
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Colonial Recipes: Orange Pudding

 Orange Pudding

One large orange, of a deep colour, and smooth thin rind.
One line.
A quarter of a pound of powdered white sugar.
A quarter of a pound of fresh butter.
Three eggs.
Half a glass of mixed wine and brandy.
A tea-spoonful of rose-water.

Grate the yellow rind of the orange and lime, and squeeze the juice into a saucer or soup-plate, taking out all the seeds.

 Stir the butter and sugar to cream.
Beat the eggs as light as possible, and then stir them by degrees into the pan of butter and sugar. And, gradually, the liquor and rose-water, and then by degrees, the orange and the lime. Stir all well together.
Have ready a sheet of puff-paste made of five ounces of sifted flour, and a quarter of a pound of fresh butter. Lay the paste in a buttered soup-plate. Trim and notch the edges, and then put in the mixture. Bake it about half an hour, in a moderate oven. Grate loaf-sugar over it, before you send it to table.

Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats
by a Lady of Philadelphia
Third edition, Boston, 1830

Submitted by Gina Welborn


  1. Gina, I love Jane Austen cookbook is a treasure, although I never really make anything from it, LOL. But my characters have plenty to keep them occupied in the kitchen.


  2. Sounds delicious, Gina. I love reading about the use of loaf sugar. Makes me thankful for granulated sugar, but I'm sure sugar was used more sparingly back then.

    Susan, that Jane Austen cookbook sounds like a treasure indeed! You ought to try some of the "receipts" yourself so you can see how your characters enjoy them. :)


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