
Monday, May 9, 2011

Colonial Fiction Sampler: At the Captain's Command by Louise M. Gouge

Award-winning Florida author Louise M. Gouge writes historical fiction, calling her stories “threads of grace woven through time.” Her newest release (April 2011) is the third book in her Revolutionary War series, which follows the Moberly siblings, two English brothers and their sister who find themselves inconveniently falling in love with Americans during a time when their two countries are at war. Following the first two stories: Love Thine Enemy and The Captain's Lady this new novel, At the Captain's Command, takes readers on an exciting adventure on land and sea. 
Duty and career--Captain Thomas Moberly of His Majesty's Navy prizes them above all. So why is he tempted to relinquish both for Dinah Templeton? Though Dinah seems sweet and charming, the difference in station between an East Florida belle and the son of an earl is too marked to ignore. And all other obstacles pale with the discovery that Dinah's brother James is not what he seems.... A war is brewing on the colonies' horizon, and James has chosen his side--in opposition to the country Thomas has sworn to defend. But what of Dinah? Where does her heart truly lie--with her family, or with the man she claims to love? 

Excerpt from At the Captain's Command

May 1780

St. Augustine, East Florida Colony

The instant Dinah saw the three naval officers, she ducked into the mercantile and hid among the stacks of goods. To her relief, the men, grandly uniformed in indigo wool, gold braid and black bicorne hats, continued up St. George Street. Yet she could not help but notice the well-formed profile of the captain among them. A strong jaw. High cheekbones. Jet-black hair tied back in a queue. She wondered what color his eyes were.

What was she thinking? She quickly turned her attention to a display of awls and knives laid out on a shelf.

"How may I help you, Miss Templeton?" The rotund, middle-aged proprietor approached her, admiration gleaming in his dark eyes. "Some silk for a new gown, perhaps? My latest shipment of lace has arrived and--"

"No, thank you." Dinah lifted her basket of lavender flowers from her arm and held it like a shield as the widower moved closer. Coming in here had been a mistake.

"I do not require anything." Tension tightening in her chest, she hurried toward the door.

He reached it first, and his eyebrows arched. "I have tea from China and..."

Dinah drew herself up to her full height and lifted her chin. "Please allow me to pass, Mr. Waterston."

He mirrored her posture, although his shorter height did not reach hers, and he sniffed. "I must say, Miss Templeton, for a girl with no family, you certainly do put on airs. Would you not prefer to be mistress of your own home instead of living with Mr. and Mrs. Hussey?" His shoulders slumped, his gaze softened and his lips curved into a gentle smile. "You could do worse than marrying a responsible merchant such as myself."

A twinge of pity softened her annoyance. "As I have told you before, sir, we truly would not suit."

Even if she found the merchant's offer appealing, which she did not, his reminder of her orphaned state did nothing to recommend him, nor did his reference to her living situation. She did indeed have relatives, but they were all far away. And yes, she would like to be mistress of her own home. But in truth, not one of the many unattached men in St. Augustine suited her, in spite of her friends' attempts at matchmaking. After four years in this small city, she had no doubt God had consigned her to a state of spinsterhood.

"I wish you a good day, sir." She slid past Mr. Waterston and walked out into the street, lifting a silent prayer of thanks that the encounter had ended without unpleasantness. She encountered quite enough unpleasantness every day at home.

Coming to this city had not been her preference, but she'd had no other choice. Even before the beginning of the war that now raged in the northern colonies, she had felt twice displaced. Her parents died when she was very small, and her relatives had been unable to take her in. Then, when the dear spinster ladies who reared her died of a fever, the elders of the Nantucket Friends Meeting placed her with the Husseys, for Mrs. Hussey had also been reared by the Gardiner sisters. Once the war began to escalate, Artemis Hussey insisted upon removing to this safe haven, where no rebels could threaten to tar and feather him for his Loyalist views. Over these past four years, he had grown more and more disagreeable and usually aimed his dissatisfaction at Dinah rather than at his wife, Anne.

But as Dinah continued on her way, thoughts of Artemis vanished amid the chatter and clatter along the dusty street. When she reached the Parade, the grassy common in front of the governor's house, she approached several well-dressed ladies who were whispering behind opened fans, their admiring stares aimed across the green lawn.

Elizabeth Markham, a friend near her...

Read Colonial Quills review by C. F. Pagels

Purchase the Book

For more great Colonial American Christian Fiction please visit us each Monday for our Fiction Sampler.  Next Monday, Carrie Fancet Pagels will bring you a Review of this novel!


  1. I'm loving this blog already, and we've just begun. Thank you to Carla and Carrie for coming up with the inspiration and creating this lovely blog. At the Captain's Command sounds like a wonderful novel, especially since I just returned from St. Augustine, and I'm going to get a copy asap!

  2. What a gorgeous blog! So excited for you ladies, and eager to see your upcoming posts--and novels too, of course!

  3. Joan and Kathy, I love this idea of a sampler because most people (myself included!) want to read a little bit before they want to buy a book. What a great place to check out the colonial fiction out there! Thanks, Carla, for posting this.

  4. This is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to grow in my knowledge of this era and to participate!

  5. Louise is just finishing up a visit with me on my blog, AmHisBooks, and I will be picking a drawing winner soon. At the Captain's Command was a great story, Louise!


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