
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lemon Tart

Lemon Tart
(Contributed by Susan Craft)

Take six large lemons, rub them well in salt, put them into salt and water and let them rest 2 days, change them daily in fresh water, 14 days, then cut slices and mince as fine as you can and boil them 2 or 3 hours till tender, then take 6 pippins (apples) pare, quarter and core them, boil in 1 pint fair water till the pippins break, then put the half of the pippins, with all the liquor to the lemon, and add one pound sugar, boil all together one quarter of an hour, put into gallipot (small earthen pot) and squeeze thereto a fresh orange, one spoon of which, with a spoon of the pulp of the pippin, laid into a thin royal paste, laid into small shallow pans or saucers, brushed with melted butter, and some superfine sugar sifted thereon, with a gently baking, will be very good.

N.B. pastry pans, or saucers, must be buttered lightly before the paste is laid on.  If glass or China be used, have only a top crust you can garnish with cut paste, like a lemon pudding or serve on a paste. 

This recipe is taken from First American Cookbook – A Facsimile of American Cookery, 1796 by Amelia Simmons.


  1. Thnks for the recipe. I am sharing this post on my blog, facebook and twitter.

    Have a Blessed Day,
    Patricia aka Mamaw

  2. I was just thinking how expensive this might be - if not moneywise but in acquiring fresh lemons, for some people. Truly a treat, I imagine. I'm talking in colonial times, of course!

    Sounds delicious!
    Thanks Susan!

  3. Susan Craft said ...
    Hi, Patricia. Thanks for posting the recipe. Hope you have a blessed day too.
    Hi, Debra. My character, Lilyan Cameron, in my novel, The Chamomile, lives in Charlestown, SC,which was one of the largest, if not the largest, port in the colonies. She is fortunate to have access to lots of fresh lemons, oranges, and limes--which, by the way, the British Navy in the 1790s was just becomming aware of as a way to prohibit scurvey.


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