
Friday, November 1, 2013

Tea Party for November - Captain's Quarter's Aboard Yorktown's British Vessel

Welcome to the Captain's Quarters!  HMS Surprise

Elusive Hope - Escape to Paradise Series Book 2 by MaryLu Tyndall

In a colony named New Hope, while their friends are seeking a Southern utopia. . . .

Hayden is seeking revenge. Relentlessly.
After years of all but selling his soul to track down his scoundrel of a father, Hayden Gale discovers his search must continue in South America, where his father is reported to be helping colonize Brazil. Hayden has nothing more to lose, certainly not a good reputation, and vows to keep pursuing--at any cost--the vile man who he believes killed his mother.

Magnolia is seeking a way out. Desperately.
She’s in the jungles of Brazil against her will, but what choice does Magnolia Scott have? Her father insisted on uprooting their family to escape the uncertainty of Southern life after the Civil War. But how will she survive without all she holds dear—wealthy suitors, beautiful clothes, summer balls, and slaves waiting on her every whim? She vows to find a way to get back home—and attaches herself to handsome Hayden Gale.

As they journey toward Rio de Janeiro, they both seek to use the other for their own purposes. Deceptively. Falling in love was never part of their plans. . . .

MaryLu's new release is available now!

  Purchase from Amazon
  Purchase from CBD.Com

For Love or Loyalty  
by Jennifer Hudson Taylor
(Book 1)
One conquest could destroy her, but avenge his family.
Scotland to Carolina, 1760

For Love or Loyalty is the story of a highlander seeking revenge, but when the bargaining price becomes too great of a moral sacrifice, he must find a way to reverse his deeds and save the woman he loves.

Malcolm MacGregor vows to free his family and exact revenge against Duncan Campbell. When the opportunity arises, Malcolm decides to use Duncan’s daughter as the bargaining price. Lauren Campbell is the perfect answer, until she begins chipping away at the bitterness in Malcolm’s heart and changing everything. Her bold faith and forgiveness ignites guilt he would rather avoid and a love he doesn't deserve.

Lauren Campbell never expected to discover such a caring and protective man behind the façade of Malcolm MacGregor’s fierce reputation. When they arrive in America, things turn against them, and Lauren finds herself in a fate worse than death. Now Malcolm has the dilemma of freeing the rest of his family or rescuing Lauren, but time is short and with little means, he needs a miracle. 

Purchase from Amazon
Purchase from CBD

A Cup of Christmas Cheer from Guidepost Book featuring Christmas stories from Colonial Quills members Carrie Fancett Pagels and Carla Olson Gade 

Twinkling lights, the scents of cinnamon and pine, family gatherings, favorite carols from the heart. In the spirit of these cozy Christmas traditions, Guideposts Books presents A Cup of Christmas Cheer, a two-book set brimming with heartwarming fiction stories of faith and family set in Christmases past and present.

You are invited to enjoy two uplifting Christmas fiction collections that will flood you with the Christmas spirit and bring a smile to your face. As you delve into each well-crafted story, you’ll be swept away on a wave of glad tidings and good cheer as you are reminded of God’s unconditional love and ever-present care at Christmas and all throughout the year.

Affordably priced so you can easily give the set as heartfelt gifts, the messages of hope and faith in these extraordinary works of fiction deliver the truest gifts of the season. They will inspire all who read them as they bring home the joy of God’s presence at Christmastime.

Purchase A Cup of Christmas Cheer from Guidepost Books

Carrie Fancett Pagels - author of "Snowed In"
Snowed In by Carrie Fancett Pagels
Set in 1945 in Michigan's upper peninsula three little girls and their older sister will experience a true Northwoods Christmas!

Carla Olson Gade
Upon a Christmas Tree Schooner by Carla Olson Gade
Inspired by the real Christmas tree schooners, of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a ship's captain takes his schooner for his last haul of the season upon icy Lake Michigan to return with Christmas trees for the German immigrants in his town of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. His journey leads to an unexpected surprise of hope and healing for he and his grieving wife with a Christmas gift to treasure for years to come.

Wardroom on board the ship. Have a seat and enjoy yourself! This is the officer's WardRoom!

Coming right up--an apple custard tart and tea, coffee, or hot chocolate or cider!  Are you wearing your finest frock?
Apple custard tart--baked on the hearth at Yorktown Victory Center in Virginia
Time for lunch---We're bringing it on board from the Yorktown Victory Center!

Cooking potatoes and onions at the Yorktown Victory Center

Transferring onions and potatoes and bacon from iron cookware to a wooden tray


In honor of the setting of her new release (Brazil!) MaryLu will be giving away Chocolate Brazil nuts, Brazilian ground coffee,  and Brazil nut body lotion.

We have two sets of A Cup of Christmas Cheer to giveaway, a copy of Jennifer's release, and three sparkling blown glass ornaments.
Three boxed blown-glass ship ornaments from Jamestown

Leave a comment and your email address.  If you are a CQ Follower put CQ and we'll count you twice!

Tell us who you are if you are in character and where you are from!


  1. My, my, what wonderful accommodations Carrie arranged for me. I slept very well on the plump feather bed! Glad to be among such wonderful company, Ladies and fellow CQ followers! Everything looks simply splendid! Joy Ross Davis (CQ)

    1. I'm so happy the room suited you, Joy! I particularly love that bed because it always perfectly suits the traveler! Welcome to the party--so happy to have you. May I bring you a beverage?

    2. These prizes look fantastic. I would love to win any of them. The Christmas books look wonderful. Maxie Anderson mac262(at)me9dot0com Thanks for the Tea, CQ.

  2. Greetings and felicitations! How lovely all these books look--fine options, all, with which to wile away a long autumnal night. I pray you good authors all find much success with your stories, and readers aplenty for them! I have just recently acquired a copy of Mrs. Tyndall's ELUSIVE HOPE and hope to settle in with it soon.

    I, by the way, am Gwyneth Lane, coming to visit from blustery Baltimore, where the temperature is not too chilly this day, though the wind whips something fierce from the Bay. I am grateful for the pelisse Thad provided me. With me is a little angel of a girl in her favorite pink gown, here for the party and begging already for a cake, if you would be so kind as to pass the plate down this way.

    1. Good morning, Miss Gwyneth. I am reading your story currently and it has me quite captivated. The Lane family is certainly a fascinating and endearing lot, especially that Thad of yours. I will pretend I didn't see your last name and read on to see how your budding romance fares amidst war and espionage. :)
      Your little guest is adorable and I am delighted to offer you both a bit of tea and refreshment.

    2. You do make me smile, Kathleen! I daresay we can all assume, when reading a romance, that certain outcomes are to be expected. Though I also daresay you may be surprised at how mine plays out! The rebellious Mrs. White threw convention to the wind with our story, I'm told.

      Many thanks for the tea! I have still not acquired a taste for coffee, so I am happy to have a reminder of home in my hands.

    3. I recognize that sweet pink angel! Come sit by me and I'll sprinkle some pink Fairy Dust on you! Ye olde post shall carry some your way, soon! I understand a Birthday was just celebrated! Congratulations!

  3. Good morning, my friends. Patience Moore here just dropping by for a hasty cup of strong tea to fortify me for the day ahead. My list of things to do would exhaust a crew of stevedores, so I can't stay long. I must say that the books you have offered are a huge temptation to idleness for the winter evenings. I simply cannot decide which to try first.

    1. Good morning, Miss Patience. Lovely of you to come! The reading fare sure is tempting, not to mention the delectable sweets! Do enjoy!

  4. Ahoy, lovely ladies. Joy, so good to see you so bright and early. The tea is ready, and I do hear Carrie is bringing out the apple tarts. Tis a fine day for a celebration, especially of the book sort.

  5. This might be my favorite party site ever! Permission to come aboard?

    I am traveling today and so I must make a quick hello and good bye from a historic 1854 Inn along the waterfront in old Newport RI. (Soaking up lots of Colonial ideas!)

    Congratulations ladies, you outdid yourselves this month. No wonder I can't get caught up on any reading! I must at least start the coffee and hot water for tea. I've bought some scones from the bakery as I've been no where near an oven for days. (awful, huh?)

    Happy November to you all and congratulations on so much to offer from these awesome authors!

    1. We just had fresh sweet breads and fig preserves brought in. And I'll have green tea shortly. Come sit! Thank you SO much for the scones!! You are so sweet. And thank you--I am so happy to have another publication this year. God is so very good to me! Hugs!

    2. A historic inn along the waterfront in old Newport, Rhode Island, did you say, Miss Debra? Oh, I am very intrigued, as you shall be traveling to my homeland. Godspeed.

  6. Welcome guests! I'm Eliza Clark and I'll be coming around to serve you! Let me know what you'd like. I may be a tad slow because I have to run a handsome young man over to his school in a moment.

    1. Eliza, I believe I will take some of those scones and fig preserves. Looks quite good. Oh, and some hot green Tea. Thanks ever so much. And to CQ
      Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com

  7. Good Mornin' from the shores of the Carolinas. I'm Lauren Campbell MacGregor, originally from Argyle, Scotland. Just in the last few days it is starting to look like autumn here. We recently moved from Charleston to Wilmington. The sea wind has a wee bit of a chill, but I love it here. The tea is warming me up nicely. I brought a plate of strawberry scones. I hope you enjoy them!

    1. Welcome, Lauren! We'll have a tart ready for Mrs. Taylor, also, who had a birthday this week. I believe you are well acquainted with her, so have her sit with you if you don't mind! Thanks so much for the scones and strawberries!

  8. A good morning I wish to each of you dear ladies! I'm rising a little late this morning as my husband returned last evening from a trip to Virginia's frontier, and I needed to prepare a late meal for the darling. Just like Patience Moore (Judith Robl), I am in great need of a cup of strong tea! And, Roseanna White, I will join in partaking of cake with my tea. In the meantime, as the repast fortifies me, please pass this plate of sweet breads, still warm from my oven, and a pot of my own fig preserves. A lovely gathering, it is. See? The tea is already doing wonders to my state of alertness!

    1. I'll confess that my short cup of coffee failed to revive me. I'm going to brew a pot of green tea. I've served up strong black tea but I believe the green would suit me better. Thank you so much for the lovely bread and the fig preserves!!!

  9. Good morning, Carrie and all you lovely ladies! Abigail Jackson here from the dreary foothills of North Carolina this morning. It was a difficult night, filled with pain and restless sleep, so I shan't be able to visit for long. I must lie down and rest but before I do, a little tea and cake would be a pleasant treat and help with my recovery. Also, this time of year makes me want to curl up under a handmade quilt and read by the fire. I see there are several new and delightful sounding books available for perusal. I do hope you all have a blessed day and enjoy your tea party!

    CQ, homesteading[at]charter[dot]net

    1. Welcome, Abigail. Do you ever go by Abbie? Isn't this a lovely ship? The beautiful wood simply glows in the captain's cabin! Strong black tea?

    2. I prefer my given name of Abigail but on occasion my much elder brother, who loves to tease, will call me Abbie. Indeed, the wood has such a lovely patina. It must take hours of polishing by some dedicated sailors. I'll take a little cream and sugar in my tea this morning for some extra fortification :)

    3. There are some very handsome sailors who do such work but I've got my eye on a wonderful Army veteran--twice wounded in a recent battle. I believe this Christmas may sparkle for me!

    4. So kind of you to come, Abigail. Perhaps the tea will help you feel better. We are so delighted that you stopped by.

  10. Mrs. Clark, thank you for serving such a hearty brew of coffee this morning. Miss Betsy Russell here from Menotomy, Massachusetts. I must say, I never imagined visiting on such a fine ship as this—my first visit onboard a vessel. I do not get to travel much, what with the war consuming our lives and soldiers around every bend! But I shall enjoy this brief respite from our woes with some coffee and—did you say sweet apple tarts fresh from the hearth? I should love one. So grateful.

    1. Mrs Russell!!! So delighted to see you! Yes, rest here on the padded bench at the Captain's table and I'll pour you some fresh coffee. I'm having a short cup myself with cream and sugar. Let me wipe those silver sugar nippers for you. And here's a warm slice of tart!

    2. Good to see you, Miss Russell! So glad you could slip away from the battle to enjoy a quiet moment with us.

  11. Good morning from Media, PA--the first Free Trade city in the US.

    1. What a lovely morning it is, too, Terri! My, that is a good fact to know. Can you tell us more about it?

    2. What does it mean to be America's First Fair/Free Trade Town? It means that as a community, Media has taken a meaningful step toward improving lives all over the world.

      At its most fundamental level, Fair Trade is the practice of insuring that farmers and workers receive a fair and stable price for their products and labor. In practice, Fair Trade extends well beyond fair pay and touches almost every aspect of the farming communities. Growers are encouraged to adopt environmentally friendly practices to ensure sustainability for their land and crops. Farmer owned cooperatives also invest back into their communities through health programs, building roads and schools. Because Fair Trade's impact spreads throughout communities so completely, everyone's quality of life is improved. From empowering women, frowning on slave labor, sending children to school rather than the fields and building better infrastructures, these committed growers are ensuring the future of their businesses and their communities while producing superior products for the rest of the world.

    3. Very profound, Terri! Mr. Jefferson, here in Virginia, is very interested in agriculture. I'm afraid most of us folks along the York and James rivers have small farms although there are a number of large plantations especially up near Charles City, such as Shirley Plantation. I imagine shipping of colonial goods abroad shall increase because of such a community!

  12. Good morning! I was invited by Jennifer to this delightful literary event! I would like to be added to the drawings! :) My e-mail is (I will be making a cup of Ceylon shortly...) Wonderful site! Please let me know when additional events occur!

    1. Good morning, Elizabeth dear! So wonderful to have you with us. You shall most certainly be added to the drawing for the prizes. You may also wish to become a follower of Colonial Quills. There is a place where you can sign up to become a member on the upper right-hand side of this website. Now, what may Miss Clark get you to drink?

    2. Elizabeth, We are so glad you could join us! Hope you enjoyed your cup of Ceylon.

  13. Thank you, ladies, for the invitation. I'm Gwen Morgan and I've recently been released from my indenture. I've never been invited to something as grand as this before. My gown is not nearly as grand as it should be on such an occasion. I'll just take a wee piece of the apple tart and a cup of tea and seat myself in a corner to watch.

    twinwillowsfarm at gmail dot com

    1. Oh, dear, Gwen, you are most welcome to our gathering. It matters not about the quality of your gown. We are just grateful to have you with us. What a tale you must have to tell. I do hope your indenture was not too much of a hardship on you. Please relax and enjoy the refreshments, and perhaps you shall win a lovely prize!

    2. Pegg, let me sit down and rest my feet for a moment--I've so wanted to catch up with you and with this new book out I've been a tad busy. Let me get you a china plate for your tart and a nice cup of bohea for you! Honey?

  14. Felicitations, good authors and dear friends! So good to be aboard ship once again. Makes me feel right at home. Mrs. Lorena Talvis here and I am so pleased to join you. I do love revenge stories and Christmas tales, and with the autumn weather turning colder and the wind blowing, it is the perfect time to curl up with a book before the hearth. These selections are very fine and I would love to read them all. My very best wishes to the authors for much well-deserved success. Now, I shall sit back for a bit and enjoy a cup of tea and a nice piece of that apple custard tart...when you have a moment dear Miss Clark.

    1. Mrs. Talvis, so wonderful to have you back with us aboard ship--it doesn't seem long ago when you were here aboard another fine vessel! Thank you very much for your congratulations--I'm very thrilled to have a Christmas story released and one which I hope will inspire readers!

      Whipped cream with your tart perhaps?

    2. Oh, yes, whipped cream, please! I look forward to your Christmas story, Miss Clark, and the inspiration it is sure to provide. Blessings!

  15. Good morning, ladies. I am Heather Stewart, and share some common history with Lauren Campbell, for I also was an indentured servant from Scotland. I will just have plain coffee, but I have brought buttermilk scones to share. I am looking forward to reading all of these books. Have a delightful All Saints Day.

    1. Heather, Nice to meet another kindred spirit from bonny Scotland. Of all the things I miss, Kilchurn Castle comes to mind most often.


  16. Good morning ladies! I do declare I've never seen such a grand affair in all my days living on a plantation in Georgia!! Do forgive my tardiness... I had to procure passage aboard a ship all the way from Brazil!! Not an easy task, I assure you! Mercy me, what a voyage! But I couldn't be happier to be home again.. at least for awhile. Oh dear me, I've been in the jungle so long I forgot to introduce myself, Magnolia Scott of the Georgia Scotts. Surely you've heard of us? Oh I see some lovely ladies I know.. I'm simply famished and would love some sweet bread and hot chocolate. You wouldn't believe what we eat in Brazil. Is there somewhere I can freshen up? I'm quite a sight after that voyage, to be sure. Thank you so much for inviting me!! This is so much fun!

    1. Miss Scott, I am excited to have you here today! I shall soon be reading Forsaken Dreams; I am woefully behind on my reading, I fear. And then I shall be looking forward to reading your story as well. I hope all is well in Brazil. Blessings!

    2. Miss Scott, one of our honored guests! So happy to join you in celebrating! Invite you--why you are one of the celebrants, my dear! Come, settle in at the captain's table!

  17. The Apple tart looks delicious. Coffee for me, please. I bought Pumpkin Scones. Look ing forward to the pleasant conversations today.

    1. Welcome, Cindy! I have been trying to assist our busy Miss Scott by greeting guests. Thank you for bringing the lovely pumpkin scones. I do love pumpkin treats this time of year. Coffee on the way!

  18. What a grand party y'all are having! So sorry to be late but you see I've been visiting with the Amish for the last two days and I had quite a ways to travel. I also had to change my gown, for this gown would not do amongst the Amish at all. It is a lovely rust color with a sheen (such as on the cover of MaryLu's book) and ribbons down the bodice. It goes very nicely with my hair and the fall season, but oh, these stays are a bit tight. Some hot chocolate would be wonderful, but I best forego any refreshment. I wouldn't want to burst my stays.

    Nice to meet you, Miss Scott...I am Lady Virginia Hampton of the South Carolina Hamptons. The jungle you say? Well, I have been with the Amish and they have kept me quite well fed. Have you heard of snickerdoodles? I'm sure not, since you have been feasting on bananas and papayas in the jungle.

    Congrats to all of you on these lovely new books! They all look AND sound like wonderful reads! CQ

    1. Welcome Miss Hampton!!! I love your beautiful gown. I just purchased a silk rust gown myself! Truly! You look so fetching in yours! We'll match once I get dressed! Thank you and we hope you will enjoy these new books!

    2. Lady Hampton, I've heard so much about you! Such pleasure to make your acquaintance! Snickerdoodles?? I fear I've never heard of such a thing. Do they make you snicker? If so, my escort, Hayden Gale, needs not assistance in that regard. Indeed, my meals of late have consisted of bananas, mangoes and fish. Mercy me, I'm so sick of that!! (She stuffs another sweet cake into her mouth) Pardon me but I'm simply famished.

    3. Why, thank you, my dears. I'm afraid I ate a might too many snickerdoodles, Madame Carrie, to look as fetching as I wanted, but life is full of temptations. sigh Had I known how terribly hungry you were I certainly would have brought some with me, Miss Scott! Fish tends not to stick to one's ribs very long, but it is very good for the figure! Why, you don't even have to wear a corset, my dear.

      I can't wait to see you in your gown, Madame Carrie! Do hurry and ready yourself! :)

    4. Perhaps after I serve up the potatoes and onions with bacon and the ham and biscuits and Sally Lunn bread and sweet butter! Miraculously, all this food shall not fatten anyone whatsoever!

    5. That is quite a miracle indeed! In that case I probably should have another biscuit then...with extra butter. Thank you, my dear.

  19. REally fun giveaway! I am probably a kitchen maid. ;)

    dianemestrella at gmail dot com

    1. My dear, we love kitchen maids here! Welcome and since you are our guest do not fret yourself over performing any work today. Come sit and have some tea!

  20. Neat, love to party! Even if it is virtual!
    Go CQ!!!!

    1. Cheryl, Want to meet me down at the REAL Yorktown British vessel at the museum? Great to see you here!

  21. Congratulations, ladies, on your new releases! All the stories sound completely captivating and quite absorbing. How lovely to visit with so many of my friends here aboard ship today!

    As many of you know, I'm Elizabeth Howard, a spy and courier for General Washington, and I'm traveling north from Philadelphia to Albany to rejoin my fiance, General Jonathan Carleton. I apologize for my drab traveling garb! It's so good to have a moment to stop and warm myself this chilly, windy day. I do believe I'll have a cup of green tea and a slice of that delectable apple custard tart to fortify me for the rest of my journey.

    1. My dear Elizabeth, I have a pinkish-rose porcelain tea cup here for you that I failed to send with the last courier. However, I was concerned about some slips of paper that you'd given me to send within that package. Might they have been a special message? I do apologize! I finished my own green tea and shall prepare another hot pot and bring you the tart with some heavenly cream whipped with sugar!

  22. Half-Irish Kathleen here ~ I found an interesting tidbit ~ my maiden name, Lynch, is derivative of the following:

    of Celtic Irish origin, from O'Loingsigh, meaning 'mariner'.

    I don't know if I have sea-worthy legs until I go back down the ramp and try them out, but I am pleased to be aboard this fine morning and have a spot o' tea ~ Earl Grey for me or sweet Lady Grey (minus sugar, but just her disposition!).

    1. My dear French/Belgium husband just made me some delicious gruel, so maybe just a scone a-s-s-o-r-t-m-e-n-t to take along to the library as I must prepare today for literary accountings.

    2. Then you are certainly in the correct location! Love that O'Loningsigh. Had no idea Lynch derived from that--will share with a friend! Come sit a spell and sip your tea. Scones with strawberries or fig preserves!

    3. Fig, please.

      Interesting ~ I actually was looking for O'Lynch as was earlier and dropped the O' when coming to America. Here is the other origin: "A name with two distinct derivations, one of them the French/Norman name of De Lench." site reference:

    4. CQ ~*~ CQ ~*~ CQ ~*~ whatever am I thinking! I have omitted my CQ on posts Half-Irish Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House
      CQ (now I am quite caught up!)

    5. Kathleen, thank you! I will share that! You only have to do one CQ and I'd happily offer you a luncheon plate but I must rush off to fetch the food from our cook, ashore!

    6. Oh, my goodness, I was so eager to come aboard I forgot to leave my calling card at the table when I departed to the library ~ here it is ~ and I must be off again to my reading table. lanehillhouse[at]centurylink[dot]net We must keep in touch! Half-Irish Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House (the scones are delicious with my tea ~ I will try not to make a mess and certainly do not want anything on my reading pages!) Fastidious about that ~ my spouse will affirm.

    7. We hope some of these books shall make their way onto your reading table, dear Kathleen! Would you care for luncheon?

    8. As we speak, I have laid before me carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, green pepper, celery, and cucumber cut up in my favored bowl with bleu cheese dressing ~ an unexpected treat I brought home from yesterday's outing. Hmmm... spelt scones are a favorite too ~ but, alas, the baker is away from the kitchen. I would fancy some cool water. Thank you for supplying your guests with finery. I seem to have taken well to the gentle roll of the sea and the refreshing air.
      How is your young lad faring this day? I hear he had a minor setback from his exuberance. A check to progress but not defeat.
      Oh, I can just inhale that delightful onion, bacon, and potato aroma! I do believe I would like a side dish, please. Could the spices be sparsely enhanced with garlic?
      I do hope I will find these new reads in the library. They sound delightful, indeed.

  23. (Chaplain Debbie enters, searching for Miss Magnolia Scott)

    Hello ladies! Oh my, but this ship is amazing! I am so sorry it has taken me so long to come in and greet you all, but I was admiring everything about this marvelous vessel! Have you seen Ms. Magnolia Scott? I followed her here and I seemed to have lost her along the way. You see, I have been on a mission for the church. I have been in the jungles of Brazil observing the colonists of New Hope. Oh my, what those people have faced so far in their quest for a new beginning. Anyway, I would love some coffee to wake myself up.....and if you do see Ms. Scott, please do not tell her that I am searching for her. You see, I am still supposed to only observe her and not interact with her or any of the other colonists. It has been a very trying experience for me. At one point I had to camp out in some temple ruins and I could swear I heard some sort of crackling sound and then I saw some movement in the trees. I still have a while before my mission is over (one more book in the series) but I am not sure if I can make it. Dear Lord, give me strength and courage. So, my coffee, please.

    1. Welcome! Miss Scott has been allowed to slumber late this morning! Please do sit a spell on the boat while we try to locate her. Coffee coming up. Cream and sugar? Where are those blasted sugar nippers....

    2. What's this I hear, Chaplain Debbie? spying on me and my party in the jungle?? I'm quite appalled! But since you mentioned that eerie temple, I must agree with you. What a horrid place. Do come out from hiding and join our colony.. there's no sense in sleeping in the jungle, my dear. Have you seen that con man snake, Hayden Gale?? He escorted me here and then disappeared as usual! .

    3. Just a little cream, please and thank you, Eliza, you are always so sweet. Oh my, I just took a look at the lovely books here, they sound wonderful! And those ornaments! What can I say? Good thing I'm not a pirate, otherwise they would have been in my possession by now. *wink*

    4. Oh dear, my cover has been blown! I cannot say that I am upset about it, it can get quite cold in the jungle at night. Is there room for me in your quaint little village? As yes, I spied Mr. Gale as I was coming aboard ship. He was speaking to some very shady looking character and they did not seem to like each other. I admire the way you have kept your wits (for the most part) while around him, Ms. Scott. But, I must say that he is one handsome young man.

    5. I feel quite sure that former American Scout, Private Henry Williams, has "secured" Mr. Gale somewhere on land. So do not fret yourselves any further! Pvt. Williams left the Army but he still has some skills when it comes to ne'er do wells!

    6. Chaplain you are more than welcome in our quaint little village. We could use a chaplain since our current spiritual leader seems out of sorts! Tht sounds just like Mr. Gale.. hopnobbing with sordid types. The shame!
      Well, I feel much better now knowing Private Williams has secured him away from here.. thank you Mistress Carrie!!

    7. You are so kind, Ms. Scott, thank you for your invitation. I will relish the feel of something warm to sleep on for a change. Being a missionary can be quite taxing at times. I look forward to meeting all of the colonists and hearing their stories! I am a bit leary of that Mr. Graves, he seems to have gotten himself into some seriously evil predicament. I fear for his life and soul. *winces*

  24. Good morning, oops afternoon ladies. I am a bit later than planned but had to catch up on sleep this morning after following my 9 year old grandson Zachary around last night in his neighborhood, in the rain no less. But I do love that sweet blue-eyed dimpled boy!

    I am Mrs. Katherine Russell of Maryland and so glad to join you on this lovely vessel. My husband, Lewis was in the navy for 4 years and traveled quite a lot while I stayed at home keeping the home fires burning.

    I so enjoy these tea gatherings with good friends. Thank you Eliza for inviting me to join you. I would like a cup of tea with that pumpkin scones please. I love anything pumpkin......

    Ladies, your books all sound wonderful and I would love to read them. I love these kinds of books in that time period in history. You all are gifted writers.

    blessings, Tina Rice

    1. Forgot to mention CQ

    2. Mrs. Russell, welcome! I love pumpkin, too, and the scones are heavenly! Mine are made with a no-wheat flour and have a tad extra sugar in them!

      We hope you will enjoy our stories and thank you so much for your kind words! Come sit next to Miss Magnolia Scott. You both look fetching!

    3. Thank you kindly Eliza. Your dress is lovely.
      Agree, the pumpkin scones are heavenly.
      I remember Miss Scott from Forsaken Dreams, good to see you again Magnolia.

  25. just dawned on me. I sure hope that none of the guests are feeling queasy from being aboard a ship. I do hope that you ladies have some medicine should a guest falls ill. I will say a prayer that no one has any problems. I am so loving this party! Everyone looks so festive and happy and their voices travel along the air in such a melodious manner. *sigh* I feel so at home here. *big grin*

    1. Here comes our ship's physician, Dr. Stephen Shield. I feel sure he'd make himself available!

    2. That is good to know, thank you.

    3. If the ship's physician is not available, you can put some ginger in your tea. That will settle the stomach.

    4. That is a great idea...I will be on the look out for any green faces. LOL

    5. And SILLY me--with us ANCHORED here in port on such a mild day, we have very little sway in the vessel. But we're quite happy to have Dr. Shields with us.

    6. Well, it is always best to cover all the bases, my dear. :)

  26. It's Bonnie - here, from Ky.. Such a lovely ship - I'll be so glad to see my friends, in Brazil, again, but will miss my family - being it's the Christmas season, & all! Have any of you, ladies, sailed to Scotland - some o' my family, the MacGregors, live there, ya' know?

    I'll have another spot of tea - please, & the apple custard tart is delicious!



    1. Bonnie, welcome, We DO have MacGregors here with Mrs. Taylor, author of one of the new releases!!! Come sit by her. I'd be happy to also serve you the nooning meal.

    2. Indeed, I descend from the MacGregor through my father's side and I have written The MacGregor Legacy, Book 1, is For Love or Loyalty.

  27. Hello! It's nice to meet all of you! My name is Regina Silsby. Mrs. Taylor invited me. What lovely and interesting books! Oh my! The ornaments are beautiful! And the chocolate Brazil nuts, Brazilian coffee, and lotion sound divine! I should like any of these beautiful and wonderful items! Here's my address: godsprincess93(at)bellouth(dot)net. I wish I could stay longer but I really must go now. Busy day ahead what with guest's coming later and I need to get the house prepared but I really have enjoyed being here and getting to wear my new dark green satin dress even if just for a little while. It was all very beautiful aboard this fine ship and I do believe the salty air and tea have done me good. Thank you all for the pleasant time! It was nice getting to know all of you and I look forward to getting to know you better Ms. Campbell. :) Tata all!

    1. Thank you Rebecca! Have a blessed day!

    2. So glad you came to the celebration, Rebecca! So glad you were able to stop by for a bit. Enjoy your busy day.

    3. Glad you were able to join us today. I love the salty air. Might have some tea myself. 2 lumps please. I am a Scottish transplant in the south, so I must have my sugar!

    4. There--we've nipped two lumps off the cone for you, Mrs. Taylor--lovely story you have out!

    5. Thank you for inviting me! I'm glad I could come. :) Might there be some tea left? A cup of tea would be delightful! Today went well but it's nice to relax a bit. Oh! And Carrie, the venison stew was absolutely delicious! You'll have to tell me how you made it. :)

  28. Did I hear that lunch was being served? I am famished, please direct me to where the food is, it smells divine!

    1. My mouth fairly drooled when the cook was preparing the onion, potatoes, and bacon! Have some!

    2. Oh, I definitely will have some! I feel like I've lost so much weight trekking through that jungle! I ate way too much fruit!

    3. Debbie, I believe so--your garments are hanging on you--save room for our chocolate dessert!

    4. Oh yeah, definitely going to have some chocolate dessert!

  29. I am an innkeeper here in Yorktown and the inn is full as all these delightful ladies said they are here for the Colonial Quills Tea Party ! I think I will join them! CQ follower too!
    rhonda_nash_hall (AT) comcast (DOT) net

    1. So good to see you again my dear. I always enjoy staying at your Inn when I travel.

    2. Mrs. Hall, are you with Mr. Lightfoot or another inn? Thank you SO much for taking such fine care of our guests! Nooning meal here, my dear?

  30. Though I normally travel through space and time, I just had to pop back in time when I heard about your lovely tea party!

    I hale from the woods of Maine, where the spectacular night skies captured my fancy from a young age. Like any good time traveler, I'm simply fascinated with the past. (And this particular time period is simply the best place to find a decent cup of tea!)

    1. Do tell! Bohea, gunpowder tea, or green? Also some chamomile or peppermint if needed. And the nooning meal has commenced so have a seat!

  31. Its wonderful to be aboard such a fine ship. I hope I'm not to late to join the lunch crowd; onion, potatoes and bacon sound great.


    1. Here's some cornbread and butter, too with your luncheon. Coffee? Oh, I see my sweetheart, Henry Williams coming in. He's such a kind man--did you know he's taken my sisters out to his grandmother's house for a visit?

  32. I am so thrilled to be invited. My name is Wilani and I am from the mountains of North Carolina. All of these books look so interesting and I am adding them all to my wish list.

  33. What a wonderful event celebrating all these fascinating stories! Captain Grunevald here...I just docked my Christmas tree schooner, the Evergreen, and hastened to the party as soon as I could. I see my dear wife, Rosina, is there in the corner by the refreshments. She is a wonderful cook, I wouldn't be at all surprised if she brought along some of her special sweets. If you will excuse me now, I must greet my Rosina. Congratulations to all, my friends!!

    1. Captain!!! So glad to see you here! And Rosina is lovely! She asked to pop into the back and help me while I work on a necklace for Mrs. Gerlach who hasn't been feeling so well of late. Congratulations to Mrs. Gade!

    2. Captain Grunevald, so nice to see you and your lovely wife Rosina! Isn't this a lovely party!

      I heard about Mrs. Gerlach being under the weather. Do send her my love and prayers...I do so admire her, such a blessed, strong soul.

    3. I spoke with Rita this afternoon and she has to be careful about her activities, as is to be expected. Thank God she is receiving appropriate treatment. And yes, she really is a strong lady, like her mother!

  34. Wanted to stop in for a minute. I'm heading out the door right now for Charleston for the weekend. Just wanted to congratulate Carrie, Carla, Jennifer, and MaryLu for your fabulous books. Such accomplished and lovely ladies. Can't wait to read your books.

    1. Thank you, Miss Susan! So glad you could drop in, if only for a moment! Enjoy Charleston!

    2. Susan, thanks so much! Hoping to see you in SC within a couple of month! I hope Charleston is lovely for you!

  35. It's time for a break from all my hard work, so I thought I visit you all for a a few minutes. Is there still some apple custard tart left? And a cup of tea please! Thank you!!

    1. I guess I need to send my best wishes and congratulations to all of you first before I get some refreshment. lol
      CONGRATS to all!!

    2. We have an entire supper menu for you, Marian--venison stew, leg of lamb, new potatoes, green beans and root beer, milk or hot apple cider!

    3. Thank you so much, my dear friend! So happy to have you here with us, Marian!!!

  36. Oh my! I didn't realize I was supposed to come over here. So silly of me! Thanks Jennifer for the invite! I'm so excited to be here with all you lovely ladies! A Colonial tea is such a lovely idea! I wish my daughter could be here but she went to Camden, SC for her own Colonial Reenactment, well American Revolution, this weekend. Two weeks ago she was in Gloucester, VA. I am part of CQ but haven't been on here for awhile.

    I have no idea what to be...any ideas? I could be a cook on the Captains ship. I do love to cook and bake. I am quite good at it too!

    1. Hi Regina! I'm sitting in the corner making a necklace. I was AT THAT BATTLE OF THE HOOK!!!! If you'd like to cook, help yourself, but you might want to rest after all that travel!

    2. What a small world! Then you may have seen my daughter, you may even know her! She is quite the social butterfly, they call her Bubbles! Her regiment is 2nd North Carolina. She had her picture taken with Wavy NBC!! Do you attend a lot of reeneactments?

      My email is

      What kind of necklaces are you making? I may have to come take a peek. Christmas is so close!

      Yes I am tired. I live in Easley and had to take her to Greenwood to meet with another person driving to Camden. In total it is a three hour round trip! As soon as I wake up from my nap I will make everyone some Pumpkin Bread. How does that sound?

    3. So glad you could make it, Regina. Thank you for stopping by. Yes, I remember your cooking photos on FB.

    4. Regina, would you like some lamb, potatoes and green beans? My boyfriend and sisters are coming around. Root beer? I believe I met your daughter in Gloucester! It was the only reenactment I've been to this year, so no. Our Susan Craft and Shannon McNear are supposed to be going to Camden!

  37. What a lovely party you all are having today. I needed a little pick-me-up!! :)

    Congratulations on your new books ladies, I absolutely cannot wait to read them. Thank you for the chance to win one of those alluring prizes.

    teresasmathews(at)yahoo(dot)com CQ

    1. Thanks so much, Teresa! And I noticed you are a fine endorser for Mrs. Tyndall's books! I believe Miss Scott is sitting with her at the Captain's table! Come sit down, I'm making a pink necklace for a friend!

    2. Welcome, Miss Matthews!! Always a pleasure! Do join Magnolia and I for some tea!

  38. Fri Nov 1st,
    Thanks for the invite to the Colonial Tea Party, ladies. Sad to say - I am not in dress for the occasion. And yes, I believe I am a follower of CQ's ... but not totally sure.
    All the new releases look great ! I already have MaryLu Tyndall's second book, released today "Elusive Hope" ... enjoying it immensely.
    I am also a fan of Jennifer Hudson Taylor, and would love to win her newest release "For love or loyalty", Book 1.
    Thanks so much for the opportunity of a chance to win. Great tea by the way, gals.
    Take care, and, God Bless, In Him, Brenda Hurley

    1. Welcome Miss Hurley! This is a come as you are tea party so all are welcome! Glad you could drop in!!!

    2. Why if it isn't Miss Hurley! Good to see you here, my dear! Always fun chatting with you about this and that! And no worries about your attire...truth be told, under my dress is a pair of my never know when I will get a hankering to climb up into the crow's nest. Hahaha!

    3. Miss Hurley, we have a gold silk brocade day dress left by a wealthy, who wore it once then left it behind. I feel sure that it would lace up closed well for you and with both ties fastened on the skirt--you should be fine!

    4. I echo the sentiment, come as you are! You are most welcome and are definitely in the drawing. I'll be giving away 3 more copies on Goodreads in a couple of weeks if you don't win here.

  39. Morning all or is that afternoon, I took a slow boat from Australia and still trying to work out where I am and what time it is. Im a follower of CQ (I get the email every day) I can't wait to read MaryLu's new book. (of course it could take a few years at the rate I am currently reading been on the last book 4 weeks now) But when the chronic headaches are under control I will get back to reading.

    1. Jenny, my are you up early? Thanks so much for coming by! We're glad to have you and that is a lovely gown you have on.

    2. What a treat to have you join us all the way from Australia! I, too, suffer from chronic headaches and am sorry that you have them. I hope you will be better soon and are able to enjoy the activities you like best.

    3. pain tends to get a person up earlier than they want. Thanks for the comments on the dress. I have to say light blue is one of my favourite colours and it matches your wall paper.
      Carla I found out I have Occipital Neuralgia so we are starting a new med but have to start it slowly I was able to up it last night to a whole one at night. it could take another week or so before we get the right dose but least its level 3ish not 6ish.

    4. Thank you for dropping by all the way from Australia, Miss Blake!! I'm so sorry about your headaches. Praying your new meds work for you. :-)

    5. Thanks MaryLu, its not so bad right now so am going to go and do the things I need to.

  40. Congratulations to all the ladies for your book releases! I am super excited to catch up on the new colonists in Brazil; reading Jennifer's newest book; the Christmas books. Ach so many new books it will be hard to choose which one to read first!

    1. So many books with so many Christian themes--PTL! Thanks for coming by!

  41. Thank you for stopping by to help us celebrate!

  42. Good day Ladies and I was invited to this tea party by our own Carrie . Everything looks so good and the Apple custard tart was so good . Have been out today and just got in , but I did want to drop I. . MaryLu , just wanted to say I am reading Elusive Hope and it is awesome . Keep up the good words .
    Thanks and would like to be entered in your giveaway .

    1. Hi Liz! So glad you enjoyed the tart! We're also celebrating Jennifer's birthday!

  43. Thank you for attending our celebration, Elizabeth!

  44. Good afternoon! I am Angi all the way from the great state of Iowa where the air is chilly and the wind is brisk.Thank you, Carrie, for inviting me and I took your advice and wore the blue taffeta. Isn't it lovely? What a wonderful party you have going on aboard this beautiful ship. Congratulations to all of the authors on their new releases! I have already acquired Ms. Tyndall's newest book and plan on starting on it right away. The other books sound wonderful, too. Would love to read them! But for now, I think I'll wander over and see if there are any of those scrumptious pumpkin scones left and a bit of cider.

    I am a follower. CQ

    1. Angi, blue is definitely your color! And I love the Highland sash! Just perfect. Come sit a spell--I'm off to retrieve our dinner--venison stew, leg of lamb, small potatoes, green beans, and tonight we have a scrumptious chocolate caramel cake, baked in the pan and then we'll cover it with whipped cream. Will be back within the hour and a half! Then we can all sup!

  45. I must run down to the docks and to the kitchens to get our supper from the cook. I have my three little sisters, Ruby, Jean, and Nell, who will help me carry and Henry and his uncle Fred. Grandma Danner is going to stay here with you all, and she'll be singing over there in the corner. She favors the old songs so feel free to request one such as a Welsh or Scottish tune!

    1. Carrie, this ship is beautiful. I was only on a ship once and it was for a wedding. Everything is so fine. Maxie

  46. Good afternoon, ladies. I'm thrilled to drop by. I've traveled in from the western frontier (Oklahoma, which doesn't exist for about 200 more years, yikes!). I'd love to have some tea with you, and that delicious-looking apple dessert of Carrie's. I plan to take some time and look around, read all about those lovely new novels and the selection of Christmas novellas from Guideposts! They all sound wonderful! Blessings to all of you, Vicki McCollum (new GQ member and follower).

    1. Welcome, Vicki!! All the way from Oklahoma!! Well, do sit down a spell and enjoy the refreshments and festivities! I am Miss Magnolia Scott formerly from Georgia but recently dragged by her demanding parents to the inhabitable jungles of Brazil!!

    2. Congratulations to all you ladies with your new releases. I just know you will great success with each book. I'm anxious to read each one. Would love a snack if there's any left. Maxie

  47. So glad I didn't completely miss the party. Congratulations on all your great releases! The books look wonderful---just the thing to put us in a holiday mood. Please include me in your generous giveaway. Blessings!

    reneeasmith61 [at] yahoo [dot] com

    1. Oh heavens, no, we couldn't have you miss the party, Renee! Thank you--the Guidepost Books cover turned out lovely as the others did, too. Come sit and sup with us. Lamb or venison stew?

  48. Hello ladies. I am Debra Dawn from Idaho. Thanks for the awesome party. You all look so beautiful in your dresses. I would like to be entered in the giveaway. Thanks and have a great afternoon and night.

    1. Welcome, Mrs. Dawn! Thank you. Very lovely evening attire you have on.

    2. Well hello there Mrs Smith, so nice of you to join us today. You look lovely in your purple dress, it is so your color. *wink* I was just on my way to enjoy the great view from the crow's nest. Do enjoy yourself.

    3. Why thank you. I have had this purple dress for awhile. Just waiting for the right occasion to wear it. :)

  49. Well, I must say that this is one of the best tea parties that you ladies have thrown so far.....the smell of the sea, the sway of the ship and all the festivities around us! Thank you ever so much for the invite. I think I will take a stroll above....way above....that crow's nest is calling my name. Never fear, I will make sure that no one spots me, as I would not want to put a bad reputation on your wonderful party. I shall return shortly.

    1. Be careful up there as Miss Scott seems afraid of something she's seen!

    2. Oh my, yes of course I will be very careful. Thanks for the warning.

    3. Yes Indeed, it's that nasty charlatan Mr. Gale again. He seems to have escaped custody and is trying to waylay me! Do be careful, Chaplain.. he's a very charming and clever fellow. :-)

    4. No worries, Miss Scott, I have returned unharmed. Such a gorgeous night, so crisp and clear! I hope that you have enjoyed these festivities!

  50. Henry is bringing around the venison stew and ladling it out. I've got Ruby carrying Leg of lamb around. Jean is bringing the green beans and little Nellie has the tiny new potatoes. Later we'll have a nice dessert! I hope everyone has enjoyed Grandma Danner's singing. Henry was offered a violin scholarship at Interlochen and he'll be playing for us once Uncle Fred carries the fiddle down from the cabin. I've got hot apple cider and nice cold milk for those who want a nice drink with their meal. And of course we have root beer, as well!

    1. Sounds divine, Miss Carrie!! My mouth is watering...

  51. Wow. Beautiful cover, MaryLu! And congrats on the new releases Carrie and Carla and Jennifer!

    1. Thank you for popping out of your writing cave to come help us celebrate, Julie!

  52. ~ Ah , at last I have made it over this evening to join you all for an evening tea ! Oh Carrie, venison stew sounds so wonderful , but I think I shall try the Lamb, it is so a favorite of mine. I have come as my self Dear in my finest Taffeta gown to dine with thee. The music is so lovely. I think I shall have tea, root beer sends me into a sugar high that causes me to feel faint. I am so much a CQ follower and I have been busy all day with being interviewed by Author Anne Mateer in her Portrait of a Reader Series ! I see you are giving away some lovely gifts today and I so love the books being featured this Month of November ! Ms. MaryLu Tyndall , Ms Jennifer Hudson Taylor , I am so taken by the covers of your books and am so looking forward to reading them and perhaps reviewing them for my blog someday.
    Carrie Dear, I am so looking forward to your story in Guideposts, it sounds just lovely. Carla Olson Gade , your book sounds delightful also. Kathleen, Marian , Ladies... I need to rock and sing my dear Son Daniel to sleep , my kindle fire has been his playmate all day since his sisters are gone to my mothers. So I hope you will excuse me and I shall visit you all again very soon.

    Linda Marie Finn
    Faithful Acres Books

    1. Linda, I LOVED getting to know you better on the blog!

      Carla's story and mine are both in the same Guidepost Books volume!

      Lamb, roast potatoes, and green beans coming up. Save room for a rich chocolate dessert!

      Oh, look, my sisters are doing Christmas crafts with Mrs. Danner! That is so sweet!

  53. I came over for some venison stew, but finally got the time to watch Jennifer's book trailer. Now I want IT instead of supper! I can live off books! Ok, maybe a wee bit of stew and cornbread. Thank you!

    1. I think we may be receiving those books, I can't remember, Diana! Here--I have a plate for you and you are very welcome, sweetie!

  54. Your new releases look wonderful, ladies. I would love some apple cider with my venison, Carrie. Thanks so much for the invite. This ship is very cozy too. And could you enter me into the giveaway as well?

    1. We are happy to enter you in the giveaway. Cider and venison sound perfect for a bristling fall evening.

    2. Erin, so glad you could make it down to the coast! Did you sail on a packet ship to get here? Welcome! I'm bringing our chocolate dessert around right now, too!

  55. I certainly hope there's a little warm cider left. It's been a very busy day at the Moore house here. And the wind whistled around from the north sharp enough to age my old bones. I'm sure you've all had a lovely time. And the temptations you've put in front of us make me look forward to long winter evenings with a good book or two.

    1. I love that our cider stays at the PERFECT temperature. We have a Moore house in Yorktown--where the surrender of Yorktown was signed by the British.

  56. We have an endless supply of cider, so please have your fill. It has been a lovely celebration and we are so glad you could join us!

  57. Well I'm sure the party is near over. Been hunting this place for 45 minutes. Guess have missed it all. This direction and then back and getting nowhere. Hope you've had a big crowd. Everyone looks great. Anything left like some tea? Maxie

    1. Oh no, Maxie, what happened! So sorry but glad to see you here. Come sit at the Captain's table and have some dinner. Tea, coffee, root beer, apple cider? We aim to please! Oh, Nellie--don't run with those plates! Sorry, I need to check on my sisters!

  58. Just every direction I was sent back to the last place and now that I'm here my comments are disappearing. Oh well. Got to say hello anyway before everyone had left the party. Maxie

  59. What a wonderful party ladies. I love this site!! I would love to be entered in the drawing. Thank you so much for the wonderful and interesting posts!
    oh and I am a subscriber to the CQ

  60. I am setting out the chocolate torte and whipped cream but simply must go and prepare for bed. For all of our late guests, please help yourself to the food. There may be some late owls from CQ who will also help you out. Many blessings to all and thank you for stopping by the party. Carry on and let Henry entertain you all night with his fiddle music--so wonderful!!!

    1. Oh I know when to turn up I do like anything Chocolate and whipped cream is just what I want. The music sounds wonderful.

    2. Did I hear you say chocolate torte and whipped cream? Oh, I really must try some of that before I go.

  61. Thank you and God bless all of you
    joining cq right now
    Chris Granville

    1. Welcome Chris! Thank you so much for coming by the party. I hope you enjoy some of the refreshments and mingle with whomever is still around. I fear that the party is beginning to wind down.

  62. Well ladies, I will be calling it a night! Thank you so much for yet again another lovely tea party. Great food, great conversation and great location! Congrats again to the honorees of this party. Elusive Hope is a fantastic book and I would love to read the others. And you know how much I love ships, so those shiny ornaments have definitely caught my eye. Have a wonderful weekend...God bless.
    (Chaplain Debbie exits with a huge smile on her face)

    1. I am around for awhile yet between naps etc. traveling from Australia is tiring. but the ship back is not for several ours yet.

  63. Welcome miss Bonnie good to have you here

  64. Is there any hot chocolate left? I ended up taking such a long nap I didn't get a chance to bake my pumpkin bread, sorry ladies! My schedule is really off since my husband is off training for his job.

  65. Good evening! I do so hope there is still a scone left for me. It took me all day to find this lovely red brocade, but now I am here to visit with all these wonderful authors. I am a CQ follower and love it when you have these parties! Looking forward to reading all these wonderful books.
    Bettimace at gmail dot com


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