
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Surrender the Dawn by MaryLuTyndall, Guest Review by Diana Flowers

Surrender the Dawn 

by MaryLu Tyndall 

5 stars~ *****
Patriots and Privateers!

MaryLu Tyndall takes the reader away on a fantastic historical journey to Baltimore, Maryland, amidst the War of 1812. Cassandra Channing has lost her father, and both brothers to the war and must find a way to take care of her mother and the rest of her siblings. Her attempts at investing her money for a privateer is met with ridicule for the simple fact that she is a female, and therefore considered "bad luck" as a business partner. Out of desperation she offers a partnership to Luke Heaton, who having won a rotten, rusty ship in a card game, is in serious need of funding to make it seaworthy.

Cassandra knows Luke's reputation as a womanizer, gambler, and a drunk, but also knows he is a good privateer. Luke, having lost both of his missionary parents in a fire, feels bitter and worthless, and certainly has no use for God...but something about the beautiful, auburn-haired Cassandra stirs him as no woman ever has, and he finds himself wanting to become a better person because of her.

Cassandra is unwillingly drawn to the handsome, charming Luke, but knows she must guard her heart against this womanizing rogue. Cassandra also feels that God has forsaken her and hears not her prayers, for didn't He allow her father to die and her brothers to go missing? As Cassandra finally finds herself trusting and falling in love with Luke, what terrible discovery does she make about him - that rips them apart; perhaps forever.

As Cassandra, foolishly places her life in danger with the British, will she learn to trust God and His sovereignty? Will Luke? And what historical figure does Cassandra meet on the ship, and what song does he pen, when overcome with emotion he sees the American flag still flying over the fort after one of the most terrible battles in our country's history?

In my opinion, this is MaryLu's finest book to date! I found myself tearing up at the end; so proud was I of this great country in which we live, and of the men and women who fought and gave their lives that we might enjoy the freedoms we now oftimes take for granted. The storyline was very realistic...ML Tyndall's research was impeccable, the romance was exciting, and the conclusion was spectacular!

Your best yet, MaryLu!

Reviewed by Guest Diana Flowers, a contributor on the Overcoming Through Time blog.


  1. I can hardly put MaryLu's books down they are so engaging, and she sure can write a hero!! This was a great ending to a superb series. Thanks for the review, Diana!

  2. You're quite welcome, Carla! What an honor to have my review posted on this blog with so many great writers, especially for one of ML Tyndall's books. She just keeps getting better and better. Since I live so close to Charleston, SC, I am especially looking forward to MaryLu's next book, The Veil of Pearls, which takes place on a plantation in SC. You mention plantations and the South, and I'm already drawn in, hook, line, and sinker!

  3. Thanks for the review, Diana, and we are so grateful to be able to put it up on CQ! Carla and I have been visited by Hurricane Irene (Tropical Storm by the time she got up to Maine!) MaryLu's latest book is going to the beach with me via Kindle. Looking forward to the read!

  4. Have a great and relaxing time at the beach, Carrie; just you and MaryLu's Surrender the Dawn! You deserve it after being in an earthquake AND a hurricane in just a couple of weeks time!

  5. Hi Ladies! Thanks for posting this wonderful review, Diana! And thanks for your kind words, Carla. Carrie, have fun at the beach! Like Diana said, you deserve it after all you've been through! Anyway, I hope you enjoy Dawn.
    By the way, Diana, I'm putting the finishing touches on Veil of Pearls now. It's due Sept 9th. I'm very excited about this book!
    Thanks for having me here!

  6. You're so welcome, MaryLu! It's always a pleasure to read AND review your books! I guess you know by now that you are not the only one that is very excited about VoP...I've been very vocal about it!:) Am so looking forward to reading and reviewing IT as well! Praying as you put the finishing touches on it.

  7. You've upped my strong desire to read this, Diana. I'm a big fan of MaryLu's and I haven't purchased this book yet because, well, I basically stalk her on cyberspace hoping to catch a giveaway. Yes. It's true.

    As much as I love sea settings, I'm excited to arrive in Baltimore at such an incredible period of history. Looking forward to all her details.

  8. LOL, Debra! I always love reading your comments. You are so refreshingly honest and humorous! I have been a cyberstalker myself, and end up sometimes saying, "Oh forget it, I may as well give up and order it," although I think just between me and you, Carrie thinks I am the queen of winning giveaways! LOL! Thank you for the nice compliment; I hope everyone that reads the review will want to order's so well worth it!

  9. Also Debra, how about stalking OTT?:-) We have a great review by Carrie and your choice of one of Julie Klassen's books if you win!

  10. Speaking of giveaways, Debra.. there is one going on for Surrender the Dawn at this blog address:
    It's an interview with my heroine that is pretty funny. At least I had fun writing it!
    You all are so sweet!

  11. I'm in the middle of reading Surrender the Dawn, and loving it. MaryLu has such a way of taking the reader out of the ordinary and plunking them in the middle of adventure. Nothing beats the high seas for that.

  12. Christine, I couldn't agree more! How MaryLu does that, I'll never know. One would think that she has sailed the high seas right in the midst of these battles herself!:)

  13. Thanks Christine! And Diana, well, I have sailed the high seas in a tall ship and I have been in a sea battle. But only a pretend one in the San Diego bay. Still... it was pure heaven!

  14. Am halfway through on my Kindle and loving this book except it is keeping me up late at night!


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