
Monday, July 11, 2011

Fiction Sampler: The Prodigal Patriot by Darlene Franklin

The Prodigal Patriot
by Darlene Franklin
(Heartsong Presents/Barbour, 2010)

Award-winning author and speaker Darlene Franklin is the author of seventeen contracted books and novellas, as well as several hundred short pieces. Two of her books have finaled in ACFW’s Book of the Year (now the Carol award) contest.  Author of many historicals, her early American novels include Beacon of Love - set it 1815 Rhode Island (2009, Barbour),  Bridge to Love - set in 1816 Vermont (2010, Barbour), and The Prodigal Patriot, 1777 Vermont (2010, Barbour).

"I don't usually read stories set during the Revolutionary War period, but Darlene Franklin's tale made me glad I did. Wonderful historical accuracy, courageous characters, and the drama of a town divided all came together to form a delightful read. I was particularly touched by the spiritual theme that demonstrated the commitment necessary to trust God in face of personal tragedy and strife. I would definitely recommend The Prodigal Patriot to readers who enjoy sweet historical romance." -- Karen Whitemyer

Sally Reid’s family decides on a dangerous course when the Tories of Maple Notch, Vermont, chase Patriot families from their land.
            When Josiah Tuttle discovers their secret and offers to help, Sally doesn’t know if she can trust him. After all, Josiah’s father is one of the Tories who forced her family into hiding.
            The Tuttles have already lost one son to the hated Patriot cause. How can Josiah both honor his grieving father and protect the woman he loves? When called upon to take a stand, which side will he choose?

Chapter One
Maple Notch, Vermont
May 1777

Today was a glorious day to be outside, Sally Reid decided as she went about her morning chores. Cool air flowed down from the mountains, scented with pine, the evergreen trees that gave the “Verts Monts,” or the Green Mountains, their name. The sun overhead promised sunshine and warmth, and green shoots pushed up through the ground. She loved the rhythms of farm life, the cycles of sowing, growing, reaping, and resting. A song of praise burst from her lips.

“Good morning, Miss Reid! You sound cheerful this fine morning,” a deep voice called out.

Sally stopped in mid-verse. Her singing called for no audience beyond the chickens who clucked along with her. Pa teased that she had the voice of a crow. Of all people, who should catch her in her morning serenade but Josiah Tuttle.

“Morning to you, Mr. Tuttle.”

He smiled at her, the same grin that had infuriated her since childhood. It always put her in mind of the day he pulled the mobcap off her head after she’d had the measles. Clumps of her straight, oak-colored hair came off with the mobcap, and she had run home and refused to come out again. Remembering, she put a hand to the top of her head, making sure its covering was in place.



  1. Sounds like a good book. And with July 4th just a week ago, and political parties clamoring for attention, what a good time to read about our countries early years.

  2. Hi Patricia, Yes it is a good book to read with our Independence in mind! Thanks for visiting!

  3. Thanks for the post, Carla! Glad to see more colonials coming out.

  4. Oh, I like them already!! Thanks for the post:)

  5. O.K....Very simply: I Love this! (I knew someone like Josiah Tuttle and had a terrible crush on him....:)


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