
Monday, September 5, 2011

Terrific Trio Takes Tea - Authors MaryLu Tyndall, Laura Frantz and C.J. Chase

Tea Party Time!

Join authors whose new releases came out in August.  Hurricane Irene blew our last tea set off the table!  

CJ Chase - Redeeming the Rogue

This is what CJ is wearing!!!

Laura Frantz - The Colonel's Lady
MaryLu Tyndall - Surrender the Dawn

Pull up a chair to the table and join our authors as they "dish" about their new books!  Welcome!

This is what MaryLu usually wears - very pretty: 

Laura's lovely Roxanna prefers this hat and locket:



  1. I'm here, and I have a pot of tea brewed and waiting. I even broke out the bone china cup and a silver teaspoon. It's such a lovely day, perhaps we should have the party on the veranda?

    Fortunately, I'm doing this via the Internet, so please picture me in flowing chiffon and lace (or perhaps something like this: -- yes, a little later than my time period, but still delightfully more appropriate for late summer tea than my usual jeans and bare feet).

    And best of all, I have both power and Internet access today. (Yes, I was one who waited out Irene with oil lamps and candles.)

  2. CJ, I love your beautiful lace tea dress! It is up in the post now so our viewers can see just how lovely it is! No pressure, but now I am wondering what Laura and MaryLu will be wearing today! I am off to find my own stunning ensemble.

  3. My first visit to Colonial Quills....Delightful!! I needed this today!

  4. Debra Jean, For a moment I thought you were my cousin Debbie Jean! Then I checked and saw you were in CA. Come back and leave your email addy to enter the drawing. Thanks so much for coming by. Will put out a setting of Noritake Platinum and Gold china for you! Sugar?

  5. Well, I've arrived! My dress hardly matters, because I'm wearing this hat:

    Which, just for reference, I do indeed own, LOL. I wear to my alma mater's annual croquet match against the Naval Academy. =) And since MaryLu's daughter just graduated from our rival, she can surely appreciate it. ;-)

    So great to enjoy a fine cup with you fine ladies! Laura, I'm reading your latest now, and MaryLu, yours is next in my pile. =) I'm afraid I don't have yours yet, C.J., but I've seen it about and it looks fabulous!

    Do pass the scones, will you?

  6. I put your hat up, too, Roseanna. Could not label it though. Jam?

  7. Some lemon curd and a dollop of cream would be perfect. And thanks for displaying my hat! (Love that hat. It came in the most gorgeous hatbox too.) Here, Carrie, have some more tea. The brew is divine.

  8. As I sit here at my computer, I am drinking a lovely cup of PG Tips with just the right amount of milk and raw sugar. The only thing missing is a book that I can jump into and leave the reality of this world for a short while. I am hoping you ladies can assist me in this.


  9. Oh, ladies, we west coasties are always late to the party!! Hubs and sons are still abed;) Good morning to all! I'll have some scones with lemon curd and a steaming cup of tea, please, with cream and sugar, Roxanna style. I love the gown and hat displayed - and all the pink! Roseanna, bless you for reading TCL as I know how busy you are! Hope the rest of you ladies have a book in hand soon - I'm about to dive into CJ's and have read MaryLu and am still smitten with her hero! Anyway, back later to refill my cup!

  10. Carrie, thank you for posting a picture of my (virtual) dress.

    Debra, welcome to CQ!

    Roseanna -- love the hat. Now I'm trying to picture midshipmen playing ... crochet. Hmm.

    Stacie, good luck in the drawing. Three chances!

  11. Oops! I meant to type croquet. I'd really love to see midshipmen completing at crochet!

  12. This is my first visit here and I found your company quite delightful! I'll stop by for a refill in a few hours!


  13. CJ, your heroine had such a struggle. If you gave her a brand new dress for today's occasion, what would you put her in? And would she be worried about her ahem "protection" (I think it is under the floorboard in her room) while she visited and about her plan?

  14. Waving at Julie from ACFW Book Club! Pull up a chair. CJ is serving right now. Bohea is it, CJ?

  15. I am looking forward to reading MaryLu second book. I have never read anything of CJ's. I have read all of Laura's and waiting with bated breath for her next book to come out!!

  16. Laura, your very wonderful book has not been getting the time it deserves, I admit. Sigh. I'm working with three different deadlines right now and just began homeschool for the year, so yeah. It's getting squeezed into my rare spare moments. =) But it's a wonderful way to spend them!.

    C.J., the croquet match is a blast. The midshipmen all wear white letter sweaters with their naval white pants, matching sunglasses, and ties. My school is St. John's, and the Johnnie's rotate ridiculous outfits every year. One year they were vikings, one year they wore tuxedo t-shirts--this year they wore white middie letter sweaters and naval white pants, LOL. Made it a mite confusing, but somehow I had a feeling that gag would be coming soon . . . =)

  17. Good morning from California, ladies! I'm so excited about this tea-party! I'd love some British tea and a scone with lemon curd! What a lovely way to start the day!
    Love your dress, CJ! And Roseanne, your hat is to die for!
    I've only recently discovered Laura Frantz and am in love with her writing. CJ's book looks like my kind of story! Can't wait to dive into it.
    So, welcome everyone. Glad you could join us today!

  18. Welcome, Julie. I put the kettle back on the stove so we have a fresh pot waiting when you get back.

    Carrie, my heroine, huh? Well, she usually wears brown because it's just so practical, but if she went with her heart, I think she'd pick something in a delicate peachy-pink. And she'd leave her ... accessory at home since she won't be meeting any rogue military officers today.

    Roseanna, my oldest (16) really liked the educational philosphy of St. Johns, but it isn't strong enough in the math and science areas for what he wants to do. But at least he knows what kind of school he's looking for now. He's pretty much ruled out all large schools in favor of smaller ones with more interaction in class.

  19. I wondered, CJ, and I bet Mattie looks lovely. Do you think Kit Chambrelle might peek in on our party? And if so, what might he bring us?

  20. Oh, I see Laura slipped in while I was typing before, and MaryLu did the same thing just now.

    How lovely to see you ladies here, and you look marvelous.

  21. Carrie, well, if we have any unmarried ladies here, I'll see if he will bring his handsome (and single) brother.

  22. Susan Craft said ...Good afternoon, ladies. Do you have chamomile tea? I need something soothing. I've been working on a talk I've been asked to do at a luncheon in October. Will be talking about my novel, The Chamomile, and how I wove into it the "historical treasures" I found when researching. I must say, I do admire the Noritake Platinum and Gold china. Do we have crumpets?

  23. Thanks, Susan. 24 years now - our wedding china, but I will confess I did admire Kit and his brother just now. Oh! I see they do have something for us. Is it crumpets, CJ?

  24. What a lovely tea party. I'm glad for a chance to "meet" some wonderful authors. I would love to win a copy of one of the books. CJ and Laura are both new authors to me, so I would love to win one of their books. I am always on the lookout for new favorite authors

    Please don't enter me in to the drawing for MaryLu's book. I won Surrender the Dawn and just received it Saturday night. I stayed up most of the night last night finishing it. As I expected, I loved it. I just found MaryLu's books in March but I have now read all of them. There's not one of them that I didn't enjoy!

    Laura, I know what you mean about being smitten with MaryLu's hero. Quite irresistible.



  25. MaryLu, My DD's name is Cassandra. Is your heroine in high or low circumstances today and what might she be wearing if her sweetheart stopped by?

  26. Waving at Michelle! So glad you enjoyed Surrender the Dawn. Carrie, Cassandra is in very high circumstances today. She is preparing her upcoming wedding to Luke Heaton, aka dashing town rogue! She's wearing a lovely gossamer mulsin gown with tiny roses embroidered on the hem and neckline, over a silk slip, with a wide pink velvet sash about her waist. She has a cute little spencer jacket and lace gloves at the ready, should Luke want to go for a stroll. :-)

  27. Oh, love all this dress and wedding talk!! I glossed over Roxanna's wedding to Colonel McLinn and dove right into the epilogue. However, I will try to post Roxanna's hat and heirloom locket here in a minute. Only I don't know how to do that! Carrie, are you ready? Or can you help?

  28. Laura, I must confess that I have been mistakenly called "Roxanna" often enough that every time I see it written, I alert, LOL.

    Well, I am greatly enjoying my tea . . . though I must hasten back to my story now. My poor hero just got news of his father's death--luckily, my heroine is there to get his family through it, though a traitor's about to put her in a tough spot. ;-)

  29. Laura, I haven't read your new book yet! But I'm still in love with your last hero in Courting Morrow Little, Red Shirt! Hubba hubba. Can I say that here? LOL

  30. LOL, Roseanna! I can see why:) I keep referring to my latest release as TLC! Call me blonde...very...

    MaryLu, I never hold authors like you and Roseanna responsible for NOT reading - extra time is so hard to come by. LOVE your hubba over Red Shirt;) Sigh - he and Luke are hard to get over, huh!?

  31. What a delightful way to spend Labor Day ~ sharing a tea party with friends. I brought along my favorite creamware tea cup I'd love a cup of orange bergamot if you have some please.

    MaryLu and Laura are two of my favorite authors and I'm so glad to see C.J. joining them in this tea party trio upon their recent releases as she has proved in her debut novel,Redeeming the Rogue, that she can hold its own among these esteemed peers with her "execution" of an engaging plot and masterful prose. MaryLu's Surrender the Dawn was an exciting and satisfying culmination of her remarkable series, which left me breathless. And within the first pages of Laura's The Colonel's Lady I was savoring every word (this is how one reads a Frantz novel!).

    I've another photo to share that comes with a question for our teatime trio (and a teddy bear for Carrie).
    When you were a little girl what kind of stories were in your imagination and are these the kind of stories you enjoy writing today?

  32. Laura, lovely hat and locket! What would Roxanna be wearing to our party and what would Colonel McLinn say about it? And he is such a generous man, what would he send for our guests?

  33. Such beautiful clothes! Loved the pictures <3

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  34. Ah yes. Funny thing about being an author. I had much more time to read when I wasn't published!! What is up with that? Anyway, thank you Carla for our kind words. When I was a little girl, I dreamed of knights in shining armor and swashbuckling heroes coming to rescue me from some horrible villain. :-) There were white horses and definitely tall ships in my dreams! And honorable, chivalrous men. So, yes, I guess that's exactly what I love to write!

  35. Roseanna, we are looking forward to hosting a tea party for you, too! Love your hat! See you later!

  36. Author ladies, is one of you prepared to do the first drawing? And seeing that we are almost at our 120th Follower, we will have to watch for that and locate a tea party favor for our newcomer, too!

  37. Oh, dear, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late for an important date! I'm quickly donning my hat and my lace shawl...please save me a cup of Susan's chamomile tea as well. My maids and I have been so terribly busy readying my house and grounds. I shan't be able to stay long as I have important guests arriving from North Carolina, but some chamomile tea and scones would do nicely! One of the guests is quite a rogue, so I would love to win that book so that I may find out how to redeem him. See y'all carriage awaits!

  38. You South Carolina gals think alike! I am a little short after the hurricane, but perhaps Laura has some in her stash? CJ and I were awash by Irene last week. Let me double check the larder! Oh, and Kit and Luke don't seem as roguish at the tea party, especially with the nice treats they brought!

  39. Cass McLinn and Cassandra Channing don't seem to have any trouble keeping themselves straight. My DD is not here or it could get confusing - We call her all three: Cass, Cassandra, and Cassie. Oh and Cassie Bear (shhhh!!) don't tell!

  40. It's getting late in London (almost 8:00), so I'm going to do the first drawing in about 10 minutes (at the top of the hour) for Redeeming the Rogue.

  41. I may have missed the tea party but have enjoyed reading the banter! The lovely dresses and Roseanna's hat are inspiring. How fun it would be to really wear those beautiful creations, just once!

    I came over from ACFWBC.


  42. You just made it in time, Anne. I haven't done the first drawing yet, so I put you in.

  43. Congratulations to Michelle!

    You get to leave the tea party with a Rogue of your very own.

  44. Wow, How exciting! I can't believe I won another book so soon after winning Surrender the Dawn. Though I have to admit I have been entering quite a few of these lately to try and keep my book addiction affordable. Thanks C.J., I can't wait to read it. It looks like a great story.


  45. This is so fun! I'm so happy to have discovered this blog. :) If it's not too late, I'd love to be entered in the giveaway for Mrs. Tyndall's book. I already have The Colonel's Lady on my shelf to read (which I'm so excited about, by the way!).
    If it's too late, no worries, I thoroughly enjoyed the party!


  46. Oh, deah! Someone please hand me my fan...I believe I am getting quite faint. Now however shall I find out how to redeem the rogue who is soon to be arriving on my mansion doorstep. Michelle, you must quickly read, and sent me a post, my deah.

  47. LOL - please pass out those fans! With all these handsome heroes swarming about it's mighty warm in here;) My Colonel McLinn has just come in and has signaled it's time for the dancing to begin. What shall it be? A minuet? An allemande? Don't be shy!

  48. Carrie, Thanks so much for posting Roxanna's hat and locket - I tried numerous times and failed. Colonel McLinn is still glaring at me;) Bless u so much!

  49. While you ladies have had quite the fun while I was away visiting the shops. I had to outfit my children as they begin going back to the school house tomorrow! Is the tea still hot?

  50. Never fear, Diana. No doubt I shall have read it before two days have passed and will have some advice for redeeming a rogue.


  51. Colonel McLinn just walked in? Laura, are you sure that Roxanna doesn't mind that we all take a turn with him. That poor tea cup lost it beauty last time another women was involved ;)

  52. It seems like something got smashed to smithereens, Stacie! Laura, I so appreciate your pouring the tea, dear. The ham biscuits are on the cherrywood side table, too!

  53. Aw, Diana. Sorry your number didn't come up. But I'm happy to see Michelle is going to come to your rescue.

    Stacy, I don't know if the tea is hot, but it sure feels warm in here! I'm thinking I may have to switch over to some nice cold sweet tea.

  54. I was at another tea room the other day and they served a cold glass of lovely Hibiscus tea that had a wonderful hue of pink. Does that appeal to you C.J.

  55. Thank you, Michelle, you really are such a deah! Oh, my, that Colonel McLinn looks nothing at all like my three redheaded brothers...I feel like I'm beginning to swoon. I did notice him looking my way a couple of times...maybe just one dance won't hurt before my company arrives. I am somewhat nervous of such an imposing figure of a man...perchance that chamomile tea is ready now, Miss Carrie? And do be a deah, and pass me my fan, Miss Laura. It is a might warm in here!

  56. MaryLu, I can just imagine you playing pirate, too, as a little girl. I see your dreams of larger than life heroes and tall ships have equated to your wonderful stories.

    I hope to hear from the others, too, of what their childhood imaginings were like.

    Oh, dear, is that Mr. Heaton?. (swoon!)

  57. Lol, Stacie - you are so right;) Teacups and McLinn spell trouble!
    Diana, I think McLinn would break our poor toes if he stepped on them!
    Hmmm, I'd love some rose hips tea. It's good for what ails, you!

  58. My first time visiting here. Love the pictures. I used to live near Colonial Williamsburg growing up and I always wanted to wear those dresses. Put me in the giveaway drawing!

  59. Susan Craft said... Heartfelt felicitations, Michelle, for winning the novel. The chamomile tea was soothing and all this lovely company and conversation has been pleasant, although the humidity here has caused my crimped curls to uncoil, and my beautiful white lawn mobcap is going limp. Diana, do please lend your fan.

  60. My deah, I do believe you're right, howeva, as nervous as I am I do believe I would be the one stomping toes. My coachman has informed me that my company from NC has been temporarily detained, so I do believe one of those ham biscuits would be in order, Carrie, deah.

  61. Forgive my absence, ladies, but I went to find Mr. Heaton. He's always tardy, you know, as he has become a much-loved hero in our fair town of Baltimore after he assisted in the defense of Fort McHenry against those nasty British! Ah, but here he is! Please issue a warm welcome for Luke Heaton, hero and privateer of Baltimore.. formally known as town rogue! He's not much into tea, but if you have a sip of brandy to splash in it, I'm sure you'd make him quite happy. And he does so love to dance.

  62. And it does seem a bit warm in here with all these handsome rogues wandering around. My, my, if this hasn't turned out to be one lovely tea party! I do believe the colonel is asking me for a dance... oh my!

  63. In 20 minutes at the top of the hour, I'm going to pick a winner for my book, Surrender the Dawn!

  64. thank you ladies for inviting me to your fabulous tea party...i am having a lovely time.

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  65. Luke Heaton is a charmer. It is no wonder Cassandra fell for him. I think I missed what he wore tonight. Still in his trademark black pants and white shirt? And will he keep his neckcloth on I wonder?

  66. Will someone please get me the smelling salts...

  67. Yes.. of course. Luke is wearing his usual tight black breeches tucked in knee-high hessian boots. A white shirt stretches over his chest covered with a gray silk-embroidered waistcoat and black coat. His coal black hair is pulled tight behind him in a queue. Whoops! Looks like he is once again missing his cravat! Naughty boy. And by the stubble on his chin, I do believe he forgot to shave as well. My goodness. Where is that fan?

  68. Okay, the winner of Surrender the Dawn is Anne Payne!

  69. MaryLu, apparently God is trying to bless the socks off our Miss Anne Payne! She just won over on OTT Saturday (Julie Klassen) and won our very own CJ Chase's Redeeming the Rogue earlier in the month on Overcoming through Time! Congrats, Anne!

  70. Whew! I'm down from the mountains with a gallon and a half of fresh picked huckleberries. I knew you had to start without me, but gosh, 71 comments! Have some berries, I'm off to read.

  71. Congratulations, Anne on winning MaryLu's book. I know you'll love it. C.J., I sent you my address. I can't wait to read your book.


  72. Wow, I didn't know that about Anne winning everything! I'm guessing you're right, Carrie! God is really blessing her right now. Congrats, Anne! I just sent you a note asking for your address.

    Hi Lori. Those berries are delicious!!! Thanks

  73. Dahlings, thank you ever so much for the lovely invitation to tea. I'll have mine over ice with sugah on the side. Oh, and a ham biscuit will quell this insatiable hunger of mine.

    My apologies for my late arrival. It has been most necessary to have a day of relaxation after my own rogue and I painted our kitchen last evening. So, I lazed a bit before freshening up, and slipped on a lovely gown and gloves before introductions here.

    And what handsome men we can choose to dance with today! Must see about getting one with the colonel...he always did make my heart flutter so. Although, this Luke fella might make me swoon in his handsome getup!

  74. Must get my breath from all this dancing! Kit, the British aristocrat had me stuttering just a little while Luke, our MidAtlantic privateer made me laugh! And Colonel McLinn, well, if I had swooned at least he could have caught me because he is just as tall and strong as my husband is!

  75. Welcome to the party, Christy! I love a rogue who paints kitchens! There's nothing more appealing to me than a man who isn't afraid of a little domestic work. :-) Speaking of appealing, I must sit for awhile.. too much dancing is making my head spin. Or perhaps tis the company I keep. ;-)

  76. Carla, I love your question about what stories did we dream of writing when small - the very ones I pen today, of course:) Seriously, my favorite books were those little historical bios of the 50's and 60's that brought Dolly Madison and Sacajawea and Daniel Boone to life. I think I knew then I was destined/doomed to write similar things.

    I'm off to a picnic now but will return later and draw the last winner this evening. Before midnight, I promise, and our coaches turn into pumpkins;) See you soon!

  77. I am planning on spending the late evening hours with Cassandra and Luke! What a charming couple! Although I have known them a short time, I feel like I have known them forever. Still praying they can rescue his brother tonight and have set aside a tea tray for them. MaryLu - I think dark haired men are so attractive. I have a tall one sneaking tea cakes and a small one helping slice the Sally Lunn bread we are about to serve.

  78. Have fun at your picnic, Laura! Carrie, yes, I do adore Luke and Cassandra. I'm still quite in shock at what the British did to Luke's brother! Regardless, I join your fetish for dark-haired men. I see the one sneaking tea cakes now. And the other one slicing! Useful and handsome. :-)

  79. I guess I'm late to the party, but at least I have tea. :)
    I've been antiquing today, so the pictures are a lovely addition. Hope everyone has had a good day! gasweetheart211[at]netscape[dot]net

  80. WOW! I must need to read all these wonderful new books that I have been blessed to win. Now I'll have even more reviews to put up on my book blog :) Thank you ladies so much for such an entertaining tea party and your generosity! I did respond to MaryLu already. I have a lovely fan that I may need to use while reading these books.

  81. MaryLu, Since I did not win the drawing I am going to download your latest Surrender the Dawn to my Kindle!! I am so glad that Laura Frantz introduced me to you through her blog. I love the
    camaraderie among all of you wonderful authors. God blesses sisters who dwell in unity for sure!! Thank you for your faithfulness to the writing of the stories that are floating around in your imagination!!


  82. Anne, God must have used to bless you. He is not a random God but he can use anything to bless us, including that number generator! I do have a specific one tomorrow just for ACFW Book Club members (an extry if we say it with a southern accent!)

  83. Adge, good to see you! George Rogers Clark was the inspiration for Laura's character, Cass. What a better outcome Col. McLinn had that poor GRC, whose end of life quality sounds pretty wretched from what I have read.

    My Clark will bring you a china plate piled high with Sally Lunn (courtesy of Colonial Williamsburg, such wonderful neighbors!) and jam as well as some hot black tea. Sugar or honey?

  84. I'm going to be the rebel at the tea party and have hot honey and Saigon Cinnamon in my pastel lavender china mug. But I will be relishing the books being served more than any other participant! I have already read Laura Frantz's TCL and would highly recommend it to all at the tea. TCL concluded a trilogy that I will read and reread again and again. What a wonderful way to be transported to another time and place. MaryLu Tyndall and C J Chase are new to me, so I'm excited at the chance to win one of their books.

  85. So, I've been hosting at my home today and I'm glad to slip away and have some tea. It's been a rainy day all day in my part of the northeast. Now that I've read CJ's Redeeming the Rogue, I can say she fits in well with two of my 'go to' authors, MaryLu and Laura.

    Redeeming the Rogue was sensational. I love to see this type of story and pacing and 'intrigue' (yay) in a LIH.

    I don't have MaryLu's latest so I've been following her around cyberspace.
    Oh - I brought a nice applesauce cake with caramel icing in case anyone needs a bit more sweets!
    Thanks Carrie! I'd love to be in the drawing but it would be great for a 'new' reader to win. You'll love all three of these books!

  86. Anne, yes, I hope you enjoy reading all these books! I got your note! Stacie, thank you for downloading Surrender the Dawn! Please let me know your thoughts on it. Yes, that's a cool thing about being a Christian Author.. most of us really love each other and aren't competitive at all. IN fact, I love promoting other authors whose books I have enjoyed. This is only accomplished by God's love growing inside all of us.

  87. Welcome Adge, Mary, and Debra! Yes, Debra I have seen you around in cyberspace. LOL Oh, Applesauce cake with Caramel icing! Yum. I believe I've put on a few pounds today!
    Hot honey and Saigon Cinnamon. Hmm. Sounds interesting, Mary.

  88. Carla, when I was a girl, I think most of the stories in my head had animals as the main characters. I think I spent too much time reading Anna Swell, Albert Payson Terhune, Walter Farley and such.

    Fortunately, I didn't bring any of my dog or horse characters to the tea party. They do tend to be rather disruptive, not to mention hard on the lace gowns.

  89. All these ladies can be relied upon for a great read. I downloaded MaryLu's Surrender the Night as my first book on my Kindle. CJ's debut (winner of the Golden Heart last year!) book with Love Inspired Historicals was such a spirited read. I loved the world weariness in Kit's character and how Mattie brought him back to life, so to speak. And The Colonel's Lady was worth the wait. Oh heavens - Cassandra and Luke keep trying to get me over in the corner to tell me more (I am at 75% on my Kindle!)

  90. Would this be a good place to ask Marylu Tyndall why her book "Surrender the Dawn" is not on Barnes and Noble's Nook? Frustrating for readers. I've contacted BN with that question, but they refer all questions like this one to the publisher. What's a reader to do????

  91. Mary, I hope ML can address that. I get aggravated because more publishers don't arrange for audiobooks. No one has been able to totally explain that to me. I can read so much more easily on Kindle than a paperback but audio is best for me.

  92. Mary, I'm sorry. I have no say over where my publisher offers my book. I had no idea it wasn't available on Nook. I will put that question to my publisher tomorrow.

  93. So enjoyable to return from that picnic (*burp*) and read these wonderful comments. Mary, you are so kind and encouraging! What would I do without you! And Stacie is so right - when authors dwell together in unity God is glorified and things get done:)

    Off to visit and will return in a few minutes with a winner. Bless you all!

  94. And our winner for The Colonel's Lady is...


    Thanks, Anne, for entering! I'll send you an email and snag your snail mail addy and mail that signed copy right out. Bless you bunches! And so happy to meet you here:)

  95. I hate to see the tea party end but looks like there are only the tea leaves at the bottom of the pot. Good Night Dear Ladies! It was delightful being with you all today!!

  96. Thanks for the chance to win this. This is an amazing giveaway. I would love to win these. They all look amazing.


  97. I absolutely love those hats! Especially the one Roxanna would wear!! I wonder what my husband would think if I started wearing one of those when we went to church hehe

  98. My first visit to your blog today! Comes on the heels of finishing "The Colonel's Lady" last night. I'm very bleary eyed this morning ... in a good way! Actually, I'm still there on the battlefield with Colonel McLinn ... *sigh* ...

    Would love a chance to win one of the other books!


  99. Hi Rebecca, Sara, and Helen, Welcome to CQ!!

    We do a lot of giveaways over here so there's always something going over:)

    Sara, I LOVE hats, too, and wish we could revert to those days. Church would be even more lovely if we ladies came in hats!!

    Helen, Oh, you bless me! So glad you enjoyed Roxie and Cass's story. That battlefield scene with our rascally colonel was quite tense:) But he proved heroic in the end. Sighing with you...
    Am thinking you live in Australia!? And may know dear Rel!?

    Anyway, bless you all!

  100. Wow! Did I miss a great party....but, I'm kind of glad I'm bringing up the tail end to say I've read all of these great books! (very happy about that :).

    Oh...and what absolutely gorgeous dresses and hats. Wonder if anyone ever has the opportunity to wear them to church anymore? And if it would help lift our spirits in this country if we started wearing really pretty things again?

    Blessings all, ladies--have a peaceful night!

  101. Laura - oh yes, I did enjoy Roxie & Cass VERY much! I "stumbled" upon TCL when I was ordering some other books - I saw the cover and had to have it. I was not disappointed! I'll be doing a review soon on our blog.

    And yes, I am in Aus :) I don't know Rel ... but is she Rel of Relz Review blog? I've seen her blog, if that is the case.

  102. Carrie sure knows how to throw a party! What a delightful day!

  103. Welcome, Helen - what a long way to come for tea and we are so glad you came by! CJ, MaryLu, and Laura were a wonderful Tea Party trio indeed! We will have this post up on Tuesday, too, with a few more giveaways. What super guests on CQ, we are so blessed!

  104. Who was our 120th Follower?!! I have a party pack for them!

  105. My pleasure Carrie ... any excuse for a holiday! Thanks for holding the tea party :)

    As for your 120th follower, it may be me...? I did click on "follow" a couple of hours ago.

    (Blogger really should have a notification system to the administrators when there are new followers!)

  106. Thank you for visiting my blog and the kind comment. I guess I was you 120th follower. I do believe you blog is one of the prettiest I have come across. It is a pleasure to enter your giveaway.

    plb1050 at gmail dot com

  107. I'm seriously trying not to be too excited about winning two books at this tea party but...I am SO failing!!! Thank you, Laura & MaryLu :) I know I will love these books. Now to get busy reading CJ's book....Many thanks to Carrie & Diana for their wonderful blog! It's been such a pleasure getting to know y'all :)

  108. If there's still time, please enter me! Any of these books would be wonderful to win. :)


  109. I'm so sorry I'm late for tea. :)

    We were out and about yesterday and I didn't get a chance to join, though I will say my family and I had a high tea in Vacaville at the Nut Tree.

    Later, when I was professing to be a fruitcake, my hubby told my that I was his cinnamon roll with nuts on top. LOL

    I can't wait to read these ladies' books! And I love this tea party idea! What a fabulous day! (I had to add the last one on because I needed to have 3 exclamation marks, two will never do).

  110. Lynn, I am up in cyber space again after spending the morning with the Geek Squad! Good to see you here! And I have a pot of coffee on today and some hot chocolate from Colonial Williamsburg. About to run out shortly and pick up some lunch for our visitors. Any requests?

  111. I just made a pot of Chocolate Truffle coffee If anyone is interested.

  112. Patricia - I would love some! Would anyone like a serving of Salmagandy? Just back from the market with the ingredients.

  113. Is there any time left in this contest? I just found it; would love to be entered for Laura's book. I have read all of MaryLu's and loved them. Thanks.

  114. Julie J, You are the ACFW BC winner! Thanks for coming by Colonial Quills! Laura Frantz's new release is yours! Check your email for instructions. Congrats!

  115. It's so much fun to see everyone lingering on at the tea party. Just like these great novels linger in our memories with the unforgettable characters and plots. Thanks MaryLu, Laura, and C.J.!

  116. Jackie, Thanks for coming by today, too! I am almost at the end of MaryLu's Surrender the Dawn. It is so good!

  117. Sounds like fun. And so many pretty period clothing!

    Please enter me

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  118. Hi Faye! Yes, they came well dressed! Lovely ladies, all!

  119. Drum roll, we have a CQ gift for our farthest traveler to the Tea Party. Helen from Australia will be sent a copy of Laura Frantz's The Frontiersman's Daughter! Congrats to Helen!

  120. Our 120th Follower, Patricia, is also going to receive a copy of The Frontiersman's Daughter. I love this book, and so will you Patricia!

  121. Julie J will be our final winner with a copy of The Colonel's Lady! Good to see you here from the ACFW Book Club, Julie! Congrats!

  122. WOOO HOOOO!!!! I am so excited! I've been seeing so many great things about this book and was hoping to win it! This will be my first Laura Frantz read! From all previous reviews, it will be a winner! Thanks again for hosting this fantastic event! I'll be back for a refill later on (when real life slows down a bit!)

  123. Yay! Thank you so much! So excited to be getting another of Laura's books to read!!!

    Thanks for having an Aussie come around for tea ;) Can't wait to have tea again with you all!

  124. oh, cool This sounds like a wonderful giveaway thanks

    ABreading4fu [at] gmail [dot] com

  125. What a great giveaway, thank you so much.



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