , I hope she is near the fire. Regina it is nice to see you here also, what a lovely gown you are wearing I love the color blue and french lace so very pretty, I hope we have time to chat later.

    1. Yes, Miss Scott terrified me with the story she told in her missives home!

  43. Time for someone to stoke the fire. I am getting chilled.

    1. Elijah brought in more wood and is tending to the fires--have no fear, he'll keep us toasty warm!

  44. What a marvelous soiree. Everything is grand. And how lovely everyone looks! I fear I cannot stay due to a late winter cold that has simply sapped my strength. Thank you ever so much for inviting me, and congratulations, ladies, on your writing accomplishments.

    1. I pray you are recovering well! Come, lie in the guest room and rest. I'll have Tara bring you in a tray with beef broth and tea with lemon and honey.

    2. Ah Lady Maher , I have been so worried for thee. Stay we shall travel back home together on the morrow. Come I shall show thee to the guest room and we'll visit while you rest and enjoy the broth and tea.
      Come Dear...

  45. Good afternoon, ladies! I am Miss Angi Griffis and I've just arrived from the cooooold Midwest. Iowa, to be exact. My, but the Shirley Plantation is lovely! My first time visiting. The fire looks so invitingly warm. I think I'll just step over and warm myself a bit. I'm near froze through. Maybe I'll have a hot cup of tea to help warm me as well.

    1. Angi, Weldome! We do so hope you will return! Come have tea and dinner--save room for chocolate hazelnut torte for dessert!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Why, thank you Ms. Carrie! It's wonderful to be here. The chocolate hazelnut torte sounds SO yummy! I'll be sure and take small portions to leave room. ;)

  46. Hello Miss Griffis, that gown you are wearing is lovely, come and sit with the ladies by the fire and warm up a bit, the tea is divine and there is some sweets if you would like some. Earlier we had a rascal stop by on his way to a hunt, talking about bundling...have you ever heard such talk from a gentleman? well he wasn't here long Ms Carrie talked with him straight away... now doesn't that fire feel good after all that cold you traveled through...

    1. Hello, Lady Cotton! Thank you for such a sweet compliment about my gown. It's much warmer here at Shirley than in my own home state, and this wonderful fire has warmed me considerably. Well, the man does sound like quite a rascal if he was chatting to ladies about such things. My goodness *hand flutters to her chest*. I will be sure and keep an eye out for the rogue. So glad that Ms. Carrie gave him a talking to.

  47. Good afternoon, ladies. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Betti Mace and I have just arrived from the frozen north - Minnesota to be exact. Unfortunately my lovely gown was not nearly warm enough up there. It is, however, much warmer here at the Shirley Plantation. I really would love some cider and I will warm myself here by the fire for a while.

    1. Betti, I saw your gorgeous gown! How lovely of you to travel from so far north! Hot cider and would you like dinner or just dessert? The chocolate hazelnut torte is just out of the oven!

  48. My, it was a rather excitin' ride to Shirley Plantation today! The carriage broke a wheel and I sat beside the rode for quite sometime while my driver Silas worked to repair it. However, I made it and have been enjoyin' the ladies' company so much! Shirley Plantation is so warm and invitin'. A wonderful place to be on a cold winter's night.

    1. Oh dear, Heather!! You didn't have any such difficulties on your carriage ride to Charles City from the Carolinas in August! And your dear young man, is he hiding somewhere? So delightful to celebrate his birthday with him at the Charles City Tavern! Come in and sit at the mahogany table in the dining room. The fireplace is very warm and we have servants circulating with food and drink. A lovely trio of fiddlers has arrived with the militia. They're playing music to cover the sounds of the pirates er um privateers being "escorted" down to the James River and their boats!

  49. Why, here I am with Mr. Montgomery who was quite west of the 13 Colonies - the haunch of venison and brace of grouse I left with the cook along with a couple of hares - I also have with me plenty of warm point blankets, even warmer when used for bundling - I shall sit by the fire and smoke my long-stemmed churchwarden pipe - it is filled with prime golden Virginia tobacco, gently smoke cured in my own barn, and leaves a delightful aroma and room note, never fear - ah, my Bible is open on my lap (it is seven generations old) - have any of you fetching ladies read the part where it says the Lord touches the mountains so they smoke? failing that there are profound passages from the Song of Solomon I have often pondered over - perhaps someone can enlighten me? - oh, hot and fresh ground coffee would be most welcome - hunting in the snow and bitter wind quite drove the cold into me like a Sheffield knife!

    1. I fear you'll need to take your pipe up to the 3rd floor portico. That is where the gentlemen smoke. You and Mr. Montgomery and Mr. Carter and the returning militia officers are welcome to take your cider and pipes upstairs! Follow the gorgeous floating staircase up!

    2. Exceptional! I am happy to do that though I shall miss the fairer part of Virginia whilst I am gone :)

    3. Whew....Carrie, he is enough to make even the finest lady color....I came out to get Kathleen some more tea and I do declare he is something wanting to talk about the Song of Solomon .... Not even the Chaplin brings that into the services.... I am so glad Mother stayed to home....

  50. I apologize for my tardiness, I was unexpectedly detained. I am here now and it is wonderful to see everyone here. I shall catch my breathe before having a cup of tea.

    Thank you once again for including me in your soiree. O my! Who are those frightening looking men? Have I missed something? (Blush)

    1. They are being escorted out by the militia, Mrs. Teague. Come sit and enjoy the fiddlers! They drown out the "colorful" language of the privateers! Down to the river they go!!

    2. (Looks relieved)
      Indeed! What a lovely plantation you have here. I can only imagine how beautiful it is in summer?

  51. Upon my word, is that Miss Magnolia Scott over there? I have heard of her!

    1. Magnolia has like to steal ten years from my life with her escapades this past year! Yes, do go sit and I'll send Tara over to you and Magnolia, with tea and dinner.

    2. You are too kind, my she is as beautiful as they say. I have not yet been introduced to Miss Scott, but surely formal introductions are not necessary?

  52. No--do go sit with her for a spell and enjoy the tea an cake, Melony!

    1. Thank you Miss Glenye, I do like a piece of cake with my tea. You have outdone yourself my dear! (Walks off to join Miss Magnolia Scott)

  53. Carrie has been a wonderful host. Such lovely rooms here at Shirley Plantation. There's such a wonderful group of ladies here. Umm did I see we had a gentleman amongst us? I daresay he should be quite uncomfortable being amongst so many ladies! Especially married ones!

    Since I missed out on some of the goings on and dare I say...gossip: what are the plans for this lovely evening?

    I do hope I can stay up awhile, I hate to miss everything!

  54. Miss Scott it's good to see you took time to travel to join us at this lovely party. Are you the reason for Pirates making an appearance here at the party. Love your first name. Your dress is lovely. Ms Maxie

  55. Carrie, Kathleen is sleeping now and seems rather relaxed and at ease... I think I shall retire to my room for the night and join thee for breakfast in the morning. Its been a delightful day....Hug Hug Kiss Cheek...good night dear friend.

  56. Had to run some errands. Is the party over?

  57. Good evening. I know everyone has already retired for the evening. However, I do hope you will forgive my late night arrival, as I had problems with the horses and carriage on the trip to the plantation. One of the horses had became very sick about halfway here and could no longer travel. My driver was able to find someone to help us locate a new horse to purchase and take Bella back to our plantation for further treatment. I do hope for a lovely time while I'm here. Maybe I will have a bit of tea to warm me up before retiring for the night.

    1. So glad Tara got you settled in the Flanker. I'd already retired to my bed chamber for the night. We're sorry you missed the party, but rest and recover today!

  58. Lady Victoria, here once again. Oh dear, it seems my timing has failed me yet again! Adjusting to such a large time difference has made it difficult for me, and it seems that everyone has already retired for the evening. It looks like I missed some excitement in the arrival of Mr. Pura and his friends, as well as my dear friend Lady Constance. I think I will go to the kitchen and see if Tara has any left-overs from the lovely meats that were served earlier, before retiring to my own bed.

    1. Do not go out to the Kitchen House--they have a side entrance and shall bring breakfast in for those who've stayed over. But, indeed, the party ended last evening. You missed those dreadful pirates!

  59. I, Lady Bonnie Roof, also, have missed the excitement, Lady Victoria - such a tiring day I haven't had in a long time! I heard quite some tales about Mr. Pura on my way to Shirley Plantation. Having come all the way from Louisville Ky. - I'm very cold, and my favorite gown is wrinkled. Baby blue satin - it matches my eyes, and always draws attention. Especially with the matching feather in my hat, and my dyed shoes to match, also. I would love some of that hot orange spice tea also, and I'll be warmed inside and out - after sitting a spell by the kitchen hearth. Per chance, there's a bit of scone or cake left, just enough to fill the bottom of my stomach before retiring for the evening, to my lovely room??

    1. So sorry you got here late, Lady Bonnie! And you look so lovely in blue. We shan't put you in the kitchen building--heavens! No come inside the Great House and they'll be sending breakfast over and you can partake.

  60. The party was delightful last evening. We sent folks off either to bed in the Guest Flankers or a few in the main house! Now to oversee the cleanup. Poor Tara is so exhausted, I'll have to call some of the other helpers to come in!

  61. Hello dear ladies...would anyone mind if I brought my quilting to work on? I've managed to gather enough supplies to make a few quilts to donate for those less fortunate. Sew Sue

  62. Well, I am glad everyone had such a wonderful time. I am now getting ready to get some sleep, now that I have set my husband off on his way home. It is so quiet in this hotel by myself, but I plan to enjoy a quiet day on my own, while awaiting time for MY journey home as well It will be a long 2 days a-coming for me.

  63. This is so beautiful. I thought it was today Saturday and not friday.
    You did a great job on it
    God bless all of you

    1. Thanks, Chris! Have a blessed day! LOVE your Valentines Day card!!!

  64. Hello from Northern Michigan! Bundled , sitting near the cozy fire sipping tea!


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