
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Colonial Recipes: White Pot

 White Pot
Boil a Quart of Cream with large Mace, let it stand till it is almost cold; then beat the Yolks of eight Eggs, and put them into the Cream with Salt and Sugar to your Taste. Lay thin slices of white Bread in the bottom of a Dish, and lay on them slic'd Dates, Raisins of the Sun, or what Sweet-meats you please, with bits of Marrow, or of fresh Butter, and lay on another Layer of Bread, Fruit, &c. till the Dish is full, grating Nutmeg between every Layer; then put in your Cream, and lay Slices of Bread and Bits of Butter on the top of all, and bake it.

From: John Nott, The Cooks and Confectioners Dictionary. (London: 1723)

Modern Recipe for White Pot

Submitted by Carla Olson Gade


  1. Ooooo, sounds yummy!! I've never heard of it, but it sounds both easy and tasty.

  2. Also known as custard bread pudding. :)

  3. I can't wait to try this out, using the modern recipe though. I'm fresh out of Mace and Marrow.

  4. Nutmeg and and roasted haevy shank of beef bone (free from your butcher) will get you the marrow.


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