
Friday, November 29, 2013

A Cup of Christmas Cheer - Winner of Blog Hop Announced!

A Cup of Christmas Cheer, Volumes One Tales of Faith and Family for the Holidays and Volume Two Takes of Joy and Wonder for the Holidays, from Guideposts Books
Susan Fletcher is the winner of the A Cup of Christmas Cheer Blog Hop.  We had over 20 readers who commented on EVERY blog: Carrie Fancett Pagels', Carla Olson Gade's, Ashley Clark's, Anita Mae Warren's, Julie Carobini's, and Johnnie Alexander Donley's.

Congratulations SUSAN from all of us!  THANK YOU to all the wonderful readers who stopped by the blogs.

And we have WONDERFUL NEWS!!!  Guidepost Books sold out of the first run (reported to be 28,000 copies!) and has done ANOTHER print run already even though they were only released this month!  Praise the Lord and may these stories bring encouragement and inspiration to the readers.  Copies are available for order only through the Guideposts Books' website. Click here to order.

Susan will receive, as part of her gifts, this antique reproduction colonial tea set from the Yorktown Victory Center in Virginia!
She'll also be receiving several gift cards, special cocoa packets, tea, and the A Cup of Christmas Cheer book set!!!

Carrie and Carla, both members of Colonial Quills blog both have their stories in Volume One of the hardcover book set.

Once again, congratulations to SUSAN FLETCHER and THANK you to those who came by all the blogs!


  1. Congrats Susan! Beautiful tea set that you will be receiving! Plus all the other goodies! Way to go!

    Judy B

  2. Congrats to Susan !!
    Linda Finn
    Faithful Acres Books

  3. Susan Fletcher! Congratulations ~ a beautiful tea set for generations to come. Cozy up to the fire as you enjoy your hot drinks and leisure reading stories! Blessings, Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

  4. Way to go, Susan! Congrats! This was the first blog hop I have ever participated in (or at least hopped to every one--lol), and it was so fun! Thanks, ladies!

    1. It was so fun to see you on every one, Diana, and both you and Teresa were entered per for the final drawing! Hugs!

  5. Oh no I messed up and did not make it thru.

  6. Thanks everybody! I am still in disbelief that I actually won! I'm so excited! Thanks to all!! What made it even more special is that I won on my father's 89th birthday! Counting my many blessings!

  7. Yorktown will always be a special place to me. My late husband and I spent our last anniversary (25th) there (and surrounding area) a couple of months before his sudden death. Now, I have something special to remember our last vacation together! Thank you for this special gift that I will always treasure!
    Susan Fletcher

    1. Wow, Susan--between your Dad's bday and the Yorktown connection that really sounds like God worked it out for you to have something special for happy memories. Glad to be part of that! After I did the drawing I saw you were the very FIRST comment on the blog hops, too, which I thought was super neat!!! Congrats!!!

    2. God is looking after me, and letting me know he's in charge, not me!

  8. Congrats, Susan! And happy belated birthday to your dad. It's very special that you won a gift that is meaningful to a treasured memory. God bless!


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